Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Monday, March 11, 1991 4be £r 4Fgan flail 420 Maynard Street ANDREW GOTTESMAN Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Editor in Chief Edited and Managed STEPHEN HENDERSON 'by Students at the DANIEL POUX University of Michigan Opinion Editors Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the, opinion of the Daily. .: : r :. 4 j" Graduation speaker Selection committee should consider more than race, gender T t Ca (tC({$j.J !ac- -5r2 W64 WI-~LL BF L~19T ~ SvON AS > -M -To PLANT- j7cog TL-ms V".. . .... . J..". . . . . . . . . . . . ...1. ......".:..J^J."..". " "1 .1. . .".:Y.. 1- ^--A,---.- . "{ .1..... 1Y{..1 ."............... . . . . ......:::...*. .........^ . . ...* . . . ......... .J. .V: " V"..""" .1 {4'"h.{:1...:............................ .".. . ::::. ' ":.:::.:::J..... ........ "}'. . v: . ......... .V..... :.."f.1 ... . . . . .V 1 f T he LSA Commencement Committee an- nounced last week that ABC News weekend anchor Carole Simpson will give the commence- ment speech at this year's graduation ceremony. Simpson is a respected national media figure as well as a successful University graduate, but the methods used in her selection are somewhat ques- tionable. According to committee members, Simpson was selected primarily because she is an African American woman. The committee members ex- plained that Simpson's selection was a reaction to last year's Commencement speaker, Hollywood director Lawrence Kasdan. To compensate for last year's "white male" speaker, the selection com- mittee wanted to create a balance, and actively sought a minority speaker. It is commendable that the University actively solicits speakers from traditionally under-represented groups. Many AfricanAmerican women have overcome many obstacles to reach the top. Their success despite institutional hurdles must be praised, and Simpson will be an inspira- tion to students as well as an excellent Com- mencement speaker. In addition, the keynote speakers at previous LSA graduation ceremonies have been-for the most part- white males. The committee's willingness to diverge from this tra- dition is definitely encouraging. However, to openly proclaim that color and gender were the main criteria in Simpson's selec- tion is insulting, and blatantly devalues Simpson's individual merits. Furthermore, this tokenist atti- tude is insulting and patronizing to African Ameri- cans - and women as well. The Commencement Committee's behavior reflects the unspoken assumption that the only way women and people ofcolorcan attain high positions is through the help of benevolent individuals and institutions. For the University to perpetuate this attitude in the name of "diversity" does not con- tribute to a true community of free-thinking indi- viduals with different interests and origins. The selection committee's decision should be based on Inany various factors; race and gender should be considered, but should not highlight the selection process. There must be some variety in commencement speakers; true diversity in the University commu- nity must extend to all segments. But basing the selection solely upon race and gender is insulting both to the speaker and the graduating students. The LSA seniors assembled in Crisler Arena will appreciate Simpson for her merits and accom- plishments - the selection committee should do the same. Prove your spirit NIT provides chance for students to get out of the cheap seats unday night, the National InvitationalTourna- ment invited Michigan to play in the post- season tourney. In response to this, the Athletic Department has taken a chance on the student body. Michigan's first game will be played in Colorado Wednesday night, but if the team advances to the second round and the selection committee determines Crisler will be a home site, at least 1,300 excellent seats in Crisler will be made available to students on a first- come, first-served basis. If a good number of students purchase these tickets, the athletic depart- ,ment has said it will take measures to permanently improve student seating. Crisler Arena has always been considered one of the more sedate places to play in the nation. Crowd noise at basketball games is traditionally low, and student attendance has been inconsistent, providing the Athletic Department little incentive to ensure that students have prime seats. Students have the opportunity to change this, because not only will student seats be closer during the tournament, but less vocal fans (such as alumni) will be farther away. Naturally, the greater the number of students that attend, the greater the Noise level in the arena.. A 21 aultOC, City council demonstrates cont T hroughout the year, students crossing the IDiag are asked this question by legions of clipboard-totingAnnArborites pushing some cause or another: "Excuse me, but are you registered to vote in Ann Arbor?" The temptation is to ignore them and proceed on toward class. But doing so means consciously choosing ignorance - not to mention forfeiting one's basic rights as a citizen. Those rights become especially relevant in the context of Ann Arbor's current city council. First, ignoring a Homeless Action Committee (HAC) proposal to let the city's voters decide whether $9 million in Ann Arbor tax money should be wasted constructing the Kline's parking lot, council fol- lowed up last Monday by voting money for the Kline's lot and thereby riding roughshod over its citizens' rights. In response, HAC has decided to take its case to the people. Last week, it initiated a referendum petition drive which would allow Ann Arborvoters to decide for themselves how city money is spent. This drive deserves every Ann Arborites' support. It is bad enough- as the Daily has consistently maintained-that Mayor Jernigan and his council lapdogs remain willing to place profits before people by constructing yet another parking lot rather than low-income housing. But it is even worse when they refuse to give voters a chance to Students must also attend in an attempt to rectify their low priority with the athletic depart- ment. If students can rally behind the team during the NIT, it will signify to the athletic department that students are indeed serious about Wolverine basketball. In the past, while football has averaged 20,000 student season ticket holders, basketball has averaged between 1,500 and 4,500 student season ticket holders, and this number has been inconsistent. A change now will provide the nec- essary impetus for progress on the part of the athletic department. Students, by purchasing tickets for the NIT, will help ensure good student seats in the future. Unfortunately, many students consider the NIT tournament a step above high school basketball playoffs. But an NIT bid does not mean less action or excitement on the court; nor does it preclude the possibility of seeing some outstanding players shoot the rock. And most importantly, this NIT game showcases Michigan basketball. For a long time, students have been begging the athletic department for better seats in Crisler. Now, they have the chance to prove that they deserve those seats by supporting, their team in the NIT. rats empt for democracy challenge their abject willingness to line the fat cats' pockets rather than serving their own con- stituents' interests. During the past three years, the Kline's parking lot issue has dominated city politics. Consistently raised at almost every council meeting by HAC, the Huron Valley Greens, and other groups, it has also dominated the agenda at numerous candidates' nights and electoral forums during the last two city elections. Ideally, council would have seen for itself that low income housing for its growing homeless population is more important than yet another parking structure. But this council is less than ideal. Even as the state's unemployment figures climb toward 10 percent and the city slides into recession, council continues to search for magical panaceas like parking lots to end the local recession. They should be concentrating on the recession's victims instead. So when you see one of those clipboard people approaching you in the coming weeks, don't run the other way. Stand up for your rights and put council on the run instead. Whatever one's opinion of the Kline'sparking lot issue itself, Ann Arborites deserve a city in which, at the very least, their opinions matter. Free Kuwait? To the Daily: The photo accompanying the Daily's Mar. 6 pro-Students Against U.S. Intervention in the Middle East editorial is labeled, "Students protest the war on Jan. 15." Why is one of the anti-war protestors wearing what appears to be desert camouflage and holding up a piece of paper with the words "FREE KUWAIT" written in large block letters? Just curious. Jon Grantham LSA junior Axe Dooder State To the Daily: I'm sorry, but I refuse to keep quiet any longer. I have endured long enough with Nuts and Bolts and those weak Top ls that are published every Monday, but now the new comic strip Dooder State College has to be the final blow. Can't the Daily publish something with some humor, instead of this garbage that contains no wit whatsoever and just fills up valuable newspaper space? The only reason why I continue to read this crap is to see how, against staggering odds it actually continues to get worse. Please spare me of my misery and publish something - anything (more Cottage Inn ads, for example) that will relieve me of reading these futile attempts at humor. Jeremy Katz LSA first-year student Dooder isn't funny To the Daily: Dooder State College is terrible. As a comic, it hasn't possessed humor worthy of even a smirk on any day. Further, as a political cartoon, trying to make statements about life here at the 'U,' it lacks any poignancy and has the subtlety of a B-52. It is infuriating because it seems to be almost trying to address an audience with a sixth- grade mentality (which I like to think is inaccurate of "most" of To the Daily: It is arrogance of a pecu- liarly male - and, I suspect, heterosexual white - kind, to assume one knows what transpired in a given situation, even though one was not there. I refer to those who posted the "anti-" Drake's boycott/rally signs hereabouts on Monday and Tuesday (Mar. 4 and 5). Were these people there? Do they have solid evidence? No, of course not. But it's an all- too-common thing for men to deny women's reality, to claim that our perceptions are flawed, that we are "hysterical" or "paranoid;" because if they can get us to question our own individual sanity, then our strength is diminished. Also, as is often the case with the politically retarded, these people choose to remain anonymous. Thus, they feel safe in their armchair analysis and their insulation from the facts and safe in their tactics: I know that at least one of the "Drake's five" has received telephone threats since this incident became public knowledge. A m Their pat use of the term las "self-victimization" gives me the willies, too. It reminds me of the skewed world-view that bemoans "reverse discrimination." Talk about 0 JOSE JUAREZ/Daly member of the Drake's Five protests tThursday. sour grapes! Get a life, kids. Beth Chase the Daily's readers). Nuts and Bolts is light years better, funny too. Fred Werner first-year student School of Natural Resources Too much mail! To the Daily: In the "Announcements" column of the classified ads in Friday, Mar. 8, edition of the Daily, there was an advertisement requesting students to send a postcard to Craig Shergold, a young man dying of a brain tumor and wanting to set the world record for the most postcards received. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. In an article on July 29, 1990, the New York Times reported that Shergold (a resident of London) is currently receiving so many postcards that his family is literally overwhelmed. At least a third of the postcards sent to Shergold are waiting in Atlanta because his family cannot process them. It takes a group of community volunteers several hours a week to separate the cards for recycling purposes. Shergold has asked that people stop sending postcards. Jim Huggins Rackham graduate student Defending the Drake's five 0 . ~ Women, militarism and the war This year's International Women's Day celebration was tainted by the somber events in the Gulf. There is no better time than now to explore the effects that mili- tarism and this war' have had on women. Clearly, Middle women suf- fer the most when their Violence against women is a hallmark of war and militarized society. The effects have been dev- astating: mass rape and sexual tor- ture as well as murder, prostitution, and countless related hardships. Military men on base or at war create a major market for women's bodies. Prostitution is condoned as a necessary and even patriotic ser- vice. In many countries, a foreign military presence has meant the enslavementof astounding numbers of Third World women to prostitu- tion as a means of economic survival after their traditional communities were destroyed. Some have be- moaned the fact that American soldiers will be able to avail them- selves of thebodies of Saudi women - which may cast a new light on the urgent calls for a quick war. The ongoing American military This is rarely a consideration when the sexism of Saudi culture is denounced by American critics. NOW's position on the war - that "the sexist regimes of Saudi Arabia and.Kuwait are not worth American lives" - accepts the assumption that we are coming to the rescue of threatened countries and suggests that American intervention would be justified in a different situation. Molly Yard's statement that"this is gender apartheid in its most brutal form and should offend all Ameri- cans" appeals to U.S. presumptions of superiority and moral authority. We must oppose the oppression of Saudi women and attempts to dismiss it as mere "custom." Cross- cultural judgement, however, is an especially difficult enterprise when undertaken by those who have his- torically wielded national, racial or class power over a group. Western communi- ties are de- stroyed by incessant Cecelia Ober Nuts and Bolts t (AND IN M uaENEWS. by Judd Winick- I You IDN'T~p j bombing and a scarcity of food and medicine. But women in the United States bear the burdens of war as well. Military spending has increased i' ES'Ar otoWJ E QNI.Y Gi.1 E 6EEx1S "ro"'