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April 02, 1991 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-04-02

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 2, 1991 -Page3

rules on
of jurors
defendants are entitled to new tri-
als if convicted by juries from
which Blacks were excluded be-
ause of their race, the Supreme
ourt ruled yesterday.
By a 7-2 vote, the court said
prosecutors violate the
Constitution if they bar prospective
jurors for racial reasons - even
when the defendant and the ex-
cluded jurors are of different races.
The justices ordered further
lower court hearings to determine
whether Blacks were barred unlaw-
-ully from the Ohio jury that con-
victed Larry Joe Powers, who is
white, of two murders.
The court is expected to decide
in 1992 whether the jury violated
that man's First Amendment right
to associate with whom he pleases.
In the Powers case, Justice
Anthony Kennedy said for the
court that racial discrimination in
*ury selection violates the constitu-
tional right of equal protection un-
der the law and could undermine
public confidence in the judicial
"The purpose of the jury system
is to impress upon the criminal de-
fendant and the community as a
whole that a verdict of conviction
or acquittal is given in accordance
w ith the law by persons who are
Mair. A criminal defendant suffers a
real injury when the prosecutor ex-
cludes jurors at his or her own trial
on account of race," he said.
Yesterday's ruling requires the
prosecutor to prove an absence of
racial bias regardless of the race of,
the prospective jurors or the defen-
dant. Legal observers say most
cases in which racial bias is al-
*eged involves exclusion of Blacks
from juries.
Kennedy said racially biased
jury selection violates the rights of
excluded prospective jurors as well
as the rights of defendants.
Chief Justice William H.
Rehnquist joined a dissenting opin-
ion by Justice Anthony Scalia,
who said the ruling is so broad it
'makes no sense."

Volunteer week gives
students taste of service"

by Bethany Robertson
Daily Staff Reporter
A former professional football
player could use force to get his
point across to a crowd.
But former New England
Patriot and Los Angeles Raider
Brian Holloway used the power of
words to present his message about
the individual's potential for com-
munity service at the keynote speech
for Serve Week last night.
The speech kicked off a week of
events intended to focus campus
awareness on community service
Holloway encouraged individu-
als to recognize the qualities within
themselves that allow them to help
other people.
"It doesn't take a whole lot to
make great strides in your own per-
sonal lives and in the lives of oth-
ers," Holloway said. "Like the rip-
ples of waves, you will affect many,
many lives in your lifetime."
Holloway, now director of
community relations for New York
State for Youth, stopped playing
professional football when he real-
ized he had to take the responsibil-
ity for helping others.
"I was going along with the
masses, and all of the sudden, I real-
ized the masses were in trouble,"
Holloway said. "In times of chal-
lenge, the easiest thing to do is jus-

tify reasons why you can't achieve.
That was a quality I never pos-
Holloway's speech presented the
message that the coalition of cam-
pus service agencies sponsoring
events are trying to send to stu-
dents. Events will include:
"The Battered" - a documen-
tary film at noon today in the
an AIDS education workshop
tonight at Stockwell;
'It doesn't take a
whole lot to make
great strides in your
own personal lives
and in the lives of
- Brian Holloway
Out REACH day - a collec-
tion of supplies for the homeless
throughout residence halls
Wednesday night; and
a Huron River cleanup
Saturday morning.
Project SERVE Director Anita
Bohn said hands-on events like the
Huron River cleanup are an easy way
for people to test out community
"If you give people a taste of
service, they usually want more,"

Bohn said. "It's only a one-day
commitment. It's a safe way to try
it out."
LSA senior Jennifer Armstrong,
who attended last night's speech,
said Serve Week helps students
make the first move toward corm-
munity service.
"I think most people feel they
would like to join a service organi-
zation but don't take that extra std
to do it," Armstrong sai4.
"Holloway was just here to say,
'Take the extra step, and don't be
In addition to hands-on events,
several fundraisers are being held
this week. University Students
Against Cancer (USAC) is raffling
off a hot-tub rental to benefit their
cause. USAC members will hot-tub'
on the Diag today to promote ticket
A Quarters for Kids collection
will benefit homeless children.
Pledge money gathered by partici-
pants in the Huron River Cleanup
will go toward Students Working
Against Today's Hunger.
Organizers of last night's speech
said they were hoping for a larger
turnout, but Holloway said the size
of the group was unimportant.
"Out of a group like this, there
will be key people at certain pointis
in their lives who will be affected
by things I've said," Holloway said.

High noon
Ann Arbor resident The Gypsy celebrates his own version of the Hash
Bash a few days early at noon yesterday. The official Hash Bash is
scheduled for Saturday.

Trotter House ramp nears
completion for graduation
by Lari Barager t
Daily Staff Reporter "I'd like to think it will be done buildings around campus don't have

Construction is nearing comple-
tion on an access ramp for persons
with disabilities at Trotter House
- the University's minority
student cultural center.
Trotter House Director Michael
Swanigan said he regrets having to
turn people away from events in the
past because the building was not
yet accessible for persons using
"Anytime you provide services
for the public you want to be able to
provide for them," Swanigan said.
Each year the Trotter House
holds a graduation reception for
about 500 minority students and
their families.

for the graduation reception on May
4," Swanigan said.
Architect and Project
Coordinator James Yu said, "If it
isn't (finished byMay 4), I'll be
very disappointed. That's a good
target date."
The construction of the ramp is
one of many projects the University
is undertaking to free campus build-
ings of barriers which restrict the
activities of persons with
Yu explained that architects
must now comply with a law re-
quiring newly constructed build-
ings to have accessibility for per-
sons with disabilities. The old

the facilities to accomodate people
using wheelchairs.
To combat this problem, the
University has set up an
Accessibility Task Force which ad-
vocates the interests of persons
with disabilites and recommends
methods for improvement of
University facilities.
"I can't enumerate the projects
I've done specifically. They range
from filling out a work order for
grab bars in a shower or the barrier-
free design for the ramp (at Trotter
House)," Yu said. "This task force
is interested in following up actions
which would resolve handicap ac-
cessibility issues.

Students try to save 'Sociology of Love'

by Stacey Gray
Imagine a class where one of
your assignments was to design and
complete a project which would
prevent your class from being can-
celed. That is exactly what has hap-
Wened to many of the students in
Sociology 102 section 015,
"Sociology of Love."
The class has been offered the
past four winters and fills up dur-
ing the first three hours of CRISP.
It was cancelled earlier this year be-
cause of funding difficulties, said
Sociology Chair Mayer Zald.
Each winter, students in

Professor Luis Sfeir-Younis'
"Sociology of Love" are assigned
group projects. After hearing the
course had been canceled, students in
TA Susan McDonald Black's three
sections decided to use their projects
to try and keep Sociology 102's
heart beating.
"We're writing letters to the
news director of Channels 4,7, and 2,
to see if they would be interested in
doing a story on our class," said
Gianna Mason, an LSA senior in the
class. The group has also arranged
some meetings with the television
stations and contacting newspapers.

McDonald Black said every
student in the class wrote their own
personal letter to University
President James Duderstadt about
why the class should be kept. Copies
of these letters will also be sent to
Other projects include designing
and hanging posters, gathering sig-
natures on a petition, contacting
talk shows, and speaking at the next
University Board of Regents meet-
Although he was not previously
aware of the projects, Zald said, "I
don't make these decisions by my-

self. (The projects) can't hurt, it
would certainly play a role."
Topics such as rape, pornography,
prostitution, gender, homosexual-
ity, romantic and exchange love, and
self-actualized love are included in
the course's syllabus. Students and
TAs are concerned that the class is
being canceled because the
University doesn't find the subject
material "educationally valuable."
McDonald Black said, "I think it
is being canceled because the
Sociology department doesn't see it
as belonging at a University of this

Supporters of the Democratic Party of Albania rally in front of the
Democratic Headquarters in Tirana yesterday one day after the first
free election in Albania in 46 years.
Communists claim S11
victories in Albanian



Iraqi forces advance
on Kurdish rebels

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Recycle U-M, weekly mtg. 1040 Dana,
7 p.m.
Kaffeestunde, weekly German con-
versations. MLB third floor confer-
ence room, 4:30-6.
German Club, weekly mtg. MLB,
Rm. 2004,7:00.
Anthropology Club, weekly mtg.
Dominick's, 7:30.
Time & Relative Dimensions in Ann
Arbor, weekly mtg. Call 971-2072 for
info. 2439 Mason Hall, 8:00.
Ultimate Frisbee Club, weekly mtg.
Fuller Park, lower fields, 5 p.m.
Students Concerned about Animal
Rights, weekly mtg. Dominick's, 7:30.
Take Back the Night, weekly mtg.
League, Conf. Rm 4/5, 7:30-9:30.
Asian American Association, work-
shop mtg. Trotter House, 7 p.m.
Project Outreach, informational
mass mtg. Angell Aud A, 6 p.m.
"Capetown Adventures of an
Earthwatch Volunteer," Judith Judd.

"Negotiating Peace for El Salvador,"
Salvador Sanabria, advisor to FMLN
negotiating team. 4560 LSA, 8 p.m.
Furt herm ore
Safewalk , nighttime safety walking
service. Functions 8-1:30 a.m. Sun.-
Thurs. Call 936-1000 or stop by 102
UGLi. Also at the Angell Hall Com-
puting Center 1-3 a.m. Sun. - Thurs.
Call 763-4246 or stop by the courtyard.
Northwalk, North Campus nighttime
walking service. Functions 8-11:30
Sun.-Thurs. Call 763-WALK or stop
by 2333 Bursley.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors available
Sunday-Thursday, Angell/Haven
Computing Center, 7-11; 611 Church
Computing Center 7-11.
Free Tax Preparation. Sponsored by
VITA until April 15. Union, 3rd floor,
U of M Taijiquan Club, weekly prac-
'ice. Cube, 5:15.
"Sex, Lies, and AIDS," public forum.
East Quad, rm 126, 7-10.
Carillon Auditions. For appointment,

(AP) - Kurdish rebels yesterday
retreated on foot into their tradi-
tional mountain strongholds, sur-
rendering more urban centers under
a steady onslaught by Iraqi loyalist
Also yesterday, Iraq said it cap-
tured documents proving the com-
plicity of more than one foreign
government in unrest designed to
unseat, Saddam Hussein -and ac-
cused the United States of 92
"provocative" reconnaissance
flights last weekend.
Baghdad said its troops had re-
taken Dohuk, Erbil and Zahko.
Hundreds of thousands of Kurds
fearing government reprisals were
fleeing by any means possible into
the mountains along the Iranian
and Turkish borders.
Many women and children were
forced to walk. Some laid on the
roadside without food or water.

trol of Erbil and Dohuk, and have
also moved against rebel forces in
the Zahko area along the Iraqi-
Turkish border.
U.S. officers said Iraqi troops
had crushed uprisings by Shiite
Muslims in southern Iraq, and
some units were being redeployed
north to put down the Kurdish up-
"Whoever is revolting is los-
ing," said Lt. Col. John Kalb
whose 3rd Armored Division units
operate a refugee camp inside al-
lied-occupied Iraq.
Senior U.S. Army commander
along the border area, Col. Bill
Nash, said some Iraqis arriving at
the camp or nearby checkpoints
claim to be resistance leaders and
have askedrfor arms to combat
Saddam's forces.
The Bush administration last
week said it would not help the
rebels, although it remains hopeful

TIRANA, Albania (AP) -
Communists claimed a convinc-
ing victory yesterday in
Albania's historic multiparty
elections, but the opposition
scored wins in all major cities
and beat President Ramiz Alia
in his parliamentary race.
Official results were not yet
available, however.
The Democratic Party, the
main opposition, conceded it
had garnered fewer than one-
third of the seats in the legisla-
ture, but predicted the
Communists wouldisoon lose
their grip on power anyway.
Sunday's election effectively
ended one-party rule in Albania,
which had been the last hard-
line Communist holdout in

The Balkan nation is strug-:
gling to emerge from nearly a,
half-century of Stalinist rule and
international isolation.
The Party of Labor, as the;. A
Communists call themselves;-
said it won about two-thirds of.
the 250 seats in the People'sdi.
Assembly parliament. .
Communist spokesperson
Xhelil Ghoni said the results
showed the party is "the major
political party in our country,,
and it enjoys the full trust of the
The opposition was hopeful
late Sunday as initial results
showed it doing well in
Albania's cities. But it soon be-
came clear the Communists
would keep the power.



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