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March 26, 1991 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-26

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 26,1991 - Page 3

-t Coalition
Party philosophy
"CC believes that MSA, as ther
representative student government, should
tpresent and work on student concerns here
6Y campus. We want to stop MSA from
*Veing a platform for certain radical
political interests."
'n foreign policy statements
"MSA should not be in the business of
'outinely making foreign policy statements,
especially when they represent a narrow
minority opinion. Many international,
'We need to reassess
MSA's entire structure and
sk the students' Burks

sues, such as' the war in the gulf, affect us
all, but MSA should be in the business of
$facilitating debate on these topics, not
dictating debate."
On the administration
"MSA must learn to deal with the
.idministration in an atmosphere of mutual
respect. This means negotiate first.
?rotesting is a radical solution and should
be employed only when there is a radical
Wsituation. Currently, protesting is MSA's

V Green
answer to all issues, and this makes the
administration simply ignore us.
On student group recognition
"CC first proposed automatic student
group recognition last year in an effort to
eep MSA from using power at its disposal
to deny recognition to groups who are not
,ideologically correct.' The recognition
process was designed to help student
roups, not to intimidate them.
Three top priorities
Reorganize the MSA bureaucracy.
urrently MSA has five committees and
seven commissions, many of which pursue
their own narrow political agendas.... We
need to reassess MSA's entire structure and
,ask the students what should stay and what
should go."
. Bring MSA money and benefits back
to students. "Currently out of MSA's
$500,000 annual budget less than $27,000 is
returned directly to students in the form of
allocations to student groups. Many of the
smaller schools ... never get back a fraction
of the money they contribute. CC wants to
mandate a system where MSA must return a
majority of funds they receive from schools
back to those individual schools...."
Better communication between MSA
and student governments. "The only
effective way to implement a return of
MSA funds and benefits to the various
schools is to meet regularly with
representatives from these schools'
governments and other governing bodies
around campus.

Common Sense
Party philosophy
"Common Sense is not what is liberal or
conservative. It's what makes sense. Tuition
increases and housing increases do not make
sense. It doesn't make sense that there isn't
24-hour service to North Campus. Students'
rights, equal distribution of power, caps on
tuition, and a clean environment all make
common sense."
On foreign policy statements
"It's important to recognize that we
live in a global society and that education
depends on global awareness. In terms of
making a statement, all the factors that are
involved in the particular strategies or deci-
sions must be reviewed. It would be unedu-
cated and ignorant to say yes or no about a
situation before it is presented."
On the administration
"The administration must first recog-
nize MSA as the legitimate body of elected
student representatives that it is. When ask-
ing something of the administration, nego-
tiation is the key. When the administration
refuses to listen or only pays lip service, it
is an insult to every student. At that point,
mobilization is necessary to force construc-
tive negotiation. The only thing that makes
common sense is guaranteeing to students
that they will have real input in directing
their own lives."
On student group recognition
"The main purpose of group recognition
is for an organization to use facilities and
'It's important to recognize
that we live in a global
society and that education
depends on global
have fair access to MSA funds, so yes there
would be a very open policy concerning stu-
dents using the facilities they pay for and
receiving returns on the money that they
have invested in MSA. However, the groups
with a history of discrimination or harass-
ment will be more closely reviewed."
Three top priorities
Student self determination and rights
along with a sense of diversity in power.
A North Campus Agenda that focuses
on 24 hour bussing and increasing resources
to North Campus students.
A clean environment. Helping envi-
ronmentalist organizations with MSA re-
sources is the key to accomplishing this.
"We oppose the low level nuclear waste
dump on North Campus. That students have
a comfortable, clean environment free from
radioactivity and pollution only makes
common sense."

Student Power
Party philosophy
"It is time to make the MSA a respon-
sive and effective student government. ESP
will bring the power of MSA back to the
students by increasing student input into
MSA, working with the University admin-
istration and by eliminating "liberal" and
"conservative" bickering. Our stance is
simple: "Eliminate politics as usual -
Emphasize Student Power!"
On foreign policy statements
"An MSA that is properly run won't
have time to make empty resolutions re-
garding foreign policy issues. The MSA
needs far too much restructuring to be wor-
ried with geopolitical issues. When there is
a political issue that directly affects stu-
dents such as a war, it is time for MSA to
get involved. MSA should facilitate debate
on issues like the Gulf War but not direct
one-sided campus activism."
On the administration
"It is time for more open and honest dia-
logue between students leaders and the
University administration. Simultaneously,
it is important for students to mobilize to
It is imperative that MSA
remain apolitical and
recognize all groups
regardless of their political
show the regents their concerns. ESP will
lobby the state legislature for University
policy changes and push for the election of a
student regent."
On student group recognition
"MSA should be completely neutral
when it comes to recognizing student
groups. It is imperative that MSA remain
apolitical and recognize all groups regard-
less of their political agendas. However,
MSA must take an active role in preventing

Party philosophy
"Everyday sense dictates the use of a
conservative approach to emphasizing the
student voice. Real people make the differ-
ence. We (the independents) are the only
people capable of breaking party politics."
On foreign policy statements
"Any representative government will
take a position on events which affect it's
constituency, be they local or international.
"Where the student body is conspicu-
ously divided, such as the Gulf War, MSA
should do the most possible not to isolate
any particular segment of that body, and
therefore refrain from making a public
statement. We will use MSA reps. to create
a polling system. We will use immediate
On the administration
"First, MSA should deal with the ad-
ministration, as it is an elected body de-
signed to serve the students' needs and the
expectations of the community. We willI
make use of a neutral third party to arbi-7
trate between the University and the stu-
dents. We will negotiate directly with the
regents and the president once we have
reestablished the lines of communication.;
We will show the administration that we,
are supported by the students and ready to'
work together.";
On student group recognition
"We propose a defined, unbiased student
group recognition policy. One of our goals;
is to cut down on MSA bureaucracy. We do;
'Any representative
government will take a
position on events which
affect it's constituency'
not support a policy that intimidates or
hinders groups that are ideologically in-
compatible with MSA."
Three top priorities
0 Reestablish MSA's credibility. "We
will publish a monthly business report, cre-
ate an MSA phone line and office for stu-
dent concerns, assure multipartisan repre-
sentation on committees, and pressure the
MSA committees to focus on issues that di-
rectly affect the students."
Add a new focus to University race
relations. "The current atmosphere is one of
fear and intimidation. We propose a studentr
body which is united."
"We will answer the question, 'Whatr
are you going to do?' We will print a night-
time safety book to distribute to incomingt
students. A safer campus will eliminate the
need for deputized University security. We
will help the Union restaurants achieve en-c
vironmental standards set by the students.
We will create an active MS A."


pressed at home. We are going to see more
racist, sexist, and anti-lesbian/gay attacks,
like the cop attack in L.A. and the Nazi rally
in Ann Arbor this weekend. The ruling class
is going to increase attacks on affirmative.
action, abortion rights, financial aid for stu-.
dents, and wages and working conditions.
We say: Build a movement to avenge Iraq
and defeat U.S. imperialism."
On the administration
"MSA should a build a movement to
abolish the regents, fire the administration;.
and put the University under elected stu-'
dent/worker/teacher control. Curricula, hir-
ing, research and all other aspects of the
University should be under the control of
these bodies.
"Instead of an elite University servingi
the interests big business and the mili-
tary/industrial complex, we want to open
up the University to many more Black,
Latino, and working-class students. For this
reason, we will fight for open admissions
and free tuition."
On student group recognition
"We are for recognizing all student
groups except those whose purpose is to or-
ganize for racism, sexism, anti-Semitism,
anti-lesbian/gay bigotry, or fascism. Groups
such as these should be actively opposed and
not receive anti-MSA funding or resources.
This is a matter of self defense for the:
working class, Blacks, Latinos, and other
minorities, women, Jews, lesbians, and gay
Three top priorities
Turn MSA into an organizing center
to build a fighting anti-imperialist, anti-
war movement.
Fight for student/worker/ teacher
control of the University.
Open admissions, free tuition and
stipends for living expenses.

Action Caucus
Party philosophy
"The system we live under is an imperi-
alist system in which the capitalist ruling
class exploits workers and oppressed people
at home and around the world for profit.
The only way to end the evils of this system
of war, poverty, racism, sexism, lesbian/gay
oppression - to name a few - is througl
workers' revolutions to establish workers'
governments and an internationalist social-
ist order."
On foreign policy statements
"MSA should take positions on world
affairs, because they do affect students'
lives more than 'campus' issues. For exat-
ple, the victory of U.S. imperialism in the
Middle East means that the U.S. ruling
class is going to be emboldened to carry out
stepped-up attacks against the neocolonial
worlds abroad and workers and the op-

duplication of student groups."
Three top priorities
Bring MSA back to the students.
"ESP will require MSA reps. to sit in key
areas of their respective schools in order to
inform students about MSA and get student
input. We will place MSA suggestion
boxes in major University buildings. ESP
will also take periodic surveys of MSA per-
. Increase student power. "ESP leaders
will meet immediately with the governor
in order to have student concerns addressed.
ESP will arrange for all regent candidates
to hold an open debate on campus."
Make MSA an efficient organization.
"ESP will keep all student dollars on cam-
pus, bring MSA out of debt, and streamline
MSA overhead in order to free more money
to be directly returned to the students."

Whoe ad hento ot

Independents forego poli~tical'
parties to gain seats on MSA


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uy y a y arcia
Daily SA Reporter first-year Law student vying for a

Students who vote in the
Michigan Student Assembly elec-
tions today and tomorrow will
have more than just party candi-
dates to choose from. As always,
there will be independents vying
for seats on the assembly.
Nine students from four differ-
ent schools are running as indepen-
dents, all with specific reasons for
forgoing a party label.
A frustration with the MSA
party system is a common reason
many independents gave for
"The party system in MSA has
mostly been a vehicle for in-fight-
inL'." sid LSAA iunior Jin

seat, agreed the assembly should
focus on student issues. "I think
the assembly needs to narrow its
focus to only those issues which
Jon Grantam LSA.<
MichaeCh~n S

"The primary reason I'm running is
to fundamentally reform the way.
MSA distributes funds to student
organizations. Currently, the pro-.
cess is politicized and renders orga-
nizations hostage to any political:
faction which controls the funding~
mechanism," Restuccia said.
Several candidates expressed
concern over communications be-~
tween MSA, students, and adminis-
"I want people to be able to sit
down in the same room and come to
agreement on how we can best pool
our resources to solve problems,"
Gross said.

affect students' academic and per-
sonal lives," Gross said.

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