=IIkT'IImi U.S. shouldn't adopt auto trade barriers. See OPINION Page 4. if41mra TODAY Partly cloudy; High: 52, Low: 41. TOMORROW Chance of rain; High: 45, Low: 33. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No.121 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, March 28, 1991 ThechganhDaily - .-eMchgn al I Soviet Spolce enforce rally ban MOSCOW (AP) - Police hauled away supporters of Boris Yeltsin and sealed off Red Square yesterday, the eve of a banned rally to defend the Russian republic leader from hard-liners' efforts to oust him. Authorities said they would stop the rally. Armored vehicles stood by at a military base not far from the Kremlin. "Don't shoot, brothers, we are of the same blood!" the radical news- paper Kuranty said in a front-page appeal to police and soldiers. In Washington, the Bush admin- istration in an unusual action re- minded the Soviet Union of its commitment under the Helsinki ac- cords to allow public demonstra- tions. As a signer of the 1975 accords, Moscow "reaffirmed the right of peaceful assembly and demonstra- tions," said State Department spokesperson Margaret Tutwiler. However, restrictions on the right of peaceful assembly "are some- times necessary for public safety and other legitimate grounds," she said. Yeltsin, the popular chairman of the Russian federation parliament, faces a possible no-confidence vote at a congress of 1,063 deputies from across the largest and most popu- lous of the 15 Soviet republics. Yeltsin's defiant supporters said yesterday they would proceed with tomorrow's rally on Manezh Square near the Kremlin, despite a three-week ban on street demonstra- tions imposed :Monday by Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev's Cabinet of Ministers. See SOVIET, Page 2 CC'S MSA by Julie Foster and Jay Garcia Daily MSA Reporters Green wins presidency AMY FELDMAN/Daily Tim Pope, election director, verifies the student status of those who voted in MSA elections. The next time Conservative Coalition candidate (CC) James Green walks into the Michigan Student Assembly chambers, it S . BALLOT BOX MS lections'91 will be as the new assembly presi- dent. The CC candidate was leading by a margin of ten percent over the Common Sense ticket of Angela Burks and Todd Ochoa at press time last night. One box of ballots from the School of Natural Resources remained to be counted. Election Director Tim Pope es- timated 13 percent of University students voted for presidential candidates. He said this turnout is typical of past MSA presidential elections. While last year's election drew over 20 percent turnout, Pope said that campaign was more intense and focused on the battle between current President Jennifer Van Valey and former President Aaron Williams. "I'm very excited, but there's a lot of counting left to do and I'm very concerned about the rest of the ticket," Green said. Burks declined comment until the results were confirmed. Green said voter turnout might have been lower than expected be- cause the parties were not as di- vided on issues this year as they have been in the past. "The tension of the whole cam- paign was at a low level," he said. "There wasn't a bunch of overt dis- agreement." "I think turn-out was kind of moderate. It clearly wasn't as big as last (winter term's) MSA elec- tions," Green added. Emphasizing Student Power party apparently divided the lib- eral votes, leaving CC the victor. This mirrors the pattern of the 1989 election when CC presiden- tial candidate Aaron Williams benefited from a division of liberal voters between two parties. "Given the fact that Eric Stempien ran with Action last fall, Current MSA President Jennifer Van Valey was disap- pointed. "He (Green) won by 10 percent because Eric Stempien split the vote among the liberal par- ties," she said. "I don't understand why some- one like James Green, who hasn't done anything for students, would get elected. What are people think- ing? He contradicts himself con- stantly," she added. Van Valey pointed to Green as a hindrance to MSA accomplish- ments. "MSA does a hell of a lot," she said. "The extent to which we don't get things accomplished comes from people like James Green, students who do everything they can to stop other students from doing work." 'I'm very excited, but there's a lot of counting left *o do' -James Green CC candidate Despite the five different par- ties that ran executive candidates, the majority of votes went to Common Sense and CC. Angie Burks, the current vice-president of the assembly, ran on the Action ticket last year. In that election, the vast majority of votes were di- vided between Action and CC. The two parties have been accused by many of reducing the credibility of MSA -by bickering constantly dur- ing meetings. The results for representative seats on the assembly were un- available at press time. !A L N i k 3 v Andrew M. Levy/DAILY GRAPHIC Green one would hypottesize that it would divide the vote," said Green. Green added, however, that members of the CC party were concerned that ESP might divide the conservative vote as well. "We believe ESP had emulated every part of our platform. So it wasi kind of like a double-edged sword." Fourth ward candidates clash on redistricting, privatization by Lynne Cohn Daily City Reporter Like the Fourth of July, there are fireworks - political fireworks - in the fourth ward. Three candidates - Democrat, Libertarian, and Republican - fundamentally dis- agree over the main issubs of next week's election. Incumbent Republican Jerry Schleicher will oppose Democrat Kurt Zimmer and Libertarian Louis Hayward in the April 1 city council election. The pie-shaped ward is bordered by 1-94 and Packard Road. Zimmer said the most important issue to him is the upcoming redis- tricting of Ann Arbor's five wards. "None of the other politicos agree with me," he said. "After each 10-year census, the city council will redistrict the wards. Ten years ago the Republicans had control of council; they gerrymandered a bit. "The first ward is primarily Democratic and the second and fourth wards are primarily Republican," he added, "which leaves the third and fifth as swing wards." Ann Arbor City Electio s '91/7 Furth sant sox Zimmer, a University graduate in engineering, believes swing wards - which can go in either partisan direction - "give us by far the best candidates. I will fight to give us a non-partisan redistricting." The city charter requires the council to redistrict the five wards every 10 years, after the census is completed: each ward must be pie- shaped with a point near the center of the city and the populations must be roughly equal. Many people believe the council split up the primary student hous- ing areas in order to silence a united student voice. However, the allega- tions have never been proven. Libertarian candidate Louis Hayward said the most important issues are "privatization and taxes. I'm for privatization and against taxes," he added. "Ann Arbor residents pay way too much in taxes already, so I'm opposed to any tax increases," he said. "And I am generally in favor of decreases in taxes in any way." Hayward said he is "fed up with politics as usual and the very mini- mal differences that I see between Republicans and Democrats." He is running to offer voters a See FOURTH WARD, Page 2 Women's athletic director named by Adam Lutz Daily Sports Writer After a nationwide search, Inter- im Athletic Director Jack Weiden- bach announced the appointment of Peggy Bradley-Doppes as the new Associate Athletic Director for Women's Programs. Bradley-Doppes, currently the women's volleyball coach, will assume the position April 1. The women's A.D. job has been vacant since the retirement of Phyllis Ocker last December. "It's true that when you look at a national search, once it comes one beingnmd there is a sense of - responsibility," Bradley-Doppes Bradley- said. "Right now this is a little Doppes overwhelming, be-cause I want to make sure that I do this job right." The new A.D. does not appear intimidated by her dual role as volleyball coach. "It will be a task See WOMEN'S A.D., Page 10 I Levin, Bullard show support at fundraiser for Brater campaign by Lynne Cohn Daily City Reporter Ann Arbor Democrats and sup- porters made up a feisty crowd at a: fundraiser for mayoral candidate Liz Brater, where Democratic U.S.. Sen. Carl Levin and State Rep. Perry, Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) spoke. "I may get into those big media issues like MX missiles, but when it comes to what matters to people, it's local government," Levin said. "Liz will provide the kind of basic services that people deserve." The event was inspired by Mayor Gerald Jernigan's recent fundraiser, note quipping that it was not $200 per person. Fourth Ward Democratic candi- date Kurt Zimmer and his wife Psychology Prof. Carol Holden supplied diet Vernors and plastic champagne glasses. They said Lee Gunn, Brater's campaign manager, baked chocolate chip cookies "because they are the Senator's fa- vorite." .g.3 Brater spoke. "There's almost no one in this room who hasn't worked very hard on this campaign. It's the people like you who make it possible to win on Monday," she said. Brater said she and Jernigan are neck-and-neck in fundraising. "There's a big difference in the kind of contributions to this cam- paign," she said. "We have at least 400 to 500 individual contributions locally, ranging from $1 to $1,000. "You don't have to pay $200 a person to be welcome in this cam-" naign." Open wide! Kuo Yu, a first-year dental student, practices his teeth cleaning skills at the Dental School. Concerned Students request immediate review board for South Quad incident by David Rheingold Daily City Reporter said the group wants the review board to consist solely of city coun- cil members and citizens - with no police. "According to the chief of po- lice, there has to be new information present to do that and if they have people willing to come forward. Three members of Concerned tirncintc met with ton city officials