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March 22, 1991 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-22

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The Michigan Daily -Friday, March 22, 1991 - Page 3

Speaker discusses
jab-search tactics
by Joanna Broder

Fake campaign
fliers posted in

iTom Jackson, author of the new
ok Guerrilla Tactics in the New
Job Market, stood in front of a
paeked Rackham Amphitheater last
night and imitated a company per-
sonel officer.
-le began sorting a stack of imag-
inary resumes into two piles, one to
forget forever and one to review
lat&. Jackson looked up, down, and
tat the audience - everywhere
that the resumes. He pointed to
the, value of a concise and well-
wrihten resum6 by demonstrating
that employers will often only
glance briefly at them and if not
immediately impressed, forget
abbout them.
Jackson, also a renown career
consultant for education, business,
antl industry, spoke about tactics for
ding satisfying jobs. He began his
spech by explaining that everyone
has difficulty facing the future.
Thanking the audience for overcom-
ing their fears, he told them that
just by showing up they had already
made "an incredible beginning."
Jackson discussed in great detail
the, integral role work plays in a

person's life. Life and work overlap,
and in order to be happy it is essen-
tial a person feels fulfilled with
their work, Jackson explained.
He encouraged students to care-
fully consider the kinds of jobs
they're interested in and actively
pursue those jobs. Jackson explained
that even though the country is in an
economic depression, job opportuni-
ties are still widely available.
Eighty percent of the available jobs
on any given day are not advertised
but they are out there and people
find out about them through word
of mouth, Jackson said.
He advised the audience to re-
search areas of interest, establish a
network, and pursue informational
interviews. Jackson also suggested
that after job-seekers create clear
targets and effectively research em-
ployers in the field, they should dis-
cover how their skills and interests
can complement the needs of the
On a final note, Jackson dared au-
dience members to "Be outrageous
- break your image of yourself."



Fliers frame CC a
by Julie Foster
Daily MSA Reporter
Fake Conservative Coalition
posters reading "Stop Abortion
Now" were found in the women's
bathrooms of Mason Hall and the
Modern Languages Building yester-
Conservative Coalition is one of
five parties running for seats on the
Michigan Student Assembly.
The poster alleges that anti-
abortion sentiment is part of the CC
platform. The poster states,
"MSA's Women's Issues Commit-
tee uses your money to lobby for
abortion rights. Isn't it time MSA
focuses on real issues?"

is abortion foes
MSA's credibility needs right now
is lies and fringing of the law."
James Green, the CC presidential
candidate, said, "I don't know who
did it (made and hung the posters),
but whoever it is obviously doesn't
think our opposition's platform can
stand on its own."
"It's just unfortunate that any
of the party supporters have to
stoop to this. There is a big differ-
ence between negative campaigning
and outright lies," Green added.
Pope announced at an MSA pres-
idential debate last night that if this
kind of behavior continues between
the candidates, he will bring evi-



Out of control
Arielle Thompson takes a wild ride down a slide as she enjoys a beautiful
day in the park with her father.

'The whole incident appalls me. The last thing
MSA's credibility needs right now is lies and
fringing of the law'


-Tim Pope w
MSA Election Director

'Proposal would alter parental consent bill

Associated Press
.Two lawmakers announced yes-
terday they'll introduce a bill to
take a controversial requirement out
of. Michigan's new parental consent
abortion law.
The law is scheduled to go into
fect next Thursday. It would re-
ite girls 17 and younger to get a
parent's consent for an abortion.
Girls also would be able to ask a
probate judge for a waiver.
The law also requires schools to
tell students - starting with
siith-graders - how to seek such a
waiver. That's the part Rep. Ken
Sikkema and Sen. William Van Re-
gepmorter want to remove.
"Local schools should not be put
" i.a position of informing students
how to avoid parental consent for an
abortion. This simply is not a re-

sponsibility we should place on
school boards," said Van Regen-
morter, (R-Jenison).
Sikkema, (R-Grandville), said
that requirement was contrary to
the purpose and spirit of the law.
"The purpose of Michigan's
parental consent law is to help in-
sure parental involvement in a mi-
nor's critical decisions," he said.
"Requiring schools to inform mi-
nors howito avoid their parents on a
matter this important runs counter
to the law itself."
The Sikkema-Van Regenmorter
bill figures to find quick passage in
the House and Senate, since anti-
abortion forces have a majority in
both chambers.
Members of the state school
board and local school officials also
have come out against the require-

The requirement was added to
the parental consent bill last year
by pro-choice lawmakers when it
was being debated in the Legisla-
ture. Gov. James Blanchard vetoed
the bill, and Right to Life of Michi-
gan launched a petition drive to put
it back before lawmakers.
However, the anti-abortion
group didn't remove the require-
ment from its petition language,
since it was approved by a wide
margin. Last September, the Legis-
lature approved it again, with the
school notification portion intact.
Pro-choice groups filed a lawsuit
challenging the constitutionality of
the law. Four days of testimony on
that lawsuit wrapped up yesterday
in Kalamazoo County Circuit

The circuit judge in Kalamazoo
said yesterday he'll decide next
Wednesday whether to block a new
Michigan law requiring girls 17 and
younger to have a parent's consent
for abortion.
Judge Philip Schaefer gave no in-
dication in four days of testimony
how he might rule in the case.
But people on both sides of the
abortion issue were optimistic.
"The law is constitutional and
even more importantly, is simply
good public policy," said Barbara
Listing, president of Right to Life
of Michigan.
An attorney for pro-choice
groups challenging the law said
they proved it doesn't adequately
protect minors' health.

The poster duplicated the style
that CC posters have used for the
past few elections.
Election Director Tim Pope said
he does not know who posted the
fliers and has no evidence to start an
"The whole incident appalls
me," Pope said. "The last thing

dence to the election court request-
ing that the election be decertified.
"I get this feeling that no one
cares if this is a credible election,
but, rather, it is a 'Can I get away,
with this election?'
If the election is decertified, the
campaigning and the election would
have to take place again.

Safety advocates say new



What's happening in Ann Arbor today

e eting s
ltimate Frisbee Club, weekly mtg.
actice football field, 11 p.m.
U of M Climbing Club, mass mtg.
Union, Wolverine Rm, 7 p.m.
Aperican Chemical Society, mtg.
tour of nuclear plant on N. Campus.
rem Bldg, rm 1650, noon.
$ AS Sunday
UMAASC Steering Committee,
weekly mtg. Union, rm 4202, 1 p.m.
Feminist Women's Union, weekly
rgeeting. Call 662-1958 for info.
Uion, 4:00.
U'M Chess Club, weekly practice.
Call Tony Palmer (663-7147) for info.
League, 1:00.
New Queer Agenda, bi-weekly mtg.
Common Language Bookstore, 3:30.
;4~ Friday
"An Overview of Holistic Healing,"
Iartha Kemnitz. Guild House, 802
Mvonroe, noon.
Croatia Between Nationalism and
Democracy," Dr. Olga Supek of the
University of Zagreb. Lane Hall, rm
100, noon.
Public Health in Nicaragua During
e Sandinista Decade: Successes,
allures and Perspectives on the
gI'uture," Carlos Jarquin, vice-minister
of health, The Republic of Nicaragua.
$PH II,rm M1112, noon.
",Next Generation Aircraft Design
d the ATF," Dan Raymer. 1013
IDow Aud, 3-5.
"The K/T Boundary on Seymour Is-
land, Antarctica," Rodney Feldmann
of Kent State Univ. Chem Bldg, rm
t640,4 p.m.
More About Singular Perturba-
tions," Dr. A. L. Dontchev. EECS
17200, 4 p.m.
Vanalyne Green, visiting video festi-
val artist. MLB Lec 1, 7 p.m.
Further more
Safewalk,. nighttime safety walking
sorvice, from 8-11:30 Fri.-Sat., 8-1:30
Sun.-Thurs. Stop by 102 UGLi or call
936-1000. Also at the Angell Hall
Computing Center, Sun-Thur, 1-3 a.m.
hCall 763-4246 or stop by the courtyard.

Free Tax Preparation. Sponsored by
VITA, Mon-Fri until April 15. Union,
3rd floor, 9-5.
The Yawp literary magazine. Sub-
missions accepted until 3/22 in the box
at 1210 Angell.
U of M Taiiquan Club. Sat. and Sun.,
Cube, 8 a.m.
U of M Women's Rugby Club, Friday
practice. Call 995-0129 for more info.
Sports Coliseum, 8-10 p.m.
U of M Ninjitsu Club. For info call
David Dow,s668-7478. IM bldg,
wrestling rm, 7-9.
U of M Shorin-Ryu Karate-do Club,
Friday workout. Call 994-3620 for
info. CCRB Martial Arts Rm., 6:30-
U of M Tae Kwon Do Club, Friday
workout. CCRB Small Gym, 6-8:00.
German Club Stammtisch, weekly
event. Union, U-Club, 7-9:00.
U of M Shotokan Karate Club, Sat-
urday practice. CCRB Small Gym, 3-
The Triathlon, job search, resume
writing, interviewing. Career Planning
and Placement, New Conf. Rm, 9:10-
"Implementing Strategies: Grass-
roots Involvement in Public
Health," PHSAD Health Conference.
North Campus Commons, 9-2.
Markley Gras, free casino gambling.
Mary Markley Cafeteria, 9 p.m.-1 a.m.
NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner.
Speaker: N. Charles Anderson, presi-
dent, Detroit Urban League. B-School
Executive Residence, 8 p.m.
"Beyond War in the Gulf," television
satellite mtg. MLB, rm 2011, 12:25-4.
"Elements of Ritual," workshops for
women. Call 665-5540 for location. 11-
Sunday Social, weekly event for in-
ternational and American students.
International Center, 603 E.Madison,
Israeli Dancing. One hour of instruc-
tion followed by one hour of open
dancing. Hillel, 8-10.
U of M Ultimate Frisbee Club, weekly
practice, any weather. Fuller Park,
lower fields. 12 n.m.

Man headbangs at
Nectarine Ballroom
A customer attacked another pa-
tron at the Nectarine Ballroom, 510
E. Liberty, after alleging that the
man had been molesting his girl-
friend Wednesday night.
According to reports from Ann
Arbor police, the victim, who said
he was sitting at the bar at the time
of the incident, was hit on with a
beer bottle.
The suspect, who denied that he
had hit the victim with the bottle,
told police he had, however, shoved
the man a few times after the victim
started touching his girlfriend.
The victim denied ever touching
the suspect's girlfriend.
First aid was admitted on the
scene by the Ann Arbor Fire De-
partment, reports said.
The suspect was released after
questioning this morning.
Man tries to steal
wine from store
A man attempting to steal a bot-
tle of wine was apprehended by the
store-owner and employees at Tice's
Party Store, soon to be named the
Diag Party Shoppe, 340S. State St.
On Tuesday evening, Mike
Holtz, an employee who also works
at another convenience store in
town, said he saw the man slip the
bottle into a multi-pocketed army
jacket. He said he recognized the

man as a shoplifter from his other
"I guess he's a professional thief
or something," Holtz said.
Store-owner Jerome Kamano said
the man had stolen another bottle of
wine earlier that day, but the store
was very busy and he was not able to
stop the shop-lifter.
The man broke the sneeze-shield
on the store's salad bar during the
Kamano said it took 20 minutes
and three phone calls for the Ann
Arbor police to report to the scene,
during which time he and an
employee detained the man.
Diag banners
reported stolen
Two banners were reported
stolen to the University's Depart-
ment of Safety and Security (DPSS)
Wednesday night.
Posters advertising UAC's pro-
duction of The Wall as well as ad-
vertisements for other campus
events have been torn down repeat-
edly in the past few weeks.
DPSS officers have no suspects.
Trespassers hit the
court and steal
Four college-age students broke
into the Northside School, 912 Bor-
ton, and headed toward the basket-
ball courts, Ann Arbor police said.
According to police reports, one
of the suspects climbed through a
window and then let the other three
Two Dole fruit juice bars were
reported stolen after the incident,
police reports said.

air bag law f
Bush administration on Thursday
ordered automakers to begin equip-
ping passenger trucks with front-
seat air bags or automatic seat belts,
a move safety advocates dismissed as
too little and too late.
The new rule extends to vans,
light trucks, utility vehicles and
small buses the same requirement
now in effect for passenger cars. It
could prevent up to 2,000 deaths in
accidents each year when fully in ef-
fect after Sept. 1, 1997, said Jerry R.
Curry, head of the National High-
way Traffic Safety Administration.
Curry told a Senate subcommit-
tee the regulation should quicken
the pace at which automakers are
making air bags a standard feature of
new vehicles. He predicted that 90
percent of new cars would have the
bags on the driver and passenger side
by the 1996 model year.
"Air bags are becoming the man-
Soviets lose
track of time
MOSCOW (AP) - Soviet offi-
cials are admitting they haven't kept
the correct time in more than six
decades, blaming a mistake in the
Stalin era when clocks should have
been turned back an hour.
March 31 is when clocks usually
are moved forward an hour for
summer time in the Soviet Union.
But the Cabinet of Ministers has
decreed that the move won't be
made this year.
The republics of Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania and Moldavia, however,
will follow their rebellious tradi-
tion and move their clocks ahead.
According to the newspaper
Evening Moscow, the move was
made to correct a 61-year-old mis-
"In 1930, it was decided to in-
troduce summer time and move the
hands of clocks one hour ahead,"
Evening Moscow said. "In the pas-
sage of time, they did not announce
winter time."

ull of hot air
ufacturers' choice in passenger cars,
for what we believe are excellent4
reasons," he said. "And we hope we
hear a loud echo as this protection
starts to become available in light
trucks, vans and multipurpose vehi-
But he declined to endorse a Sen-
ate bill that would mandate driver
and front-seat passenger air bags in
all new passenger vehicles by Sept.
The bill's timetable "is not un-
reasonable and generally coincides :
with what we believe will happen
anyway," Curry said. "However,
the bill does lack some flexibility
and does not permit changes to the
schedule or to its mandated stan-

Consumer advocates testified
that the rule was inadequate and
would enable automakers to delay
air bag installation.
(Episcopal Church at U-M)
218 N. Division (at Catherine)
Holy Eucharist-5 p.m. at St. Andrew's
Supper-6 p.m. at Canterbury House
The Rev. Virginia Peacock, Ph.D., Chaplain
502 E. I uron
SUN.: Worship-9:55 a.m.
WED.: Supper & Fellowship-5:30 p.m.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
(Beween Hill & South University)
Worship-9:30 & 11 a.m.
Campus Faith Exploration Group-9:30
Campus Worship & Dinner-5:30 p.m.
For information, call 662-4466
Amy Morrison, Campus Pastor
801 South Forest (at Hill Street), 668-7622
SUNDAY: Worship-10 a.m.
WEDNESDAY: Worship-7:30 p.m.
Campus Pastor: John Rollefson
(A Roman Catholic Community at U-M)
331 Thompson Street
SAT.: Weekend Liturgies-5 p.m., and
SUN.:-8:30 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 noon, and 5 p.m.
FRI.: Confessions-4-5 p.m.
1511 Washtenaw
PALM SUNDAY: Worship-10:30 am.
WEDNESDAY: Lenten Worship--9 p.m.
Pastor, Ed Krauss-663-5560




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