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January 17, 1991 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-01-17

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, January 17, 1991 - Page 3


community braces for

Desert Storm
I 'U' to consider refunds
for students sent to Gulf

anti- war
t" '
*y Lari Barager
Dai.y Staff Reporter
Word of war came just minutes
into a committee meeting of Stu-
dents Against U.S. Intervention in
the Middle East (SAUSI). At about
6:4b p.m., students rushed from the
ropm; some burst into tears. Those
remaining were struck silent.
SAUSI met last night in sepa-
te committees. intending to elect
o representatives from each
committee to a newly-formed co-
ordinating committee.
The outreach committee's
meeting was conducted with a
senpe of calm purpose, but the ac-
tion committee's meeting was
marked by a feeling of urgency as
it started just minutes before the
air, strike was announced. The
mmittee learned of the attack
from a member wearing radio
At 8 p.m. the action commit-
tee's approximately 40 members
broke up into seven subcommittees
to implement a plan of action in-
cluding a rally, march, and emer-
gency meeting. MSA voted to en-
dorse the resolution Tuesday night.
The plan includes the following
Gents today:
8:30 a.m. - Fishbowl, pick-
ets and leafletting
11 a.m. - Diag, rally and
12 noon - Federal Building,
community-wide demonstration


University staff member Kate Pittsley paints a sign late last night for the rally and march on the Diag tod
11 a.m.

by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
The University will examine a
policy regarding students who are
called to serve in the armed forces
at the monthly Board of Regents
meeting today.
The current University policy
provides pro-rating of credit, tu-
ition refunds, and priority for
readmission to the University for
students called up for military ser-
The current policy leaves the
decision regarding credit pro-rating
to individual schools and colleges
whether to grant credit to those
who leave to serve in the armed
forces and return to the University.
R/Oaiy The LSA Executive Committee
established guidelines in 1969 re-
lay at garding the pro-rating of credit.
The credit-granting policy varied
depending on popular support for
the war.
In some instances, those called
y nom- up for service could receive credit
s were if they completed the majority of
d ner- the term or could return to the
on the University to complete their
repre- "The policy (of granting credit)
David to those in the military was quite
ate stu- liberal after World War II, but
much less liberal during Viet-
nam... There was a general uncer-
see a tainty about why we were (in
mass Vietnam), and the whole moral
ople in question about what we were do-
inistra- ing. There was not popular or gen-
eral support," said James Robert-
son, former assistant dean for LSA
le for student academic affairs.
Eugene Nissen, assistant dean for
Pollak LSA student academic affairs,
predicts the policy will continue if

students leave the University to
fight in, the Gulf. "Any students
who go into the military during the
gulf crisis will receive treatment of
the pro-rating of credit and tu-
ition," Nissen said.
This policy evolved from the
University's Board of Regents res-
olution enacted in March 1917,
which guaranteed a full semester's
credit for students who enlisted in
the military service during the
middle of a semester.
The basis for the University's
current tuition policy - which was
put in place in November of 1940
- was modified from the previous
World War I policy and dealt
solely with tuition. The policy
called for a tuition refund based on
the amount of the semester the
military officer completed before
being called to service.
At the December Regents
meeting the following year, the
Board affirmed a resolution which
allowed students to finish and re-
ceive credit for courses rmissed
during military service.
The Board reaffirmed these res-
olutions August 1950 and April
1968. In doing so in 1968, the Re-
gents added a clause granting pri-
ority for readmission to the Univer-
sity to students returning from ac-
tive duty.
Currently, these three resolu-
tions stand as the University's pol-
icy towards soldiers leaving the
University to fight in military
Registrar records show three
students who have received reduc-
tions in tuition in the past few
decades. One in 1961, one in 1968,
and one in 1969.

7 pm. - Emergency meet-
ing, site to be announced
The new coordinating commit-
tee will organize the four existing
committees - education, action,
outreach, and publicity - in an at-
tempt to eliminate overlap and
confusion about each committee's
The coordinating committee,
whose 10 members will meet
weekly, was given the power to
execute emergency decisions be-
tween meetings of the mass body,
which are held at 8 p.m. Monday'
nights in Hutchins Hall.
The Outreach committee's
elected representatives are Michi-
gan Student Assembly's Peace and
Justice Commission Chair Paula
Church and Rochelle Davis, an

MSA representative.
"I've been a part of it
(Outreach Committee) since it
started," Davis, a first year Rack-
ham student, said. "I would like to
see unity built on campus and us
working to include all groups."
Davis added, "I think it's great
that students who may have never
taken a political stand are getting
really involved."
Church said, "Peace and Jus-
tice helped start this group and
I've seen it grow. I know what has
worked and what hasn't."
"We've been having problems
with mass meetings," she added,
"and I would like to help them run
as smoothly as possible. I also
want to help organize mass groups
of people so that action can be

done most efficiently."
Candidates were hurriedl
inated, and while ballots
counted, members listene
vously to incoming reports
The Action Committee's
sentatives are LSA senior
Levin and sociology gradua
dent, Lori Stark.
Levin said, "I'd like to
broad united democratic
which would empower pec
this country to stop the adm
tion's war drive."
Stark was unavailab
-Daily Staffer Tami
contributed to this report.

Anti-war group calls for termination

*W Sarah Schweitzer
Daily Administration Reporter
As war begins, questions are
surfacing regarding the Univer-
sity's involvement in military and
classified research and could be
used to buttress the anti-war
movement as they did in the
Already one anti-war group -
udents Against U.S. Intervention
the Middle East (SAUSI) - has
made the demand that all military

research at the University cease.
In the 1960s, the first rumblings
of protest began at the University
when- students became aware of
classified research being con-
ducted to develop Napalm and
other implements of war.
By accepting funding from the
Department of Defense (DoD), the
University is making itself a "part
of the war machine," said Jennifer
Van Valey, MSA President and
SAUSI member.

The Daily misreported the vote on an MSA Gulf resolution yesterday.
The resolution passed 20-18.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Out of all research done at the
University, 4.5 percent is funded
by the DoD, though military-re-
lated research funding can also
come from other public or private
subcontracts. Sixty percent of fund-
ing comes from the National Insti-
tute for Health and is earmarked
for biomedical research.
While the University does ac-
cept DoD funds, University Re-
search Policy Advisor Judith
Nowack said these funds are never
used for direct weapons research.
The situation gets murky,
Nowack said, when the subsequent
uses of research are considered.
"It is hard to anticipate what ef-
fects research will have. How can
you know how your research will
be used?" Nowack said.
Nowack cited the example of
research done on communication
technology and high speed com-
puters which can have direct mili-
tary applications.
However, studies on the effects
of nerve gas are also conducted at
the University and funded by the
DoD, according to the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA) Chair Peggy
Hollingsworth said DoD funded
research, such as that done on the
effects of nerve gas, should be
considered "basic research which
protects us."
While DoD or other military re-
search has recently been chal-
lenged by concerned students, the
issue of classified research has not
yet come under fire.
Classified research is defined
as research which requires access
to classified information, access to
facilities in which classified in-
formation is held, or which pro-

of military
duces information determined by
the federal government to need
protection from unauthorized dis-
The current policy - the 1987
Regents' Policy Concerning Re-
search Grants, Contracts and
Agreements revised in May 1990
- which governs all research
conducted under University aus-
pices, states the University
"normally does not accept grants,
contracts, or agreements for re-
search which unreasonably restrict
its faculty, staff, or students from
publishing or otherwise disseminat-
ing the results of the research."
The policy, however, explicitly
reserves the right of the University
to accept classified research "if it
can be accommodated without
compromising the University's pur-
suit of its educational mission and
if its purpose is clearly in the pub-
lic interest."
Many faculty members criti-
cized the 1987 policy when it was
formulated because of its abolition
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funding for
of the the Research Policie
Committee - a board composed
of faculty and students which re
viewed classified research propos-
als. The removal of this body, fac-
ulty claimed, lessened the restric-
tions on classified research.
The University currently has
two outstanding classified researci
projects, according to the Divisioi
of Research and Developmen
Administration (DRDA), the ad-
ministrative agency through which
all research projects are funnelled
for review.
All accepted classified researci
projects are supposed to be pub-
lished in the DRDA Reporter with
an asterisk beside them.
While students and faculty are
quiet now, classified research has
been a festering issue among stu-

'U' research
s dents, researchers and University
d officials for the'past three decades.

Historically, the controversy
has centered around whether clas-
sified research inhibits free discus-
sion and dissemination of research
results or whether its prohibition
denies scholars the right to freely
choose, their area of study.
In the '60s, when the issue first
came to the forefront, students
protested with sit-ins and teach-
ins, eventually leading to the for-
mulation of a policy in 1968 which
for the first time set guidelines for
classified research.
Over the years, the policy has
been updated, most recently in
May of 1990.



mau Afpha

All groups who wish to
appear In the List must re
There will be no automatic
We apologize for the Inco
CT-UP Ann Arbor, weekly
meeting. Group not affiliated with
Revolutionary Workers' League. Call
665-1797 or 662-6282 for info.
Union, Rm. 2209, 7:30.
ACT-UP, weekly ,meeting. Union,
T agar, weekly meeting. Hillel,
Undergraduate Political Sci-
ence Association. Union Kuen-
zel Rm., 7:00.
nowboard Team, meeting for
winter plans. For info call Dave Ap-
pel (764-2759). Union MUG, 9:00.
UM Students of Objectivism,
Winter Kick-off Event. Video
"Debate '84: Capitalism vs. Social-
ism: Which is the Moral System?"
featured. B-School, B1270, 8:00.
Rainforest Action Movement.
Lincoln Tuchow, Redwood Summer
Activist from Northern California,
speaking on Ancient Forests. Other
topics" will also be discussed.
School of Natural Resources, Rm.
1046, 7:00.
The Dancing Turtle Prayer
Circle. Guild House, 7:30.
"Energy Transfer Between
Oxygen and! Deep-Red Ab-
sorbing Chromophores," Prof.
Michael Rodgers of Bowling Green,
speaker. Chem. Bldg., Rm. 1640,

have their weekly meetings
submit their announcements.
carry-overs from last term.
Rm., 5:00.
"Tending the Typographic
Garden: A History of Prin-
ter's Flowers and ORnaments
from the 15th Century to the
Present," Wesley Tanner, speaker.
Grad Library, 7:30.
"Temple Health in Ancient
Israel: A Comparative Per-
spective," Hector Avalos, speak-
er. Frieze Bldg., Rm. 3050, 4:00.
"Recent Field Studies of
Great Apes," John Mitani, speak-
- er. Rackham, 3rd floor, East Lecture
Rm., 4:00.
Safewalk functions 8-11:30 am
Sun.-Thurs. Call 936-1000 or stop
by 102 UGLi.
Northwalk functions 8-11:30 am
Sun.-Thurs. Call 763-WALK or stop
by 2333 Bursley.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors
available to help with your papers
Sunday-Wednesday, Angell/Haven
Computing Center, 7-11:00.
"Study & Work Opportunities
in Eastern Europe and the
Soviet Union" workshop. Inter-
national Center, 7-9:00.
Happy Hour, sponsored by Hillel
Social Committee. Call David Kraut
(662-3472) for info. Dominick's, 5-
"Perceptions of Cultural Ste-
reotypes in Dating Situa-
tions," discussion. International
rnpr m 0 Qnnnn

is proud to welcome
its 1991 initiates.

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