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January 18, 1991 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-01-18

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Ap", ITIa- #1 - , : w 1 --


Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
A strange, exciting film strewn
with martial arts tips.
(Russ Meyer, 1966)
MLB 4 7:00 & 10:20
"". ". ". -
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
A Strawberry Alarm Clock
stars in this blonde L.A.
(Russ Meyer, 1970)
MLB 4 8:30
3rd Animation Celebration
Hilarious film shorts from nine
countries for every comedic
taste. Dr. N!gadato, They Might
Be Giants, and the moose await.
(Various Directors, 1990)
Mich. Th. 7:00 & 11:10
0600f . ."
Camille Claudel
A French-subtitled and poignant
depiction of Rodin and his lover.
Isabelle Adjani and Gerard
Depardieu star.
(Bruno Nuytten, 1988)
MLB 3 7:00 & 9:30
"S ..*.*..
A Clockwork Orange
This bizarre, award-winning flick
portrays a sinister correctional
experiment and has groovy
music. Watch especially for the
Singing in the Rain" scene, my
droogie. Mandatory.
(Stanley Kubrick, 1971)
Aud A 7:00 & 9:30
" " *"*"."
Postcards From the Edge
Carrie Fisher's novel is
interpreted by Meryl Streep,
Dennis Quaid, and Shirlev
MacLaine, as a meddling mother
in Meryl's love life.
(Mike Nichols, 1990)
Michigan Theater, 9:10
The Battleship Potemkin
An amazingly gripping, silent film
depicting the beginnings of the
1905 Revolution.
(Sergei Eisenstein, 1925)
Aud A, 7:00
Love and Anarchy
Italian, with subtitles and a plot
to kill Benito Mussolini.
(Lina Wertmuller, 1974)
MLB 3, 7:30 & 9:30
0 0 0 6

Cime and Punishment
(Lev Kulijanov, 1970)
The only Russian movie of the
classic Dostoevsky tale. Shot in
Aud A, 8:15
The Paper Chase
(James Bridges, 1973)
Before there was "L.A. Law,,
there was The Paper Chase,
which shows just how
unglamorous law school can be.
MLB 4, 7:00 & 9:00
To Sleep With Anger
(Charles Burnette, 1990)
Mich Th. 5:00 & 9:15
. . . . " .
3rd Animation Celebration
See Friday. See passive
aggressives. See Snowie. See a
cute little lava lamp. See it.
(Various Directors, 1990)
Mich Th. 7:10
" " . "."
Smiles of a Summer Night
(Ingmar Bergman, 1955)
Mich Th. 7:00
. -" - . S.
3rd Animation Celebration
Important social event. Important
awards. You get to see cute
bugs. Bring muffins.
(Various Directors, 1990)
Mich. Th. 9:10
Smiles of a Summer Night
(Ingmar Bergman, 1955)
Mich Th. 7:00
" . * * ' .
3rd Animation Celebration
A tradition of Michigan comedy.
Don't miss the master-guy with
a lot of heads and a train coming
out of his nose.
(Various Directors, 1990)
Mich Th. 9:10
. . . * * .
. ."-"-
3rd Animation Celebration
(Various Directors, 1990)
Read the descriptions from
previous days. We're out of
Michigan Theater, 7:00

Rule Fish
(Francis Ford Coppola, 1983)
Matt Dillon stars in the S.E.
Hinton story about a troubled
Hillel 8:00 & 9:45
(Kodansha, 1990)
Mich Th. 9:10
first run
Awakenings (PG13)
Penny Marshall (Big) directs this
sensitive and moving film about a
lonesome neurologist who brings
life to a group of patients
suffering from Parkinson's
disease. Starring Robin Williams
and Robert DeNiro. (At
Briarwood- 10, 12:20, 2:40, 5,
720, 9:45,12; Showcase- 125,
4:15, 7:30,9:55,12:15)
-.. ..
Dances With Wolves (PG 13)
Kevin Costner directs and stars
in this story of a civil war soldier
who becomes a member of a
Sioux tribe. Bring three hours
worth of popcorn and candy. (At
Showcase-1, 4:10, 7:25,10:40;
at Briarwood-10, 1:30, 5, 8:30)
" ."."."." -
Edward Scissorhands (PG 13)
Director Tim Burton (Batman)
assembles his crew for another
larger-than-life fairy tale film
about a guy who's a real cut up.
Stars Johnny Depp and Winona
Ryder. (At Showcase- 1:15,
3:20, 5:15, 7:20,9:35, 11:35)
9.. .. . .
Eve of Destruction (R)
Sounds like the state of world
right now. No advance screening.
(At Fox Village- 5, 7, 9:30; At
Showcase- 1:30, 3:30, 5:30,
7:45,9:50, 11:55)
. . . . " .
Flight of the Intruder (R)
Just what we need to lift our
spirits in this time of strife and
uncertainty- a war movie, and
not just any war move, a
Vietnam war movie. A kind of
Vietnam Top Gun it would seem.
(At Briarwood- 10, 12:15, 2:30,
4:45, 7, 9:30,11:45; at
Showcase-1:05, 3:15, 5:20,
Ghost (PG 13)
This horror-romance-suspense-


Y'~t~ow1MR AmlZ. YES MR. BAKER,
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comedy has Patrick Swayze
doing some dirty pottery with
Demi Moore. The year's biggest
box-office hit. Go figure. (At Fox
Village-5, 7:15, 9:30)
... ...
The Godfather, Part Ill (R)
The Corleone film saga continues
with more of the stuff that made
Parts 1 and 2 so great. See
story on pg. 12. (At Briarwood-
10, 1,4, 7,10; at Showcase-
120,4:15, 7:15,10:25)
Green Card (PG 13)
French favorite Gerard
Depardieu stars as an illegal
alien who must marry Andie
McDowell in order to gain legal
status from the INS. (At
Showcase-1:20, 3:25, 5:25,
7:30, 9:40, 11:40)
* " " " -
Hamlet (PG)
No advance screening of this
newest version, but if it's by
Shakespeare, it's got to be good,
especially if Mel Gibson is To Be
or Not To Be the title character.
(At Showcase- 1:25, 4:10, 7:20,
Home Alone (PG)
John Hughes' latest juvenile
comedy. That annoying little kid

from Uncle Buck must stave off
burglars when his family leaves
him home alone. Think the
burglars will be bumbling idiots?
(At Briarwood - 10, 12, 2:15,
4:30, 7, 9:15; Showcase -1:10,
3:15,5:10, 7:15,925, 11:30)
Kindergarten Cop (PG 13)
Big Arnold's latest smash hit
shows clearly that he is willing to
go to any length to shrug off his
image as a tough-guy
Terminator. (At Briarwood- 10,
12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:15,9:45,12;
at Showcase- 1, 3:10, 5:20,
. " . .0 . .
Lionheart (R)
Starring Jean Claude van
Damme. Need we say more? (At
Showcase-1:10, 3:20, 5:25, 7:40,
9:50,12; Fox Village-5, 7, 9:15)
Look Who's Talking Too (PG 13)
Sequel squalor. John Travolta,
Kirstie Allie, and Bruce Willis
reprise their classic roles, but
this time there's a priceless
addition- Roseanne Barr, right
where she belongs: in a crib. (At
Fox Village- 7:15; at
Showcase-1:05, 7:25)
Mermaids (PG-13)

F. Zinn

Electronic Friends (cover story)
The Michigan Terminal System, more commonly referred to as M.TS, is gaining in popularity
as a way of socializing and taking study breaks that last for hours. See Page 8.
Crisis in the Gulf
Former President Gerald Ford, a University alumnus, shares his views on the Iraqi crisis in an
exclusive interview conducted a week before the war began. See Page 4.
The Professor Speaks
Steve Cohen relates an eye-opening encounter with rap music's Professor X, a passionate
representative of Black society. See Page 5.
The Godfather Series
Tony Silber looks back at the movie saga which introduced us to one of fiction's most
captivating families. See Page 12.
Out to Lunch
Jonathan Chait
Larry Hu
Craig Linne
Jesse Walker
Fred Zinn
The Weekend List
MTS Cover Photo by Jose Juarez
Weekend Editor
Gil Renberg
Weekend Associate Editor
Josephine Ballenger
Weekend Arts Editor
Tony Silber
Editorial Assistant
Erica Kohnke
Fred Zinn
Jonathan Chait, Scott Chupack, Mike Gill,
Larry Hu, Craig Linne, Jesse Walker
Business Manager
Dionne Webster
Special Sections Coordinator
Nancy Sagar
Sales Manager
Lisa Greenberg
Assistant Sales Manager
Cyndi Peters
Weekend is published by The Michigan Daily almost every Friday. Copyright 1991. All rights reserved. You may not
reproduce or transmit any part of this magazine without a written note from your mother.
Items for the Weekend List must be submitted at the latest by the Friday before publication. List submissions
and letters can be dropped off at the Daily or mailed to us at:
weekend Magazine
420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
(313) 764.0552

A New Ge
This is not the Weekend you have kno
A new team is in charge as the year beg
introduced many changes to Weekend. Yo
that it looks different. Well, yes, we've fool
and designs, but that's not as important as
The improvement which will help you
the Weekend List, which now includes m
nightclub acts for the entire week, from Frid
excuse for planning your schedule around
But why go to a movie when all the et
extracted from Weekend, which you can p
here for your enjoyment. In addition to th
reports, each issue will now feature five co
Of last term's columnists, only Jesse W
whose eye-opening essays appeared within
year, is now an editor.
Jesse, however, will continue to supply
events, life, Michigan, and anything else t
Joining Jesse will be Jonathan Chait, the f
While conducting a search for Weekend c
Jonathan was one columnist I simply had t
incoming Opinion Page Editor, was under
such a talent. However, he finally allowed
Jonathan, who agreed to join Weekend aft
contract which includes a $50,000 bonus f<
Mike Gill, the outgoing Sports Editor a
Michigan Marching Band, will be a third c
which simply spill from his fingertips as he
a night camping out in Michigan Stadium.
The other three columnists are all new
Larry Hu, Craig Linne and Scott Chupack
becoming Daily staffers until they found c
aboard as columnists.
With the exception of Jesse, whose loy
ability have earned him the right to run his
columnists will all rotate from week to wee
readers will be provided with the widest p
ideas, and styles.
In addition, I intend to write my own v
According to Gil." (This space will occasic
my associates, Josey Ballenger and Erica I
to stage a coup if they aren't given equal t
Despite the youth movement, there is
staying on with Weekend. It is Fred Zinn,
were appearing in Weekend when most D
ing what to wear to the Prom.
Another happy event in the genesis of
Silber's decision to accept my offer to bec
Editor in recent memory. It is our goal to p
movies, music, drama and poetry. But not
For "Out to Lunch," our new restaurar
and Noah Finkel have an ambitious goal:
write about entire genres of food, rather tl
rant at a time. This week, for example, th
to sample Ann Arbor's Oriental cuisine. E
hungry look; such men make good food re
himself when it comes to finding good res
Eric from using idiotic words such as "un
When they aren't clamoring for their o
will be doing a lot of work for Weekend. J
Editor, will be devoting large chunks of h
Weekend. I do not know why she chooses
other Daily seniors are phasing themselve
activities. However, I am grateful. Thanks
Weekend should be a top notch product. ]
it would be to produce Weekend without
Erica is the perfect person to be an Ed
position seems to have been created with
person who should be on the Weekend st
German, and free Friday through Wednes
her most.
Piece by piece, Weekend has put toge
you enjoy reading Weekend as much asw

JANUARY 18, 1991



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