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March 06, 1991 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-06

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Women's Basketball
vs. Michigan State
Tomorrow, 7:30 p.m.
Crisler Arena
The Michigan Daily


Ice Hockey
vs. Ferris State
Friday, 8:10 p.m.
Joe Louis Arena, Detroit

Wednesday, March 6, 1991

Page 9


Andrea Joyce hits the big time


Sophomore Debbie Geiger posted her best score ever against LSU,
helping the Wolverines topple their team record set one week earlier.
'M' gymnasts reset
team-- record at LSU

by Caryn eidman
Daily Sports Writer
From the basement of the
Frieze Building to the coveted
offices of CBS Sports, Andrea
Joyce has made it to the top.
After many years of hard work
and persistence, Joyce, a member
of the 1976 University of Michigan
graduating class, is covering the
sports which she thrived on while
at Michigan.
"When I went to U of M, the
way you picked your apartment
was how close it was to the
stadium," Joyce said. "I read the
sports section the same way I read
the front page. Back then I was the
only girl I knew who read Sports
"I made my first audition tape
in the basement of the Frieze
Building and I just started sending
it out; it was hard for women to get
news jobs then. I got the job as a
weather girl over the phone from a
station in Denver."
Joyce attributes her diploma
from the University of Michigan
for her ease at getting the
"Going to Michigan was like
walking into a huge adventure.
Your life was an open ticket," she
said. "You could do anything you

wanted to do there, you just had to
make it happen."
Things started to happen for
Joyce in Dallas, where she began
to pursue sports full time.
"When the SMU scandal broke,
my station broke it. They were
trying to get a reputation as journ-
alists in the sports department - I
knew enough about (sports) and I
did my homework."
According to Joyce a big factor
in the business is luck and timing.
She has apparently gotten her fair
share of both.
"One night in Dallas, the
Mavericks were playing the
Nuggets and for some reason
(Nuggets coach) Doug Moe didn't
talk to (our station). I knew Doug
from when I worked in Denver and
so he agreed to the interview. The
news director was very surprised. I
guess you could say that was my
first big coup."
Joyce is aware that stations
want to put women on television,
but she does not believe this is the
reason that she or other female
sportscasters are where they are.
"If you build your credibility
people will respect you and your
work. It's not based on color or

She also does not feel that she
was one of the people that helped
break down the sex barrier in
sports broadcasting.
"I was never a trailblazer."

detraction from her reporting
"Not every male has been an
athlete. I have something else to
bring to the reporting I do. I don't
feel like it's my job to know
exactly what Michael Jordan is
going through out there (on the
court), because it's my job to find
out. If we all know what they're
going through, what's the point?"
Another misconception about
her job is the glamour, or lack
thereof. Joyce was covering the
1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul,
South Korea, and although it was
an "exciting experience," she is
quick to remember that there was
nothing glamorous about it.
"There were sewer gases crawl-
ing up in the bathtub and there
were no windows, although being
out there when Ben Johnson beat
Carl Lewis, and then the next day
when they found out Johnson was
using steroids was compensation."
Joyce's first love is the NCAA,
with its tradition and rivalry.
"It's great to watch people get
so caught up in it. I knew if I could
maintain my objectivity during our
first show this season, the Michi-
gan vs. Notre Dame game, I would
be fine for the rest of the season."

by Andy Stabile
Daily Sports Writer
On the morning the Michigan
women's gymnastics team faced
Louisiana State University, a
tornado touched down on the
university's athletic campus. It
was not the only tornado the
team would have to face that
day. The third-ranked Tigers also
blew by the Wolverines Mar. 1,
defeating them, 193.75 to 187.00.
Facing a superior opponent
didn't seem to intimidate Mich-
igan. Despite the loss, the
Wolverines garnered another
season-high and school-record
performance. The gymnasts
broke the existing record that
was set only one week earlier,
when they defeated Eastern
Michigan in Ann Arbor.
"We pretty much got what
we expected out of LSU,"
Michigan coach Bev Fry said,
"We were just hoping to come
up with a season best."
Sophomores Ali Winski and

Debbie Geiger led the Wolver-
ines to their record performance
with all-around scores of 37.75
and 37.15, respectively. For
Geiger, it was the first time over
the 37 point barrier.
Other Michigan gymnasts
performing personal bests in-
cluded Tami Crocker and Nicole
Simpson on the uneven bars. As
a team, the Wolverines had
season-best scores on both the
bars and the balance beam.
"We had some great beam
events," Fry said. "That's just
great. That has been our trouble
spot all year."
The season-high was espec-
ially sweet for the Wolverines as
they achieved the score on the
road. Teams are required to
submit best scores from both
home and away to qualify for
regional competition. Until this
meet, Michigan's best scores all
came from within Keen Arena.

Joyce said. "The door was opened
and I just walked through; the
other women kicked it down.
Twenty years ago when CBS hired
Phyllis George it was for different
reasons - now they are no longer
hiring for the 'women's per-
Joyce is well aware that she
will "never be someone's offensive
coordinator," but she also knows
she does her job as well as any
male. She does not feel that her
lack of playing experience is a

Ski teams glide to National Championships

by Jeff Williams
While many students were in
warmer climates over Spring
Break, the Michigan men's and
women's ski teams were com-
peting in the National Collegiate
Ski Association Regional Cham-
pionships atop Caberfae and
Crystal Mountains in Michigan.
Their vacations were well spent as
both teams qualified for the
National Championships.
The women's team, paced by

Joanna Marquardt, finished at the
top of the 17-team field. Wisconsin
and St. Olaf College (Minn.)
finished second and third,
Marquardt swept the competi-
tion by placing first in the slalom
and giant slalom, with combined
times of 52.73 seconds in each.
Lisa Witty also helped Michigan's
cause by garnering second place in
the slalom with a time of 55.04
seconds, and sixth in the giant


Blue sailors breeze by
competition in regattas

slalom, finishing in 54.74 seconds.
On the men's side, a ninth-
place finish by Tim Sattlemeier in
the giant slalom (53.90 seconds)
helped the Wolverines to third
place, and a berth in the National
Championships. St. Olaf finished
first, and the University of Min-
nesota second, to round out the
men going to nationals from the
Midwest region.
This is the first time that the
men's and women's teams have
both qualified for the event. In
1987, the women's team finished
third in the competition, and the
men will be appearing in the race
for the first time.
Both teams have been
competing in invitationals since
December. The women's team is
undefeated in its meets, with a tie
against Michigan State as its only
blemish. The men have also had a
good year.
"The season has gone well,"
co-captain Steve McClean said.

"The team has really come toge-
ther at the end. We've really peak-
ed at the right time."
The NCSA Championship race
will be held March 13-16, in Bend,
Ore., at Mount Bachelor.
"I think we'll do very well,"
Witty said. "We come out of one
of the toughest regions, but the
western teams have better con-
Because of a lack of snow in
the Ann Arbor area, the only extra
preparation the skiers will have
will be the day before the meet.
"We're going to try and ski
Tuesday, and get used to the runs
and the altitude," McClean said.
"Conditioning will definitely be a
factor because of the altitude and
that the runs are so much longer."
The runs at Crystal Mountain
and Caberfae usually average 30.
seconds; the runs on Mount Bach-
elor will average one minute and
20 seconds for the slalom and two
minutes for the giant slalom.

Possible NCAA bids for Big
Ten hang on weekend games
by Phil Green
Daily Basketball Writer

It's party time in college basketball, and the NCAA will pass out 64
invitations Sunday. With 30 automatic bids going to conference cham-
pions, the rest of the nation's Division I schools will be fighting for the
final 34 spots.
Last weekend, Ohio State clinched at least a share of its .first
conference title since 1971, officially claiming an automatic bid and
probably the number one seed in the Midwest Region.
The Big Ten will probably receive anywhere from two to four at-large
bids as well. Indiana, No. 3 nationally, is guaranteed a bid and could
possibly give the conference a second number one seed; Michigan State
will also head to the tournament.
Iowa (7-9 in the Big Ten, 18-10 overall) and Purdue (7-9, 15-11)
remain the conference's question marks.
"I think Purdue and Iowa have a good chance," Ohio State coach
Randy Ayers said. "Both of those schools are in the same position we
were in last year with two games to go. We won one of two and made
the tournament."
With each of those teams facing Ohio State and winless North-
western in their remaining games, both the Hawkeyes and Boilermakers
appear likely to split their last two contests.
However, only one victory may not be enough for the two schools. "I
think it's very important that Iowa and Purdue win their last two games
to reach 9-9 in the conference," Michigan State coach Jud Heathcote
said. "Other conferences have complained about schools making the
tournament with less than .500 records in their own conference."
If either of those teams fall short of the NCAA tournament they will
receive invitations to the NIT, where they will probably join Wisconsin
(7-9,13-13) and Michigan (7-10,14-13).
"There's no particular thing we have to do as long as we win," Wis-
consin coach Steve Yoder said. "If we can finish in fifth place ... I think
we deserve serious consideration for at least one of the tournaments."
AND THEN THERE WERE THREE: Three of the conference's
schools won't partake in the post-season festivities. Third-place Illinois
(11-5, 21-8), on probation because of the Deon Thomas affair, is
ineligible, while Minnesota (4-12, 11-15) and Northwestern (0-16, 5-21)
haven't put up numbers worthy of admittance.
TICKET UPDATE: In preparation for possible home games during the
NIT, the Michigan athletic department will announce tournament ticket
policies tomorrow morning.
Begin June 3rd & July 8th

by Todd Greenberg
The Michigan sailing team
was a few weeks late for Mardi
Gras, but that didn't stop the
Wolverines from having fun in
New Orleans during Spring
Eight members of the varsity
team travelled south to sail in
the South Eastern Collegiate
District regatta at Tulane Univ-
The regatta presented a
formidable challenge for Mich-
igan, as three top twenty teams
also participated - Tulane,
Spring Hill, and Texas A&M. In
addition, Michigan had not prac-
ticed in the water for some time,
as Baseline Lake in Ann Arbor
has been frozen all winter.
"The idea of the regatta was
to make up for the fact that we
can't practice here (Michigan),"
coach John Pernick said. "We
really need the time in the
Michigan did more than just
make up for lost practice time.
The Wolverines took first place,
thus demonstrating their progress
over the week.
"We wouldn't have come
anywhere close to winning on
our first day there, we were fal-
ling all over the boats. But we
worked hard to keep up intensity
and concentration and it paid
off," Pernick said.

However, the trip was not all
business. After long days of prac-
tice, the sailors found time to
unwind and enjoy the break.
They spent time with their
friends at Tulane in the French
Quarter. They also got a chance
to see the favorite local band,
The Radiators.
While their teammates were
enjoying themselves in New Or-
leans, eleven other team mem-
bers went to Orlando to compete
in a regatta hosted by the Univ-
ersity of Florida.
Michigan practiced during
the week with Rollins College
and participated in an unofficial
regatta Friday in Gainesville. Al-
though it finished in the upper
echelon in this competition, the
team was disappointed when
Saturday's official regatta was
cancelled due to severe thunder-
storms. But the trip was far from
a waste.
"We wanted to get back in
the water and get practice for
our upcoming regattas," captain
Tim Mackey said. "Our goal is
aimed at the nationals in June."
During the break, Michigan
worked on three main aspects:
boat handling and speed,
skipper-crew communication,
and concentration. The Wolver-
ines have not been able work on
these skills due to the weather in
Ann Arbor.

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