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March 26, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-26

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11N ID E...
A preview of this
term's MSA
Page 3.

t t t

Partly cloudy;
High: 64, Low: 45.
Breezy and warm;
High: 70, Low: 45.

Since 1890
Vol. CI, No. 119 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Tuesday, March 26, 1991 TheMicigaDai
MSA elections
kick off toda
by Julie Foster
'L Daily MSA Reporter that will affect turnout." as to what the outcome will be,"
Students will vote for Pope said presidential elec- said LSA junior Nichelle
Michigan Student Assembly's tions drew a 20 percent turnout Hughley, a Common Sense candi-
executive seats and representa- last year. He said current presi- date. "MSA is becoming more ex-
tives today and tommorow. dent Jennifer Van Valey, who ran citing the more I learn and the
Fifty-four candidates are run- with the Action party, and her more active I become."
Wing to fill 24 seats. opponent, former president and Some candidates said they were
The Conservative Coalition CC candidate Aaron Williams, nervous about the outcome of
(CC), Common Sense, Emphasiz- dominated the campaigning last elections.
ing Student Power (ESP), Anti- year. Alexia Fink, an Engineering
Imperialist Action Caucus and ESP candidate, said, "A lot of
(AIAC), and Independent parties us are concentrating on being ner-
are all vying for executive BALLOT BOX vous, but also thinking about
leadership. S what we're going to do as soon as
Election Director Tim Pope we step into office if we're
said he is uncertain whether voter MS leetions 1 elected."
turnout will be higher than last "The whole campaign has been
year's presidential election. This year, Pope said, the five a challenge," Hughley said. "I
"Voting winter semester is al- different parties are all generat- don't look at it as 'Whew, I'll be
ways higher (than fall semester) ing attention. glad when it's over,' but I'll just
w f$>'because of the presidential elec- Some of the candidates ex- be looking on to see what hap-
RIANCANTON/Dafl tion," Pope said. "There's a lot pressed excitement for the begin- pens."
Todd Ochoa, an LSA junior and the Common Sense nominee for MSA vice president, applauds fellow candidates in more MSA skepticism this ning of elections. Free jolly ranchers will be dis-
yesterday's final presidential speech presentation on the Diag. semester, and I don't know how "We're so excited and curious tributed at poll sites.

by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter In
When student groups face a munic
problem, their first reaction might heldi
be to turn to the University's ad- studer
ministration for a possible solution.
While many disillusioned stu-
dents have found the administration
to be a bureaucratic obstacle courseY
rather than an effective tool for
their concerns, others report posi-
tive interaction.
Administrators acknowledge the
administrative structure may seem "C
bewildering, but add that students Interf
should work at framing their con- the P
cerns as two-sided problems rather good
than demands to receive a receptive took<
ear. lems

'U' try to fix


an effort to bridge the com-
cation gaps, the University has
informational meetings with
nt leaders.
ci Daily news
' ant and
hn i s t r a t i o n
0m munication
Second of two articles
, ommunication with
raternity Council (IFC) and
Panhellenic Association are
largely because those groups
a different stance with prob-
than MSA has taken,"

Executive Director for University
Relations Walter Harrison said.
"They have taken the approach: 'We
want to work with you on certain
problems.' ~
IFC President Matt Commers
agreed with this assessment and
stressed that he has searched for ar-
eas of mutual concern when inter-
acting with the University.
"Our relations were part of our
initiative to find common ground
with the administration on a num-
ber of different issues and put them
into programming initiatives,"
Commers said.
Moreover, IFC and the adminis-
tration are working on a University-

Fraternity statement. "(The state-
ment) will allow us to make open
communications with the
University and University leader-
ship while at the same time allow-
ing us to maintain our autonomy and
accomplish our goals," Commers
But some student groups dis-
agree. Black Student Union Vice
Speaker Shawn Mason said she has
tried to go through the proper
University channels to file com-
plaints, but has been given a con-
stant runaround.
"The problem with the adminis-
tration is everyone is passing the
buck - in particular with the recent

(South Quad) macing incident,"
Mason said.
She said that when attempting to
talk to the administration, she was
directed to the Housing Office, then
to the Affirmative Action Office,
and then to the Office of Minority
"Constantly, no one is taking
proper responsibility," Mason said.
Mason suggested that the admin-
istration workings must be ex-
plained to students. "We need to
have the structure of the adminis-
tration explained to students ..
Students are not aware of who to
contact within the administration,"
Mason said.

Administrators agree that they
are at fault for not sufficiently edu-
cating the University community
regarding the roles and power struc-
ture of individuals within the ad-
"We need to do a better job in
educating people on how this place
works and how processes evolve,"
said Special Assistant to the
President Shirley Clarkson.
Clarkson suggested the adminis-
tration publish a handbook detailing
the responsibilities of each adminis-
Sometimes even administrators
are confused when confronted with
See GAPS, Page 2
for Iraqi
c i vilas
by JoAnne Viviano

Three council candidates
vie for second ward spot

by David Rheingold
Daily City Reporter
Three new hopefuls are looking
to replace Ann Arbor City
Councilmember Terry Martin (R-
Second Ward), who will not run in
this year's April 1 city elections.
Independent Valerie Ackerman,
Republican Kirk Dodge, and
Democrat Daniel Klimaszewski are
vying for the second ward seat.
Ann Arbor
City Electio ' 1
econd Bant sox
Ackerman, who earned her mas-
ter's degree in social work at the
University, works with emotion-
ally impaired children at the Beacon
Day Treatment Center in Wayne
As a member of the Greens party,
Ackerman says she wants to bring a
new approach to the city
"I'm very interested in looking
into a whole different way of run-
ning the city and a whole different
approach to politics entirely," she
Ackerman said one of her main
objectives is forming a citizen re-
view board of the Ann Arbor Police

Department to investigate such in-
cidents as their controversial use of
chemical Mace in the break-up of a
South Quad sorority party Dec. 9.
"The Greens have always had a
very strong stand calling for a re-
view board of the police depart-
ment.... It's the only (department)
in the city without a review board,"
she said.
Ackerman - who lost to
Councilmember Ingrid Sheldon (R-
Second Ward) last year as a
Democrat/Green - said she favors
privatization of city services, as
long as the city is relinquishing its
authority to non-profit organiza-
"If a group such as Recycle Ann
Arbor can provide services to the
city, I think that that's acceptable
because it's non-profit," she said.
Ackerman said she also wants
the city to implement an electric
trolley system for public trans-
portation, instead of buses, which
she said cause noise and pollution.
"The only way to get people to
use public transportation is to make
it user friendly, and frankly, buses
are not user friendly," she said.
Dodge, who earned his bachelor's
degree in economics from the
University of Colorado, is cur-
rently a real estate investor in Ann

He said his two main priorities
are reducing taxes and increasing the
quality of life.
"I don't believe we should be
cutting the city budget, but I believe
we should moderate the rate of in-
crease," Dodge said.
Dodge also said he wants to
strengthen the relationship between
Ann Arbor and its surrounding
townships. He suggested a program
for the city to provide water for
township residents, while in ex-
change, they would encourage com-
mercial development in Ann Arbor.
He also suggested sharing increases
in tax revenues.
"There has traditionally been a
very tenuous relationship between
the city and the townships," Dodge
Dodge said he'd like to encourage
the construction of affordable hous-
ing downtown by ensuring that the
costs of building inside and outside
of city limits are equitable.
He said, however, that this hous-
ing would not be low-income, and
would be aimed at benefitting most
single parents who normally have
to commute into the city.
"It would not solve the problem
of the guy who's fallen asleep on a
park bench," he said.
See WARD, Page 2

In an attempt to help victims of
the Gulf War, the student group U-
M Friends of Victims Of War
(VOW) is raising money to send to
Iraqi civilians.
VOW, based in Southfield, was
started by Iraqi-Americans in the
Detroit area. A delegation of seven
VOW members traveled to Jordan
to purchase discounted medical sup-
plies which will be transported to
Iraq by the Red Crescent.
LSA senior Anne Ray and LSA
sophomore Ben Sandler were two
students who helped found U-M
Friends of VOW.
"An empathy for the people suf-
fering is the driving force behind
our group," Sandler said. "The war
is still going on in our minds and
people are still continuing to die.
We had to take some action. The
Israelis and Kuwaitis are getting
support, but the world has turned
its back on the Iraqi victims."
Sandler said that conditions in
Iraq have made medical care scarce.
Fuel shortages cut down electricity
and made many forms of trans-
portion and heating impossible.
The water supply has been sig-
nificantly reduced and many people
have no water available. Sewage has
backed up into much of the existing
water supply, creating the risk of
communicable diseases such as ty-
phoid and malaria, Sandler said.
The lack of available medical
supplies has resulted in risky blood
t n fi, rrh. -.rR - .;- ,,

Taxing situation
Business school junior Dave Christopher helps LSA senior Carson
Spencer at the Volunteer. Income Tax Assistance center on the third
floor of the Union. The service will be available through April 15.

Feds arrest students, seize frats in UVA drug raid

by Melissa Peerless
Daily Higher Education Reporter
Eleven University of Virginia
students were arrested on drug sell-
ing charges and three fraternity
houses and their contents were

drugs at UVA .
"We have been concerned about
drug usage on campus for several
years now. We felt fairly certain
that the fraternities on campus were

"Since classes resumed in late
August, undercover agents have been
attending fraternity parties and try-
ing to buy drugs from the students

rested and one other student, who
police are still searching for, sold
drugs to the undercover agents at
some time during the investigation,
Bowen said.

way reflect an increase in drug usage
on our campus."
Many UVA students felt fed-
eral involvement was unnecessary.
"If frats at any campus in the

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