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March 22, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-22

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Spring.and spring
fashions are here.

Since 1890

Warm, but maybe rain;
High: 73, Low: 41.
High: 60, Low: 45.

Vol. I, No 117Copyright 01991

Icers try
*to crash
tea party
by Matt Ronnie
Daily Hockey Writer
This is a bookie's nightmare.
What does anyone know for sure
about this weekend's Michigan-
Boston University hockey series?
Not much.
When the Wolverines take the
ice tonight against the Terriers in
the second round of the NCAA
tournament, it's anybody's guess
what could happen.
Sure, the teams faced each other
earlier this season in Boston, but
that confrontation was perhaps the
strangest game of the season.
Michigan drew first blood in that
game, but then proceeded to surren-
der six consecutive goals.
However, the Wolverines scored
five times in the third period to pull
out the victory, 8-6. Does the mem-
ory of this game give Michigan
coach Red Berenson confidence en-
tering this weekend's best-of-three
"Well, we're not planning to
give up any five-goal leads this
time," Berenson laughed."That was
such a strange game, you can't really
learn too much from it."
Nor does the home-ice advantage
seem to hold much significance in
this year's tournament. Last week-
end, three of the four teams playing
at home dropped the first game of
their series. In the biggest upset of
all, the sixth seed in the West,
Alaska-Anchorage, swept the East's
third seed, Boston College, at the
Conte Forum in Chestnut Hill.
"We have to go in there and get
off to a good start," Berenson said.
See HOCKEY, page 9


by Jay Garcia
Daily SA Reporter
The presidential and vice
presidential candidates for the
Michigan Student Assembly
gathered in the Michigan Union
ballroom for the first and only
debate before election day.
Candidates from the Common
Sense party, the Conservative Coali-
tion (CC) party, the Emphasizing
Student Power (ESP) party, the
Anti-Imperialist Action Caucus
(AIAC) party, and the independents
participated in the debate.
One issue the candidates debated
was whether it is the responsibility
of the assembly to adopt positions
on world affairs.
"MSA can only govern within
the borders of campus," said ESP
presidential candidate Eric Stem-
pien, adding that MSA's priority

should be working for students.
"CC does not feel MSA, in the
name of all students, should be tak-
ing political stances," said CC pres-
idential candidate James Green. CC
has consistently argued that MSA
should not pursue what it calls
"political agendas." Green has said
previously that if elected, he would
abolish the assembly's Peace and
Justice Commission.
Some candidates had different
"Any representative government
will take positions on world af-
fairs. What we need to do is find out
what (students) want us to say,"
said Conan Smith, an independent
presidential candidate.
"MSA should definitely take
positions on world issues," said
Paul Carmouche, AIAC's presiden-
See MSA, Page 2

Fa Ia Ia
The Harmonettes -(from left ot right) Tammy Lefcourt, Nancy Merrifield, Janet Min, Patty Brown, Carey Sills, and
Serena Kershner- perform on the Diag yesterday in preparation for their concert Friday night at Rackham.


takes closer

look at research costs

by Bethany Robertson
Daily Government Reporter
Investigations into Stanford
University's misuse of research-
related government funds by a
House subcommittee have prompted
University administrators to
examine the use of similar funds on
this campus.
The Subcommittee on Oversight
and Investigation, chaired by Rep.
John Dingell (D-Mich.), and the
General Accounting Office (GAO)
are planning additional investi-
gations into the finances of Harvard,
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, and the University of

California at Berkeley. No
investigation has been planned for
the University of Michigan.
Despite this, University officials
said they are conducting an internal
"We do (reviews) on an ongoing
basis, and certainly in response to
the current questions, we are re-
examining the issues that we see are
coming up," said George Schlect,
University Director of Financial
Analysis and Cost Reimbursement.
Executive office expenditures are
one area that is being reviewed, he

"We are looking back at those
and seeing how we handled expenses
with the president and his executive
office," Schlect said. "One of the
questions is if our entertainment
costs are creeping into our indirect
cost calculations. As to what we've
found thus far, they haven't."
Research universities nationwide
receive an added percentage from the
federal government on top of money
for actual research costs. This
percentage, known as the rate of
indirect cost recovery, pays for costs
incurred during research that can not
be directly measured, such as the

price of lighting and heating
buildings, and library services.
Stanford has been charged with
including personal items in their
indirect cost rate such as a wedding
reception for the the university's
president and a 72-foot yacht.
The Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), the
government agency that oversees
negotiations of the University's
indirect cost rate, has no plans to
request an investigation the Univer-
sity's practices.
The Office of Naval Research, in
charge of overseeing Stanford's

Emotions explode at
UAC abortion forum

by Purvi Shah
Daily Staff Reporter
Emotions flared at last night's Student
Soapbox forum discussing abortion.
Phyllis Schlafly, who former President
Ronald Reagan credited as the force behind the
defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment, and
Sarah Weddington, the victorious attorney in
the landmark Roe v. Wade case, made impas-
sioned speeches at the forum sponsored by the
University Activities Center (UAC).
A gamut of issues were discussed, ranging
from whether a baby is formed at the point of
conception to birth control.
"This is the question you have to ask your-
self: Does the unborn baby have any rights at
all?" Schlafly asked. "Each of us has the in-
alienable right to life, and yes, it is the duty of
the government to protect that right. The
right to choose is always alive because babies
never choose to die."
Weddington, on the other hand, argued that
the right to an abortion is a woman's choice.
Pro-choicers must band together in order to
save this right before it falls into the hands of
politicians instead of the courts, she added.
"She (Schlafly) talks a lot about what she
calls the baby. What she never talks about is
the woman. You heard no sympathy for the
various situations women find themselves

in," Weddington said. "It's not an issue where
one group should be able to force their reli-
gious and personal beliefs on you. It's up to
you to save it."
While audience members enjoyed the
speakers, many students said the open-mike
segment quickly deteriorated into hysteria.
Second-year law student Angela Luera crit-
icized speakers from the audience, many of
whom made legal errors and misstated statis-
tics, in addition to making broad generaliza-
tion, she said.
"It was a good forum, but we left right
now because it was starting to degenerate.
People just started personal attacks which
were aside from the issue," she said. "To a cer-
tain extent, it was pretty good because it was
moderated. It's a personal issue and you want
to keep it confined to the issue."
However, a woman named Liana who said
she was gang-raped, commented that she ap-
preciated the chance to speak at the forum.
"Everyone has the right to speak and being
given the opportunity to ask a question in
front of an expert is great," she said. "It gives
me the feeling that people actually care about
what I was thinking. It's nice to have my
thoughts justified."
Viewpoints were not suddenly changed by
See FORUM, Page 2

research rates, first requested the
subcommittee investigations. HHS
performs the same function as the
Office of Naval Research at this
The University's current rate of
indirect cost recovery is 59 percent,
meaning that it receives $59,000 of
additional funds for every $100,000
of research grants. In the 1990 fiscal
year, the University received
$64,363,000 from indirect cost
recovery. Before the Stanford
scandal was revealed, its rate was 78
percent. That has since fallen to 70
See COSTS, Page 2
27 feared
dead in
Navy air
SAN DIEGO (AP) - Two Navy
submarine-hunting planes collided
yesterday, and all 27 people aboard
were feared dead in cold, choppy wa-
ters 60 miles off Southern Califor-
nia, authorities said.
The Navy listed the crews as
missing, but there was little hope
any of the crew members from the
downed P-3 Orions survived.
The all-weather planes were en-
gaged in an anti-submarine warfare
training exercise when they collided
in bad weather, authorities said.
"I think we have to be realistic
here," said Senior Chief Petty Offi-
cer Bob Howard, a Navy public af-
fairs officer at North Island Naval
Air Station. "It is very cold out
there. We're talking about what ap-
parently is a mid-air collision ... two
aircraft. I would say it would be
very grim."
Still, he said, the Navy was con-
ducting an aggressive air and sea
search of the crash site.
Search and rescue teams spotted
some debris from the planes but
found no signs of life.
There was no word on how long
the search would last, but Howard
said the Navy would make
"extraordinary" attempts to re-
trieve remains and wreckage.
A Navy helicopter crew flying
in the area and sailors from the de-
stroyer USS Merrill all reported a
ball of fire and loud explosion at
about 2:30 a.m. PST, Howard said

Off into the wild blue yonder
Dr. Andrew Tomasch prepares his airplane for a one minute flight in the
Couzens Residence Hall.

air in a field near


Student comedian competes for national prize

by JoAnne Viviano
Fun in the sun was less impor-
tant than being funny for money for
LSA senior Jon Glaser who was in
Florida this week, performing in the
National Certs U.S. Comedy Com-
"It's a nervous excitement; I'm
feeling very ambivalent," Glaser
a Glaser arrived in Daytona Beach

comedy ever since he was in middle
school. "I was always a tremendous
Robin Williams fan. I used to watch
him on Mork and Mindy and then
on HBO. I guess he's my inspira-
He first began performing dur-
ing the fall of his sophomore year.
He was part of Comedy Company
for four consecutive terms and then
traveled with Just Kidding for a

"He's a very intense person; he
has an incredible creative energy. He
takes his powerful feelings and is
able to focus them on his comedy,"
said Tom Cohen, who has worked
closely with Glaser for a year as co-
producer of Comedy Club.
Cohen also noticed this energy
elsewhere. "He's a very avid sports
fan. We were at his house for the
Michigan-Michigan State game. He

pants were around his ankles. Most
people would stop at that point, but
not Jon. He finished playing the
Glaser remembers the incident
well. "I was running in my under-
wear. I was disappointed because my
shorts were ripped to shreds; that
was one of my favorite pairs of
Often Glaser's drive to succeed


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