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March 14, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-14

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Sticks and stones
..billy clubs and
Page 4.

IC tutu a t

Sunny, seasonable;
High: 39, Low: 24.
Mostly sunny, pleasant;
High: 44, Low: 29.

Since 1890
Vol. CI, No. 111 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, March 14, 1991 Copyng19
The Michigan aly

calls for
bud et
cub ack
by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
University departments are be-
ginning to feel the brunt of the first
round of Michigan budget cuts.
University Provost Gilbert
Whitaker this week sent a letter to
University department heads giv-
ing them till April 1 to submit
budget revisions.
The cut is a result of a 1
percent decrease in higher ed-
ucation funding announced last
The University chose to wait to
make these cuts until anticipated
further cuts were made.
Now that it appears Governor
John Engler will not cut higher ed-
ucation further, the University has
chosen to cut $2.7 million from the
University's general fund. The
fund's sources include tuition rev-
enues, state appropriations, federal
grants and contracts, indirect cost
recoveries and unrestricted private
Since the University's fiscal
year does not coincide with the
state's, $2 million will be cut from
the University's base operating
budget during the 1990-1991 fiscal
year. The remaining amount will
be cut from the next fiscal year.
"The cuts were differentially al-
See CUTS, Page 2

Baker urges Israel to
heed U.N. resolutions

Associated Press
Secretary of State James Baker
held extended talks last night with
Syrian President Hafez Assad on a
U.S. formula to bring peace to the
Middle East, by having Israel give
up territory in exchange for Arab
Baker has told reporters travel-
ing with him that he made no spe-
cific demands of Israeli Prime
Minister Yitzhak Shamir in their
meeting Tuesday. But Israeli
sources said early yesterday in
Jerusalem that he stressed a need
for compliance with the U.N. Secu-
rity Council resolutions.
Nearing the end of a five-nation
trip to the Middle East, Baker also
discussed with Assad a flurry of
rumors regarding American
hostages in Lebanon and a bur-
geoning plan to guard the Persian
Gulf oil fields with an alliance of
Egyptian, Syrian and American
He added Lebanese Foreign
Minister Fares Bouez to his.
schedule for this morning, before
flying to Moscow to measure the
situation in the restive Soviet
The hostages are believed to be
held in Lebanon by Hezbollah, an
Iranian-backed group, and Baker
wants to get the latest word from
the Beirut government on the
"I think that the secretary feels
that the climate is now better than
it has been in a long time for mak-

ing progress" in the region, Presi-
dent Bush said in Ottawa, Canada.
Bush and Canadian President
Brian Mulroney signed a pact to
reduce the amount of acid rain in
North America.
Bush stopped in Canada on the
first leg of a five-day trip, that also
will include sessions in Martinique
with French President Francois
Mitterrand and in Bermuda with
British Prime Minister John Major.
"I haven't seen anything pes-
simistic coming out of the Baker
reports," Bush said. "There is
some kind of change," he said, fol-
lowing the war in which the army
of one of Israel's most threatening
enemies was vanquished.

that Gorbachev had sent messages
to Arab leaders outlining Soviet
views on security in the Persian
Gulf and soliciting their views.
Churkin said the messages were
sent to "a wide ranige of Arab
states," but he would not list them
nor say whether Saddam was
among them.
In Iraq, demonstrators in the
northern oil city of Mosul stormed
two prisons and released 4,000 po-
litical prisoners, according to Kur-
dish leaders who claimed to con-
trol almost 75 percent of Iraqi Kur-
distan. An opposition leader in
London said Kurdish forces had
surrounded Mosul.
Iraqi rebel leaders meeting in

'I think that the secretary feels that the
climate is now better than it has been in a
long time for making progress'
-President George Bush

Bush said it was "impossible to
have normalized relations" with
Iraq as long as Saddam Hussein
remained in power. Still, he said,
he was concerned about instability
in the region because of internal
unrest in Iraq.
Bush also cautioned Iran
against trying to take any Iraqi ter-
ritory. "That would be the worst
thing they could do," he said.
A day before Baker's arrival in
Moscow, Soviet Foreign Ministry
spokesperson Vitaly Churkin said

Beirut pledged to set up a transi-
tional government to lead Iraq to
democracy if they manage to un-
seat Saddam.
In New York, Kuwait's ambas-
sador to the United Nations said
Iraq's occupation and plunder of
Kuwait may cost the emirate up to
$100 billion in damages.
On Capitol Hill, 240 members
of the House signed a letter urging
Bush to require Kuwait and Saudi
Arabia to recognize Israel as the
first step in a new peace process.

Jump, dog!
Brent Sherman, a senior in the School of Engineering, entertains his dog
Baggins, or is Baggins entertaining him?



TAs 4 percent salary

.increase; negotiations continue

by Stefanie Vines
Daily Faculty Reporter
The University offered teaching
assistants a 4 percent salary in-
crease for the next two years in
continued negotiations over a new
contract last night.
The economic package pro-
* posed by the University was a re-
vised version of a three-year con-
tract proposal calling for a 3.5 per-
cent increase in 1991-92 and 1992-
93, and an additional 5 percent in-
crease in 1993-94.
The Graduate Employees Orga-
nization (GEO) has proposed a
two-year contract which included a
12 percent increase in 1991-92 and
a 9 percent increase in 1992-93.
The union plans to introduce a new
counterproposal at the next week's
bargaining session.
The current TA contract's expi-
ration date was extended to tomor-
row from March 1.
The University's new two-year
contract proposal did not come as
a surprise to GEO bargainers.
"There were no real surprises
about it. But the 4 percent increase

is still way below the inflation
rate," GEO president Chris Rober-
son said.
In addition to the new eco-
nomic proposal, two small changes
were made to non-economic is-
GEO proposed a memo of un-
derstanding which would not offi-
cially be written into the contract,
but would still be implemented.
The memo proposed that a GEO
representative and representatives
from other student organizations
such as the Michigan Student As-
sembly be allowed to sit in on an
existing University committee ex-
amining childcare costs.
The University agreed to allow
a GEO representative to sit in on
the committee, but refused admis-
sion to other student organizations,
said GEO bargainer John Robb.
GEO also submitted a proposal
calling for a two-term job security
clause to ensure TAs of being
hired for the entire academic year.
The University rejected the
two-term guarantee, but pledged to
inform TAs in April of whether

they will be hired for both the fall Talking about small details like
and winter terms. this takes time away from the big-
Robb remained unsatisfied with ger issues like class size and
both University responses. childcare," he said.
"Throwing in a couple of sen- When asked about how long
tences doesn't change anything. See GEO, Page 3
Grad students grapple with T A
troubles at other universities

by Melissa Peerless
Daily Higher Education Reporter
As University Teaching Assis-
tants battle with the administration
over contract terms, TAs at other
schools are facing their administra-
tions with their own sets of de-
At the University of California
at Berkeley, TAs have been hit
hard by the system's impending
budget cuts. The Association of
Graduate Student Employees
(AGSE) is currently petitioning for
greater benefits and higher pay for
its members.
"Administrators are making bad
decisions across the board," said
AGSE member Jane Hoeptner.

"The teaching assistants are
feeling the brunt of these budget
cuts but if we have to strike or
something, it will affect everyone.
The key is uniting faculty and un-
dergrads behind us in our attempt
to make the administration act
reasonably," she added.
The University of Iowa's Teach-
ing Assistants have also been do-
ing some difficult bargaining with
university administrators. Among
their demands are increased pay-
ment and the implementation of a
health insurance program.
Kerry Johnson, an English TA,
said, "Our problem has been major
See TAS, Page 2

G. Gordon Liddy addresses the audience at Mendelssohn Theater in the
Michigan League.
Liddy: government

Students 9
say aid
for tuition T
by Bethany Robertson
Daily Government Reporter
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dupes U.S
by Andrew Levy
Daily Staff Reporter



The American public is being
duped by the government, G.
Gordon Liddy, a prominent
Watergate figure, said yesterday
in a lecture at Mendelssohn
Liddy was the General
Counsel for the Committee to
Re-elect the President in 1972,
and was sent to prison for having
engineered the famous
Watergate break-in that brought
down the Nixon presidency.

when you are discussing govern-
ment, and when you are
discussing Washington, D.C.,
they do not speak English,"
Liddy said.
"You may have noticed that
as a people, as a nation, we are
characterized by the tendency to
deny unpleasant reality through
the misuse of language. How can
you, or I,. or anyone else in this
country even hope to cope with
and solve a problem ... if, for
example, we dare not even call
it by name?"

Rising tuition costs and dimin-
ishing financial aid have raised
the question of whether higher
education is really worth the
price, students said in a forum on
the increasing costs of education

J: :'. ?


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