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February 13, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-02-13

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Bush's misguided
budget priorities.
Page 4.

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Cloudy, snow likely;
High: 36, Low: 24.
Cloudy, cold, snow;
High: 32, Low: 13.

Since 1890
Vol. CI, No.95 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, February 13, 1991 ThMichgan Dail

by Julie Foster
Dily MSAFReporter
In light of increased tension be-
tween students and administrators
after students disrupted last week's
University Board of Regents meet-
ing, the Michigan Student Assem-
bly debated the merits of con-
frontational versus conventional
ways to deal with the administra-
tion last night.
* MSA President Jennifer Van
Valey said the regents are not re-
sponsive when students try normal
methods of communication. The
students who dressed up as regents
last Thursday felt it was necessary
to take extreme action, she said.
While most assembly members
agreed a communication barrier
exists between students and ad-
ministrators, their views on solving
*the problem differed.
Communications Chair Brett
White said he felt the approach of
the students disrupting the meet-
ings was too radical. "Whose cred-
ibility is hurt more - the Regents
or the people dressing up?"
White called for starting peti-
tions, publicizing the problem in
the media, organizing student
strikes only when there is enough
overall support for one, and writing
See MSA, Page 2


Allied guns hit
Iraqis from
land, sea, air

Evicted .v. .
Ruddy Miles, one of the three squatters at 116 W. William, sits with his belongings after a writ of eviction
was posted there Monday. However, the sheriff didn't come because yesterday was Lincoln's birthday.
Brown University expels
student for racist remarks

DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia (AP)
- In a foretaste of all-out war,
Marine and naval gunners com-
bined their fire with U.S. air strikes
yesterday to bomb Iraqi tanks and
artillery massed in southern
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
welcomed a Soviet bid to try to
end the Persian Gulf War short of
a ground war, but he showed no
public willingness to withdraw
from Kuwait.
The U.S. command said the
land-sea-and-air barrage on south-
ern Kuwait could be described as
part of "our training program."
Iraq's Parliament speaker said
the Iraqi military has saved its
"lethal developed weapons" from
the non-stop air raids.
In the Iraqi capital, where two
government ministry buildings
were struck by direct bomb hits
yesterday, Soviet envoy Yevgeny
Primakov presented Saddam with
a verbal message from Mikhail
Gorbachev conveying the Kremlin
leader's view of the conflict,
Baghdad radio said.
The Soviets have said an Iraqi
withdrawal from Kuwait is a first
condition for peace.
The radio quoted the Iraqi pres-

ident as telling Primakov he is
prepared to cooperate with the So-
viet Union "in the interest of find-
ing a peaceful, political, equitable
and honorable solution to the re-
gion's central issues, including the
situation in the Gulf."
At the same time, however,
Saddam declared the Iraqi people
were determined to "beat back the
See GULF, Page 3
Bomb Misses
kill civilians
thousand-pound bombs, no matter
how "smart" or accurate, harm
people near the targets they hit,
the Pentagon acknowledges. And
the bombs don't always hit their
The U.S. military calls that
"collateral damage." Iraqi leaders,
in complaints gaining increasing
attention worldwide, call it the
killing of innocent civilians.
White House and Pentagon of-
ficials say that some of the blame
for such death and damage should
go to Iraq for putting facilities with

by Melissa Peerless
Daily Higher Education Reporter
In an unprecedented decision,
Brown University has expelled a
student for violating an anti-ha-
rassment rule.
The case was decided by the
Undergraduate Disciplinary Coun-
cil, an organization made up of
five students and five faculty

The student, junior football
player Douglas Hann, was ex-
pelled for shouting anti-Black,
anti-semitic, and anti-homosexual
statements in a dormitory court-
yard last October.
These actions were not in ac-
cordance with a code of student
non-academic conduct instituted

by Brown University President
Vartan Gregorian in the fall of
The code prohibits "the subjec-
tion of another person, group or
class of persons, to inappropriate,
abusive, threatening, or demeaning
actions, based on race, religion,
gender, handicap, ethnicity, na-
See BROWN, Page 3

Political Science Association forum on war draws hundreds

by Chris Afendulis
Daily Staff Reporter
Hundreds of observers gathered
at the Michigan Union Ballroom
last night to hear a broad spectrum
* of student groups evaluate the Gulf
war at a forum sponsored by the
Undergraduate Political Science
Association (UPSA).
To highlight divergent student
opinion, groups ranging from the
College Republicans and College
Democrats to Friends of the Revo-
-futionary Workers League (RWL)
*for theft
DETROIT (AP) - Police Chief
William Hart and a former aide
who was a business partner of
Mayor Coleman Young will be ar-
raigned Friday on federal charges
of stealing $2.6 million from a se-
cret police fund.
Young, who had been a target
of an 18-month federal investiga-
tion but was cleared of wrongdo-
ing, declined to say whether he
would fire or suspend the police
chief he appointed in 1976.
A federal grand jury on Monday
indicted Hart on seven counts and
former civilian Deputy Chief Ken-
neth Weiner on five counts.
U.S. Attorney Stephen Mark-
nan said Hart would remain free
until his arraignment, which was
set for Friday before U.S. Magis-
trate Thomas Carlson.
Weiner was convicted in Oak-
land County Circuit Court on
Tuesday of unlawfully driving
away a vehicle and larceny from a
building in connection with his
brief escape in May.
He escaped for an hour from his
lawyer's office while he was
uamteino trinl in a fedferal cage

were invited to discuss the legiti-
macy of the war.
Supporting the U.S. effort
wholeheartedly, College Republi-
cans spokesperson Jeff Hartgen fo-
cused on the actions of Saddam
"The United States made every
attempt to negotiate," he said. "If
anyone can be charged with
spilling blood for oil, Saddam Hus-
sein can."
Speaking for the College
Democrats, Matt Hayek claimed

the group had more mixed feelings
about the conflict, but was united
in their condemnation of the
events that led up to the war.
"We find it outrageous to con-
tend that our President wanted to
solve the conflict without blood-
shed," Hayek explained.
The RWL called for more ac-
tion to stop the war, saying
"liberals, pacifists, and Stalinists"
are monopolizing the current anti-
war movement.
The forum also included discus-

sion about Puerto Ricans in the
military, which Puerto Rican Soli-
darity Organization member Ger-
ardo Gomez attributed to the is-
land's "colonial status."
Dma Khoury, speaking for the
American Arab Anti-Discrimina-
tion Committee, presented another
minority view of the conflict.
She commented on government
surveillance of Arab Americans,
and said plans to send Arabs to in-
ternment camps existed.
"I begin to wonder if history is

once again repeating itself," she
concluded, referring to the intern-
ment of Japanese Americans dur-
ing World War II.
The United Coalition Against
Racism (UCAR) failed to send a
representative to speak on the sub-
ject of Black minority representa-
tion in the military.
Joseph Englander, speaking on
behalf of the Hillel Foundation -
although he said his views did not
necessarily reflect those of Hillel
- made clear that he hoped for a

settlement tohthe Arab-Israeli con-
flict after the war ended. But he
added that Israel wouldn't sign
treaties that would be "torn up by
future (Arab) regimes."
Those attending the program
stressed its variety of views.
"The spectrum of opinions rep-
resented is the idea that attracted
me," said Russell Lucas, an LSA
LSA sophomore Julian Swear-
engin felt the forum would be
See FORUM, Page 3

Women learn empowerment
at self-defense workshop

Students display
.South Quad.

American flags that they hung from their windows in

Rackham Student
Gov. opposes war

by Purvi Shah
Daily Staff Reporter
Not only martial artists practice
self defense - or find the need to.
The fear of sexual assault has
spurred people, especially women,
to find an answer in this form.
Nearly 60 women who attended
a sexual assault self-defense
workshop last night said they felt
more empowered and less afraid
when facing threatening situations.
After reading local statistics on
rape, LSA sophomore Lesli Preuss
decided it would be a good idea to
learn to protect herself.
"You can't stop rape from hap-
pening, really," she said. "Women
have to start taking precautions.
It'd be helpful if they had more of
these (workshops) throughout the
The program was conducted by
Robert Williams, a trainer for A-
Step, a group which teaches self
defense nationwide. He said al-
though self defense is surrounded
by myths which need to be dis-
pelled, it remains a valid approach
to protection.
The two most effective self-de-
fense skills are first to exhale and
think what can be done to change
the situation, and second to yell in
a loud voice, Williams said.
The inability to cope precludes
people from defending themselves,
hnt frei-nm , emina to thinkr

tioning, women refrain from speak-
ing loudly, especially in a nega-
tive manner, Williams said.
"What's probably more effective
than yelling, is to yell 'no.' We've
found that women have been con-
ditioned not to use the word 'no,'"
he said.
Williams explained another se-
ries of maneuvers to fend away at-
tackers. First, the thumbs are
forced into the eyes of the as-
sailant - which induces the at-
tacker's groin to project forward.
Second, the assailant's groin is

kicked and then his or her head.
Third, the defender stomps on the
assailant's groin and head alter-
nately until the situation is under
Societal conditioning often re-
stricts women from defending
themselves in sexual assault situa-
tions, Williams said.
"Often it's difficult to think
about wielding power to defend
ourselves," he said. "That's condi-
tioning that tells us it's negative."
Williams also demonstrated

by Stacey Gray


From Anthropology to Women's
Studies, students are organizing
anti-war groups which approach
the war from different vantage
Rackham Student Government
(RSG), the elected representatives
of University graduate students, on
Monday unanimously passed a
resolution against the war, declar-
ing: "RSG announces' its active
opposition to the U.S.-led War in

rate smaller groups is that each
group can use their skills to do
what they do best, said Lessie
Frazier, a grad student and a
member of both Historians Against
the War and Anthropologists
Against the War.
Anthropologists Against the
War is planning to use its anthro-
pological skills to interview people
about the war. Laura Ahearn, a
grad student and member of the
group, said they have been respon-

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