Page 2-The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 11, 1991 ADMISSIONS Continued from page 1 state of Michigan," Shaw said. The University has revised its re- cruitment strategies for in-state stu- dents over the past few years. "We have focused on the high schools and service centers. We have developed a relationship with high school coun- selors, and we have visited the schools more," Shaw said. Much of the increase can be at- tributed to an increase in applicants from outside the eastern Michigan area. "We've had significant progress (in recruiting) out state students... We got more students from the Up- per Peninsula, and out state Michi- gan," Shaw said. Despite current progress, Shaw predicts a decline in applications in the upcoming years. "In Michigan (the number of high school gradu- ates) will continue to decline for the next couple years. It'll be forever be- fore we see the numbers we saw a decade ago. We will be in the bot- tom of the trough in about a year." Other schools, however, are fac- ing diminishing numbers of applica- tions. Michigan State University (MSU) is among them. "We are not doing a lot different. We are down sizing our freshman class," said William Turner, director of admissions and scholarship at MSU. Applications at Western Michi- gan University (WMU) are running 10 percent behind last year. Applica- tions for admission to the class of 1994 dropped 15 percent. "(The decline) is exclusively due to demographics and the economy," said Stanley Henderson, director of admissions and orientation at WMU. "Students will choose to stay at home... or attend schools and live at home," he added. Michigan Tech University has experienced a very slight decline in the total number of applications, but applications from in-state students are significantly down from five years ago. This decline is being compensated for by applications from out-of-state students and for- eign students. Administrators at all three schools do not expect application figures to start recovering until 1994 or 1995, when the number of high school graduates is expected to in- crease. Leaders predict fastest air battle ever with ne WASHINGTON (AP) - Ameri- can and allied air forces in the Per- sian Gulf are poised for the fastest- paced air battle ever seen, an assault perhaps led by U.S. stealth fighters and strike planes that could drop more than a million pounds of ex- plosive forces to try to retake Kuwait, where Iraq has deployed a heavily fortified army of at least 540,000 men. Iraq's air force has anti-aircraft de- fenses, including American-made Hawk surface-to-air missiles and thousands of hand-held anti-aircraft missiles. The allied forces recently opened an air base in central Saudi Arabia, bringing five squadrons of F-15E Strike Eagles and other warplanes within closer reach of targets in Kuwait and Iraq. U.S. military experts generally agree that the U.S.-led coalition ar- rayed against Iraq could win control of the skies within days, but a tougher question is whether air power could make the difference in pushing Iraqi ground forces out of Kuwait. Les Aspin, the Democratic chair of the House Armed Services com- mittee, said earlier this week that a U.S.-led attack that begins with air strikes would have a good chance of achieving a rapid victory. Experts say an aerial assault under the cover of darkness probably would begin with strikes deep inside Iraq. The stealth planes, specially built with composite materials the Air Force says make the aircraft virtually impossible to detect by radar. "Every system we own is there," said Lt. Col. Michael R. Gannon, an Air Force spokesperson. In all, about 1,300 aircraft from the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Ma- rine Corps are deployed in the gulf area, including about 400 warplanes on six aircraft carriers. The Air Force will not publicly confirm that it has sent B-52 long- range bombers to the area for Desert Calvin and Hobbes CAN m SEE SEEA!{. ThiiRw WhE SW'AON.lSTtl MA~KNG THRE? OTHAER . (Ck) SEE ? 1 t MAXN 'AON AM I GON~G TO GO TO S(SXOOL TOAOROW ? I'LL NEVE-R EVE~N MAKE \V TO W~E X)S STOP.' I AN O\JM \N 15 SNOW 4GOC*A! ~~I'M AS (GOOD AS DEAD! by Bill Watterson Y{EAH,,RIGT! CAN I. TAEM AX To te~l. TO09ow4 PM -i .. PROTEST Continued from page 1 disputing the assertion that Amer- ican soldiers are in the region to protect the people of Kuwait. Dan Young, a member of the Committee for Non-Violent Con- flict Resolutions helped organize the rally. "We were only expecting about 700 people and we had 2,000," Young said. About one-third of the protesters were Ohio State stu- dents. "It was a huge success in our minds and we were glad it turned Nuts and Bolts Asr 1"r' SAYS 'r AT NOW MEN CAN HAvE THE APPEARENCE of LARGER PK--MRAL MUSCtXS IMLAVNTS IN ?HE.iRMP HES75, r_ 7 r KIN C DESF A xNIVr-ALWOxODAGTraq- " by Judd Winick COUL O o AUS EL M BUS MY HAR, zCAN' GULF Continued from page 1 leave Iraq. At the State Department, deputy spokesman Richard Boucher said a U.S.-chartered plane will take out the remaining U.S. diplomats in Baghdad on Saturday and said seats are available for any other Americans who want to leave the country. * I . 1. * I .F I *°, TEACH-IN MOVIE "Berkley in the 60's" (with panel discussion - Friday) Friday 1/11,7:00 pm, MLB 3 Sunday 1/13, 7:00 pm, MLB 4 (Free - Open to the Public) SOPHOMORES... 1g' IS r>M.M: *1 ... . Career Planning & Placement programs designed especially for you. Check your mailbox or pick up your copy at CP&P. The Univcrsity of Michigan Career Planning Tlacent K~ K On the other side, House Repub- lican Leader Robert Michel of Illi- nois recalled his combat experience in World War II, and the unchecked German and Japanese aggression that brought it about. "I feel strongly that our younger generation not for- get the lesson we learned in spades at that time.," Michel said. In the House, lawmakers will have the chance to vote on three sep- PULLOUT Continued from page 1 hundreds of U.N. employees were fleeing the Middle East. The White House urged all Americans, includ- ing journalists, to leave Iraq. "Everyone is concerned about time running out," said White House spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater. France said it would pursue its own initiatives. Its defense minister, Jean-Pierre Chevenement, urged the United States to make "a little ges- ture" in support of an international Mideast peace conference. Iraq has repeatedly tried to directly tie such talks to resolving the Persian Gulf crisis; the United States has-rejected any such linkage. "The price which Bush will pay is not only the U.S. defeat and the loss of U.S. strategic interests, but rivers of Americans' blood," said al- Thawra, the newspaper of Iraq's rul- ing Baath Arab Socialist Party. Perez de Cuellar's proposal calls for a U.N. force to monitor a phased withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait and the multinational force from Saudi Arabia, and to establish a buffer zone between them. Under the plan, the U.S.-led forces could complete their own pullout after the Iraqi withdrawal, and the Kuwaiti government would be restored. The withdrawal of the entrenched Iraqi troops would take. weeks, perhaps months, diplomats !w planes Shield, but military sources spe ing on condition of anonymity sa at least one squadron is based on the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia. Besides an estimated 44 F-17A stealth fighter-bombers deployed in Saudi Arabia, the U.S. Air Force has nearly an equal number of F-11 swing-winged bombers at a base in southern Turkey, within range of Iraq. Critical to the success of a coor- dinated air attack on Kuwait and Iraq would be the role of the Airborne Warning and Control System, or AWACS, aircraft, which can detect, identify and track enemy and friendly low-flying aircraft. Also on hand are F-16 fighting Falcon jet fighters never before used in combat; A-10 Thunderbolt planes designed to hit tanks; F-4 Wild Weasel planes to seek out and destroy enemy anti-aircraft artillery and missile sites; and hundreds of re- fueling aircraft. out the way it did," Young said "However, we can't let up the fight yet. We're going to keep on fighting to show our elected offi- cials that we don't want a war." Another rally in Columbus is planned for Saturday afternoon and a vigil is scheduled for Tuesday evening. arate resolutions: one which asserts Congress' war-declaring authority but takes no position on the central question of whether the time is right to use force, the Democratic alterna- tive calling for continued sanction9 and the authorization to go to war. House Speaker Foley called the decision, tentatively scheduled for Saturday morning, a "momentous vote" and an "issue of conscience" for every member. said, speaking privately. Kuwaiti diplomats have privately confirmed that their governmert would be willing to resume the ne- gotiations with Iraq over oil, money and territory that broke off with the invasion. Diplomats said they thought Perez de Cuellar would pro- pose binding arbitration on the is- sues, perhaps under a U.N. arbiter. The diplomats also said it is as- sumed that when the Persian Gulf crisis is over, pressure will moue for diplomatic solutions to other longstanding Middle East problems, such as the Arab-Israeli dispute and the Palestinian question. Perez de Cuellar planned to meet with European foreign ministers in . Geneva today before his talks in Iraq on Saturday. He told reporters at U.N. headquarters yesterday it w "difficult to say" whether war coup be headed off. Congressional backers of Bush's Persian Gulf policy unveiled a reso- lution that would authorize him to take the United States to war against Iraq, and they predicted it would pass this weekend. The resolution would provide fo the president "to use United State armed forces" to back up U.N. goals of forcing Iraq from Kuwait and restoring its legitimate government. _ abt k fbin iaiEg The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winte?| terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates via U.S. mail for fall and winter $39 fortwo terms, $22 for one term. Campus delivery $28.00 for two terms. Prorated rates: $25 for two terms; $11 for one term. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336; Circulation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0554 01 EDITORIAL STAFF: I Editor in Chief Noah Finkel Sports Editor Mike Gill Managing Editor Kristine LaLonde Associate Editors Andy Gottesman, News Editors Diane Cook, Ian Hoffman David Hyman, Eric Lemont, Josh Mtnick, Noeie Vance Ryan Schreiber, Jeff Sheran Opinion Editor David Schwartz Arts Editors Kristin Paln, Annette Peirusso Associate Editors Stephen Henderson, Books Cardyn Pajor 1. 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