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March 28, 1991 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-28

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 28, 1991 - Page 3

will lead
by Andrew Levy
Daily Staff Reporter
In an uncontested election, Mark
Buchan won the post of President of
Rackham Student Government
RSG) last night. Buchan, elected
with running mate Nancy Goldfarb,
replaces former President Tracey
Ore, who held the position for three
Buchan is a graduate student in
the Classical Studies department. In
the past year he played an active role
in- the deputization protests, the
anti-war movement, and served on
e Michigan Student Assembly's
MSA) Student Rights Com-
mision, along with other activities.
,Buchan says he doesn't plan to
stray far from the path RSG presi-
dents have traditionally taken.
"I see my role as RSG president
as" a continuation of the work that
Tracy Ore has done... and the rest of
RSG's work: We have money, and
'e have to give it out responsibly,
particularly to graduate students,"
Buchan said.
."I have the responsibility of
making appointments to University
committees, and it is my job to see
that graduate students have a pow-
erful voice on those committees, and
that they are as eloquent as they can
1 Buchan is hopeful that warm re-
lations can be developed with MSA,
as 'well as with the administration.
"I would like to work with
MSA, but that depends obviously
on who the leadership is and how
willing they are to work with us,"
he. said. "A more important ques-
tion, though, is how well the admin-
istration will work with us.
"(University President) James
Wkuderstadt has refused to meet with
Tracey Ore throughout her three
years in office. I hope the adminis-
tration will not only listen to stu-
dent representatives, but give them
decision making power at the

'U' halts


talks, calls for

by Stefanie Vines
Daily Faculty Reporter
Members of the G
Employees Organization (G
University bargainers stopp
to-face negotiations last ni
proposed resuming commun
through an official state me
The University asked for
of mediation because ag
could not be reached ont
GEO contract.
Bargainers from both teE
now meet with a state medi
try to resolve the issues, GE
dent Chris Roberson said.
"What happens is that
parties and a mediator agr
spot to meet. They then go
separate rooms and the n
moves in between trying to
ate between the two sides," I
Roberson could not pred
the mediation period will 1
how long it will last. How
did cite the GEO negotia
1987 as one example of a r
successfully settling the issi
"In 1987, the mediatior
lasted approximately one h
then the University caved

mediation, GEO and the University
raduate signed an agreement on the issue of
EO) and two-term employment notification
ed face- for TAs. Under the agreement, the
ight and University will notify TAs in early
nications April if they have or have not been
diator. hired for the fall and winter terms.
a period GEO revised three of its current
reement proposals by reducing the proposed
the new salary increase for GEO department
representatives, cutting in half the
ams will proposed childcare benefits, and
ator and limiting class sizes to 25 students
O Presi- instead of 20.

Mama mia!i
Frank Barrot tosses a pizza pie at The Backroom on Church St.

the two
ee on a
into two
he said.
ict when
begin or
ever, he
tions in
n period
lour and
in," he

facts, consumer repi

by Jacquelyn Glick
With spring here, eager sun-wor-
shippers will be running to tanning
salons for a little pre-summer sun.
However, the Public Interest
Research Groups (PIRG) published
a report which may rain on their
PIRG researchers investigated
183 tanning machines of 100 tanning
salons in eight states and
Washington, D.C. Their report, re-
leased yesterday, entitled "Indecent
Exposure" found that almost half
of the tanning machines nationwide
do not comply with the Federal
Drug Administration (FDA)
mandatory federal labeling laws.
Karen DeCamp, Citizen Outreach
Director for PIRG in Michigan
(PIRGIM) said the purpose of their
report was "To bring light to the
failure of many tanning salons to
inform their consumers of the haz-
ards of tanning machines."

The FDA recognizes that ultra-
violet rays emitted by tanning ma-
chines pose significant health risks
including skin cancer, eye injury,
skin aging, and severe burns.
Exposure to the devices could also
be an immediate life threat for peo-
ple using certain types of antibi-
otics, especially light sensitive med-
ications, and certain types of birth
control pills.
In a press release, DeCamp said
"'consumers are getting 'burned' by
the makers and operators of tanning
machines when the machines fail to
alert them of the inherent dangers."
Federal law states that con-
sumers should be fully informed of
all health risks before use so as to be
able to make an informed choice for
themselves. FDA regulations re-
quire that a basic label be conspicu-
ously placed on the exterior of ev-
ery machine.
The investigation revealed that
nationally, only 55 percent of the
tanning machines complied with the
federal law.
PIRGIM investigated eight tan-
ning salons in Ann Arbor, East
Lansing, Okemos, Plymouth and
Canton. They found that 39 percent
of the tanning machines did not have
the mandated FDA warning labels,
and 63 percent of the tanning salons
surveyed had at least one improp-
erly labeled machine.

rt says
Mary Faber, Campaign Orga-
nizer for PIRGIM, said in a press
release, "We are extremely con-
cerned with the blatant disregard
for the health of consumers in
Locally, Endless Summer
Tanning Centers on S. State Street
did have warning labels on their ma-
chines, and Miletos Beauty, Fashion,
and Tanning on S. University had
one machine labeled and one not.
PIRG recommended several
ways to better protect consumers,
including laws to prohibit minors
from using the machines, notifying
patrons of health risks through no-
tices and pamphlets, inspecting and
registering tanning salons, and in-
creased enforcement and education.
In addition to the FDA, a copy of
the report has also been sent to the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC),
in response to the advertising prac-
tices of the tanning salons.
PIRG investigators found that
salon operators issued misleading
statements to their patrons such as
"tanning indoors is safer than tan-
ning outdoors." PIRG proposes that
the FTC should investigate the ad-
vertising practices of tanning salons
and take action against those that
make false, misleading and deceptive

GEO spokesperson Alan Zundel
said that GEO's negotiation tactics
will remain the same.
"I think the other side would
like to give the appearance that this
is a big change, but from our view-
point it is the same thing. We stand
ready to negotiate," he said.
University spokesperson Col-
leen Dolan-Greene could not be
reached for comment.
In addition to the transition to

After GEO presented its revised
proposals, the University asked for
the official mediation period,
Roberson said.
One member of the bargaining
team questioned the University's,.,
decision to go into mediation.
"I think the University doesn't.r
want to deal with us seriously. We-;
are wondering if maybe Provost
Gilbert Whitaker or President
Duderstadt asked Dolan-Greene to
go intomediation," the bargainer
said on condition of anonymity.
GEO organizer Ingrid Kock
speculated the University is at-
tempting to disband the union.
"I think the University's insis-
tence on arbitration is particularly:a
disturbing," she said. "Taking away
our right to arbitration would be a
big first step to breaking up the'
Kock added the union still wants
to get more members involved.
"The key to successful bargain-
ing strategy is to mobilize the
membership. We're getting stronger
every day."
the woman reported to DPSS that
she had been touched against her
will by an acquaintance.
DPSS has classified the incident
as criminal sexual assault in the
fourth degree.



Women assaulted
at home, in dorm
A man attempted to rape his ex-
girlfriend in an apartment on Beal
St. Saturday night, according to re-
ports from both Ann Arbor Police
and the University's Department of
Safety and Security (DPSS).
While visiting the woman under
the pretense of seeing his son, the
man assaulted her in her bedroom,
police said.
When she resisted, the man began
punching her in the face and stomach
and then slammed her into the wall.
The woman sustained numerous
injuries but refused to go to the
hospital, Ann Arbor police reports
A University student was also
assaulted in her dorm room in
Bursley Hall by another student
this weekend.
At about 6 p.m. Sunday evening,

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

M eetings
ACT-UP Ann Arbor, weekly meeting.
Group not affiliated with Revolution-
ay Workers' League. Call 665-1797 or
662-6282 for info. Union, Rm. 2209,
Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry,
weekly mtg. Hillel, 7 p.m.
Tagar, weekly mtg. Hillel, 8 p.m.
College Life, weekly meeting, spon-
sored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
Dental School, G005 Kellogg Aud., 7
Persian Gulf Mutual Support,
weekly mtg. 3100 Union,.12-1.
Amnesty international, weekly mtg.
Lorraine Bayard de Volo, speaking on
women in Latin America. MLB, B-
116,7 p.m.'
In Focus Filmworks, weekly mtg. An-
gell Aud D, 7 p.m.
Hellenic Student Association. Call
764-9866 for info. Union, Wolverine
Rm, 8 p.m..
Pre-Med Club, mtg. Topic: "Life with
Diabetes." Union, Pendleton Rm, 6:30.
Ultimate Frisbee Club, weekly mtg.
Fuller Park, lower fields, 5 p.m.
Homeless Action Committee, weekly
mtg. MLB B 124, 5:30.
Rainforest Action Movement, mtg.
School of Natural Resources, steering
committee, 6 p.m., mtg, 7 p.m.
NORML, planning mtg. Dominick's, 8
Public Relations Student Society of
America, mtg. 2050 Frieze, 5 p.m.
"The State of the State: A Civil
Liberties Perspective," Howard
Simon, exec. director, Michigan
ACLU. 250 Hutchins, 7 p.m.
"Confronting International Debt
Problems in the 1990s," Kenneth
Rogoff of the University of California-
Berkeley. Hale Auditorium, 4 p.m.
"' Gynoglasnost': Writingdthe
Feminine in the USSR Today,"
Barbara Heldt of the University of
Iritish Columbia. MLB, Lec Rm 2, 4
"Internal Motions in van der Walls
rmni.e ns oifur Dioxide."

Museum, noon.
"The Last Frontier of the Primitive
World," Napoleon Chagnon of the
University of California-Santa
Barbara. Rackham Amphitheater, 4
"The Pastoral Impulse in Recent
American Art," Thomas Crow of the
University of Sussex. Angell Aud D, 7
Safewalk, nighttime safety walking
service. Functions 8-1:30 a.m. Sun.-
Thurs. Call 936-1000 or stop by 102
UGLi. Also at the Angell Hall Com-
puting Center 1-3 a.m. Sun. - Thurs.
Call 763-4246 or stop by the courtyard.
Northwalk, North Campus nighttime
safety walking service. Functions 8-
1:30 a.m. Sun.-Thurs. Call 763-WALK
or stop by 2333 Bursley.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors available
to help with your papers Sunday-
Wednesday, Angell/Haven Computing
Center, 7-11:00. 611 Church St. Com-
puting Center, Tuesday, Thursday, 7-
11, Wednesday, 8-10.
Free Tax Preparation. Sponsored by
VITA until April 15. Union, 3rd floor,
Stress and Times 'Mangement
Consultations with peer counselors.
Mondays 1-4, Thursdays 10-2, and
Fridays 1-4. 3100 Michigan Union or
call 764-8312.
RussklJ Chaj, weekly Russian conver-
sation practice. MLB 3rd floor confer-
ence rm., 4-5:00.
U of M Shotokan Karate Club,
Thursday workout. CCRB Small Gym,
U.of M Taijiquan Club, Thursday
practice. Cube, 5:15.
Michigan Prison System, weekly
seminar. MLB B135,7:30.
2nd Annual Concert Against
Cancer. U-Club, 10 p.m.
Abortion Clinic Defense. Meet at the
Cube, 1:15.
"Living Lightly," workshop. 822
Oakland, #2, 7-9.
"Spirit of Crazy Horse," documen-
tary. Lawyer's Club Lounge, 8 p.m.
The Impact of East Asia of

Two South Quad residents aty
tacked a woman on the fourth floor
of South Quad, according to the Ann
Arbor police.
Reports said witnesses saw the
attack and helped pull the assailants
off the victim, who was hit in the
head with an iron.
The woman refused medical
Late Sunday night, an R.A. at
South Quad was assaulted by un-
known suspects in the building.
According to DPSS reports, the
R.A. was riding in an elevator with
three other people. When the eleva-
tor stopped, one of the suspects
stepped out and kicked a trash can.
When the R.A. reprimanded him,
another one the suspects either
slapped or punched the R.A.
-by Tami Pollak
Daily Crime Reporter

ACLU director to
speak on current
civil liberties issues

by Robert Patton
As the Michigan chapter of the
American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) awaits a decision on one of
its most important cases in recent
years, state ACLU Director
Howard Simon will speak on the
status of civil liberties in the
United States tonight at 7 p.m. in
Hutchins Hall.
The speech comes as a Kalamazoo
County circuit court judge is con-
sidering a decision, to be made to-
morrow, on whether to enforce a
preliminary injunction against
Michigan's new law requiring mi-
nors to receive parental consent for
an abortion.
The University ACLU chapter,
which is sponsoring the lecture,
brought Simon to the University to
raise student awareness of civil lib-
erties issues, member Peter Mooney

Simon said while civil liberties
"are not in a terribly precarious
state," certain policies now threaten
He cited unconstitutional tactics
in the war on drugs, the parental
consent law, and the omission of
sexual orientation from the
University's anti-harassment code,
among other issues, as challenges to
civil liberties on the national, state,
and University levels.
Simon also stressed the impor-
tance of building respect for civil
liberties among students.
"This is a period in which we
need to try to increase devotion and
enthusiasm for elements of the Bill
of Rights among young people and
among college students. The Bill of
Rights is not going to have much of
a future if we can't pass an apprecia-
tion of it down to the next genera-
tion," Simon said.

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