Vol. Cl, No. 77 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, January 18, 1991Ciht @99
Th hgnday
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Iraq
struck back against a non-stop ham-
mering by American warplanes the
way it said it would - by lobbing mis-
siles into Israel last night.
At least eight missiles landed in Tel
Aviv and elsewhere in Israel last night,
all Scuds launched from western Iraq,
Israeli and U.S. officials said. The Scud
is Iraq's deadliest ground-to-ground
President Bush condemned the at-
tack on Israel last night and "is out-
raged at it," the White House said.
"Coalition forces in the Gulf are at-
tacking missile sites and other targets
in Iraq," Bush's spokesperson Marlin
Fitzwater said in a statement.
The Israeli army said the weapons
bore conventional, not chemical, war-
"We know for sure of a few that
fell, but we can't tell what kind of
warhead or whether it was chemical
warfare," said an Israeli army official.
Israelis were ordered into shelters at
about 2 a.m. and told to don gas masks
for protection against Iraqi chemical
weapons as the first air raid sirens
sounded over Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Numerous explosions could be heard.
Brig. Gen. Nachman Shai, the Is-
raeli army spokesperson, said there
were at least seven casualties, all
lightly injured. Police reports said at
least 30 people were taken to Tel
Hashomer Hospital in Tel Aviv, but
none of the casualties were from chem-
ical weapons.
The United States had urged the
Jewish state to stay out of the Persian
Gulf war, fearing its entry would split
the alliance against Iraq.
Some American television networks
reported last night that the attack in-
cluded nerve gas. An Associate Press
reporter monitoring the radio said there
was no such announcement. CNN said
Pentagon officials in Washington re-
ported that the missiles carried conven-
tional weapons.
ABC News, however, quoting what
it called reliable sources high in the Is-
raeli command, said there may have
been as many as 20 nerve gas victims
taken to a Tel Aviv hospital. There was
no mention of nerve gas on Israel Ra-
A military source in Washington
said 10 missiles were launched and
eight landed, but no details were given
on where they landed. All were
launched from western Iraq, said the
source, who spoke on condition of
The U.S. warplanes' failure to knock
out mobile Scud launchers made the
missile attack on Israel possible, said
Sen. Sam Nunn, (D-GA.) "We knew
we hadn't hit those," the Senate
Armed Services Committee chairper-
son said.
Military officials said Iraq also had
fired a single missile toward allied
forces in Saudi Arabia. The missile
was intercepted and destroyed.
Bush, who had left his office to
have dinner in the White House resi-
dential quarters, was informed of the
attack by his National Security ad-
viser, Brent Scowcroft, said Fitzwater.
"The president has also discussed
this matter with Secretary of State
Baker and Secretary of Defense Ch-
eney. The president is outraged at, and
condemns this further aggression by
Iraq," the statement said.
Israel did not retaliate, much to the
administration's relief.
Zalman Shoval, Israel's ambassador
to the United States, said his country
reserved the right to retaliate, but an-
swered with a non-committal smile
when asked it it would do so. "So far
the State of Israel has paid the dearest
price of any other countries in the
Middle East which had faced Iraqi ag-
gression, except Kuwait itself," he said
noting that the Jewish state is not part
See ISRAEL, Page 2
War protestors'
condemn U.S.
Y AmandaNeuman
Daily Staff Reporter k{
Less than 24 hours after United States forces
initiated Operation Desert Storm, students braved f% m
the cold to rally against the war on the Diag at 11
a.m. yesterday. The rally, organized by the Students
Against U.S. Intervention in the Middle East
(SAUSI), drew 500 protestors by Ann Arbor policef
estimates, 2,500 according to rally organizers.
Clutching their bodies for warmth, students lis-
tened to speakers beg for peace in the Middle East and
condemn U.S. actions in the gulf.-.
"We demand accountability now. We are tired of
these insane tirades about protecting democracy and
self-determination. We are tired of hypocrisy and U.S._
aggression, " said first-year Rackham student, Toml
Abowd denounced President Bush's actions, but
pledged support for the soldiers stationed in the gulf.
"We, this group, this body cannot be anti-soldier.
It is not they who are responsible for the actions of
Bush and his generals. Supporting U.S. troops means
bringing them home now," Abowd stressed.
As television cameras and reporters circled around
the steps of the Graduate Library, another speaker
criticized the president's actions.
"Mr. Bush has no right to speak for the world.
George Bush is our elected representative, not our
emperor," said LSA senior and Arab-American, Deyar,
who gave only her first name. .>.
- Deyar, a Chaldean, said she fears being placed in
an internment camp like many Japanese-Americans
were during World War II. See PROTEST, Pg 2
Jewish students
fear for Israel
by Jay Garcia
and Gwen Shaffer
Daily Staff Reporters
The Alphi Epsilon Pi fraternity
was discussing chapter business last
night when a house member came in
and announced that Tel Aviv, Israel
was under seige by the Iraqi military.
"Everyone just got up and left,"
said fraternity member and Business
School senior Craig Fischer.
The strike on Israel evoked emo-
tional reactions from University stu-
dents, most of whom learned of the
attack from television reports. In
particular, Jewish students expressed
anguish at the turn of events.
Nicole Sanderson, a graduate stu-
dent in the Institute of Public Policy
Studies, said she was on the verge of
tears when news came of the attack
upon Israel. She added that her emo-
tions ranged from outrage to sorrow
to anger.
Many expressed fear for the safety
of innocent people, including Amer-
ican students, in Israel.
"My first reaction was that I
needed information because I was
concerned about my friends in Israel.
Then I felt helpless. Then I felt bit-
ter. And now I'm just very sad," said
first-year LSA student Elissa Gold-
"There are a lot of people I know
actually there right now. I'm afraid
of what will happen," said Alex
Horowitz, an LSA sophomore.
LSA sophomore Dan Brown, a
member of Zeta Beta Tau, said many
people in the fraternity said they
feared for the lives of family and
friends in Israel.
"I don't have any relatives in Is-
rael, but it's still the homeland,"
Fischer said.
"I think it's disgusting and un-
called for that the Iraqi's would
bomb innocent citizens and a hospi-
tal instead of military bases," said
first-year LSA student Becca Don-
nenfeld. "I don't think Israel should
retaliate because once they do, the
U.S. is going to lose all of their
Arab allies," she added.
LSA junior Dana Miller said she
was in shock after hearing the news.
She also felt sorrow for the two
planeloads of Soviet and Ethiopian
Jews that were arriving in Israel yes-
terday for the first time.
Many Jewish students said last
night that they weren't sure if Israel
should retaliate against Iraq, while
others said they thought Israel had
no choice but to defend themselves.
"It's obvious that Saddam wants
(Israel) to attack, so they should just
give him what he wants. (The Iraqi
attack) scares me because it's such a
religious attack - it's like another
Holocaust. It isn't an attempt to
knock out the military, just the Jew-
ish people, to make the Arabs
happy," Steve Feinstein, an LSA
See JEWISH, page 2
Allied air forces
continue attacks
(AP) - The United states and its
allies followed up devastating pre-
dawn air strikes with daylight at-
tacks yesterday in a furious bid to
drive Saddam Hussein's armies
from Kuwait and break his military
American military officials said
Iraqi planes had not engaged the
allied aircraft in any dogfights. De-
fense Secretary Dick Cheney said
at a morning Pentagon briefing
yesterday that one U.S. and one
British aircraft had been lost.
The American plane was an F-
18 Hornet fighter-bomber, and Ch-
eney said the pilot - Lt. Cmdr.
Michael Speicher - was the first
out to do."
Gen. Colin Powell, chair of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: "I'm
comfortable that we were able to
achieve control of Iraqi air space.
That's not to say the Iraqi air force
has been totally destroyed."
U.S. military officials said 750
planes flew missions in the first
hours of war, including the heavy-
weight of the American air fleet,
the B-52.
The first allied air strike came
before dawn, the second about
seven hours later. The second-
wave attack scored direct hits on
the Iraqi Defense Ministry and the
post office headquarters, the
British Broadcasting Corp. re-
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