The Michigan Daily -Monday, April 15, 1991 - Page 3 Students prepare *for move to N.Y.C. by Jeannie Lurie Daily Staff Reporter Students hummed along to songs such as "I'm in a New York State of Mind," "Scarborogh Fair" and "New York, New York," in the Student Alumni Center yesterday as they prepared for life in New York City at the third annual Big Apple Blast. "We want torhelp make the tran- sition from graduation to New York smoother," said Walter Crosby, vice president of the New York Alumni Club. Many sponsors donated sou- *venirs for the event. Chase Manhattan Bank provided hot pink and red plastic mugs, while a popu- lar bar sent shot glasses and matches. Co-hosted by the New York Alumni Club and the University . Student Alumni Concil, the event provided students with bags from Macy's and Bloomingdales to col- lect brochures, maps, stickers and Whousing information. New York Alumni Club President Jim Gartenberg said that although the program is good pub- licity for the sponsors, it is really designed to benefit students. "A lot of people perceive New York as a scary place," Gartenberg said. "We say, 'Here are bus maps and cool restaurants." *"We want let people know we're active, we're fun," he added. Student Alumni Council Big Apple Blast Co-chairs Erica Rosenthal and Lauren Sekuler, both LSA juniors, publicized the event by handing out apples on the Diag. Both felt the program was very helpful. "People come up to us and say thank you so much for doing this," Sekuler said. LSA senior Matt Bruen enjoyed collecting free materials. "So far, I've got free jello shot coupons and a postcard," he said. Signs in the corner listed a .New York "Top Ten" of important facts including: There are over 12,000 University alums in the New York City area, "tennis shoes" are called "sneakers," and you need a quarter to make a phone call. Alumni who now live in New York also offered helpful hints. University alum Stacey Farb of- fered the following advice: "Use common sense. If you're looking at an apartment during the day, go back and look at it at night. "Plan to spend a lot of money to have a good time ... it's a good in- vestment," Farb said. Hearing impaired students share tales of adversity, success by Lari Barager told a story of her crushed hopes to become a Daily Staff Reporter high school baton twirler. People who could hear found themselves in "I practiced and I got it," Walker said. "I the minority last Friday as more than 60 local was so proud of myself. But the next day the prospective college students with hearing im- band instructor confronted me and said I pairments gathered in the Pendleton Room forR a mentor luncheon. Organizer Joan Smith said the purpose of the luncheon was to encourage hearing im- paired students to focus their goals toward a, college career. Smith, the University's Coordinator of Services for the Hearing Impaired, said she has, a personal attachment to this goal because she used to work in a high school where deaf chil- dren were given no hope. "Three out of five said they wanted to be- come janitors," Smith said. Smith said she wants the hearing impaired students to see that becoming a successful University student is a possibility. "Our ultimate goal is to show there is life after high school. Every deaf person has the ability to learn," Smith said. "Somehow along the line deaf children are getting the message that they can't." A panel of both hearing impaired students from the University and deaf professionals from the Ann Arbor area told tales of the dif- ficulties they suffered as deaf children and stories of their later triumphs. LSA senior Jose Irizarry said playing high school sports helped him because it made oth- ers aware of his impairment, but his experi- ence wasn't without complications. He said he had been on the baseball team for a week and his manager became angry with him for not hearing instructions during a play. Later, Irizarry's manager was shocked to find out he was deaf. "My manager didn't know I was deaf. He thought I was speaking Spanish," Irizarry said. Substance Abuse Counselor Joanne Walker couldn't be a twirler. He said, 'It's because you're deaf. It's impossible to have a deaf per- son twirl."' Many of the speakers said they did not re- ceive special attention during their early years in school. "When I was in junior high and high school, I didn't have any interpreters or note; takers. I kind of just taught myself every- thing," said Business School junior Lori Cipicchio. Many of the University students said they had their first encounter with another deaf person when they arrived at the University., Housing Advisor for Residence Operations Carolyn Shaklee said the University is prepar- ing residence hall rooms equipped for hearing impaired students. The residence halls which currently offer these rooms include Baits, Bursley, Mary Markley, Mosher Jordan, and West Quad. The rooms are equipped with small lights which flash each time the telephone or the doorbell rings. There is also a strobe light at. tached to both the fire alarm and the smoke alarm. Students with hearing impairments are able to make phone calls by using a Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD). The instrument is a keyboard which is attached to the telephone. A student sends his or her message by typing it on the keyboard. University hearing impaired students are also provided with note-takers, profession$l notes, and interpreters for their classes. Smith said she hopes to increase deaf stu- dent enrollment, pointing out there are only eight hearing impaired students attending the University. You forgot a spot General Studies sophomore Steve Ferris, a Phi Alpha Kappa pledge, looks up after a "brother" tells him he can stop scrubbing the "M" on the Diag. Muslim students an 0 by Robert Patton Daily Staff Reporter Tempers flared Saturday at a pre- sentation on "Terrorism in Kashmir" sponsored by the Hindu Student Council as members of the audience argued heatedly with speaker Hira Fotedar in a question and answer session following his lecture. In his speech to the approxi- mately 30 audience members, Fotedar argued that Pakistan has sponsored aterrorist waragainst the Hindu minority in the Indian province of Kashmir, forcing almost 250,000 Hindus to flee to refugee camps in India's capital city of New Delhi. "It's sad and shocking that Hindus should receive this treat- ment in their own country and in their own place of birth," he said. Kashmir is the northernmost province of India and the only one with a Muslim majority. It has been the focus of a territorial dispute be- 'Pakistan is using religious subversion to achieve the same objective it failed to win on the battlefield' -Hira Fotedar Featured speaker tween India and Pakistan since 1947, when British colonial forces with- drew and the two nations were cre- ated. In that year, Fotedar said, Pakistan illegally invaded Kashmir 'ered by and captured one-third of t province. Now he believes th want to take over the rest. "Pakistan is using religio subversion to achieve the same o jective it failed to win on the b tlefield," he said. Most of the questions followi Fotedar's presentation came fr audience members who felt he h misrepresented the facts. One man wanted to know w Fotedar did not address the pro lems facing Muslims in the regic "Your heart bleeds only f Hindus," he said. Another alleged that the Indi government was committing atro ties on Muslims in Kashmir a asked Fotedar why India does in allow foreign journalists or grou like Amnesty International into t lecture on Kashmir he region. "The Indian government is the ey Fotedar said Amnesty root cause of the problem,' International had been allowed into Engineering graduate student Avais us Kashmir, and that he was presenting Kamel said after the program. He )b- only the Hindu point of view be- pointed out that India has never fot- at- lowed a U.N. resolution calling for 'The Indian a plebiscite in Kashmir on whether ng government is the the Kashmiris want to be a part of on root cause of the India or Pakistan. 'ad problem... why is (it) "Why is the Indian governmeit afraid of a afraid of a plebiscite?" he asked. - -hy plebidct? Kamel denied that Hindus are be- )n. -t Avais Kamel ing forced from Kashmir. "The for nginerin GrauateIndian government wants the or Engineering Graduate Hindus out of Kashmir so it can re- Student press the Muslims with out harm- an ing (the Hindus)," he said. ci- cause the Muslim one was already Fotedar said the resolution on nd known. the plebiscite makes it contingent ot Still, many of the audience mem- on a Pakastani withdrawl from ips bers were unsatisfied with his ex- Kasmir, which has not happened. hennnin he Piaiiduvns. THE LIST What's happening in Ann Arbor today Bush to unveil school reform plan Meetings Enact, weekly meeting. DANA Bldg., Rm. 1040,7:00. People of Color Against War & Racism, weekly meeting. West Engi- neering, 1st floor Center for African & Afro-American Studies Lounge, 5:00. U of M Asian American Student Coalition (UMAASC), weekly mtg. E. Quad, rm 124,7 p.m. Students Against U.S. Intervention in the Middle East (SAUSI), weekly mtg. Hutchins Hall, rm 220, 8 p.m. Indian American Students Association, board mtg. League, rm A, 8-10. Anti-George Bush Demonstration planning mtg. Union, Kuenzel Rm, 7 p.m. U of M Amateur Radio Club, monthly mtg. Union, Welker Rm, 8 p.m. Speakers Lois Gibbs, speaking on toxic pollution and grassroots involvment. Angell Aud B, 4 p.m. "Making Life Histories," Marjorie Mbilinyi. Women's Studies Lounge, 232 West Engineering, noon. "The Constitution-Making Porcess: A Comparative Study of the Late Eighteenth Century and the Late Twentieth Century," Jon Elster. 250 Hutchins, 4 p.m. "India's Democratic Exceptionalism and its Troubled Trajectory," Dr. Ashutnh Varshnev of Harvard service. Functions 8-1:30 Sun.-Thurs., Fr.-Sat. 8-11:30. Call 936-1000 or stop by 102 UGLi. Also at the Angell Hall Computing Center 1-3 a.m. Sun. - Thurs. Call 763-4246 or stop by the courtyard. The last day of service will be Wed., April 24. Northwalk, nighttime safety walking service. Functions Sun.-Thurs. 8-1:30 am., Fri.-Sat. 8-11:30. Call 763- WALK or stop by 2333 Bursley. The last day of service will be Wed., April 24. ECB Peer Writing Tutors available to help with your papers Sun.-Thurs., Angell/Haven Computing Center, 7- 11:00 p.m.; 611 Church Street Com- puting Center, Tue. and Thurs. 7-11:00 p.m., Wed. 8-10:00. p.m. U of M Karate-do Club. For info call 994-3620. Every Monday, CCRB, Small Gym, 8-9:00. U of M Tae Kwon Do Club. Every Monday, CCRB Martial Arts Rm., 7- 8:30. U of M Ninjitsu Club, Monday prac- tice. Call David Dow (668-7478) for info. I.M. Bldg., Wrestling Rm., 7-9:00. Free Tax Preparation. Sponsored by VITA until April 15. Union, 3rd floor, 9-5. Winter Writer Series, weekly event. Open reading. Guild House, 802 Monroe, 8:30. "Women's Peace in the Middle East," documentary. Hillel, 7 p.m. Protest of Playboy recruiting for "Girls of the Bia 10." Diaa. noon. WASHINGTON (AP) - After, barely a month on the job, Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander has gotten President Bush's backing for a far-reaching package of reforms that include national student tests and experiments with radically new ways of running schools. Bush, who pledged during his 1988 campaign to be the "education president," will unveil the school reform package at the White House on Thursday after a luncheon with governors, an administration offi- cial said yesterday. The fast-track initiative will embrace some of the same education themes that Bush and former President Reagan have sounded be- fore: expanding parental choice in education and improving literacy and job training programs for dropouts, displaced workers and other adults.- But it will also put Bush's stamp - and Alexander's - on some radically new ideas, including pressing ahead to develop a type of national student testing program, as a presidential advisory panel re- cently recommended. The school reform package is still evolving, said Education Department spokesperson Etta Fielek. Those goals include ridding schools of drugs and violence, dras- tically reducing the dropout rate and making American pupils the best in the world in math and sci- ence by the year 2000. 1 1 1991 JEWELRY RESOURCE D[RECTORY Wholesale directory to hundreds of jewelry companies. Gold. silver. costume j ~jewelry and much more for just pennies. iP 1991 JEWELRY " I RESOURCE DIRECTORY Check or money order to. CREATIVE IMAGE JEWELRY EAST LANSLG. MI 48M J- THE TOXICITY OF ENVIRONMENTALISM ( I) A MOUSE. POINT. CLICK. DRAG. ICONS. That's IBM? YES! .- - ... -- - m - PS/2 FEATURES: - Fun, Easy to Use - Special Student Prices And plan for your future now: classes, graduation, the BusCineCC world- Snecil smCidrent A lecture by Dr. George Reisman Professor of Economics, PennerdinAIUniveNrsit