M/ly / Some tips for the new MSA administration. See OPINION Page 4. 1£.xrruu4r E Tj~~fAjj TODAY Sunshine, chilly; High: 48, Low: 29. TOMORROW Sunshine, then clouds; High: 56, Low: 38. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No. 124 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 2, 1991 Copyright VZ991 The Michigan Daily Annw:,, Arbor ::. Cii~ii i.-i~ii ......* . .*iiiii i ity Elec in Results i0 ' :::. :atle" .::: .:::i:.: :.:.: :: : .% . I. :::::.::"::: .:... y .......... ::..L.. ...: ................ ..... ........... . . .. .. .. 10 ................................985 ..n Schllchr : *..........22 :::::.::" ;::.::r (:L: ..: :1 30.. .:: : :::.:.:.. ::::: :.::".:. ;::.:::::::: : . i t W a::: ;. .::.:::.r:.:.::.: :::.::.:::::.::::::.::.:. .f;.:.:::":::: ::::..................... .. 2 ,5 67. Joe orda(~)*2,50 Brater deCi eats Jernigan, mayoral post capturing by Lynne Cohn and David Rheingold on with a rousing cr with Andrew Levy Liz!" The atmosph Daily Staff Reporters phoric surrounding f ry of "Liz! Liz! ere was a eu- for Brater to de- Ann Arbor has a new mayor. Councilmember Liz Brater (D- Third Ward) seized the mayoral seat, upsetting two-term incumbent Mayor Gerald Jernigan by a six per- cent margin. Brater, who becomes Ann Arbor's first female mayor, will be sworn in April 8. At 9:20 last night, radio and television reporters were already projecting Brater's victory, refer- ring to the former councilmember as "Mayor B rater." "I am very, very happy," Brater said. "I am very grateful to the vot- ers of Ann Arbor. We obviously have a lot of work ahead which I'm looking forward to doing." At the Democratic victory cele- bration, supporters cheered Brater ..... .. .... .. r.. ._ a 'It just goes to show what happens when Democrats get together and work hard' -- Liz B rater Ann Arbor Mayor-elect liver her victory speech. "It just goes to show what hap- pens when Democrats get together and work hard," she said. .Brater won with 10,349 votes, beating Jernigan, who had 9,060 votes. "I'm surprised that the margin is this big," Jernigan said. "I am abso- lutely amazed." At the Republicans gathering, Jernigan gave a moving speech to a standing ovation from colleagues and friends. "We were real strong," he said. " I think we've got some things to be proud of. When we took over, the city was in debt." Jernigan vowed that the Republican party would rebound from this defeat. "Next year we'll be ready to suit it up and take city hall back over," he added. Jernigan said he does not plan to run for local or state politics in the future and is unsure about what to do now. " I don't know," he said. "We'll have to let the dust settle on this." Libertarian candidate David Raaflaub, although slightly disap- pointed with his 357 votes, felt good about the race. Brater "Our votes increased by 100 per- cent, at least," he said. "We've got- ten Liz to take a stance against a city income tax. I am heartened that she is willing to include all points of See BRATER, Page 2 Democrats pick up two seats, capture majority Republican Dodge to succeed Martin in Second Ward by Lynne Cohn and David Rheingold with Andrew Levy Daily Staff Reporters Democrats have gained tight control over Ann Arbor's city council by upset- ting Republican incumbents in the Fourth and Fifth Wards. In only two elections a 7-4 Republican council majority has been reversed to an 8- 3 Democratic advantage. The Fourth Ward saw the biggest upset of the day. Democrat Kurt Zimmer beat in- cumbent Republican Jerry Schleicher by 257 votes. "I did not go out to be the sacrificial lamb," Zimmer said, with a smile from ear to ear. "From day one, I was out to win." Zimmer is the first Democrat to be elected to the Fourth Ward since its redis- tricting one decade ago and only the fourth Democrat in 40 years. "It's a disappointment," Schleicher said. "No question about it. It was a sur- prise - quite an unusual outcome." Democrat Robert Eckstein beat incum- bent Republican Joe Borda in the Fifth Ward, well-known as a swing ward. Eckstein won by a slim 65-vote margin - 1.5 percent of the total vote. "I am very pleased, obviously," Eckstein said. "I am very touched by the outpouring of support not only from the voters but from the people who worked for the campaign." Borda, like many of his Republican counterparts, expressed surprise about the outcome. "I thought it was going to be very close. I didn't expect to lose by 300 votes," Borda said. As incumbent Republican Terry Martin stepped down, four new candidates jumped at the chance to succeed her in Ann Arbor's Second Ward. Republican Kirk Dodge won with 1,856 votes, defeating Democrat Daniel Klimaszewski, 1,438 votes, Independent-Green Valerie Ackerman, 99 votes, and Emily Salvette, 100 votes. Dodge, whose only Republican col- leagues are Ingrid Sheldon (R-Second Ward) and Mark Ouimet (R-Fourth Ward), said one of his main concerns is maintaining unity within the caucus. "I want to establish teamwork and form a joint enterprise," he said. "Mark and Ingrid and I are obviously going to do that." Klimaszewski enjoyed the celebrations, despite his loss. "We did everything we can do - we just can't beat the averages. The boundaries of the districts are what won," Klimaszewski said. In the Third Ward, incumbent Democrat Nelson Meade secured his coun- cil seat for another two years with a strong 63 percent majority. He defeated Republican Robert Barry, Independent- Green Dalynn Park, and Libertarian David Damroze. "Well, I feel pretty good," Meade said. See COUNCIL, Page 2 Megan Landers, an LSA first-year student, votes at the Union in yesterday's Ann Arbor mayoral election. One-day TA strike looms with start of mediation by Stefanie Vines Daily Faculty Reporter As negotiations between the University and the Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) en- ter their first round of mediation Wednesday, the TA union is ex- pected to officially endorse a one- day work stoppage that night. After three days of voting last week, GEO members passed a pro- posal authorizing the steering committee to approve the work stoppage for this Thursday by a 3 to 1 margin. GEO president Chris Roberson said the steering committee will not veto the membership's decision. "The membership gave the go- ahead. We won't stand in their way," he said. Roberson said that during the work stoppage, TAs would either cancel class or conduct them outside the designated room. He added that he expected more than 300 TAs to participate in the strike. However, University spokesper- son Colleen Dolan-Greene said the proposed work stoppage is illegal and that the ultimate responsibility for any illegal action rests with the TA union. "The (contract) between GEO and the University has been ex- tended until Friday. The agreement specifically states that a work stop- page is illegal," she said. "The Union is responsible for the actions of its members." The TAs' two-year contract offi- cially expired March 1 but has been extended throughout negotiations. Dolan-Greene added that any ac- tion taken by the University to rep- rimand TAs who strike would vary by department. "Action could depend on what impact (a strike) has on the University as a whole. It is up to departments to observe whether or not classes were held," she said. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Gilbert Whitaker said in a letter to faculty members that if a work stoppage occurs on Thursday each "unit should develop a satisfactory plan to cover classes normally taught by GSTAs." Whitaker added that "picketing is a legally protected form of free speech and no one should interfere with it. However, picketing is not permitted inside buildings, nor in the blockage of buildig entrances or exits." GEG and University bargainers will meet Wednesday afternoon in See GEO,Page 2 Getting the final goods - A man carries four loaves of bread under his arm yesterday at a state food store. Muscovites do their last day of shopping before price increases which take effect today. EMU adds anti -discrimination policy to conduct code by Melissa Peerless Daily Higher Education Reporter At its meeting on March 27, the Board of Regents of Eastern Michigan University (EMU) passed sult and it must be judged suffi- ciently insulting as to provoke physical violence. The amendment was drafted in nrr-nrnnmwih ctnti-laws which legal actions. We want to be tough on people who discriminate, but we need a clear and very precise defini- tion of discrimination," said EMU Attornev Kenneth McKanders who White also said the amendment was meant to prevent behavior which will cause violence of any kind or result in interruption of classes or other daily operations of intended to harass, intimidate, or humiliate the person to whom it's directed. The action or words must also be proven to reasonably cause such person or persons severe emo- boring bottled up feelings that they are not allowed to express, the situ- ation will only be worse." Howard Simon, director of the Michigan chapter of the American