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February 14, 1991 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-02-14

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Page 12-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, February 14, 1991


' ey,



cool products!



Rill Gates
ek, May 21, 1990

It's incredibly satisfying to watch a great soft-
ware idea become a great software product. Espe-
cially when it's your idea, your code, that's
powering this exciting new release. If you'd like to
enjoy this feeling, spend your days at Microsoft.
Networking. Integrated Applications. Ad-
vanced Operating Environments.
Multimedia. Microsoft has a his- SWE C
tory of introducing breakthrough
products to the personal comput-EE(
ing industry. Design some techni- On-cam
cal history yourself as-a Software
Summ n
Design Engineer or Program -
Manager. If you are pursuing a See yo
BA/BS, MS or PhD degree in

Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Math,
Physics or related technical discipline with pro-
gramming experience, design skills and/or expo-
sure to managing projects, then we want to talk
with you. We're having an Information Session
the night before our on-campus interviews. We're
looking forward to talking with
Prese i you there-even if you're NOT
1. 103signed up on our interview sched-
ule. Relocation is available for
rviews for both summer and full-time posi-
9 We are an equal opportunity
areer employer and are working
details toward a more culturally diverse


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