Page 4- The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, February 20, 1991 bre Midjun ailI 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan ANDREW GOTTESMAN Editor in Chief STEPHEN HENDERSON DANIEL POUX Opinion Editors Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. j" r r r,} } *. +'M: 4 hr} F . } .; ": iF :.r . . .. ..{,..::. .:M".C}: ::. "' }"r v f r': . . vrJ.}.. ,... .. :v}?;'r"H. . ;;y .! w.?A w... }, ::;:*y . {:r:....;.':::: :; ;% ::';ir{i:: 'U ' ren.b ;" Y 'o v a tio ns.f'S }. : ~y ;r,,,:::"%}{{}:::?;'::;M":.. Buildings are important, : ' ..4.' but} what aboutf the.. ".;::: {people?::" So, ts 1m5 Too LATeLOOKS w~eR, W: I( GoWERJOR 500 I4qWI EWL ALRE4A( 5TAITr? tEAT s o 1T ,.4v G' "tom ; T wo weeks ago, the University Board of Re- gents voted to allocate $1.6 million from the University's general fund to execute the long- needed renovation of some of the University's classrooms and auditoriums. Auditoriums in C.C. Little and the Natural Science Building - in addition to classrooms in the Modem Language Building (MLB), C.C. Little, and the School of Education - are scheduled for modernization. It is encouraging to see that the regents now recognize the need to adequately maintain Univer- sity facilities. Classrooms and auditoriums must meet minimum standards in order to accommodate an enriched learning environment, and renovation of the University's worst buildings now - while theircost ofrepairis still relatively minimal-will save untold amounts of money in the future. But the regents' willingness to liberally spend limited resources on buildings - even as they cut and slow-feed the people that make up the Univer- sity community - is disheartening and must be contained. In recent negotiations with the Gradu- ate Employees Organization (GEO), the Univer- sity Bargaining Committee has repeatedly refused to giveTAs decent compensation-let alone agree to pay them for the extensive overtime hours they spend grading papers, tutoring, and preparing out- side the classroom. Moreover, financial aid programs need to be greatly expanded as rising tuition, room, and board costs increasingly make an education the privilege of an elite few. The University needs to increase the number and size of its scholarships, thereby mak- ing colleges accessible to the students who can least afford them. The University must also earmark more funds forminority recruitment and retention programs so that it might truly achieve the diversity for which President Duderstadt's Michigan Mandate sup- posedly strives. * The regents must also affirm the University's commitment to the surrounding community by creating policies that acknowledge its commit- ments to Ann Arbor and its growing homeless population. The up-keep of buildings is important; any first-rate learning institution must maintain its "ivory towers." But unless the University wants to exist in an ivory tower universe, these other priori- ties must come first. People - not concrete - contribute most to this University, and they de- serve first consideration when the regents spend our money. }i.: Vi{{.. "Q}YJ."{.t 1 'AY~'h\11Y tLY.". J.WAW.'WAWM11Yh14t A"A" "ttM1LMW Y: J.Y.V "f.1 .tttt V W.Y.YM"Lt VA ":YYA"~AYI.W~.V'."::AVr~. V. .V:" .1:"}}}.. 'i{ :".. °°1.°... .:'::':.. . A..°° .A.....°.. . ..:{'° {tt:{ti'.. . 1 11:{{'".i.}}..." 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'.1" t11 .. t"~J ~ 11".L" "l: : 1111'~:: f~~A': AY "~.L".L:V~N: X:::::: " t" V Y V'ti":{ {'At1 Y.M1"'}." Y.Y.W.V.tY Y.:Y:.Y:.Yh:':.Y:.V.': f:.:':.Vr.Y:'":"?:":{". ;.:: ;..':":"..r}.'i}; }}}}}:4}}i:':"?i:"?}:"?:' ':{{° . ° V ..., "A '.1:J'°:YJ°:i::JJ~r.} :'{:. {, . TA L": 1::"~::", """ " ° "". YhA:Y "" " ""YL\ 1 :{, "L"::.Y:: ""}. .;.}::.... f....{.. .... ::+.?'y {,., ,L° t . }AA A.LL.:.VM1Y}.. ..1.. A: AL. J.:...1...: ..1t.....:: A: }.. t.... L~ {'.t . ............. .......................:. :. ""::: ::.......,... {':{{' V{"} " :Y...{"J WJN ~:Y { :{"" }}f '°. t .,A" :'~:.. t ~° . "A1. ° .t :1: {V:: r: J:{": }: ". Campus safety Students on oversight committee must protect student interests L ast week, University Provost Gilbert Whitaker released the names of the four students who will fill seats on the newly-formed Safety and Security Advisory Panel, set up to address issues such as campus deputization. President Duderstadt would like us to believe that he has thereby fully met students' justifiable concern that they have some input on decisions directly affecting their lives. But he has done nothing of the kind. Like most of the University's touted blue ribbon panels, this one --on which students are a minority - will have no direct policy-making power, in- stead, it will only be able to suggest policy changes to University administrators. Hence the students serving on the committee - while they should not underestimate their potential influence with the administration - must recog- nize how narrow their mandate actually is. Though they are the only officially recognized student voice on the issue of campus deputization - and must be as vocal as possible in pressuring admin- istrators to serve student interests -they must also be fully aware that their collective voice may go unheard. Until now, protests and sit-ins have provided students with their only means of making the University listen to their concerns and demands. Iraqi bunkE As the regents grow increasingly intransigent in the face of those demands, the newly formed panel assumes a prominence completely disproportion- ate to its actual power-it now represents the only venue through which students can make themselves heard. This is a sad commentary on how little space remains for students to express their opinion. Until students are offered significantly more power and representation than they have now, they will have no choice but to maintain protest in an effort to open up more space. In the interim, students and anti-deputization protesters should lobby the four students on the panel. Though this will place these students - besieged by both students and administrators - in a difficult position, hopefully, they will remember which of those two forces they have been selected to represent. Students are counting on the committee mem- bers to represent student interests in the continuing effort to increase campus safety. Should they either fail to do so, or find themselves obstructed from doing so by the University, then the protests wit- nessed in early November will have to commence again - creating more space and obtaining more power. Article incorrect To the Daily: We greatly appreciate the Daily's long-time and continuing support of the lesbian, gay male, and bisexual members of our campus community and, in particular, the many positive references the Daily has made to the work of the Lesbian-Gay Male Programs Office (LGMPO) and to our need for adequate funding. We would like to point out that the Daily, in its 1/28/91 editorial, again demonstrated its concern for the rights of lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals. In so doing, the Daily errone- ously stated that "massive budget cuts in September forced LGMPO to make major cutbacks in the services they offer." In reality, no budget cut was incurred. Rather, the LGMPO, along with other offices in Student Services, shared in a welcome 3 percent increase in funding over the amount allocated to us in 1989-90. Billie L. Edwards James Toy L GMPO co-Coordinators South Quad door controversy To the Daily: This is in response to a letter from 2/6/91 titled "Question the War." In it, the author writes about a "SUPPORT OUR SOLDIERS, SUPPORT THE WAR" door. Since it is my door, I'd like to set the story straight. My room- mate and I do not support war. There is not a single statement on our door asking people to support war. Instead, we ask people to support our soldiers and our country. Another sign asks people to keep their opinions off our door. This is because someone de- stroyed our signs and replaced them with views of their own. We encourage people to To the Daily: Thanks for including the section on the Shorin-Ryu Karate club in the Daily's Weekend Edition ("Kicking is the habit," Weekend, 2/15/91). It was well written, and undoubtedly helped to dispel some of the popular miscon- ceptions about our discipline. However, I can't help but wonder why the entire edition focused only on men. Our club, for instance, is one-third to one-half women. This is similar to the proportion one finds at the CCRB as a whole. So why the disparity? Showing women exercising would not make them seem any less feminine, and could only improve relations between the sexes. Joe Chrenka LSA junior Women are athletic, too To the Daily: I was greatly disappointed by the Weekend edition of 2/ 15/91, "The Student Body." All four articles were on men who work out. Now would it not have been more appropriate to title it "The Male Body?" Now, I know that many women work out and are in sports clubs but the Daily chose not to feature Where were the women? Pumpin' up any of them, perpetrating the myth that women are weak and non-athletic. There are many women who are strong and athletic. They play all sorts of sports like rugby, soccer, volleyball and quite a few that practice martial arts including myself. Maybe in the next Weekend Magazine the Daily was planning to have "The Student Body II" featuring women. Nancy Walker LSA junior I display conflicting opinions, but we ask that they don't squelch others' views. An educated decision can only be made through informed debate, and the only way all sides of an issue will be presented is if individuals express their opinions. However, we ask people not to ridicule us for our views and to leave our door alone. Kathryn A. Milligan LSA first-year student The Daily encourages re- sponses from its readers. Letters should be 150 words or less and include the author's name, year in school and phone number. They can be mailed to "The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard 48109," or they can be sent via MTS to "The Michigan Daily Letters to the Editor." The Daily reserves the right to edit letters for style and space. Civilian deaths provide another reason to be anti-war L ast week's bombing of an Iraqi bomb shelter - which killed 400 civilians- has caused an uproar concerning U.S. and U.N. objectives and strategies in the Persian Gulf war. Ostensibly fight- ing to oust the Iraqi Army from Kuwait, the U.N. coalition's saturation bombing of Baghdad has dramatically expanded both the focus and poten- tial victims of the Gulf war. President George Bush has tried to shift the blame for the deaths to Iraq, claiming that the civilians were intentionally placed in what the Pentagon claims is a command center. Though Washington has yet to produce any evidence for this claim, the question of whether either Washing- ton or Baghdad willfully murdered these civilians is largely beside the point. Dropping thousands of tons of explosives - courtesy of 80,000-plus air sorties - on a country and its densely populated capital will inevitably kill people. Even the Pentagon's dubious claim that its pilots and technology have performed ac- curately 90 percent of the time represents an ac- knowledgment that 10 percent of the time they make mistakes. This margin of error translates into a lot of bombs falling on Iraqi civilians - and ultimately a high rate of casualties. In the last week alone, 30 Jordanian refugees were killed when a U.S. pilot bombed their bus, and 150 Iraqis were killed when a British plane bombed their apartment structure. Undoubtedly, during the five weeks of the war - - and, in particular, given the mass bombing of 13aghdad - the number of Iraqi casualties has been extremely high. Though none of these casualties were neces- sary, they are a part of the grim reality of war, and should serve as yet another reason why this conflict should never have begun. If George Bush had used U.S. might and influence to pursue peace instead of war, the air sorties that are wreaking irreparable damage in Iraq and Kuwait would never have happened. If George Bush would agree now to a cease fire and then pursue negotiations, he could avoid the incalculable damage to the American economy and the Middle Eastern peoples which mounts with every day that this country is at war. The bombing of the Iraqi bunker is, in and of itself, ahuge tragedy. Indeed, all deaths are. But the greater tragedy involves the fact that the brutal lessons of war have not yet been heeded. Unless they are, many more incidents like this one will occur before the war ends. 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Engler: making the right choices Last week, Gov. John Engler issued his first state of the state address and offered a new outlook on the purpose and duty of the Michigan state government. Engler proposed a govern- Brad ment exist- ing within Bern atek its means and pursu- ing specific ends. Real- izing thats the state now faces a4 $1 billion deficit, Engler has decided to cut back expenditures instead of falling back on the easiest fund-raiser - a tax hike. Soon after announcing across- the-board spending cuts in all de- partments - except education - Engler was accused of being "mean spirited." Among these cuts, three groups have taken particular offense detract from the efficiency and ef- fectiveness of the state's main ser- vices. A huge bureaucracy has de- veloped over the years that has in- creased the state's payroll, but done little to better the state's services. Our state government should not be a provider of jobs at any cost - instead it should serve the citizens as a whole in protecting their in- alienable rights. It is unfortunate that people will lose their jobs, but it is unreasonable to subvert the state's primary purpose in order to subsidize 7,000 workers who are not essential to maintaining the government. As to trimming social service, it is debatable whether or not social services should occupy such an extensive position. Presently, government inter- vention in social services has proven itself ineffective in dealing with social problems - yielding short- term maintenance and long-term deferment of an actual solution. As long as we defer such a responsi- bility to a bureaucratic agency deters voluntary involvement - which more efficiently addresses theseproblems and maximizes their resources focusing on the problem, not a governmental infrastructure. Lastly, it is strange that the arts should seek government support. Arts funding does not deserve nor should it come from government sources. In the firstplace, artcaters mostly to a select minority and it is unfair to force all citizens to support the luxuries of the few. If these privileged few find the arts such a necessity, then allow them to bear the cost, not the entire state. Also, ifart seeks to remain ahead of society, then it should not look to the government for support. In do- ing so, the artists come under the detrimental influence of the major- ity. One need only refer to the Na- tional Endowment for the Arts and attempts by certain groups or people to modify, change or reject art that displeases the morality of the ma- jority. Nuts and Bolts I TgaRESPONSeTO r-r- "AS Qt)OTEPD 8Y -14E WRJIITER OF NUT5 AND.L TO WA-CA~4 MK' POOF- COP1Ny Nt7AR'( ON LWMU)S? P>ON-r YA .IIETHE By Judd Winick CANP LASTLY " TO 't)4E b7uY iNtdEAST Q UqP, YO&V ZYP r EVEN tKNOW,~ MY MOTI-JFt"