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March 11, 1991 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-11

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The University of Michigan Union North Campus Commons
March 11 to March 17, 1991


Michigan Union Ticket Office
On Sale NOW!
Call 763-TKTS Open every day!


This week and next, we will
feature excerpts from the
journal of Tom Bradford,
mentor to an at-risk youth in
Wayne. The mentor program
is just one of the service-learn-
ing courses offered by Project

Oct. 8: Today was the first day of
going to the site and i act ally went a
bit better than I expected. My initial
expectation was the k.d s wrokI(4proba
bly be a bit shy and not at al Iorward
with me. It was a pleasant surprise
that they seemed to accept us quickly.-
I sat next to Jam and. as such, talked
mostly with him. Obiirusly he does
not have a very happy faily life. I
found out he d!oes not hv a father
and from his response to his favorite
family member ayself. he said) there
are obviously onliL's there. Other
than that, he certainly dii not setm to
have problems wth social skls. He
was friendlv, good -mannered, and cer-
tainly not an introvert.
Oct. 10: Today we were paired up
and, as I kid of expected, I was
paired with Jami. We went in and
talked a little bit and he was pretty
open. Right now I am unsure what I
am supposed to work on wth Jami
He. in fact, does not have mny
problems at aJl, unlss he is not
telling me the whole truth I wsh 1
knew a little more about what was
going on in his life. He said he was
an only child and he liked t hat.
Oct. 17: Jami was incrcbibl active
and because of that he was hard to
control. However, we did discuss
school, which is good because that
is where he is having a ..t of prob

Presented by the Office of Major Events. "... a buoyant, irrepressible sound.
It makes you smile and compels you to dance," - Newsday. Tuesday,
March12 at 8:00 p.m. Rackham Memorial Auditorium in Detroit. Wednesday,
March 13 at 7:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. The Ark in Ann Arbor.
Presented by the Office of Major Events. The most popular acoustic folk
group of the Sixties will appear for their first performance in Ann Arbor.
Thursday, March 14 at 8:00 p.m. Hill Auditorium.
Presented by the University Musical Society. Thursday, March 14 at
8:00 p.m. Rackham Auditorium. Order tickets by PHONE ONLY.
John Scofield never quite fit into the narrow definition of jazz fusion. The
guitarist has worked his favorite aspects of jazz, blues, and country into a
personal style that is uncompromisingly original. Friday, March 15 at 7:30
p.m. and 10:00 p.m. The Ark.
Presented by Kuumba. Come watch Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and
Lion as they "ease on down the road" to the magical place called Oz! Friday,
March 15 at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, March 16 at 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Power
Presented by Happy Ship Productions. This will be the best Friars concert
ever! Saturday, March 16 at 8:00 p.m. Rackham Auditorium.
Presented by the University Musical Society. Saturday, March 16 at 8:00
p.m. Hill Auditorium. Order tickets by PHONE ONLY.
Singer/songwriter Tom Paxton is the performer who a "Boston Globe" re-
viewer wrote was "by himself, two of the folk scene's best writers." Saturday,
March 16 at 7:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. The Ark.
Paxton's concerts are always a delightful way to educate children. Sunday,
March 17 at 1:00 p.m. The Ark.
Presented by the Office of Major Events. Fans and critics agree that to hear
rocker George Thorogood is like riding a wild roller coaster. Sunday,
March17 at 7:30 p.m. Hill Auditorium.
Order tickets for all events by PHONE ONLY.
Take A Ride with George Thorogood and the Destroyers
Fans and critics agree that to hear rocker George Thorogood live is like riding a wild
roller coaster. You can come along for a ride on Sunday, March 17 when Thorogood
and the Destroyers perform at Hill Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. The concert is presented
by the Office of Major Events.
George Thorogood and the Destroyers don't just play their rough and tumble hard
rock and blues - they live itatag concert stage like a desperate rebel regi-
ment. They approah#h t sty, integrity, and ferocity.
To those.. tininitiated, "Boogie People", Thorogoodnd the Dstroyers
latet EM ntbm is an ideal introducto oth ncompriingj, snsual music tha
itskt them one of rck audie ra ns for fifteen years. Thoro-
god's t iasnd iandeset slde guitar charge the entire
albumit r. Rhytia ntarit tevChrismar, bassist Bill Blough,
drummer Jeff Si n , and saxophonst HaCarter are more than just compatible
partners norimd When Thorogodt s th is switchblade guitar, the
Destroyersfc iup with a vne
Because the bd 's first love has always bee playing live, they tour as much as

possible. Fueled by a burning desire to turn audiences on to the music that has given
them so much joy, George Thorogood and the Destroyers don't plan on an early re-
tirement, Thorogood said, "As long as there are still fans out there, we'll keep
Concert tickets are available at the Michigan Union Ticket Office. To obtain

Following are excerpts of U-M
student responses to that question
posed by Project SERVE:
"I think it is important to take
time out of ourselves - not to be
concerned with only our problems
and worries, only our lives, but get
away from ourselves and look at
other people and realize what
other kinds of people are really out
there. In doing this, we not only
help ourselves examine our own
lives, but we also provide help for
"Change needs to happen on every
level of our society. I have chosen
to work on the local level, with
SAFE House, because it's inspir-
ing to see the effects of our actions
in the lives of the women with
whom we work."
"There is nothing quite like that
fuzzy, warm glow you feel inside
when you help others."
"Rather than waste my life show-
ering myself with excess, I can
contribute the extra effort I have
to those who need it. And in giving
to them, I am also giving myself
the most precious gift I can - the
assurance my life will have been
worth something."
To discover the wide range of
volunteer opportunities available
in the Ann Arbor community,
come to the Project SERVE office,
2211 Michigan Union, or call 936-

The U Club Calendar

Monday to Friday
Lunch is served from 11 am. to
2 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Happy Hour is held from 4 p.m.
to 8 p.m.
Tuesday Evening
Reggae with DJ Creole Kid.
Wednesday Evening
UAC Laughtrack: Bill Thomas.
Thursday Evening
UAC Soundstage: Holy Cows.
Jazz music from 5:30 p.m. to
7:30 p.m. Free pizza (regular
and vegetarian)
served from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
T-shirt giveaway night.
Friday Evening
New Music with DJ Jeffrey.
Saturday Evening
Music with Kuumba.
The University Club is a private club for
U-M students, faculty, staff, alumni, and
their invited guests. Only members of
legal drinking age may purchase
alcohol. 1Qrequired.



Week: More excerpts
Tom Bradford's journal

Songs and Poetry to
Brighten Your Week
This week, y an choose to
remove your e from the
daily grin ending
either a e tal or
poetry s red by
the O j J Arts d o-
gr _ -11tt iven
yo .,t
As the Marchffering for, the
"Concert o nth" se-
ries, b haw will
sing Wil-
k s1
The i day,
March] .the
Pendleton f the Michi-
gan Union.
phe Ka read
from s try ash t of the
"Arts - es. The
reading t 12:15
n m. in th leton Room

Earlier this winter, as myfriends
and I contemplated options for
spring break (before last semes-
ter even ended!), we came up
with a glorious plan: we would
drive to Colorado and indulge in
a week of deep powder skiing
under the Rockies' blue skies.
Instead, I spent the week with
twenty other U-M students in
New York City at soup kitchens,
elderly visitation programs, and
tutoring youth- at-risk.
I did not once think of
changing my decision.
As this volunteer discovered,
Project SERVE offered the
opportunity of an alternative
spring break. In addition to
U-M student groups working
on the two New York projects
which have received assis-
tance for the past two years
(one with soup kitchens, an-
other with youth in deten-
tion), a third group of stu-
dents went to Kalamazoo,
Michigan and worked with
Habitat for Humanity, a
housing organization for low-
income people. Because of
the overwhelming response to
this year's Service Spring
Break projects, Project
SERVE hopes to offer addi-
tional sites in the future to
accommodate all those
However, if you would rather
not wait until next year to
become involved in commu-
nity service, come into the
Project SERVE office, 2211
Michigan Union, or call 936-






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Architectural Renderings
Displayed in the
Art Lounge
Stop by the Art Lounge (First
Floor of the Michigan Union)
to see renderings of architec-
tural schemes created by U-
M School of Architecture
faculty members.
The exhibit will be dis-
played through March 22 in
the Art Lounge. The Art
Lounge is open during the
Union's regular building

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