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April 11, 1991 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-04-11

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, April 11, 1991 - Page 11

Winter sports'


signing period begins
MEN'S BASKETBALL: Though Michigan basketball coach Steve
Fisher did not receive official letters of intent from recruits Chris
Webber and Jalen Rose, yesterday marked the first day of the April
signing period.
Fisher cancelled his scheduled press conference, but not because the let-
ters did not arrive yesterday. Instead, he took advantage of the first day of
junior recruiting, visiting various high schools to watch prospects play.
Webber reportedly signed his letter yesterday, and Fisher expects to
receive both written commitments today. Fisher saw the two spring
recruits, as well as fall signees, Jimmy King and Juwan Howard, showcase
their talents in the McDonald's High School All-Star game Saturday.
"They did themselves proud," Fisher said. "They were impressive on
the court, and they handled themselves real well in general. They said
there was a camaraderie between them even though they hadn't really
played together before."
-Jeff Sheran
WOMEN'S BASKETBALL: The women's basketball team is looking
1o add some new faces to next year's squad after losing senior team
captain Carol Szczechowski and junior Torie Shaw. But the pressure is
nounting for coach Bud VanDeWege who was unable to announce the
signing of any prep players for next year's season. - Rod Loewenthal
ICE HOCKEY: After its best season in 15 years, the Michigan hockey
team looks to get better with help from a handful of recruits. In addition
to defenseman Al Sinclair from Toronto, who signed in the early period,
sources close to the team reveal that four rookies have unofficially
committed to the Wolverines.
Sinclair's teammate, defenseman Tim Hogan, leftwinger Rick Willis
from Boston, goalie Al Logis from Indianapolis, and rightwinger Steve
Knuble of the Kalamazoo Junior Wings are among those expected on the
'Michigan roster next season.
Rumors indicate that the team may also acquire a walk-on from
Toronto, and two players from overseas, namely Austria and the USSR,
but the report is far from official. - Jeni Durst
MEN'S SWIMMING: The six-time defending Big Ten champion men's
swimming team realed in one of the nation's top recruiting classes. The
nation's No. 1 swimmer Gustavo Borgess, along with Steven West, Chris
Veber, and David Klauider all committed yesterday.
--staff reports

Blue crew duals
Fighting Irish
k Andy, Dl I rvtA

Daily Sports Writer
Last Saturday, as the haze cleared
from the Graduate Library steps, the
smoke cleared from Ford Lake
where the Michigan crew team tri-
umphed over Marietta College and
Northwestern. The co-educational
Wolverine squad kept its undefeated
record intact.
This weekend, the rowers head to
Notre Dame.
"This is the last chance for com-
petition before the Midwest
Championships," Michigan
women's novice coach, Tom Weber
said. "I want our rowers to row a
technical, smooth race ... as well as
a powerful one."
The Wolverines compete in seven
classifications: men's heavyweight
(above 160 pounds) and lightweight
for both varsity and novice; wo-
men's heavyweight (above 130) and
lightweight for varsity, and novice

with no weight classification.
Weber, a fifth-year senior and a
member of the 1989 U.S. National
crew team, explained that crew is 50
percent technical and 50 percent
physical. The novice "'A" team's
quicker times than the varsity "B"
team's last weekend, proved the
first-year coach's statement accu-
"If we win, without doing well
technically, I'll know we can go a
lot faster and that is what we wills
need to work on during the next
two weeks," Weber said. "Knowing
what we need to work on will be
the major benefit of this competi-
Although the squad fulfilled
expectations, the men's novice squad
coach, Mike Caviston, will be look-.
ing for more speed in the Notre
Dame meet.




Detroit Country Day's Chris Webber shoots over two defenders. The all-
star plans to attend Michigan next year.

by Tim Spolar
Daily Sports Writer

rugby triumphs

The Michigan men's rugby team
continued its hot streak Saturday,
with impressive victories over
Michigan State and the Flint
In two games against the
Spartans, the Wolverines won by a
combined score of 105-3. Michigan
dominated every facet of both games
(the Spartans' only score came off a
penalty kick). The Wolverines' ex-
*perience keyed their success.
"We played together really
well," co-captain Tae-Ni
Changstroman said. "I think that
stemmed from our experience.
(Michigan State) has a lot of first-
time players on their squad, and I
think that led to the lopsided
The Wolverines were tested a
little more by the Rogues, but
*Michigan still prevailed, 14-0.
"Neither team had scored by
halftime," Changstroman said. "So
it looked like it was going to be
close. However, our superior team-
work and conditioning pulled us

Michigan has now won seven
games in a row. However, the
Wolverines face tough matches
against Akron, RFC, and Windsor
Saturday at Palmer Field. Many of
the top Wolverine players will re-
turn to the Midwest select camp
which they attended three weeks
ago, recreating the scenario that
brought about Michigan's last loss.

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Shawn Chen
Juliette Cherbuliez
Rochelle Collison
Stephen Edelman
Jefferson Ehrlich
Heidi Erven
Lori Feigenbaum
Susan E. Fox
Felicia E. Franco
Laura Freedman
Tracy Goode
Suzanne R. Goodney
Elisa Haberman

Matthew John Hayek
Katrin Jellema
Kathleen Kendall
Alexander William Koff
Rod Blake Loewenthal
Erica Michael
Elizabeth O'Hara
Andrew Petrella
Michael David Rice
Amy L. Rieder
Monik Sudhir Sanghvi
Ilana Trachtman
Evan K. Yeung




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