Youthful wrestlers take 12th at NCAAs. See SPORTSmonday Page 1. trrau4rn EAT TODAY Wet snow or ruin; High: 50, Low: 31. TOMORROW Partly sunny; High: 52, Low: 38. Since 1890 Copyright 0191 Vol. Cl, No.113 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, March 18,1991 The Michigan Daly War appears to have settled 1992 elections Ay Bethany Robertson Daily Government Reporter The 1992 elections will be the first opportunity many college stu- dents will have to vote for a presi- dential candidate. But the way the current politi- cal scene looks, there might not be much of a choice when students actually make it to the polling ths. , Barring a major crisis, several University political scientists have said President George Bush has a lock on the presidency next year. While Bush is nearly certain to win the Republican nomination, George McGovern is the only Democrat who has announced he will run, unless a better candidate volunteers. IN THE SHADOW OF DESERTk STORM Daily news analysis "This time of year, you usually have four, five, or six candidates tromping all over Iowa and New ,iampshire," Prof. John Kingdon said. Kingdon noted that the open- ing New Hampshire primary is less then a year away, leaving poten- tial candidates with little time to establish name recognition. Although campaigning usually. begins soon after the previous election, that process has been de- layed this past year by the Gulf War. The political climate is even worse now for potential Demo- cratic contenders, as Bush's public approval polls reach upwards of 90 percent. "I think people will want to re- ward George Bush for what many people think was a great accom- plishment," Prof. Samuel Elder- sveld said. "The American people are going through a patriotic, na- tionalistic frenzy." Prof. Gregory Markus said Bush would have been a tough competi- tor even before the U.S. involve- ment in the Gulf. "Prior to the Gulf incident, Bush would have been difficult to beat ... and I think that's still the case," Markus said. "Undoubtedly that has caused some Democratic candidates to hold back longer than they might have under differ- ent conditions." College Democrats President Deborah Goldman agreed that democratic candidates may be hid- ing their intentions for a while. "By announcing your candidacy earlier, the more you set yourself up to be in the public eye," Gold- man said. While the chances of a Demo- cratic victory in 1992 appear slim, a plan is needed in order to rebuild for the 1996 election. A focus on domestic policy would be the best strategy, professors agreed. "Clearly what a Democrat must do is shift the attention somehow," Kingdon said. The war moved the public's attention away from the homefront, so Democrats must now refocus the public's eye on domes- tic problems, Kingdon said. Eldersveld suggested that Democrats need to come up with a national plan to deal with issues such as Medicare, the savings and loans crisis and campaign finance reform. "We've got to identify these is- sues," Eldersveld said. "We've got to have programs to deal with them." As far as individual candidates are concerned, Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) appears to be the best Democrat to face Bush, Markus See ELECTION, Page 2 Wolverine icers chew up Big Red, 2-1 'M' heads to Boston by Matt Rennie Daily Hockey Writer Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, but sometimes you just want to keep playing hockey. The Michigan hockey team isn't going to Boston this weekend to visit 'Cheers.' The Wolverines al- ready have social plans with the Terriers from Boston University - namely, a best-of-three series for the right to play in the semi-finals of the NCAA tournament. Michigan earned its ticket to Beantown by tak- ing two out of three games from the Cornell Big Red. The Maize and Blue captured the decisive third game of the series last night at Yost Ice Arena by a 9-3 score. This is the Wolverines' first tournament appear- ance since the 1976-77 season, when they captured their NCAA-record seventh national championship. The first-round victory is also the biggest moment of Michigan coach Red Berenson's career. "It was an emotional thing," Berenson said. "We put a lot into this season. It would have been a shame to get to the NCAAs and not make it past the first round." However, it looked like Michigan might do just that after Cornell pulled out a 5-4 overtime victory Friday. Despite the heart-breaking defeat, the Wolver- ines remained undaunted, and tied the series with a 6-4 victory Saturday. For more hockey coverage, see SportsMonday JOSE JUAREZ/DiLJiI Ted Kramer and Mike Helber celebrate Michigan's seventh goal Sunday night as they beat the Cornell Big Red 9-3. County: 'U' must up recycling- by Gwen Shaffer such as updating mailing lists, or- "We started recycling card- counter). It's not much, but it's a Daily Staff Reporter dering less, and just keeping a lid board about two years ago and now start." The Washtenaw County Solid Waste Plan has called for a 30 percent recovery rate for recycling by 1995, which would require the University to capture and recycle waste at twice the current rate. "Reduction is the number one thing to do," said Jenny Cotner, a University recycling education as- sistant. "We are trying to go be- yond recycling and focus on how to limit the amount of paper you produce. We are stressing things on what is obviously going to be thrown away later." Jane Reading-Boyd, recycling operations assistant, said, "Another thing we are pushing is for people who design publications to think about if it will be recy- clable - like not using glossy pic- tures." The Michigan Union is trying to reduce the amount of waste it cre- ates, especially from the restau- rants in the MUG. we capture 80to 95 percent of it," said Union maintenance supervisor Mark Scott. Scott said there is no place in the MUG itself to put cardboard from pizza boxes or glass from juice bottles, but they are explor- ing options for these items. "We're looking at a number of different things," Scott said. "For example, instead of using plastic coffee creamers, using one insu- lated creamer that sits (on the Since recycling was introduced in residence halls in 1989, Univer- sity recycling programs have ex- panded, although currently only about 15 percent of recyclables are collected. "A lot of people think the Uni- versity could do more, but we want to do more right - in an organized way," Cotner said. One major obstacle facing the University's recycling efforts is a See RECYCLING, Page 3 .Group holds teach-in on women and the Gulf War by Purvi Shah Daily Staff Reporter With the start of the Persian Gulf War there were quiet prayers. When the end of the war came, so did the cries of relief. However, it was the sound of po- ems and protest songs which began Saturday's teach-in about women and the war in the Gulf. Connecting the past to the pre- sent, Natural Resources graduate stu- dent Natasha Raymond read a poem, "Desert Storm," by a Japanese woman who was interned during World War II. Raymond expressed concern for the current treatment of Arab Ameri- cans. She described a situation in which an Arab friend had gone for a job interview in Detroit a month ago. "They looked at her and said 'What are you?' (After she said she was of Arab descent) they stepped back and said 'I'm sorry. There's no job for you. There's the door,"' Raymond said. Nada Dalgamouni, a Jordanian woman, gave an emotional picture of life in the Middle East. As a child, her grandmother had told her, "'There is going to always be a war. This land is going to be a land of wars.'" She added, however, "We never thought in a million years that it would be the war of a video game. Can we really afford this? This planet Earth is the only place we have. Even if I have to live with nothing, I'd rather have my children die naturally than at the point of a gun. They send their children to school not knowing if their children will come back. How can you raise a child? Would you live with that? This is the way we live as always in the Middle East." No one can escape responsibility for the war, Dalgamouni added. "In your conscience you have to carry 35,000 to 175,000 people dead in Iraq," she said. "We don't want the world to forget that this was not a clean war. This is not a video game." The world should fight battles against AIDS, drugs, and crime, Dalgamouni added. The teach-in emphasized that both the effects of the war and a need for education still existed. See WOMEN, Page 2 Soviets decide future of gov't ein country-wide referendum MOSCOW (AP) - Millions of people voted yesterday in a land- mark referendum on whether to preserve the fracturing Soviet Union. Violence prevented some people from casting ballots, while others were lured to the polls with scarce goods. + Hanging in the balance in the available from the vote, but public opinion polls indicated it would pass, giving Gorbachev the popular mandate he seeks to crack down on separatists. He has been pushing for the referendum since December to by- pass democratically elected legis- latures in the republics that he reflected the fractures. Hundreds of nationalist Molda- vians, aided by police, enforced a local boycott by blocking access to the seven polling stations the Red Army set up in the republic's capital, Kishinev, according to As- sociated Press correspondent Dan Petreanu. The nationalists beat up Pt.n:n Rieein.annin JOSE JUAREZWIVj~ As part of the GEO rally held Friday afternoon, TAs chalked their demands on the side of the Fleming Administration Building. GEO rallies for new contract with 'U' by Ken Walker Daily Staff Reporter In the midst of negotiating a new contract with the Univer- sity the Gradarnte Emnlnvees ward the torch of knowledge." "We're here to tell the ad- ministration in that building over there that we have a union." about they really seem to be tak- ing their time responding to our proposals." The University has agreed to I