The Michigan Daily -Friday, March 15, 1991 - Page 3 Regents meetig *runs smoothly by Henry Goldblatt and Sarah Schweitzer Daily Administration Reporters DEARBORN - Yesterday's * monthly University Board of Re- gents went off without a hitch for a change.. No protesters stormed the meet- ing, no ralliers gathered outside, and the real regents presided over the public comments session. At the February public comments ses- sion, students posing as regents took over the session and pre- vented the real regents from participating. Yesterday's meeting was held at Dearborn campus' Henry Ford Estate-Fair Lane, as is customary for the March regents' meeting. In an uninterrupted session, the regents approved a series of reno- *vations for Markley Residence Hall estimated at $320,000. The renovation project includes plans to replace the ceiling tiles with plaster ceilings in the 500 student rooms and to refurbish room doors. Also approved were plans for the demolition of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Hospital Building at an estimated cost of $1.15 million. In its place, the University has tentatively proposed to build a separate 10-story build- ing to house the Cancer and Geri- atric Center. Additionally, the regents re- ceived updates on the University's annual report on its investment portfolio, and a comparative statis- tics report on the University hospital. Regents will reconvene their meeting tomorrow morning in their usual meeting place - the Flem- ing Administration Building - at 9 a.m. One topic to be discussed is the renovation of the Water Street Pavilion on the University's Flint campus. WW II Airmen recount tales of racism in war by Jesse Snyder Daily Staff Reporter When Richard Macon's P-51 was shot down over France in 1944, he had more to worry about than the average downed pilot. He was a Black man stranded in Nazi territory. Macon and two other Tuskegee Airmen, members of the respected all-Black fighter squadron of World War II, described their experiences with racism in the U.S. military last night in MLB Lecture Room 2. Contrary to rumors of brutal torture, however, Macon said the Germans treated him as just another prisoner of war. The racism, he said, was left to white U.S. POWs. "I was injured pretty bad and couldn't climb up to the empty bunks on top," Macon said. "No one would give me a bottom bunk. Finally a Texan gave me his." Members of the squadron later named themselves the Tuskegee Airmen, in reference to their segregated training field near Tuskegee, Ala. "We were fighting on two fronts," said Lt. Col. Alexander Jefferson, who was shot down over the Riviera on the same mission as Macon. "The war department had said Negroes did not have the ability to operate intricate machinery." "I saw Axis prisoners of war awarded more freedom than Black Americans on the same base," said Maj. Gen. Lucius Theus, who served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Theus said the impressive record of the Tuskegee Airmern enabled President Truman to order the desegregation of the armed forces. "It was easier for the armed forces to combat overt racism; things are done by orders," Theus said. "It's easier to integrate the armed forces than society." Called the "Schwartze Vogelmenschen" (Black Birdmen) by the Germans, the all-Black 332nd fighter group came home with 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses, Legions of Merit, and the Red Star of Yugoslavia. The group also holds the distinction of shooting down jet aircraft with propellor driven planes, and blowing up a destroyer with machine gun fire. The symposium was sponsored by the Arnold Air Society, an honorary community service organization affiliated with the Air Force ROTC. MICHELLE GUY/Daily Summer job hunting LSA first-year student Karen Segal interviews for a job with Noel Corpuel of Camp Wayne at the job fair in the Union yesterday. 12th annual Hillel Holocaust Conference starrts tomorrow by Jacquelyn Glick and Amanda Neuman This week Hillel will hold its 12th annual Holocaust Conference entitled "The Fire Still Burns" to remember the horrors of the Sec- ond World War. Elizabeth Kraut, program asso- ciate of Hillel and conference co- ordinator, says the event seeks "to educate people. To make people stop and think and be aware of what went on in the Holocaust." The week of events will con- sist of a series of films, videos, and theater group performances about life in the Jewish communi- ties before and during the war. Also featured will be a film on the history of Nazism, the rise of the Third Reich and the history of World War II. Other events planned include: A brown bag discussion about gays' experience during the Holocaust; a discussion with survivors. Holocaust survivors will tell stories about their own experience before and during the war, and with other non-Jewish people. A question and, answer session will follow; a dialogue between Rev- erend Musial, secretary of dia- logue between Judaism and Catholicism in Cracow, Poland and Rabbi Klenicki of the Anti- Defamation League, and; 'It would take 277 days and nights... to read all of the six million names' -Elizabeth Kraut Conference organizer a 24-hour name-reading memorial vigil on the diag. People from Ann Arbor and the university community will continuously read the names of those who died in the Holocaust. Edie Goldenberg, Sena- tor Lana Pollack and Mayor Ger- ald Jernigan will participate in the vigil. Kraut explained that the "Memorial of Names" vigil has particular significance. Its purpose is "to make the number six million (of Jews killed in the Holocaust) more understandable." It would take 277 days and nights of con- tinuous reading to read all of the six million names, Kraut said. The conference occurs at this time of year because the U.S. na- tional day of remembrance for the Holocaust is celebrated in April, Kraut said. The planning committee con- sists of approximately 20 mem- bers, including students, commu- nity members and clergy. The group has been making prepara- tions for the week of events for the past six months. All events will be held in Hil- lel's Irwin Green Auditorium, at 1429 Hill Street.' The events begin tomorrow and continue through next Thursday. Forest Service worker calls for conservation Correction: GEO President Chris Roberson did not say a student strike is unlikely, as was incorrectly reported yesterday. What's happening in Ann Arbor today M eetingsU of M Women's Rugby Club, Fri- day practice. Call995-0129 for more Friday info. Sports Coliseum, 8-10 p.m. Ultimate Frisbee Club, weekly mtg. U of M Ninjitsu Club. For info call Practice football field, 11 p.m. David Dow, 668-7478. IM bldg, Puerto Rican Association, general wrestling rm, 7-9. mtg, followed by a dance. Trotter U of M Shorin-Ryu Karate-do House, 7:30-I Club, Friday workout. Call 994-3620 Hu,701for info. CCRB Martial Arts Rm., 8-9. Sunday U of M Tae Kwon Do Club, Friday UMAASC Steering Committee, workout. CCRB Small Gym, 6-8:00. weekly mtg. Union, rm 4202, 1 p.m. German Club StammtIsch, weekly Feminist Womens' Union, weekly event. Union, U-Club, 7-9:00. meeting. Call 662-1958 for info. GEO Rally and informational Union,;4:00. picketing. Cube, beginning at 10:30. U-M Chess Club, weekly practice. Informal discussion about the U.S. Call Tony Palmer (663-7147) for info. Forest Service and avenues for League, 1:00. change. SNR, rm 1040, 5 p.m. Speakers St. Pat's Day GAYIic Dance-In. Friday Diag, 1-1:20. dyTrees to be planted in Israel, sold Annette Barbier, visiting video fes- in the Fishbowl, 9-3. tival artist. MLB Lec 1, 7 p.m. Travel Cheap in Europe, workshop. "Worst Case Analysis and Design of Call 764-9310 for info. International Sampled Data Control Systems," Center, 3-5. Pierre Kabamba. EECS 1200, 4 p.m. Clean Air Act Panel Discussion. "1492-1992: A Re-examination of Hutchins Hall, rm 100, 1-5:30. the Discovery of the Americas," "Star Power," simulation game for John Powell. Guild House, 802 Mon- TAs. 4050 LSA, 4 p.m. roe, noon. Saturday "Issues in Recent Photography," Leonard Folgarait of Vanderbilt Uni- U of M Shotokan Karate Club, Sat- versity. Angell Aud. D, 4 p.m. urday practice. CCRB Small Gym, 3- 5:00-. Furtherm ore Broccoli Fest, potluck dinner Safewalk, nighttime safety walking fundraiser. Call 663-3555 for info. service, will be closed Feb. 22-Mar. 3. First TJnitarian Universalist Church Service will resume Mar. 4 from 8- basement, 6-8:30. 11:30 Fri.-Sat., 8-1:30 Sun.-Thurs. Medical School Information Fair. Stop by 102 UGLi or call 936-1000. Union, 10-1. Northwalk, North Campus nighttime SUnday safety walking service, will be closed Sunday Social, weekly event for in- Feb. 22-Mar. 3. Service. will resume ternational and American students. In- Mar. 4 from 8-11:30 Fri.-Sat., 8-1:30 ternational Center, 603 E.Madison, Sun.-Thurs. Call 763-WALK or stop 6:30-8:30. by 2333 Bursley. Israeli Dancing. One hour of instruc- Free Tax Preparation. Sponsored by tion followed by one hour of open VITA, Mon-Fri until April 15. Union, dacig. Hillel, 8-10. .. ,. o Mt4A it e Frj*Dicuhee Club. Northwest employers seek student workers by Jeannie Lurie Students not sure of how to spend their summer can join the likes of Yogi Bear and Chilly Willy. After finals, wilderness afi- cionados can hike over to Glacier National Park in Montana or hook a job in Alaska with the fishing and canning industry. Unlike Yogi, however, students working in Montana will hold a variety of positions such as maids, cooks, waitresses, and bus drivers, Glacier Park Personnel Director Ian Tippet said. "They'll be working hard, but it's worth it just being in one of America's grandest national parks," Tippet said. Dial Corpo- ration, which owns the park's busi- ness operations, is hoping to hire 900 students this summer. Talent directors also hire aspir- ing entertainers, especially guitar players, to perform. "We put on a guest show after dinner," Tippet said. Students heading further north to Alaska can work on assembly lines, process fish for canneries, or work on fishing boats, said Iiirec- tor of Marketing for M&L Re- search Mark Buchan. M&L Research in Seattle, Washington, publishes a book with all the information necessary to apply for a summer fishing job in Alaska. "A lot of students know you can make a lot of money there, but there's no formal company that can process and hire students," Buchan said. Alaska workers can earn more than $5,000 per month, according to M&L's advertisements. received from a cannery warned of harsh weather conditions and long hours, but he's not discouraged. "As far as summer goes, canners make a decent amount of money in a short period of time." Glacier National Park also draws overwhelming student inter- est, Tippet said. "We're working 12 to 14 hours a day to sort through this mess of mail." When students at Glacier Na- tional Park are not working, they can hike, bike, and swim. "We have 1000 miles of hiking trails, 60 glaciers, and a couple hundred lakes. It's one of the most breath- taking national parks, there's no question," Tippet said. Manager of Public Relations for Dial Corporation Brad Parker agrees. "There is this huge 300 foot waterfall," he said. "Since the park is fairly remote, it's pristine. There's tons of wildlife." by Gwen Shaffer, Daily Staff Reporter The National Forest Service is permitting serious environmental and social losses at the hands of the timber industry, said Forest Service veteran Jeff DeBonis in a lecture attended by 60 people last night. DeBonis founded the Associa- tion of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics (AFSEEE) to lobby against the in- fluence of industry interested only in short-term profits. "The forest service is know- ingly overcutting for political rea- sons" involving government favors to the timber industry, DeBonis said. He also criticized popular envi- ronmental initiatives as insuffi- cient. "While environmental awareness is at an all time high," he added, "the movement to do something about it is not." The reasons for concern are great, from global warming to re- source depletion, DeBonis said. "National forests harbor 50 per- cent of wild habitat left in the U.S., have large recreational value," and store incredible amounts of carbon dioxide, DeBo- nis said. DeBonis described the national forests as the last vestiges of func- tioning ecosystems left on the con- tinent. "We need a functioning ecosystem for a model to restruc- ture the ones already destroyed." AFSEEE believes the forest service should be leaders in con- servation, DeBonis said. "We are creating internal pres- sure within the forest service. Pub- lic (and) congressional education are both important - letting peo- ple know what is happening and pushing legislation," DeBonis said. DeBonis advocated more recy- cling and wood conservation. By recycling 59 percent of paper used - instead of the current 29 per- cent - he said the U.S. could re- duce the number of trees cut by 25 percent. Using thinner saw blades, ban- ning-disposable diapers, and dou- ble-sided copies would all reduce cutting by 50 percent, he added. "I have a lot of family in Brazil, so this is an issue that is very close to me," said University alumnus Diana Praschnik. Religious Services CANTERBURY HOUSE (Episcopal Church at U-M) 218 N. Division (at Catherine) SUNDAY SCHEDULE Holy Eucharist-5 p.m. at St. Andrew's Supper-6 p.m. at Canterbury House The Rev. Virginia Peacock, Ph.D., Chaplain Call665-06©6 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH AMERICAN BAPTIST CAMPUS CENTER 502 E. Huron SUN.: Worship-9:55 a.m. WED.: Supper & Fellowship-:30 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. (Betweenull & South University) SUNDAYS Worship-9:30 & 21 a.m. - Campus Faith Exploration Group-9:30 THURSDAYS: Campus Worship & Dinner-5:30 p.m. For information, call 662-4466 Amy Morrison, Campus Pastor LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRY LORD OF LIGHT LUTHERAN CHURCH, ELCA 801 South Forest (at Hill Street), 668-7622 SUNDAY: Worship-lO a.m. WEDNESDAY: Worship-7:30 p.m. Campus Pastor John Rollefson ST. MARY'S STUDENT PARISH (A Roman Catholic Community at U-M) 331 Thompson Street SAT.: Weekend Liturgies-s p.m,and SUN.:-8:30 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 noon, and 5 p.m. FRI.: Confessions-4-5p.m. WED., Mar. 20: Sacrament of Reconciliation-7 p.m. TH-URS., Mar. 21: Newman Gathering-7p.m. FRI., Mar. 22: Stations of the Cross-7 p.m. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 1511 Washtenaw SUNDAY: Worship-10:30 a.m. WEDNESDAY: Lenten Warship--9p.m. Pastor. Ed Krauss-663-5560