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March 11, 1991 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-11

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Sports Monday- March 11, 1991

r r rti Mud-


Senior Editors
Jeff Sheran
Dan' Zoch

Night Editor
Jeni Durst




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Assistant Night Editors
Ken Davidoff
Josh Dubow
Adam Lutz
Rob Siegel
Tim Spolar
Ken Sugiura

2. Ohio St.
3. Indiana
4. Syracuse
5. Arkansas
6. Duke
7. North Carolina
8. Utah
9. Arizona
10. Kentucky
11. New Mexico St.
12. Kansas
13. Nebraska
14. Oklahoma State
15. E. Tennessee St.
16. LSU
17. UCLA
18. Missisippi State
19. Princeton
20. St. John's
21. Seton Hall
22. Southern Miss
23. Texas
24. Alabama
25. DePaul


beat Fresno State, 98-74
lost to Iowa, 80-69
beat Illinois, 70-58
lost to Villanova, 70-68
beat (23) Texas,
lost to (7) UNC, 96-74
beat (6) Duke, 96-74
lost to BYU 51-49 (OT)
beat Oregon, 107-65
did not play
lost to Fresno State
lost to (13) Nebraska, 87-83
lost to Missourri, 90-82
lost to Missouri, 94-92 (2 OT)
did not play
lost to Auburn, 92-77
beat Washington,73-60
lost to Tennessee, 87-70
beat Loyola Mrmt., 76-48
lost to Providence, 72-64
beat Georgetown, 74-62
lost to Louisville, 83-76
lost to (5) Arkansas, 120-97
beat Tennessee, 88-69
beat Notre Dame, 80-56

Michigan Sports
A compilation of Michigan sporting events for
the upcoming week.
Monday, March 11
No events scheduled
Tuesday, March 12
Men's gymnastics vs. Temple, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, March 13
Men's Lacrosse vs. Albion. Tartan Turf, 8:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 14
Wrestling at NCAA Championships in Iowa City,IA
Women's swimming at Diving Meet in Columbus, OH
Friday, March 15
Ice Hockey NCAA Playoffs, TBA
Women's Swimming at Diving Meet in Columbus, OH
Baseball at Florida State
Wrestling at NCAA Championships in Iowa City, IA
Saturday, March 16
Ice Hockey NCAA Playoffs, TBA
Women's Swimming at Diving Meet in Columbus, OH
Men's Swimming Michigan Senior Meet, 10 a.m., 6 p.m.
Women's Gymnastics vs. MSU and CMU, 2 p.m
Baseball at Florida State
Women's Tennis at Wisconsin, 10:30 a.m.
Wrestling at NCAA Championships in Iowa City, IA
Sunday, March 17
Men's Swimming Michigan Senior Meet, 10 a.m., 6 p.m..
Baseball at Florida State
All club sports wishing to have their schedules in the Daily should
bring their schedules to the Student Publications Building at 420
Maynard Street.

Gibson played basketball for the
Harlem Globetrotters.

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Michigan Daily Athlete-of-the-Week
WHY: Buerkel, the Wolverines' centerfielder, led Michigan this weekend as the
Wolverines finished third in the South Alabama Diamond Classic. Buerkel hit 8-12
this weekend and raised his season batting average to .396. Buerkel also had two
doubles on the weekend and drove in three runs in Saturday's loss to Auburn .
BACKGROUND: Buerkel has a 55 consecutive games played streak dating back to last
season. Last season, Buerkel was the Wolverines' leading base stealer. Buerkel
swiped 14 bases in 16 attempts. He also handled 131 chances in centerfield
without committing an error.
PERSONAL: Buerkel's greatest sports memory was hitting a line shot off No. 1 draft pick
Steve Avery (Atlanta) in Tiger
Stadium.Born 4-2-70.


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National Audubon Society
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Nil Nr~f
- Y... E8
N om " v' Y .: w +^"""" ' N ..v ,. " .

WHO: Steve Buerkel
TEAM: Baseball
HOMETOWN: Linden, Mich.
YEAR: Junior
Top Ten Things
Overheard in the
NCAA Tournament
Selection Room
10. Help me out here, buddy-
64 teams, 4 regions. How
many in each?
9.Anyone know where
Webber's going?
8. I don't care how bad they
are, rule 1 states that Notre
Dame always makes the
7. I said one plain and one
with peppers, you rogue!
6. Better give Georgetown a
high seed--we don't want to
upset Mr. Thompson.
5. You think that episode was
funny, what about the one
when Homer stole cable?
4. If Dick Vitale calls, tell
him we've moved.
3. Are you sure St. Francis
isn't a high school?
2. Uh-oh, now you've done
it! Call maintenace!
1. Take it easy on UNLV,
I've got my house on'em.
by Ken Davidoff
and Adam Lutz


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