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March 18, 1991 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-18

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The University of Michigan Union L North Campus Commons
March 18 to March 24,1991

The U Club Calendar
Monday to Friday
... .... :. .. ..:.....:..>:.

Michigan Union Ticket Office
On Sale NOW Call 763-TKT, Open every day
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Try Bennett
Presented by the University 1esented by Ann Arbor
Musical Society. rummer Festival. Sophisticated
Thursday, March 21 at . Romantic ... One of the most
8:00 p.m. respected names in the world of
Hill Auditorium. jazz, swing, and pop music.
Order tickets by PHONE ONJ,;YSS . Saturday, March 30 at
i 8:30 p.m.
Dave Holland Quart Hill-Auditorium.
Presented by Eclipse Jazz-
Friday, March 22 at Joseph Holmes Chicago
8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Dance Theater
The Ark. Presented by the University

pplyto Become a Project S.ER.V.. Board Leader


WANTED: St dnts dedi-
rated to comunity service
rind socil acti on who are
interes ted in planning and
implement ng cam pus-w ide
service activities, Must be
interested in motrivating
others, mak ing a difference in
the community, and h~aving a
great time in the process.
Following is a list of Projcti
3.E.R.V.E Board positionas for
the 1991-9 academic year:

T . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UA1g au.trat
T~n*~u E~#'n
T qA oAls~~
# r>=z

Project S.E.R.V.E. is a U-M
organization dedicated to
increasing student involve-
ment in community service.
S.E.R.V.E. acts as a clearing
house for students interested
in service and sponsors
campus-wide service events
such as the Volunteer Fair,
Into the Streets, Service e
Spring Break, and S.E.R.V.E.
Project S.E.R.V.E. also net-
works with students involved
in community service here at
the U-M, in the state, and
throughout the nation, to en-
courage growth of the
student service movement
and face the needs of our
soc&ety. The S.E.R.V.E. Board,
entirely composed of students,

organizes the S.E.R.V.E.
programs as well as deter-
mines the priorities and
direction of S.E.R.V.E.
S.E.R.V.E. is committed to
diversity among the staff and
Board to ensure a variety of
perspectives are represented
in working toward quality
programs. Also, work-study
positions are available for
Board members.
The application deadline is
April 12 at 5:00 p.m.
To obtain further information
-about these positions or a Board
application, please stop by the
S.E.R.V.E. Office (Room 2211
Michigan Union) or call 936-

Musical Societv.


The Harm Tuesday, April 2 at
in Conc - 8:00 p.m. * Chir
A capela t its best froi dose Power Center. Vice-Chair
harmoni Harmonette Order tickets by PHONE ONLY * Volunteer Fair Co-Chairs
Friday, Mji 22 at 3 2)d
8:00 p.m. uNew World Symphonyn hso-Chairs
Rackham orium. . Presentedby the University Mu- (2)
sical Society. * Service Spring Break
The Chenille rs Wednesday, April 3 at Co-Chairs (2)
Musically, the Cd&e Sis k . 8:00 p.m. * S.E.R.V.E. Week Co-Chairs
draw from jazz, swT,1 Hill Auditorium.
blues, infusing it all Order tickets by PHONE ONLY.
* Service Network Liaison
contagious enthusiasr s i ~s n--1T
dayntaiousceth3 iasn ~ 8.~.~ University Musical Society Order . Residenc Hall Liaison
day, pMr tckets for all events by PHONE * Greek Liaison
8:00 p.m. ONLY.-
H.lAdioim * Promotion/Publicity Chair
Hill Auditorium. it
Amerian In~an Publications Chair
American Indian
Dance Theatre
Presented by the
Musical Society. Withbrace h . ilie Sisters'6th Anni-
ModY, ....h x Kvers~y With ane= ning of Their Music
8:00 p.m. ,jk
Power Center. The wack, nny, not to m"n musically talented singing trio
Order tickets by Y. - The Chenif:Sisters -wil rm at Hill Auditorium on
Saturday, Mar23 at 8:00 x Just six years ago, the three
h C&ith singers (Chc;yl bwdy, Corh- Nuber, and Grace Morand)
Special Guest Bo -i.#t teamed !gp in Anyr rbor and= ce then their fame has spread
Presented by WWM= i1. ross the country.
Friday, March 29 at ..
7:30 p.m. The ch iles are ceet . ing their 6th anniversary with a new
Hill Auditorium- .as tl Ma i :'Wanra Make Rhythm" which is
"z 4.1 00 -heir show H1l Auditorium. Released February
25, Xth rcording contains 'riginal works including "I Am A Can
of Tuna" and "Is it True, Al 't". The album also includes two
audience iavorites not prev bsly recorded, "Big Hair" and their
imaginatyanslation of ' Bamba", two crowd pleasers
charactr #. the dry Chenille humor. "Mama, I Wanna Make
Rhythr'= rou rth release and, according to Chenille
Cheryl hink it's rore fun than a chocolate binge."


The University Club is a private club
for U-M students, faculty, staff,
alumni, and their invited guests.
Only members of legal drinking age
may purchase alcohol. ID required.

mmunity Spotlig
'Helping Kids
featured excerpts from the t al of Tom Bradford,
sk youth in Wayne. T ntor program is just one
courses o et Community.
O.:.:.:::::..: I discussed school, w hich is good because that is
~i sthaving a lot of problems. After that, we discussed his
with fighting, but he seemed to think it was perfectly
n<rm It was difficult to get him to see it was not. I think
ding more time talking without games may help. Playing
basketball was fun, but I don't think it really accomplished much.
Oct. 22: The whole day today was spent one-on-one with Jami.
One of the best things about today was we started playing
Monopoly and after all the other kids started playing in the
gym he didn't want to join them as I thought he would. I was
happy he was having fun.
Oct. 24: Today went well with Jami, and the worksheets helped
lot. We talked about aggressive and assertive behavior and
is fighting. For the first time, I really felt he was being totally
nest. He told me the main reason he gets into fights is
caouse other people at school are always giving him crap. I
ian mpathize with him, but I told him he has to try to walk
awayytAnd if he is pushed too far, he has to push back. I felt
iiiae*y fortable with him today, but we had less time
g~th usual because we were late getting to the site. I
{ i # is 4oesft-.happen again.
Project C©a W in kir-ing.ourse. For more
if..at 2 ichigan union or call


You Found Tht
Cleaning Your Closet?
Save your tacky posses-
sions from ending up in
dumpster. The Office
Arts and Programming is
soliciting donations for the
annual Tacky Sale.
Wh is tacky? It could be
red alligator
be a life-size,
-up doll.
e be donated to
je ce of Arts and Pro-
g , Room 2211
Michigan Union, during
regular business hours.
And please mark your
calendar with the Tacky
Sale dates: April 1 and 2.
The sale will be held from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the
Ground Floor level of the
Michigan Union.

" w

Asian and African
Works Featured in
Art Sale
At this week's art sale,
even those with small
budgets can discover some
great finds. Colacelli will
offer international jewelry
from Africa, India, China,
and Mexico; woven straw
baskets from Asia and
Africa; and silk purses
from India. Other African
treasures include batik
print fabric and clothing,
kente scarves, carvings,
and masks.
The sale, which begins
today and ends Friday,
March 22, is open from
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on
the Ground Floor of the
Michigan Union.

The evening will begin with a huge dose of. lghter from the
comedy improv group Giant Portions and tinue on with a full
venue of unique Chenille charm and wit.
Concert tickets are available at the Mi an Union Ticket
Office. To obtain ticket information, .o charge by phone, call
763- TKTS.
Brighten Your We.
with Music
ve Reconizing Communi
~~ grind 1991 Sarn A ward
LA :.: i .:: f two
contored by the
Office of Arts and Program- The 1991 Saturn Award recogni
Officeofrtsan Prga- contributions to the campus con
ming. Better yet, enliven your s
week by enjoyingBOTHgresudnsms.ig t
programs. awrd.

ity Service with the,
zes outstanding student team
imunity. Teams of three or
are eligible to apply for this

On Thursday, March 21, a
new trio from the U-M Flint
campus will perform music
for piano, violin, and cello.
The performance will begin at
12:15 p.m. in the Pendleton
Room of the Michigan Union.
There is no admissio1_
As a special conc offeg,
the Academy of E ly ic
will perform in the . ton
Room of the Mi 1lnion
on Monday..:; 5 at 8:00

A campus committee of students, faculty, and staff will evalu-
ate applications based on the following criteria: team initiative
and enterprise, enhancement of the campus/community
environment, achievement of goals through cooperative effort,
and recognition of individual contributions to the group.
The winning team earns $1,000 and becomes eligible for the
national award of $5,000.
To obain an application or inormation, stop by the Student
Organization Developmnent Center (SODC) office (Room 2202
Michigan Union) or call 763-5900. Applications are due to the
SODC office by Friday, March 22 at 5:00 p.m.

Apply for a SODC
Fall 1991 Internship
The Student Organization
Development Center (SODC)
is offering internships for Fall
The internship allows the
opportunity to strengthen
leadership skills, coordinate
and present workshops,
consult with student organi-
zations, and earn 3 credits.
To obtain an application or
information, stop by the
SODC Office (Room 2202
Michigan Union and the
Satellite Center in the North
Campus Commons) or call
763-5900. Applications are

. -"


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