Brown expulsion unjustified. See OPINION Page 4. c . , t t . ti TODAY Rainy; High: 38, Low: 27. TOMORROW Partly cloudy; High: 36, Low: 25. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No.99 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, February 19, 1991 Copyright 01991 The Michigan Daily Profs. advocate academic freedom by Stefanie Vines and Todd Lebowitz Daily Staff Reporters More than 35 years after their dismissal from the University, three professors who refused to testify at a McCarthy era Con- gressional hearing returned yes- terday to speak in the Rackham Amphitheatre in support of aca- demic freedom. The Senate Advisory Commit- tee on University Affairs (SACUA) invited Chandler Davis, Clement Markert, and Mark Nickerson to participate in a panel discussion. Robert O'Neil,f founding director. of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the ProtectionI of Free Expression, delivered the keynote address. Gayl Ness, former SACUA chair, proposed to the University Board of Regents last year that the professors be reinstated as part of the first annual Davis, Markert, Nickerson Lecture on Academic and Intellectual Free- dom. The board rejected the pro-I posal. "We weren't able to garner support (for the event) from the administration or Regents, which was the purpose of the lecture," said SACUA Chair Peggief Hollingsworth.c "There was an error made and we are trying to seek retributionI for it from the University," she added. Chandler Davis also ex- See PANEL, Page 31 Soviets offer Iraqis secret peace plan Associated Press Chandler Davis, Clement L. Markert, and Mark Nickerson, University professors dismissed during the McCarthy era, speak yesterday in the Rackham Amphitheatre during the first annual lecture on Academic and Intellectual Freedom. Psychology and Women's Studies Department Professor Elizabeth Douvan moderated the program. 37-yr. old decision still Soviet President Mikhail Gor- bachev presented a secret peace plan to Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz yesterday, and the Iraqi envoy immediately left for Bagh- dad to present it to President Sad- dam Hussein. Soviet officials, who are racing against the clock in what appear to be the final days before a major ground offensive in the Gulf War, said they expected a quick re- sponse from Iraqi President. Meanwhile, U.S. and allied troops awaited the fateful "go" or- der yesterday along the northern front of Saudi Arabia. President George Bush's spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater, said the Soviets did not ask Bush to hold up any war action while Gorbachev's proposal was consid- ered in Baghdad. Bush and his top war advisers conferred for more than two hours after receiving details of the So- viet proposal, Fitzwater reported in Washington. A White House statement noted that Bush promised to treat as con- fidential a descriptive of Gor- bachev's proposal, and concluded, "Our military campaign remains on schedule." Earlier yesterday, the White House said the best hope for forc- ing Iraq out of Kuwait was "conflict in the air and on the ground." . The Gorbachev plan "envisages political measures which we be- lieve were accepted with interest and understanding by the Iraqi side," said Vitaly Ignatenko, a spokesperson for the Soviet presi- dent. Ignatenko said Gorbachev planned to contact U.S., British, Italian, French and Iranian leaders to fill them in on his plan. Gorbachev's peacemaking ef- forts followed a week of Soviet contacts with nearly every major player in the month-old war. The Soviet Union has supported U.N. efforts to oust Iraq from Kuwait, but has grown apprehensive about the extent of destruction to Iraq, a former Soviet client. Both Iraq and the United States have warned that fighting will con- tinue and possibly escalate if noth- ing comes of the contacts. U.S.-led forces were threatening to launch a ground war within days, possibly hours. President Bush's spokesperson said the Soviets gave no advance notice about the plan. "We intend to continue to prosecute the war," Marlin Fitzwater said at Bush's vacation home in Maine. Aziz will return to Moscow "very soon" after discussing the plan with Saddam and his Revolu- See SOVIET PLAN, Page 2 angers fired 'U' by Stefanie-Vines Daily Faculty Reporter Three former University profes- sors removed in 1954 by the Uni- versity during the wave of Mc- Carthyism still nurse the wounds from their pierced rights to aca- demic freedom. "Any person should have the right to say whatever he or she wants to. No one's right to speak should be infringed upon," said Clement Markert, one of the three University professors removed for their refusal to testify at a Con- gressional hearing. The Senate Advisory Commit- tee for University Affairs (SACUA) proposed an annual lecture in honor of the three pro- fessors, but the University's Board of Regents rejected the proposal. But despite the board's decision, SACUA sponsored the first annual Chandler Davis, Clement Mark- ert, and Mark Nickerson Lecture on Academic and Intellectual Freedom last night. profs. Davis, Markert, and Nickerson commented on the University's refusal to support the lecture in an interview yesterday morning. "The essential thing that this shows is that the University doesn't care about the mistake made in 1954," said Davis, a mathematics professor at the Uni- versity of Toronto. "A real gesture is a gesture that shows that you don't want this to happen again; the Univer- See PROFESSORS, Page 3 Proposed cuts jeopardize Ann Arbor art community by Bethany Robertson Daily Government Reporter The search for something to do on Friday night usually begins a few days- before the weekend. In Ann Arbor's art community, the se- lection of events is usually large. But if Gov. John Engler's pro- posals to cut state funding for the arts succeed, the wide range of ac- tivities previously found in Ann Arbor could become limited. "There's just going to be a lot less to do," predicted Diane Rosenblatt, president of the board of Directors for the Ann Arbor- based dance company, People Dancing. Increased ticket prices, reduced programming, and fewer new artis- tic ventures would be some of the effects of Engler's proposed cuts in Ann Arbor. The governor's proposal would combine the Michigan Council for the Arts (MCA) and the Commission on Art -in Public Places into one organization and would eliminate MCA's $9.1 mil- lion grant system for the arts. This year, $600,827 in MCA funding was slated for Ann Arbor arts organizations; $333,117 is still outstanding. It is unlikely or- ganizations will receive the rest of this money this year, MCA Execu- tive Director Barbara Goldman said, and if the governor's recom- mendations pass, all future state grant funding will be cancelled as well. Cutbacks in cultural funding would have many consequences for the entire community. "It's a domino effect," said De- bra Polich-Swain, director of the Michigan Theater. Polich-Swain said many of the theater's events attract people from out of town. If that business is lost, hotels, restau- rants, and stores could all lose money, she said. "It can hurt the quality of life here in Ann Arbor and in Michigan overall," Polich-Swain said. If state funding is eliminated, the burden to support the arts will be placed on the people and the businesses community. "When the arts are faltering, people don't go out at night," said Johanna Broughton, program direc- tor for the Performance Network, a local theater company. "The busi- nesses, I hope, are going to support us. It's beneficial for everyone." Many arts organizations cited smaller programming schedules as a possible way to handle reduced funding. The Ann Arbor Symphony Arts funding on the cutting block Second of two has already planned one less con- cert for the 1991-92 season, said Executive Director Anne Glendon. There will be eight concerts in- stead of the nine scheduled for this season. Deanna Relyea, Director of the Kerrytown Concert House, also said fewer concerts will be presented next season as a result of the state cutbacks. Increases in ticket prices are also likely as art programmers look for ways to replace state funding.. "Another possibility is that ev- erybody jacks their ticket prices up," Rosenblatt said. "But then what does that do to your audi- ence?" Rackham graduate student Pamela Ramseyer said increased ticket prices would limit her in- volvement with the arts in Ann Ar- bor. "It will probably mean I won't be going to as many plays and concerts," Ramseyer said. Many theater and dance groups said decreased state funding would cause them to take fewer chances with innovative presentations. Broughton agreed that reduced funding would result in less cre- ativity. "If we lose money, people are stifled," she said. "There's no way they can create what they want to create." Smaller organizations who have relied on state funds in the past for a higher percentage of their bud- gets would be harder hit by the state cuts. Rosenblatt said Michi- gan dance companies are likely to suffer heavily because they are traditionally underfunded. "Dance in the state of Michi- gan, if there's no MCA, I can see it being wiped out," she said. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority member Alynne Boles worked at See ARTS, Page 2 SAPAC continues efforts to educate and help prevent rape Student demands spurred activity to Director and activist Julie Steiner dedicated to promoting social change increase 'U' sexual by Purvi Shah Daily Staff Reporter "I live in fear on this campus ... the threat of rape haunts me every day," said a University stu- dent in 1985. When this depiction of campus life appeared in the article "The University of Michigan's Silent Crime - Ignoring Rape at the U of M" in the January 1985 issue of Metropolitan Detroit maga- zine, a wave of fear and anger engulfed the campus. "A lot of students felt like the University covered up the prob- lem," said Sexual Assault Pre- vention and Awareness Center (SAPAC) Director Julie Steiner, whose office did not exist when the magazine article was written. "In the article, there was a high- assault prevention done." It was the raucous sounds of students protesting, however, that inevitably got things done. The article provoked an imme- diate outcry when about 30 stu- dents staged a sit-in at Johnson's office and issued the following statement: "We are here as con- cerned and outraged students, alumni, and community members to shatter the silence the Univer- sity of Michigan maintains around Rape ... This is the current situa- tion: the threat of rape already di- rectly affects half the population." The protesters demanded the University increase sexual assault prevention efforts through better lighting on campus, improved night-time transportation, educa- tional programming, and an office by Purvi Shah Daily Staff Reporter It's normal to brighten walls with posters, but the posters cov- ering Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC) Director Julie Steiner's office are anything but typical. The array of political posters and buttons crammed into her office reflect a commitment to all aspects of social change. One poster reads, "He who ac- cepts evil without protesting it is really cooperating with it." A fac- simile of the painting "The Rape of the Sabine Women" proclaims in bold letters "Today's Greeks call it Date Rape" and in a smaller inscription "It's a re- minder from Pi Kappa Phi. Against her will is against the ington, you go to so many weird things." Social change stems from Steiner's roots, since her mother was involved in the war on poverty. "I sort of grew up thinking that was normal - you were con- cerned about these things," she said. The Vietnam War protests deeply affected Steiner's life, since her high school was located 20 minutes away from Kent State. Steiner graduated from the En- vironmental Advocacy Program in the School of Natural Resources. "I learned about community orga- nization and the different ways people work for social change," she said. "At that time that was the most effective way I could nrnrnntft gv'ciachnae