M t } Michigan football snags top-notch recruiting class. See SPORTS Page 9. Since 1890 TODAY Becoming partly sunny; High: mid 40s, Low 30. TOMORROW Partly sunny. High: 50. 'Alk.1 i M No.9 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, February 7, 1991 opht ©99 . 1 i C I9 heMc lh na al War forum held; SOS stays away by Larl Barager Daily Staff Reporter The heated debate planned for last night on the subject of supporting U.S. soldiers in the war was lacking one essential element - one of the two groups invited to discuss the topic. Members of Students Against U.S. Intervention in the Middle East (SAUSI) and People of Color Against the War and Racism invited Support Our -Soldiers (SOS) to the debate, but SOS declined the invitation. About 70 people attended the forum which began with a member from SAUSI and one from People of Color Against the War and Racism stating their ?latforms. Perlita Muiruri said members of People of Color Against the War and Racism are certain the lack of -mployment and educational alternatives for Blacks =make military service involuntary for minorities. A statement written by People -of Color Against the War and Racism in Persian Gulf Update, a Iraq cuts ties with U.S. and allied nations Tom O'Donnell of SAUSI addresses a small crowd at Hutchins Hall last night about his views on the pro-war movement. DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia (AP) - In another day of nonstop bomb- ing, the United States shot down four Iraqi jets yesterday and Iraq blasted the sky with intense anti- aircraft fire, allied military offi- cials said. Iraq claimed that 150 civilians had been killed in a single air raid, including 35 children. Baghdad ra- dio complained that the United States and its allies were bombing hospitals, mosques and houses. Iraq announced that it was sev- ering diplomatic ties with the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Jordan's King Hussein appealed for a cease-fire in the Persian Gulf War, which he said was destroying Iraq. But in Washington, Secretary of State James Baker tried to steel Congress for a long and bloody fight. President Bush instantly re- jected the call to cease fire on Iraq. "There will be nothing of that nature until this man (Saddam Hussein) commences a credible, unilateral withdrawal and then we'll see what happens," he said en route to a speech in New York. Baker said in testimony to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, "The military actions now under way necessarily involve many ca- sualties, great hardships and grow- ing fears for the future. Tough times lie ahead." Allied bombers continued to drop tons of explosives on Iraq's Republican Guards highly fortified positions. Gen. Michel Roquejeoffre, commander of the French forces in Operation Desert Storm, said al- lied air strikes had reduced the Republican Guards' effectiveness by about 30 percent. Marine Brig. Gen. Richard Neal, who conducted the U.S. mili- tary's daily briefing in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, declined to com- ment on the French general's re- marks. He said, however, that the United States "has not attached a 30, a 10 or a 15 percent" to the unit's rated effectiveness. Ten more Iraqi planes flew to Iran, according to Neal, bringing the total there to about 120. But for the first time, the allies reported shooting down some of the appar- ently fleeing planes. A Saudi Arabian military spokesperson said American F-15s shot down four of seven Iraqi jets as they tried to make the dash across the border. Neal said only two planes were confirmed kills, while two MiG-21s were listed as possibly shot down. Refugees fleeing to Jordan con- tinued to talk of heavy civilian ca- sualties. "Fire rains down upon the Iraqis," King Hussein said in a See GULF, Page 2 I* See FORUM, Page 2 Admin. reluctant on anti-war demands by Shalini Patel Daily Staff Reporter University administrators have been discussing the 10 demands issued to President Duderstadt last Friday by People of Color Against War and Racism; since the complaints were delivered unsigned, the administration does not know whom to contact for more information, said Walter Harrison, executive director of JJniversity relations. "It's a little difficult because we don't know who signed them," Harrison said. Although he would not disclose the nature of the dialogue among administrators, Harrison did say "The president stated clearly as has SACUA (Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs) the University should take no official position on the war. It should be a forum fof debate." People of Color Against War and Racism demanded "the Uni- versity make a public statement of its position either in support of or in opposition to the war in the Gulf." Emery Smith, a board-member of the Ella Baker-Nelson Mandela Center for Anti-Racist Education, said he doesn't think the Univer- sity will meet the demands. "They're going to stay neutral and foster debate." President Duderstadt received a letter and a list of demands from the group last Friday and another copy of the letter on Tuesday which sets today as the deadline for response. If the group does not receive a response by today, they will "move forward to encourage peo- ple to take a stance," organize protests, and continue their education efforts which include teach-ins, leafletting, and writing, Smith said. In response to several racial incidents and increased racial See DEMANDS, Page 2 4 Baker :0 'tough times ahead as 'U.S. approaches ground war WASHINGTON (AP) - Secre- tary of State James Baker warned yesterday of "many casualties, great hardships" ahead in the war 4gainst Iraq as the Bush adminis- tration said ground warfare was almost a certainty. "The military actions now un- derway necessarily involve many ,casualties, great hardships, and growing fears for the future," Baker said. "Tough times lie ahead." At A White House briefing, -presidential press secretary Marlin Fitzwater said there probably will be a ground war, inching beyond President Bush's statement on Tuesday that he was "skeptical" the war could be won solely through the bombing campaign. Bush declined to say a full- scale ground offensive would be required. But Fitzwater said, "It's no secret that at some point it probably will require ground forces to reach our final conclusion of getting Iraq out of Kuwait." Rep. Dave McCurdy (D-Okl.), new chair of the House Intelli- gence Committee, said yesterday, "I don't think it has gone on long enough to convince anyone it is time to commence the ground phase." House Minority Leader Robert Michel (R-Ill.) said, after a brief- ing for lawmakers by Defense Sec- retary Dick Cheney and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Colin Powell, that members of Congress "feel good that there seems to be no rush" to a ground war. He added, "I'm just confident that General Powell feels the same way." At the private briefing, Cheney and Powell showed lawmakers satellite photos of damage to Iraqi buildings, bridges and military in- stallations. Sources said one photo showed gaping holes made by Tomahawk cruise missiles in the center and at the ends of Saddam Hussein's presidential palace in Baghdad. "Things are going darned well over there," the president said. 'U' hospital staffer accused of assaulting psycha ric pa ien Staffer admits guilt to head nurse, trial date set by Tami Pollak supervisor, said yesterday she had addressed whether the woman was Daily Crime Reporter been informed of the incident on mentally incapable, incapacitated, War on the environment Professor James Diana from the School of Natural Resources discusses the Gulf war's effects on marine ecology yesterday in Rackham Ampitheatre. MSA may swic to SCantron sheets for presidential elections Following the preliminary ex- amination testimony of a Univer- sity Hospital patient, a hospital employee was bound over for trial on criminal sexual conduct Sharges. *: A 24-year-old woman, who is a patient at the University Hospital, told the court that on Jan. 15, Wayne Kutschinski, a patient-care worker at the hospital, came into her room on a sleep check and proceeded to touch her through her pajamas. "Wayne came into my room and I woke up, but I left my eyes shut, and he moved the sheet off of +;me and touched me on my the evening of the 15th. Following discussions with the patient, her nurse, and later Kutchinski - who denied the allegations - Stickney advised Kutchinski notto check the woman's room on rounds that evening, she said. Thegnext day, after gathering more information, Stickney placed Kutchinski on suspension. "But later that night, Mr. Kut- chiniski called me," Stickney told the court. "He said he had in fact done it, that he was sorry he had done it, he didn't know why he had done it, but he had in fact done it." Stickney explained to the court that Kutchinski's duties at night or physically restrained as a result of her anorexia. "Anorexia is a mental disease," Lodwick said. "Anorexics' sense of who they are is greatly impaired, and this -can make judgement of interpersonal contact poor." The doctor then added that the woman had been living in a con- trolled and secure environment and had been in the final stage in her treatment when the incident oc- curred. The judge emphasized the role of Kutchinski as a controller of this environment. by Jay Garcia Daily MSA Reporter This March, voting in Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) elec- tions could be as easy as taking tests. Votes for the assembly's presi- dent and all resolutions may be tallied by scantron instead of being counted manually. Voting for rep- resentatives will still be done manually as the switch to scantron will be somewhat experimental. "The people in MSA that have been involved in elections think its wonderful because the procedure is so cumbersome right now," he added. LSA Rep. Lynn Chia said the change would be good. "I think it's a change that needs to be made," she said. The change would not be ex- pected to affect the elections bud- get much, although less people will need to be hired to count bal- vote because the whole process will be smoother. Rackham Rep. Jeff Gauthier said the switch could have one negative aspect. With the use of scantrons it may not be possible to rotate presidential slates in order to reduce random selection of can- didates, he said. "I would worry about this if it led to putting everything on scant- ron. It would be very complicated to rotate all the names" which is