The Michigan Daily -Thursday, February 14, 1991 - Page 3
x. .
6y Sona Iyengar
The obstacle which blocked the
-entrance to upper-level communi-
-.ction courses has been removed.
Communication 103, Media of
Mass Communication, is a broad
sirvey course which covers every-
'ihing from the history of radio and
television to publicrelations. Al-
4though it has been dropped as a
,prerequisite for upper-level clas-
"ses it is still required for
communication majors.
The course simply wasn't
needed tounderstand the upper-
*ievel classes, said Department of
Communication Curriculum Com-
mittee Chair Professor Hayg Osha-
*an."Our classes don't build on
hemselves in the progressive
'fanner," he said. "This is true of
'iiost of the social sciences."
Initially, 103's purpose was
'prtly to limit enrollment" in up-
*per-level classes," Oshagan said.
, Communication majors declar-
'ipg this Fall must take one class
from each of three different areas:
,historical and legal issues, media
criticism and analysis, and mass
,communication processes and ef-
Previously, majors were re-
quired to take 103, 202 (Freedom
of Expression), 250 (Information
O41athering), and five courses in
three different areas.
; Lisa Fromm, LSA Junior, said
-she liked Comm. 103. "1 thought it
(was a broad overview of commu-
nications and a good class for peo-
ple to take," Fromm said. "But I
don't think it's necessary to take that
t6 take other communcation clas-
Nicole Dean, a LSA senior and a
communication major, said the
bourse discourages people from
majoring in communication. "It's a
4deterrent; it certainly weeds out a lot
-of people," she said. "I think it's
fantastic that they are dropping it."
GEG, University settle
initial contract issues
by Stefanie Vines
Daily Faculty Reporter
Members of the Graduate Em-
ployees' Organization (GEO) and
the University Bargaining Commit-
tee met last night to finish negoti-
ating non-economic issues for
GEO's new contract.
The main area of debate was
the University grievance policy for
TAs. GEO, seeking more pay for
TA duties outside the classroom,
such as grading papers, proposed
that this pay be calculated to a
fraction of an hour, rather than
rounding off by the hour.
The proposal also included
compensation for TAs who work
overtime. The proposal was re-
jected by the University.
The University made a counter-
proposal which called for a cut in
the hours grievances to go to out-
side arbitration. The cut would
eliminate the ability of TAs and
other staff members to settle
grievances in Administrative Court
and allow the University to make
final decisions about grievances.
GEO refused the counter-proposal.
Colleen Dolan-Green, the head
of the University Bargaining
Committee, could not be reached
for comment.
According to Chris Roberson,
president of GEO and head of the
Bargaining Team, other issues un-
der negotiation were:
a proposal for more ethnic
subdivisions of Latino students and
TAs to clear up confusion about
racial categories;
more information from the
University about TA membership
in each department and the num-
ber of TAs being fired and re-hired
each semester;
a proposal to forbid Univer-
sity branches from taking action
against TA grievances until the
grievance filed is made official;
the option to receive pay in-
stead of academic credit as com-
pensation for teaching, and;
exclusive rights to determin-
ing final grades.
Of the non-economic issues be-
ing negotiated only two were com-
pletely or partially resolved. The
University agreed to give GEO
more information about class sizes
and funding for TAs and to extend
the grievance time period from 20
to 40 days.
However, several issues were
left unresolved.
"They (the University) did not
respond to the issue of pay as op-
posed to academic credit and they
didn't say whether or not TAs will
have the final say on grades," said
John Robb, a member of the GEO
Bargaining Team.
Robb added that because no of-
ficial ground rules had been set by
the University and GEO that these
issues would remain on the bar-
gaining table for the next negotia-
tion meeting Feb. 22.
Despite the unresolved non-
economic issues, Robb was satis-
fied with the negotiations.
"We feel like we are making
progress. We've resolved some of
the key issues and we are moving
ahead, but we still have a lot tb
discuss," Robb said.
Roberson said, "The bargaining
is proceeding at the rate I ex-
pected it to. However, I think the
University will present a financial
package for us to pass before
Economic issues to be di$-
cussed at the next meeting in-
clude: the new contract, a pro-
posed pay increase, childcare and
health-care benefits and a life-ad-
justment clause.
Plans to mobilize more GEO
members before the next negotig-
tion meeting are under way.
GEO organizer Ingrid Kock said
an informational meeting to ex-
plain both the non-economic and
economic issues will be held next
Thursday, Feb. 21 at 7:30 pm in
Rackham Auditorium.
"Right now is the time when
graduate students can come to-
gether. By becoming more united,
we can assure greater success at
the negotiation meetings," Kock
Pump it up!
LSA junior Jeff Katz lifts weights at Hollywood Bodies Fitness Center to
get in shape for spring break.
'U' employees question health benefits
by Jami Blaauw tire program, whereas three differ- the changes, and is unhappy with happy with your current M-Care Karl Wiz
When the University changed ent companies controlled parts of the different payment plans. HMO or M-Care Major Medical the M-Pref
its medical benefits program last the M-Care program. While offer- As an outpatient in the chemi- program and do not wish to change wa
year, many employees thought the ing expanded benefits, M-Preferred cal dependency program, he said change, you need to do nothing." employee p
change would not affect them. But has left some new carriers un- the 50 percent co-pay fee, which is The brochure added, "M-Preferred ministrative
with the first claims being filed, happy. required under M-Preferred, was is the new name for M-Care Major separate car
some say they've been misled. "I was confused about the en- not a part of the previous basic Medical." gram.
zinsky, administrator tf
ferred plan, said the
s meant to decrease
ay deductions and ad-
expenses from three
viers running the pro-
admits that the plan
but said, "I feel coni-
h the changes and fe(l
enefit the employees"'
changes were made as
deductions have either
he same or decreased
Preferred plan.
Last fall, the University
changed the basic health care plan
offered to faculty and staff from M-
Care to M-Preferred. Faculty and
staff were given a choice between
the two plans. M-Preferred consol-
idated health coverage under one
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
(BC/BS) now underwrites the en-
tire situation and wasn't aware of
the rate change until I received a
bill for a higher co-pay," said Joan
Bennett, a research associate with
the University for five years.
"Many people may not be aware
of the change until they file a
Another research associate
claims he was misinformed about
(BC/BS) plan he had under M-
The employee, who asked not
to be identified, said the informa-
tion he received about the change
indicated the benefits would still
be the same.
A brochure sent out by the ad-
ministrative office for the new M-
Preferred plan states, "If you are
The employee followed the
guidelines in the brochure and did
not change his coverage. However,
he discovered the outpatient chem-
ical dependency coverage has
changed to a 20 visit maximum
per calendar year with a 50 per-
cent co-pay, from a policy which
covered all "reasonable and cus-
tomary charges."
is differentI
fortable with
that they be
He said the
clear as pos
Payroll d
remained th
with the M-F
,tWhat's happening in Ann Arbor today
Basketball player
refuses to wear flag,
quits NCAA team
ACT-UP Ann Arbor, weekly
meeting. Group not affiliated with
Revolutionary Workers' League. Call
-665-1797 or 662-6282 for info. Union,
:,Rm. 1209,7:30.
ACT-UP, weekly meeting. Union,
Rm. 2209,7:30.
Tagar, weekly meeting. Hillel, 8 p.m.
"College Life, weekly meeting,
sponsored by Campus Crusade for
Christ. Dental School, G005 Kellogg
'Aud., 7 p.m.
In Focus Filmworks, weekly mtg.
'1051 Frieze, 7 p.m.
Armenian Students' Cultural
Association, Michigan Union,
;Michigan Rm, 6:30.
Men's Support Group, mass mtg,
-SAPAC. 580 Union Dr, Rm. L-107, 5
Persian Gulf Mutual Support,
weekly mtg. 3100 Union, 12-1.
Society of Women Engineers, mtg.
1200 EECS, 6:15.
SALSA meeting, Trotter House, 7:30.
Journey Women, a women and
spirituality group. Guild House, 802
Monroe, 7:30.
"The Origins of the Ainu
Language," by Alexander Vovin.
Lane Hall Commons, noon.
"Differing Cultural Expectations in
Intercultural Romance."
International Center, noon.
"Our Endangered Black Youth:
Implications for Higher
Education," by Jewelle Taylor Gibbs
of the University of California-
Berkeley. Rackham, East Conference.
.Rm, 1-3.
"The Praise of Josquin and the
Virgin Mary," by Howard Mayer
Brown. School of Music, Blanche
Anderson Moore Hall, 4 p.m.
I'Schemas of Altruism," by Gene
Burnstein. Rackhan, EastbLecture
Rmn, 4 p.m.
"The Progression of Gospel Music
- From Traditional to
Contemporary," by Horace Boyer of
the University of Massachusetts-
Amherst. 106 W. Engineering, 4 p.m.
"Near-Field Scanning Optic
Microscopy," by Dr. Eric Betzig of
AT&T Bell Laboratories. Chem Bldg,
rm 1640, 4 p.m.
"Eradicating the Lie: Blacks and
Christianity," part of the Black.
Religious History Series. Union,
Pendleton Rm, 7 p.m.
"The Bible and Tradition: Sources
of the Orthodox Christian Faith,"
by Fr. Matthew Searfoorce. Union, rm
"The Hidden Casualities of War,"
by Dr. Louise Cainkar of the
Palestinian Human Rights Informa-
tion Center International. Nat Sci
Aud, 7:30.
"Behavioral Ecology and
Conservation of Orangutans and
Gibbons," by Dr. John Mitani. 1040
Dana Bldg, 8 p.m.
Safewalk, nighttime safety walking
service. Functions 8-1:30 a.m. Sun.-
Thurs. Call 936-1000 or stop by 102
Northwalk, North Campus nighttime
safety walking service. Functions 8-
1:30 a.m. Sun.-Thurs. Call 763-WALK
or stop by 2333 Bursley.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors available
to help with your papers Sunday-
Wednesday, Angell/Haven Computing
Center, 7-11:00. 611 Church St.
Computing Center, Tuesday,
Thursday, 7-11, Wednesday, 8-10.
Russkij Chaj, weekly Russian
conversation practice. MLB 3rd floor
conference rm., 4-5:00.
U of M Shotokan Karate Club,
Thursday workout. CCRB Small Gym,
Abbott Laboratories Presentation.
Chem Bldgrm 1706, 7 p.m.
Bake Sale, sponsored by the An-
thropology Club. MLB, 9-2.
Guild House Winter Writers
Series, weekly event. 802 Monroe,
Searching for a Summer Job or
Internship. MLB, Lec. Rim 1, 4:10-5.
Strategies for the .90s: Dual
Careers. Center for the Education of
Women, 4:10-6.
Support Our Soldiers Rally. Diag,
Seton Hall basketball player
Marco Lokar yesterday quit the
team and announced plans to re-
turn to his native Italy, escaping
the controversy he stirred after de-
ciding not to wear the American
flag on his uniform.
The flag flap surrounding Lokar
had its roots in a decision by 12
members of the team to put U.S.
flags on their uniforms. Only Lokar
refused, saying, "From a Christian
standpoint I cannot support any
The situation escalated at the
Feb. 2 game against St. John's at
Madison Square Garden in New
York City, where Lokar was heck-
led in warm-ups and on the bench.
When he got into the game, he
was booed every time he touched
the ball.
The night before the game,
Coach P.J. Carlesimo said Lokar
got a telephone call from his wife,
saying that she had been receiving
threatening calls.
Carlesimo and athletic director
Larry Keating expressed sorrow
that the flag flap prompted the
sophomore guard to leave school,
but said he would be welcome to
return next year.
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