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March 04, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-04

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WI DE...
lcers move on to
the Joe with
sweep of OSU.
See SPORTSmonday


Cloudy, may be flurries;
High: 34, Low: 23.
I Mostly cloudy;
IHigh: 48, Low: 31.

Since 1890
Vol. CI, No.103 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, March 4, 1991 Copig991
The Michigan 9Daily
llies, Iraq agree to permanent peace
Baker to Agreement
seek plan
for peaceov
in Mideast .S Ws
gswap of P0~
WASHINGTON (AP) - Sec- .x' SAFWAN, Iraq (AP) - Al- dul Amir al-Anbari, said in New
retary of State James Baker said lied and Iraqi military leaders York that Iraq had released 10
yesterday that vanquishing Iraq's ^ agreed yesterday to a tentative POWs already, among them six
army has created new opportuni- l cease-fire and a quick release of Americans, "including one of
ties for peace in the Middle war prisoners in a dramatic them the young lady that was
East, but the United States meeting of commanders at a captured."
"cannot impose a solution" on captured desert airstrip in south- Schwarzkopf, the U.S. com-
Israel or the Arab states.N em Iraq. mander in the Persian Gulf, and
Baker and other top adminis- "I am very happy to tell you other allied chiefs refused to say
tration officials signalled anew we agreed on all matters," U.S. whether they had learned how
that the coalition will go easier _Army Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf many POWs are held by Iraq.
on seeking reparations from Iraq "'7skg told a crowd of soldiers and The U.S. command knows of at
if Saddam Hussein is removed journalists after the two-hour least nine Americans. The only
from power. U.S. Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, left, top allied commander, and Saudi Gen. Khalid bin Sultan, second from the meeting. woman U.S. soldier listed as
Baker said Saddam remains left, sit across the table from unidentified Iraqi military commanders at the start of a meeting Sunday to set the He announced that a missing the war is Army Spe.
in control in Baghdad "as far as terms for a permanent cease-fire. The meeting was held in a tent at a captured Iraqi air base at Safwan, Iraq. "symbolic release" of POWs Melissa Rathbun-Nealy.
we know," despite unrest in would be made immediately to He said U.S. troops would
Basra and other Iraqi cities. no tears would be shed if he Hussein, who sided with Sad- in the defense budget over five show good faith, and that "all withdraw from occupied southern
President Bush, who spent were toppled from power. dam. years. detainees," including several Iraq as soon as a permanent
the weekend at the presidential Top White House officials, And National Security Ad- Speaking on ABC-TV, thousand Kuwaiti civilian cease-fire was signed and Iraq
retreat at Camp David, Md., has making the rounds of network viser Brent Scowcroft said the Scowcroft said he did not think hostages held by Iraq, would be has complied with U.N. resolu-
said repeatedly that while Sad- television talk shows, held out Bush administration may have to the United States could respond treated as war prisoners. tions. Those resolutions say Iraq
dam's ouster was not a war aim, an olive branch to Jordan's King rethink plans for a 25 percent cut See BAKER, page 2 Iraq's U.N. ambassador, Ab- See GULF, Page 2

I - I

Engler's vetoes send budget
talks back to state legislature

by Bethany Robertson
Daily Government Reporter

State budget talks were sent back to
the discussion table last week after Gov.
John Engler vetoed large parts of a bud-
get bill approved last month by the state
The bill was designed by House
Democrats as an alternative to the 9.2
percent across-the-board state cuts
passed earlier in the year.
However, Engler did approve parts of
the budget plan that will restore funding
for corrections facilities, the state po-
lice, some salaries for Department of
Social Services employees, and mental
and public health facilities.
All other state departments will con-
tinue under the original reductions.
Higher education was excluded from
last December's 9.2 percent cuts, re-
737 crash
25 aboard
- A United jetliner with 25 people on
board crashed in flames as it ap-
proached the Colorado Springs airport
Sunday morning, and there were appar-
ently no survivors, authorities said.
United Flight 585 en route from Den-
ver crashed at 9:55 a.m. four to five
miles south of the airport, the Federal
Aviation Administration in Washington
said. There were 20 passengers on board
and a crew of five.

ceiving instead a 1 percent reduction.
The legislature must now negotiate a
new bill if the 9.2 percent cuts are to be
Engler Press Secretary John Truscott
said the governor vetoed the majority of
the bill because, instead of reducing the
estimated state deficit of $1.1 billion, it
authorized additional spending.
"We just can't spend money that we
don't have," Truscott said.
But David Wiener, legislative aid to
Representative David Hollister (D-Lans-
ing), said another part of the Demo-
cratic plan - now being considered by
the Senate - would increase state rev-
enues to offset the additional spending.
"(Engler's) refused to even acknowl-
edge that we are offering any revenues,"
Wiener said. One example he gave was

a money-saving early retirement plan for
state employees.
"There are revenues available,"
Wiener said. "We'd be willing to give if
we saw some sign from the governor
that he's willing to come down from his
Although the budget bill sent to the
governor was passed almost unani-
mously by the Senate, Truscott said it
was passed with the Senate's under-
standing that the governor would not ap-
prove it.
Sen. Lana Pollack (D-Ann Arbor)
said the Senate passed the bill in order
to send a message to the governor.
"They really did it to quietly embar-
rass the governor," Pollack said.
"They'd tried privately to get him to ac-
See BUDGET, Page 2

es in Colorado; all

The plane narrowly missed housest
and apartment buildings; at least one
person on the ground was injured.
"There does not appear to be" any
survivors, said Dick Meyer, of the
FAA's public information office in Seat-]
tle. Chicago-based United said in a1
statement that "at this time there are no
reports of survivors" aboard the Boeing
"All obviously are presumed dead,"1
said Sgt. Dean Kelsey, of the El Paso

County Sheriff's office. However, he
said he would not confirm that until
search efforts had been exhausted.
"I watched and it went vertically into
the ground," said Army Command Sgt.
Maj. Leo Martinez. "There was a huge
fireball, black smoke and orange
Denver airport official Richard
Boulware said the plane's last stop be-
fore Denver was Moline, Ill. Before that
it stopped in Peoria, Ill.

Clean laundry at last
First-year students and University lacrosse team members Paul Guthrie and Kevin Lewand
return to South Quad Sunday ladened with luggage.

Student chalker 'S
slate wiped clean
State temporarily drops charges
by Tami Pollak
Daily Crime Reporter have the charges dismissed,

Students voice approval for

U.S. prosecution of Gulf War
by Gwen Shaffer said. "I hate to see any soldiers Several other Universitys
Daily Staff Reporter die, but that's the drawback of us dents agreed that trying Sad



"I won't chalk on the Diag
anymore. I won't chalk on ...."
This time chalking won't be the
punishment - it's the crime.
LSA junior Todd Ochoa went to
court last Thursday prepared to de-
fend himself following an arrest for
chalking anti-deputization slogans
If T~rtrroit r~r~nrty -

least temporarily, he was unhappy
about having to drive two and a
half hours with his mother for such
an inconclusive trial, he said.
"For the past four months I've
been dragged about on a wrong
charge. I'm glad it was dismissed,
I knew it was a harsh charge, but it
stl :na nr-, -..i -ridn, " Orhnn

An overwhelming majority of
University students interviewed
said they believe the U.S. made
the right decision by agreeing to
an official cease-fire to the Persian
Gulf War yesterday.
Most students said they were
pleasantly surprised by the rela-
tively small number of Allied
"I was really glad we got what
m.- wnntpr wihnmnnvm . esnat

being there," he added.
Some students said that al-
though the war has ended, they are
still not sure the world has seen
the last of Saddam Hussein.
"I don't trust Saddam as long as
he is in power - anything could
still happen," engineering sopho-
more Katherine Herrick said. "On
TV, all the Iraqi's are saying, 'Kill
Saddam.' But all we are seeing is
what the media is showing us."

Hussein was the just thing to do.
"I'd like him to be tried in front
of an international jury. If it wasn't
for him, none of this would have
happened," Schwehr said.
LSA senior Lisha Cook said,
"Saddam should pay for the crimes
that he directed, even if he didn't
personally commit them."
Many students said they be-
lieved the victory will assure Pres-
ident George Bush's reelection in

r% A -IL --


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