Page 4 --The Michigan Daily -Monday, April 1, 1991 420 Maynard Street ANDREW K. GOTTESMAN Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Editor in Chief Edited and Managed STEPHEN HENDERSON by Students at the DANIEL POUX University of Michigan Opinion Editors Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. ?.L~~~~r,'":":{{~~~~~. . . .."ra{vir{G{ . . .";::"ยข"... . . . .......:r ....... ....;.,,,......,..... . }: de :" t~r '{ . .. ... . ..... .K'}:.:{:''.. .... . . .r4X:"{JYr} ":::: :*."J *:^:..::....::. :. .::. .rY..l..{"... ~~~. .... ..........r~e~ ~fv ...'.r..............r.. ...... ". x." N::"Y ' ".h r1. }y. ''Yl.}}:...:1' h....... . . . . . . A2 electons Mayoral candidates force voters to choose the lesser evil Today, Ann Arbor residents will select the Jemigan has perpetuated. This city needs hands-on person who will be the city's top official for leadership and concrete plans in order to rectify the the next two years. But despite the fact that there current dilemmas of homelessness, solid waste are three very different candidates in this year's disposal and income taxes, and Rafflaub's de- mayoral elections, none of them offers a platform regulatory attitudes will shuffle these responsi- enticing enough to merit an actual endorsemnent. bilities to the private sector - where they will Perhaps the least impressive candidate is Re- undoubtedly be ignored. publican incumbent Gerald Jernigan. During his Although Democratic candidate Liz Brater of- past two terms as mayor, Jernigan has proven fers positive ideas toward solving some of Ann unswervingly that his priorities lie more with big Arbor's problems, her platform lacks the concrete business - and parking structures - than with backing to carry out many of them. Brater's plans those who are most in need in Ann Arbor. He has to intensify the city's recycling efforts and to find refused to adequately address the growing problem ways to gamer revenue from Ann Arbor's exten- of homelessness in the city and has permitted the sive non-taxables - such as the University - are landfill to become full with non-city waste - all laudable pursuits. But the feasibility of these while pumping millions into the development of prospects is questionable, and Brater has yet to the downtown area and its businesses, offer real means to attain her solutions. But Je higan's most striking drawback is the In addition, Brater has flip-flopped a great deal clear conflict of interest he holds. Throughout his on the controversy over the proposed $9 millhon ' tenure as mayor, Jemnigan has held the position of parking structure for Kline's department store Assistant Investment Officer at the University, and downtown. This money could undoubtedly be better has demonstrated that he does not have the city's spent on increased low-income- housing, or put --or its citizens';-best interest at heart. When the toward recycling efforts, and Brater's inconsisten- University deputized its own security force last cies on this matter are troubling. year, Jemnigan stood by President Duderstadt and However, because none of these candidates the University Board of Regents in their decision. provides all of the attributes needed to lead Ann Even though Ann Arbor stood to lose considerable Arbor during the next year does not mean that the revenues from this move -to the tune of $500,000 city's citizens - or students who are registered - - Jemnigan saw fit to protect his own personal should not vote today. Five of the 10 City Council iterests instead of looking out for th city. Clearly, seats are also up for election today, and it is Ann Arbor citizens would do themselves a great imperative that students and residents make their disservice by re-electing him. voices heard in local government. Even if you cast Libertarian candidate David Raafluab's seem- your vote for a write-in candidate, the most im- ingly new ideas are almost as disturbing as portant fact is that you exercise your constitutional Jernigan's past history. His plans to "privatize" right to vote. Ann Arbor will only exacerbate the problems Detoitschoo sous 6EO ZOE E, i.EEN 1700< G PEAL D L(,Yo~ ND Weo., 0 C(4J?-6.N TD ME 4IqT f H tJ t1+1L1fFLE$Y WC-sivE T-1 MID k T.1E(s- tO N) hC- II . _ T NCATrRif C1Wr1 :tW , -Miivet t.Ty To theiDaily contains wo y mpotant To he Daily DR..,0 LDJ4'(NOTLIT@ Cartoons60anot ftunny elements - the first being humor, Impossible. That's the first to anticipate problems and and the second being a degree of thought that went through my prepare for them. subtlety. Sadly, those which mind upon hearing that the In a year in which its leaders appear on the opinion page election workers hadn't shown . have constantly been demanding possess neither. The dubious "art"~ up on Wednesday in the law that the administration respect of this "Woody" character neither school for the Michigan Student the assembly's legitimacy, a amuses nor stimulates. His pieces Assembly (MSA) elections. On successful election would have are about as subtle as a blow to . inspection, I discovered it was demonstrated MSA's impor- the head with a lead pipe, and his true. tance, not its incompetence. wit (or lack thereof) is puerile. Leaving the voting table If MSA ever hopes to be seen The students at this University unattended was not an insignifi- as more than a self-absorbed, have been subjected to cant mistake. Not staffing a ersatz legislature, the first step is "Woody's" artistic temper polling place can determine an to ensure its elections are fair. tantrums for months now, and election. Last year. the first and Even if leaving the law school many of us are sick of him. It is last place candidates for MSA polling place un-staffed was the laudable of the Daily to give from the law school were only snafu this year (which untried cartoonists a chance, but separated by only 15 votes out of seems quite unlikely), the newly to continue to print the infantile the nearly 400 cast. elected assembly should immedi- drivel of such an inept buffoon is This letter is not a condemna- ately investigate ways in which a crime against good editing and tion of the election director. elections can be restructured to an insult to our intelligence. Rather, it's a condemnation of protect against future problems. If the Daily cannot find a the assembly as a whole. Past Peter Mooney political cartoonist who is capable experience should have led them second-year Law student of producing printable work then at least bring in a decent syndi- wouldn't a more pragmatic returned, Ifinally visited the cated one, such as Gary Trudeau approach be more appropriate? store where I found Mike. He or Pat Oliphant. You may even find friends among was a smart-alec and very rude to As the only campus newspa- all of us racist, anti-women, pro- me when I explained the situa- per, the Daily should strive for nuke, anti-tuna (and whale), pro- tion; however, he said he would self-improvement. The readers KKK, xenophobic, pro-Nazi, anti- check into it. deserve better. choice, gun-totin', anti-life, pro- After two weeks and approxi- Give "Woody" the axe and get centralized government white mately 10 phone calls to Mike, I a real cartoonist! males. still have yet to hear from him. In - the meantime, I have called Visa W LSBrian Leininger Jonathan Greenberg and have contested the charges. LAfrt-year student University graduate Fu r trme anthr insanen Artice wasVide o problems an acquaintance of mine once Arti Ce WSSreturned a video approximately To the Daily: two hours late, Mike himself Co O~e igApproximately three weeks -tried to charge her a $6 late fee. To the Daily: ago, I received my Visa bill with When she challenged this charge, Discrimination is everywhere, two charges on it totalling he reduced it to the standard $2. but if Pattrice Maurer ("Discrimi- approximately $110 from I hope the above experiences nation is elsewhere," 3/25/91) is Wolverine Video and Electronics have not happened to other attempting to help the socially on Church Street. students as well, but I feel the~y weak among her audience through When I contacted the store, are probably not just isolated a lame attempt at satirical they told me it was for a video incidents. If this has happened or hysteria, she shoul try it in a less that they saidi I d no return (). hapen n the fuu ake sure Although I agree with her However, they said I would credit card company. It is your assessment of almost every have to talk to Mike Wax, the right. example of discrimination, I don't manager (whom I later found out need a self-righteous lecture from is also the owner) in order to Fred Hackstock her. solve this situation. After several Engineering senior If she wants to educate, phone messages to Mike were un- :"':\|||||||. g h :.|.;;.......,............ .. .... I's not all black and white... by "Peter" those imprisoned Antarctic Ameri- administrators. Hell, even the re- As an oppressed member of the cans were forced to play second gents can come if they promise to world community, I feel it is time to fiddle to a bunch of monkeys! bring Deane Baker. shed some light on the plight of my Now that many of us have won We guarantee that once you are race. The silence of the campus our freedom, we are continually exposed to the plight of our people, community has disturbed me, but I subjected to a hostile society that you will not be able to hide your suppose very few of you are aware refuses to respect our rights. The eyes from the reality. No longer of the discrimination that I, and government has even closed "pen- will you go to the local zoo and many like me, face every=day. guin schools," seeking to quell an laugh as our brothers and sisters sit How many of you have had to Antarctic American insurrection enclosed behind glass walls. No face a life where people scoff if you that doesn't even exist. longer will you giggle at our unjust choose a profession other than be- We have a right to an education, imprisonmentas though it had some ing a maitre d' or a professional dammit! sort of sick entertainment value. boxing announcer? Can you imag- This oppression must end, and And - perhaps most important of ine the horror of being over-dressed for this reason, the Antarctic all - no longer will you stand idle at every social function? American Solidarity Society (ASS) while your government ensures the Unfortunately, though few of has called for the Michigan Student unflinching, callous oppression of you may realize it, this is the daily Assembly (MSA) to send a fact- Antarctic Americans. fb *i Lhn in findinS misinn to Antarctica to Remember. by maintaining si- New superintendent's 'choice' The urban deterioration now ravaging this country is probably most prominently re- flected in our inner-city schools - and Detroit is no exception. In an effort to rectify the situation, the city's board of education has chosen educational reform- ist Deborah McGriff as the new superintendent. McGriff comes to Detroit from Milwaukee, where her efforts to de-centralize that city's school system and restore a sense of community to each individual school are widely respected. But along with her positive ideas and change- ninded attitudes, McGriff also brings support for a program which is potentially dangerous to the schools in Detroit - and across the nation. McGriff is an avid supporter of the "choice" plan, which is also endorsed by Republican Gov. John Engler. ,Under this program, students in a scpool district would be able to attend whatever school they feel is best for them. This would permit a student on one side oftown to go to a better school across town if he or she so desired. While this Wray seem - on the surface - to be the solution for aling inner-city schools and their students, in actuality, it is little more than a stop-gap measure that fails to directly address the problem of sub-par education in the city. Choice, by attempting to provide an alternative plan ignores real problems for students trapped infaltering inner-city schools, skirts over the need for real reform of our educa- tional systems. The dire reality in cities such as Detroit is one in which most of the schools offer an inadequate education. Choice does nothing to ad- dress the majority of the schools - which are desperately in need of attention. The real answer to the educational dilemma Detroit now faces is a concerted effort to improve all the city's schools. Increased funding, intensified college-preparatory programs and an enhanced dedication to every school in the city are the only ways to truly salvage inner-city education. McGriff, Engler and other proponents of the choice plan ignore this reality. They feel that by offering students an alternative, the need for im- provement of our inner-city schools is erased. McGriff brings many valuable attributes to her new job as superintendent in Detroit. Educators in Detroit are right to welcome her with optimism. But her support of the choice plan clearly de- tracts from this optimism, and should be viewed with considerable skepticism in the coming months. It is time for reform in the Detroit schools; this is an indisputable truth. But choice is not the answer, and hopefully the city's citizens and board of education will realize this before it is too late. Gun control 'Brady bill' provides chance for Former President Ronald Reagan had a surpris- ing change of heart last week when he ex- pressed his support for the Brady Handgun Vio- lence Prevention Act - a gun control bill that favors a seven day waiting period on handgun purchases. The bill is named after James Brady, the former White House Press Secretary who was wounded in ar assassination attempt on Reagan's life in 1981. Its introduction to Congress marks the 10 year anniversary of John Hinkley's attempt on Reagan's life and is long overdue. Despite Reagan's contradictory past stance on similar legislation, this bill is an important step in thie right direction. The bill is the first step in the battle for national gun control and only applies to handguns - not rifles or shotguns. If the Brady Bill is approved by { Congress, it will set the precedent for a more complete gun control program that could include rifles, shotguns and other firearms. Indeed, there is a legitimate national problem increased regulation with the use of handguns. Despite efforts in many of the nation's major cities to regulate their use, handguns are still largely the gun of choice among criminals. Although this new bill cannot regulate the extensive black-market sales of handguns, its merits should not be underestimated. The bill would allow police to check the back- grounds of prospective buyers for information about criminal action or commission to mental institutions before providing the license. However, the check is not mandatory on all handguns. Until now, the Bush administration has shown opposition to gun control legislation, but with the new bill backed by Reagan, the White House has iterated a willingness to back a revised version of the proposal. But both the the White House and Congress should back the bill in its orginal form. By doing so they will send a strong message to the people about their commitment' to the proper regulation of handguns - and hopefully other weapons - and to the protection of American citizens. Nuts and Bolts IT' HAVE INFRONTOFM-E A PETITION OF ROUOGHsLY 1200 HUNgIPREP S$I&NATU1iES. by Judd Winick R P ,N~COMFLETEL-I F-E . z AKE ATEMPTS T IIIIGMY AUDIENCE ISSUES, IV NTERSr AND? IMRRTA E~ B URNS FIRSTANNUAL LIVE RAP+O ~VASECTOCMY i! sentence or tnose ite me, wnom in your ignorance you refer to as "penguins." Most of you don't even have the courtesy, or maybe the PC- ness, to call us by our chosen title - research the history of my race. Hell, they do it for everyone else. The trip would only cost $1,000 - a small price to pay to educate lence in the face of evil, you shoulder as much responsibility for our op- pression as the brutal zoo-keepers who hold the keys to our freedom or vi