Jr k dftgrnlai Vol. CI, No. 76 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, January 17, 1991 Tha MiciganQ i1 ---I U.S. -led air orces attack Iraq Bombs fall in 'Baghdad day after deadline Students in South Quad gather to watch television coverage of the U.S. attack on Iraq. "I don't think this war is winnable," said one student. Shocked students crowd CENTRAL SAUDI ARABIA- (AP) - The United States launched air attacks against Iraq late yesterday afternoon EST, hurling its air force against an Arab power that for five months has held Kuwait. "The liberation of Kuwait has begun," President bush de- clared in Washington. In Baghdad, television re- porters said bombs were falling on the center of the Iraqi capi- tal. They said exploding bombs shook the ground; an oil refin- ery 10 miles away was in flames; and flashes of light brightened the night sky with apparent antiaircraft fire. "Operation Desert Shield" be-came "Operation Desert Storm" around 12:50 a.m. (4:50 p.m. EST) as F-15E fighter- bombers took off from the largest U.S. air base in central Saudi Arabia and streaked north. "This is history in the making," said Col. Ray Davies, the base's chief maintenance officer. The offensive included U.S.- allied forces and was aimed at Iraqi troops in both Iraq and Kuwait, U.S. officials said. Ac- cording to early National Public Radio reports, the initial attack lasted only 10 minutes. Experts speculated that the intent of this raid was to get Saddam's forces to turn on their radars so subsequent U.S. attackers could lock on to them. The targets of the raid appeared to be the air- port and oil refinery and an area on the western side of the Tigris River, where a variety of impor- tant buildings are located, in- cluding: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ba'ath Party Head- quarters and an Iraqi TV station. But there was no immediate word on whether ground attacks had been mounted against the dug-in Iraqi army in Kuwait. Nor was there any immediate sign of an Iraqi attack on Israel, as threatened. Arabia, a staging base for the U.S. force, said air raid sirens sounded about 3:20 a.m. (7:20 p.m. EST) and journalists were told to take shelter. The AP's Richard Pyle, in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, said sirens also wailed there, but there was no sound of any attack. The American warplanes took off in pairs, disappearing in red dots that winked out as they gained altitude. The air- craft were heavily loaded with bombs and underwing fuel tanks See WAR, Page 2 Bush:,*'The liberation of Kuwat has begun' by Melissa Peerless and Tami Pollak Daily Staff Reporters TV s by Henry Goldblatt and Lynne Cohn Daily Staff Reporters ets as U.S. goes to war As the United States began bombing Iraq last night, hundreds of disbelieving students packed resi- dence hall lounges and living rooms to watch the events unfold. "I never thought I would see a war in my lifetime," said Sunita Tummala, an LSA first-year student. Students sat, their eyes glued to the television, and solemnly watched newscasters report the latest in U.S. air forces attacks. "I was expecting it, but not so soon," first-year LSA student, Paul Guthrie said. "I heard the troops weren't prepared for desert warfare." As Operation Desert Shield transformed into Operation Desert war, to actively pacifist. Other stu- dents were not sure of their opinion on the situation, but expressed a concern for the troops in the Middle East and for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. "I'm against (the war). I feel Bush is there because of oil and be- cause of his interest in world power. It has nothing to do with Kuwait," said Solange Munoz, an RC first-year student. "By not listening or adhering to diplomacy and reason, Saddam Hus- sein has left the United States and the allies in a situation that can only be resolved with force," Business School junior Jeffrey Gerson said. "I support President Bush and believe his actions are justified." Napoleon, and Xerxes might have marched on forever unless they were defeated. Saddam will do the same." "I don't see any other options. Bush has given Saddam more than enough options and time to get out of Kuwait," said Nicole Frohm, an LSA sophomore. "I expect it to be long because Saddam Hussein won't give up and Bush won't give up," said Stuart Belizaire, an LSA sophomore. Students predict the next few days will bring an upheaval in their lifestyles. Many students expressed concern about concentrating on their schoolwork, while an event of such importance is going on. One student reported that a professor said he understood the difficulty of studying during a world crisis With the outbreak of war, stu- dents are questioning the role of mi- nority groups in conflict. Some students saw this conflict on a national scale. "Every war- time society brings changes on people's attitudes about their lives, attitude towards their friends that are in a position to be drafted as well as changes in the economy which affect students... ," said Ann Ter Beek, a LSA junior "I plan to live in Israel someday, if it still exists," First-year LSA student Annette Powers said. "It's ironic that it took 2,000 years to get Israel, and in its 42 years as a state, Israel has repeatedly been in economical and physical conflict. This could seriously devastate, if not kill, Israel." Less than two hours after American forces began an air at- tack on Iraq, President Bush ad- dressed the nation from the Oval Office last night. President Bush began his speech with direct words. "The allied air forces began attack on Iraq earlier tonight," Bush said. "These attacks con- tinue as I speak." The president's speech re- viewed the events that have un- folded since Saddam Hussein's Aug. 2 attack on Kuwait. He re- peatedly pointed out the deci- sion to go to war came only after months of attempted negotia- tions. "Now, the 28 countries with forces in the gulf area have ex- hausted all peaceful resolutions ... The world could wait no longer," Bush said. "Sanctions showed no sign of I