The Michigan Daily T-Muse ARTS Wednesday, April 24, 1991 .t to themselves Page 11 _. U _ s by Annette Petruso "We don't ever really have any- thing to say... Don't speak until spoken to, that's how we were raised. We live by it," says gui- tarist/vocalist Tonya Donelly of the Boston-based Throwing Muses. Talking to the band is like pulling teeth: they are very reluctant to say much unless goaded, giving them a private, quiet, mystical air. You wouldn't necessarily think that the band would be so confiden- tial after listening to their music. But then again, it could make sense - angst is something you want to keep to yourself and if you express it in your music, you probably don't want to talk about it. Lead vocal- ist/guitarist Kristin Hersch writes most of the songs, all of which have a revealing-of-inner-secrets-and-pain aura to them. On earlier records, like their self-titled album and Chains Chained EP, Hersch's voice, aptly called "hemorrhaging" by Simon 'Reynolds in next month's Spin, rails and writhes, screeches and drones. On later works, Iunkpapa and the new record, The Real Ramona, she takes better care of her vocal chords, singing more, but she retaining the hurtful edge. She and Donelly's guitars match but never overwhelm the vibration of her prematurely-aged sounding voice. David Narcizo's off-beat drumming complements their noise, accenting her words and the guitars, often changing the tempo in mid-song. What Hersch, and Donelly, who inks some of the tunes, write about strikes a nerve of anyone going through any kind of everyday anxi- ety, from the pubescent kind of not fitting in to more "adult" worries, from "I hate God and blame Dad" ("Hate My Way") to "pushing a ribcage/ makes it hard to breathe/ and yet we hold our sweaty hands/ year after year/ some new year/ without music in our head/ newspa- per tenement/ coming up dead" ("No Parachutes"). Their word s Keepi choice and means of expression are reminiscent of Patti Smith. "We used to listen to her a lot when we were younger, all the time, actu- ally... She's more inspirational rather than influential...,"says Donelly. All this earnest talk shouldn't imply that the Throwing Muses have no sense of humor or irony, musically or otherwise - they do, but it's subtle - or that they take themselves too seriously. When asked if God, if she exists, is female or not, Donelly replies, "No, she's totally amorphous. She. It. I think God looks like the Swamp Thing." And regarding another great band from their current home, the New Kids on the Block, Donelly admit- ted to, ahem, admiring them. "I do get pleasure from them, but I don't necessarily like them. It's more of a picking-a-scab pleasure," she says. But musically, and in most of their related public images, their face is admittedly shy and sober. Is this a sign that they are idiosyn- cratic? "(We are) as much as anyone else in the world is. In fact, we have a lot less idiosyncrasies than most people I've known," says Donelly. Maybe it stems from the fact that they are women in a very male-dom- inated business. Regarding women in the most hyper-male-dominated music, heavy metal, Donelly states: "To be honest, I think they look kinda silly. I just think it's just the same thing... They strike me the same way women in business suits strike me. It just seems like moving in on that territory by acting like a man. Or trying to assume tradi- tional male roles and calling that some kind of liberation which I don't really agree with." Perhaps that's where the Muses' appeal lies. They do their music their way on their terms, and Donelly and Hersh don't feel apologetic for being women or for keeping their lives and feelings to themselves. They reveal bits as they want to. Take for example The Real Ramona album: the photo on the Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus by Dinesh D'Souza Macmillan Free Press/hardcover University, conservatives and liberals both, have been talking the last few years about being "PC," that is, "politically correct." Politically Correct, if you're not already familiar with it, refers to being of the left persuasion on issues of racial and sexual equality. Among other traits, a Politically Correct person must be for affirmative action, in favor of women's choice in abortion, accepting of lesbians and gay men, and against United States involvement in any Third World country. In some people's minds, Politically Correct means agreeing 100 percent with the agendas of minority and left/liberal activists. If you voice any disagreement, say the Politically Incorrect, you will be branded racist, sexist or homophobic, a fate just as bad as being tagged "soft on communism" in the years of McCarthyism. In the past few years, Michigan students have learned they are not alone. Newsweek did a cover story in December exposing the PC "thought police" at colleges and universities across the country, and numerous national publications jumped on the anti-PC bandwagon. On this campus, the Daily and especially the Michigan Review both turned more of their attention to PC. Now Dinesh D'Souza has released a complete book called Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus, attacking PC thought and the cults of .diversity and multiculturalism. D'Souza is an Indian immigrant who attended Dartmouth. While he is undeniably a "minority" and a "person of color," D'Souza is a conservative and far from PC. Need proof? He was an editor at the controversial Dartmouth Review and worked in the Reagan administration. Now he is a fellow at the conservative think-tank American Enterprise Institute. Despite this background, D'Souza's work is something conservatives, liberals and radicals should all follow. His attack on the current state of higher education is a devastating indictment of the sacred cows of student activists, sympathetic faculty members, and cowardly administrators and university presidents. For anyone intellectually honest and interested in the issues of racial and sexual equality on campus, Illiberal Education is a must read. It may even make a great graduation present. And whether or not one agrees with it, it demands a response. In sum, the book is a comprehensive attack on the ideas of multiculturalism and diversity as they currently operate in our country's top - and often most progressive - universities. D'Souza mentions nearly every college or university in the country, but he dedicates six chapters to six universities in particular: California-Berkeley, Stanford, Howard, Duke, Harvard and Michigan. D'Souza argues that the upsurge of racial incidents on campuses in the late 1980s is a result of the "victim's revolution" seen in nearly all colleges and universities. He characterizes this revolution as one in which minorities are given special privileges in admissions so that academic merit is all but abandoned, while professors are discouraged from presenting material in class that may offend minority students or feminists. Further, students are steered away from Western civilization and "great books" courses, minority students are segregated from the rest of the university in various "minority only" institutions and social groups, and everyone is See BOOKS, Page 12 Throwing Muses here show a lighter side than their music suggests. Fred Abong, second from the right, is the new bass player, replacing Leslie Langston, who left to do her own thing on the West Coast. cover of the woman next to the car is a relative of a band member. "That's Kristin's grandmother," says Donelly. The name of the al- bum itself comes from a find of Narcizo's. "That was a postcard that Dave found in an old junkshop (of) a woman looking over a cliff. She's standing over a cliff and it says 'The Real Ramona' underneath it. And it just sounds good," Donelly explains. A song on the al- bum, "Dylan," is about Hersch's young son, whom she just lost cus- tody of in a bitter battle with her former significant other. While the Muses' musical style may have changed (for the better or worse, depending on who you are) to a more "conventional"-sounding standard-tempo/guitars/singing in- stead of shredding, they still have the grasp on beautifully expressing basic human emotions, with the dreamy quality still intact. Narcizo describes to me the scene outside of his window in daydreamy style: "I'm sitting in the window sill ac- tually staring at St. Patrick's. I'm mesmerized by it. There's a really great view of it from here... I was just sitting here thinking, God, it's just amazing. I could flip open this window and swing my legs right over the edge. This window just opens and I'm sitting right on the ledge." T7E THROWING MUSES ponder at the Blind Pig with ANASTASIA SCREAMED on Thursday, May 2. Doors open at 9:30 p.m. and tickets are $12.50 in advance at TicketMaster (p.e.s.c). If you don't like the effects... * by Forrest Green Ill F eminists attack rappers vehe- mently, an easy thing to do, consid- ering that rap is no threat to femi- nism in any way, shape or form. Rap is not the true problem, only a sym- bol of it. Actually, the feminist movement in America is severely crippled by its racial crux. At times, feminists are freedom fighters de- voted to their liberation from a pa- ternalistic system, but with a single turn they are crushing and dissuad- ing every opposing or differing dis- course, then forcing their own ide- ologies upon all women without question or hesitation. The last truly relevant occur- rence in this movement was, in such a context, Sojourner Truth's exhor- tation, "Ar'n't I a woman?" to fem- inists Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, when ap- pealing that the suffragists give her a greater share of the brains of their movement, over 150 years ago. This speech was seismically liberating to everyone within the burgeoning sys- tem, not only because it was so chal- lenging to a white supremacist defi- nition of womanhood, but because it was a slap in the faces of every group that might profit from the system, and in turn the Black woman's oppression. In an era when a Black man named Abraham Lincoln could be elected president, the country was rife with possibilities for change and pithy, imperative statements like Truth's speech. Black people were not Black, in direct opposition to whites, as much as they were still struggling for an identity, and the system's dissonance was its greatest weakness, and so America's advan- tage. But in 1990, the potential for revolutionary thought - for all Americans - has been stifled by as- similation. The feminist movement gurgles in a quagmire wherein its boldest voice may be Madonna's "Express Yourself." And "the last voice of Black people," actually, the last voice of America's counter-cul- ture, is rap music. Rap has been described by Chuck D. as "Black America's TV sta- tion," and if more Black Americans tuned in, indeed, Gil Scott-Heron's statement, "Women will not care if Dick finally got down with Jane on Searrh For Tomorrow, because Black people will be in the streets, looking for a brighter day," would become prophetic. But rap is not a perfect liberation movement for all Blacks to live by, but rather, about as corrupt as the system that gener- ated it. Rap is a medium where fe- male rappers like Yo-Yo are set up to be thrashed by Ice Cube's saying, "Stay down, and play the play- ground, you little girl." Rap is a medium where Black women can call themselves Hoes With Attitudes, or ask "Is the Pussy Still Good?" and make a career out of it. In a medium or country where "art, advertising, propaganda and re- ligion are finally one and no longer distinguishable," and a rapper like Tairrie B. is equalized to the likes of Queen Latifah, there can be little hope for a Black woman extolled by the egalitarian Jungle Brothers, lit- tle hope for a brilliantly intellec- tual, non-physical Chuck D. For the precious few who understand the gaping inequalities between a white woman and a Black man, there is only an occasional scream of outrage, to a feminist like Madonna: "If you don't like the effects, don't produce the cause!" So when Ice Cube answers re- porters' questions about his calling Black women bitches as being equiv- alent to their calling him nigger with complacent affirmation, the circle is completed. Cube shirks the responsibility, claiming that this corruption is inherent in the system that produced him. Visible, vocal feminists hypocritically attack his sexism, all the while ignoring their true enemy. And the white male power structure, clad in impreg- nable skyscrapers and suits, contin- ues to rape young Black women in their sleep, sending them to the street corners, images of Dick and Jane sauntering through their heads. Louis Farrakhan often promises to overturn the system by appealing to its lowest common denominator, by making shock waves from the The Red Hot Chili Peppers have got some wicked riffs, but somefbody should wasn their airty mouths out with soap and water - or Drano. Turn around AX (et al.), I've got some thoughts for you by Kristin Palm O K, so I'm still trying to figure out if I'm a woman or a girl, I haven't quite worked out my feel- ings about Madonna and I don't know where I'll be after May. But this is not the only confusion inher- ent in my life. You see, through the years I've +_ - a _C tt n. n"A T greatness of Soundgarden and Guns N' Roses (although, thank God, I never said Gobblehoof was good), what brings on this confusion, you might ask? Well, the truth is, it's been a long time coming. The main catalyst behind consid- ering the issue of sexism and misog- yny in rock music lyrics came last fall when my then co-editor and I did a series on arts and censorship. We spent a great deal of time talk- ing to people about groups like 2 Live Crew and why that group's lyrics shouldn't be censored - or why they should. It's been long enough since the series ran that I can mn~an gr rnr.--. n..-,. 1 -. ..:...x-.. Boys into this; they're not worth my time, either.) These are rap groups worthy of the public atten- tion and critical acclaim they have received; yet they're as guilty of misogynist sentiment as the next guy. And the scary thing is, the next guy is pretty damn guilty. Of course, to only focus on rap would be ridiculous. Mick Jagger was shouting about keeping me un- der his thumb long before Ice Cube wanted to get a "bitch" pregnant and then kick her in the stomach. And not too long after that, Vince Neil and his contemporaries were putting said bitches into cages and singinnasty thinkabouhnht them as mlm