RII I EMU logo change is a good sign. See OPINION Page 4. * e t t ii A ~ TODAY Mostly sunny; high 46, low 29 TOMORROW Phartlyclo udy; high42, ow 2. Since 1890 Coyigh 1 Vol. CI, No. 90 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, February 6,1991 The Michigan Daily Hopes to 0 escape. ground w ar fade Associated Press President Bush said yesterday he doubts Iraq's army can be ex- pelled from Kuwait without a ground war and announced he is sending Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and Gen. Colin Powell to the Persian Gulf for a "firsthand status report." tBush, at a news conference, said "it would be a lot easier to 0 see a successful conclusion" if Saddam Hussein were ousted or killed, but he stressed that the U.S. objective was still simply to drive Saddam's forces from Kuwait. Spelling out rigid conditions for any cease-fire, Bush said Saddam would have to undertake "a credi- ble, visible, totally convincing withdrawal" and return Kuwait's * exiled leadership to power. "He's got to say, I'm going to get out of Kuwait, now, fast." Bush said Cheney and Powell would go to Saudi Arabia later this week to confer with Gen. Schwarkopf, the commander of al- lied forces. Bush said the mission did not signal a ground war was about to be launched. #* On Monday, Air Force officer Maj. Bob Baltzer said in the days before a ground war the air cam- paign would be almost solely fo- cused on attacking ground forces, with the goal to cut their fighting power at least in half. "We have a very good idea of what the targets are. and where they are," Baltzer said. * The relentless U.S.-led bombing See GULF, Page 2 . Regents to vote on 6'U, housing rates by Henry Goldblatt Daily Administration Reporter Room and board rates for Uni- versity-owned housing may in- crease up to six percent next year if the University's Board of Re- gents approves a recommended increase. The rate increase results from growing inflation rates and the Michigan Union's and North Cam- pus Commons' merger with the University's housing division, said Dave Foulke, associate director for the Housing Division. The regents will evaluate, and PALEY/Daily possibly approve, the recoin- g i n mended room and board increases at their monthly meeting tomorrow afternoon. If the regents approve the price hikes, a student living in a single room next year will pay $4,854.48 for room and board, up from $4,578.76. Students will pay $4,083.82 for a double, up from $3,853.50. A student living in a triple will pay $3,602.25 for their room and board - an increase of approxi- mately $200. To set the rates, the Single Student Housing Rate Study. Committee and the Family Hous- ing Rate Study Committee gave University Housing Director Robert; Hughes an assessment of next, year's rate increases. See HOUSING, Page 2, LSA first-year students Amy McGee and Cathy Murphy study in a South Quad Lounge. Students livinc University housing may face an increase in room and board fees next year. MSA calls for change in regental bylaw by Jay Garcia Daily Mai Reporter A resolution calling for the in- clusion of sexual orientation in re- gental bylaw 14.06 passed at last night's Michigan Student Assem- bly meeting without discussion. The resolution's sponsor, LSA Rep. Kim Watson, plans to speak about the resolution before the University's Board of Regents at one of their future meetings. The resolution says the Univer- sity has delayed providing gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals "unequivocal written protection" for too long and that this has en- couraged the discrimination and harassment of these groups. "I wasn't sure if the resolution was going to pass. When it comes to issues of gay rights, people be- come surprisingly unpredictable," Watson said. According to the resolution, "an explicit and legally enforceable institutional commitment to equal opportunity" for these groups is es- sential for their equal protection. The resolution asks the Univer- sity to follow the lead of other uni- versities such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Ohio State which have written non-discriminatory policies concerning sexual orienta- tion. This administration, like the previous two, has said it was its policy to include sexual orienta- tion, but nothing was changed in the bylaws, Watson said. "I think it's obligatory that they put it down in writing because oth- erwise it's not legally enforce- able," she added. LSA representative Greg Morri- son was the only assembly mem- ber to raise an objection to the resolution. He later explained he objected to the resolution to voice the concerns of constituents who would not support the resolution. "I don't think that if we took a poll of the campus the resolution would have 100 percent support," he said. Watson was pleased with the quick passage of the resolution and said she hoped it would generate discussion. "One of the big things an MSA resolution can do is pro- duce publicity. There are other groups on campus that are working on this exact same thing," she said. Engineering Rep. Bill Cos- nowski supported the resolution. "I think it's important because MSA's biggest responsibility is representing the students, and that means all students," Cosnowski said. Bylaw 14.06 lists anti-discrimi- natory policies "for all persons re- gardless of race, sex, color, reliv- gion, creed, national origin or an- When it comes to issues of gay rights, people become ... unpredictable -- Kim Watson MSA Rep. cestry, age, marital status, handi- cap, or Vietnam-era veteran sta- tus." New Queer Agenda, a cam- pus group, was formed specifically for changing the bylaw. Environmentalists launch -anti-Coors beer campaign;. by Gwen Shaffer Daily Staff Reporter When most students purchase beer they usually consider the cost of the beer, how the beer tastes, or how many calories per can. But a campus organization believes students should also take into account how their money will be spent by the beer manufacturer. A campaign against the Adolph Coors Co. is attempting to raise student awareness about the company's racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti- 'environment policies, said campaign organizers. The campaign is sponsored by the campus environmental organi- zation EnAct. EnAct representa- tives also plan on seeking support from other student groups. "Coors has said things that are quite derogatory to African- Americans and backed terrorist and racist organizations," said EnAct member Mike Dorsey. John Fellows, manager of cor- porate communications for Coors Co., said the allegations are based on "value statements." Fellows said employment records show Coors does not engage in discriminatory hiring practices. According to information from an EnAct hand-out, Coors has "blatently" violated the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts by con- taminating groundwater after dumping 20 million gallons of toxic liquid waste into a Colorado landfill. Joe Coors, the firm's president, also helped found the Heritage Foundation, which supports racist and terrorist individuals and agendas, according to EnAct fliers. "Hopefully students will not want to purchase Coors after they are aware of their company poli- cies," said EnAct member Nena Shaw. The distribution of literature packets, describing some of the anti-environment and racist acts committed by Coors, is a major part of the campaign. The packet will be sent to local fraternity and sorority houses, asking them not to purchase Coors kegs for future parties. In addition, EnAct plans on circulating a petition requesting stores to pull Coors from their shelves. They intend to present area liquor stores with the signa- tures, hoping it will influence them to boycott the beer. However, yesterday EnAct members asked the Village Corner to stop carrying Coors, and were told that the store did not want to get involved in "anything controversial," Dorsey said. The local campaign is being held concurrently with anti-Coors campaigns acrosss the country. Fellows said the company was not aware of the boycott. "But we're confident that our good, loyal consumers won't be led by smokescreens by groups that have a political agenda of their own," Fellows said. Some students said they be- lieve the campaign will impact the choices people make next time they purchase beer. "If there are 20 beers to choose from, some students may have one thought about the (anti- Coors) posters, and decide not to buy Coors," said LSA junior Giancarlo Scalzi. "There are a million beers to buy. Why would you buy one that's an asshole?" he added. Banking overhaul proposed. by Bush. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush Administration proposed a landmark overhaul of the nation's banking system yesterday that would reduce government guaran- tees to depositors and break down traditional walls between banks and other businesses. The recommendations, the cen- terpiece of President Bush's do- mestic agenda, are his administra- tion's response to a rising tide of bank failures unrivaled since the Depression. Prepared by the Treasury De- partment after 18 months of study, the package would put the finan- cial system through the biggest changes in 50 years, affecting nearly every American who bor- rows and saves. For the first time since the es- tablishment of federal deposit in- surance in 1934, government guar- antees to bank customers would shrink rather than expand. The changes, however, are carefully See BUDGET, page 2 SSA first-year student Doug Padian reads an anti-Coors poster on the Diag. EnAct, a student environmental organization, is protesting the beer company's policies concerning the environment. Ann Arbor, University stress education as key to assault prevent ion by Lynne Cohn Daily City Reporter Independence and living alone may cause many University stu- dents to develop a greater fear of . rape or assault. In response to this crease in reports, more need for counseling and support services." It is not necessary to remain locked in the house or always walk with someone else to avoid rape, Steiner said. from junior high school students to business professionals. The work- shops deal with Michigan criminal sexual conduct laws, information about sexual assault, and effective rape prevention. "I have had people come back and tell me that they thought about communication," Akouri said. "It opens their eyes; the students are listening." Akouri conducted more than dents. "Given the fact that four out of ten women and one out of seven boys will be assaulted sometime in their lives," Krys said, "there is always a need for increasing ser- come from Ann Arbor. "It results from good public ed- ucation," Krys said. "When more services are available, people be- come more likely to report an as- sault or seek counseling."