No title, no go.
Page 5.
rrt UIT1U
Flurries, then clearing;
High: 45, Low: 31.
Mostly fair;
High: 48, Low: 36.
Since 1890
Vol. Cl, No.114 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, March 19,1991 Te Mhg ly
Students, Jernigan meet
on South uad incident
by Tami Pollak
and David Rheingold
Daily Staff Reporters
Following a request to the Ann Arbor
City Council to conduct an investigation
into the police break-up of a Black soror-
ity party in South Quad, Mayor Gerald
Jernigan met with five representatives of
Concerned Students Friday afternoon.
"The atmosphere was cooperative,
open and one of resolution," said Rack-
ham graduate student Caurnel Morgan, a
member of Concerned Students.
Concerned Students is an ad-hoc
committee of University students which
arose in response to behavior of police
and security during the break-up of a
Dec. 9 Alpha Kappa Alpha party. Officers
arrived after several small fights broke
out at the party.
Morgan went to the Feb. 21 Ann Arbor
City Council meeting and requested that
the city investigate the alleged misuse of
mace by Ann Arbor police, as well as the
alleged hurling of racial slurs by officials
breaking up the party.
Following Morgan's proposal to the
council, he and Jernigan arranged last
Friday's meeting.
"The people who visited with me had
some real good ideas," Jernigan said. "I
thought the result would be to provide a
secure environment for the students and
increase response to the Ann Arbor po-
Morgan said the meeting covered
several issues relating to complaints that
Ann Arbor police behaved inappropri-
ately while breaking up the fights. Spe-
cific topics discussed, Morgan said, in-
cluded police brutality, and communica-
tion between police and Blacks.
Concerned Students discussed two of
their six objectives with Jernigan: the
public acknowledgement of the students'
concerns and the idea of a community
review board investigation of the inci-
Morgan said he was optimistic about
the possibility of organizing such a
"Jernigan proposed a committee of
city council members. We are very much
in favor of calling on citizen and com-
munity input as well.
"Our point is, if people don't feel
comfortable going to the police, they
won't feel comfortable necessarily going
to city council members," Morgan said.
Jernigan expressed little interest in
the idea of a citizen involvement on the
"I think we're elected to provide sup-
port for the police department, and are
responsible for the actions of the police
department, and I think we should be the
See MAYOR, Page 2
Duderstadt refuses to meet in Afro-American lounge;
Concerned Students call off meeting with president
by Tami Pollak
Daily Crime Reporter
Representatives of Concerned Stu-
dents have announced they are no longer
interested in meeting with University
President James Duderstadt.
"All you do is talk in meetings," said
group member and Rackham graduate
student Caurnel Morgan. "We're looking
for action."
In a March 8 letter written by Duder-
stadt, the president told students that al-
though, "we were unable to arrange any-
thing this week," he still wanted to meet
to discuss the incidents at South Quad
during an Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority
Concerned Students was formed to
examine the University and city police's
handling of the incident.
Duderstadt also wrote that he was ap-
pointing Eunice Royster Harper, associ-
ate vice president for student services, to
follow up on initiating a dialogue.
Morgan said it was not a conflict in
scheduling, but rather Duderstadt's insis-
tence on determining a location that has
prevented the meeting.
"He refused to meet with us because
he did not want to leave the Fleming
Building," said Devlin Ponte, an LSA
junior and speaker for the Black Student
Both Ponte and Morgan said a meet-
ing at a convenient time for both parties
had been set up through Royster Harper.
See MEETING, Page 2
Play ball! 'M. MUL..VU
Erich Kzil, of the Athletic Department, covers the bullpen mound in Fisher Stadium in
preparation for opening day on Wednesday.
Programs aim
*to promote
Mandate goals
by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
University faculty, staff and
students will soon see a plethora of
new programs, workshops and
films to promote the Michigan
University President James
Duderstadt has awarded funding to
23 programs to help further the
Mandate's goal of a multicultural
The funding will come from the
Presidential Initiatives Fund - a
$100,000 fund established for the
President to use at his discretion.
This year, Duderstadt used the al-
lotment to sponsor a contest to
fund programs designed to further
the Michigan Mandate.
Winning proposals ranged from
a Native American film series to a
proposal to conduct a diversity cul-
tural audit at the University's Med-
ical Center.
1 The administration sent letters
to the winners a few weeks ago,
but the contest winners were an-
nounced yesterday.
Special Assistant to the Presi-
dent Shirley Clarkson said that
creativity was a main factor in nar-
rowing the field of 98 proposals.
"We looked for creativity,
imagination and new ideas that
would be likely to achieve
changes to advance the Mandate,"
said Associate Vice President for
Student Services Eunice Royster-
There was no special effort to
choose a group of programs that
would affect every ethnic group
and race covered in the Mandate.
Clarkson said although adminis-
trators were pleased with the di-
versity of the winning proposals,
they were disturbed by the dearth
of student entries.
None of the proposals chosen
were created by undergraduate
Clarkson faulted the programs'
publicity and said the contest's
timing was bad for students who
would have trouble designing a
proposal while attending classes.
As a result, the University will
be sponsoring a separate, similar
contest for students to submit pro-
grams to further the Mandate. This
contest will give clearer instruc-
tions regarding qualifications and
will offer students more guidance
in creating programs.
Students will be able to formu-
late proposals over the summer
and submit them in the fall.
Despite the lack of student en-
tries, proposal selectors say that
the programs will affect students.
Marvin Parnes, assistant to the
vice president for research and a
reader of proposals, said,
"Students will be affected by the
richer content in courses, special
activities that involve the students,
See MANDATE, Page 2
Chi Sigma, Deke, Kappa Sigma, Sig Eps and Alpha Xi Delta partake in the Chi Omeg a "Twistermania" Greek
Week event on the Diag yesterday afternoon.
When 'U' Greeks compete,
local philanthropies win
for dorm
dryer fire
by Jeannie Lurie
Daily Staff Reporter
Hundreds of South Quad resi-
dents were temporarily displaced
and evacuated- last night due to a
fire contained in a dryer.
When firefighters arrived at
South Quad at 7:20 they had trou-
ble locating the fire.
"We had to-look for it. Most of
the smoke was near the loading
dock," Ann Arbor Battalion Chief
Ronald Hieber said.
The fire department sent six
trucks with 20 firemen in response
to a call about smoke in the hall-
ways, Hieber said.
"It took a little while to find
it... From the general appearance,
we thought it was a motor in the
heating dock," he said.
"I was outside. They went in
and looked in a laundry chute
where they saw smoke. Since
smoke rises, they went down to
find where it was coming from,"
Hieber added.
When firefighters eventually
discovered the fire, smoke had
spread up through part of the build-
ing. "The clothes in the dryer were
burning," Hieber said. "It put a
little smoke on a couple of the
floors in the building."
The Campus Fire Marshall was
unavailable for comment.
One student smelled smoke be-
fore anyone pulled the alarm, but
didn't know it was a fire. "It
smelled like smoke in the hall for
about 20 minutes," LSA First-year
student Jeff Katz said. "We just
thought it was burnt toast or some-
After the alarm sounded, Katz
realized there might be a fire and
followed the standard procedure.
by Ken Walker
Daily Staff Reporter
The University Greek
system's 55 houses will join
forces this week in a combined
effort to raise $50,000 for local
and national philanthropies in
the annual Greek Week
"We really want to
emphasize that philanthropy is
the reason that we have Greek
Week," said Greek Week
Steering Committee Co-Chair
Cindy Graves.
Graves pointed out that half
of the $50,000 the steering
committee hopes to raise in this
year's competition will be
donated to four local
philanthropies and the American
Cancer Society. The other -half
will be allocated by the houses
to the philanthropies they
endorse individually, although
they can donate their share to
the six main charities.
Greek Week will also help
local charities by listing phone
numbers and requests from 15 lo-
cal charities on Greek Week
calendars posted throughout Ann
Arbor. "We're hoping to
publicize what their needs are to
the student community," said
Steering Committee Co-Chair
See GREEKS, Page 2
Confusion surrounds status of 'U'
by Becca Donnenfeld
Daily Staff Reporter
For those students who were
wondering what ever happened to
fer parking operations from the city
to the University, but there was a
great outcry from the city... over
the loss of revenues (that would
sible for giving and collecting
payments for all parking violations
on University property. Currently,
the city is responsible for this job.
gotiations were
she was unsure
Leo Heatle
parking bureau
e being held but said "The University would like to
of where they were pay for services rendered (by the city
right now), but we don't know how
y, the head of the much money the city collects.