ARTS The Michigan Daily Monday, February 4,199 Jokers bring serious warnings Page 5 by Greg Baise More like righteous harbingers of doom than Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Killing Joke produces desolate, often violent, always in- tense music with messages that stand like Paradise Lost when com- pared to the Cliff Notes readings of such bastard heirs/exploiters of the Killing Joke legacy like Nitzer Ebb and Metallica. Tonight marks the second time in less than a year that the British band Killing Joke has played in the southeast Michigan area. Things were looking rather apocalyptic for drummer Martin Atkins at the last show, which was in Detroit last September. Atkins had to be briefly hospitalized after he succumbed to the noxious fumes of the band's faulty voltage transformer. The transformer combusted under the raw power of Killing Joke's perfor- mance, and the band perservered until Atkins realized he couldn't play any more. The show was cut short as Atkins was rushed to the hospital. Hopefully., Killing Joke will make up for their lost time by pro- "Bloodsport" and "Wardance" that Killing Joke forged the basic sounds of their guitar onslaughts, a sound- scape that encroaches on the listener like a tidal wave of all the angst that will clean off the slate of civilization and prepare the way for the opening of the seventh seal. Vocalist Jaz Coleman infiltrates this maelstrom with screamings and chants from his personal Book of Revelations. He occasionally adds some keyboards as well, as on the early hit "Follow the Leaders" (which, as the Killing Joke press biography notes, became one of many "worldwide anthems" cre- ated by Killing Joke). Their new album, Extremities, Dirt and Various Repressed Emo- tions, finds Coleman, Atkins, and guitarist Geordie joined with Paul Raven, who was the original bassist in the group. Now Killing Joke is on the Noise label, where they are featured as the only legendary inter- national postpunk band on the la- bel's primarily metal roster. This makes perfect sense, as labelmates like Celtic Frost and Coroner proba- bly get as much musical inspiration See JOKE, Page 7 The University of Michigan Songbook edited by Rosalie Edwards published privately by Rosalie Edwards/ hardcover Some of us will be University alumni in a matter of months. Grad- uates will leave Ann Arbor with memories and nostalgia, remember- ing football games, nights at the bar, parties... and even classes. One of the best ways to encapsulate four years of University spirit is in Michigan songs. With thenew Uni- versity of Michigan Son gbook, graduates can take the University's beloved songs away with them. The Songbook, whose profits will help to fund the University School of Music Spholarship Fund, is introduced by former U.S. Presi- dent Gerald Ford as "cover(ing) the spectrum of our school's treasured music." It contains stirring themes, such as the academic pride found in "Yellow and Blue" (that's the alma mater, to those of you who didn't know). Songs such as "Varsity" and the "The Victors" celebrate the University's famous emphasis on athletics (that's football, to those of you who didn't know). The Songbook is attractive, with a centerspread of color photographs. An added bonus is the collection of fight songs from other universities, such as Indiana, Iowa, and Notre Dame. This gives the reader the op- portunity to compare fight songs. According to Rosalie Edwards, the book's creator, composer John Phillip Sousa said that "The Vic- tor's" is the best fight song ever written. While the book is dominated by tunes celebrating men, football, and drinking, it also includes "Women of Michigan" and an arrangement for female voices of "Varsity." The col- lection contains lyrical beauty in "The University" by Bill Schu- macher, as well as the rollicking rhythm of "The Friar's Song': "Drink! Drink!... Our own brother- hood, so carefree and good..." The songs can be seen as fun and inspira- tidnal; they can represent either nos- talgic loyalty to a great institution or sexist traditions that one might want changed. - Elizabeth Lenhard Martin Atkins (second from left) has drummed with Public Image Limited, Ministry, and Nine Inch Nails as well as engaging in a more dangerous career with Killing Joke. viding an excruciatingly long incen- diary show here in Ann Arbor, which, after all, is the raw power center of North America. Hopefully, nobody will have to be hospitalized, either. (By the way, Atkins is healthy, although he fell into a re- lapse of bad luck two days after the last Detroit show when he injured himself with a drum stick during a video shoot in Chicago.) 11 years ago Killing Joke re- leased their eponymous debut on the Editions EG label, home of other vi- sionaries like Brian Eno and Robert Fripp. It was in songs like ~:~:*~ ~::* :5 : .; }i" ....::ti;' .L 'yf'' " '' LL:4:" tiLr 7":}}. ::{}" ,1: ' }.V'} i }}y:". .;i"1."L' ':L1 yti1 '}{tip} ti :' :.'::ti' ':ti.."" . * $ f And you thought all Java did was coffee With the scent of incense and the presentation of blessings and prayers, Trustho, visiting scholar and the artistic director of the Uni- versity Gamelan, opened his perfor- mancein the Rackham Lecture Hall Saturday evening. A gamelan is a bamboo xylophone as well as, more generally, a term for a Javanese form of music involving gongs and other percussion instrume. The opening piece As a proces- sional that combined Western trum- pets and field drums with the tradi- tional Javanese gamelan, even though the Westerners oppressed the Javanese during colonization. The combination of Western instrumen- tation with Javanese music created tone qualities that were harsh at times, but contributed usefully to a colorful collage of sound. Ornately- costumed dancers then approached the stage with their offerings and blessed the gamelan. The music Was slow, stately, and very formal. It evoked a sense of mystery and a cu- riosity for what would follow. The piece "Rising Sounds" had a very complex melodic structure. The melody itself was played on a single metalaphone, a keyed instrument similar to the xylophone, while other instruments contemporane- ously elaborated on the theme. The importance of the drummer in lead- ing the gamelan was demonstrated by initiating a sudden change in tempo midway through the piece. Trustho, a famous Indonesian performer, made his own contribu- tion to the gamelan by producing a composition entitled "Hope." There were many ways in which Trustho evoked emotions. The inclusion of a flute, violin, and clarinet represented the union and friendship of Indone- sian and American cultures. The use of gongs to imitate the bells of Bur- ton Tower's carillon, where the group rehearses, was a tribute to their University home. Gamelan music is still viewed as mysterious and is misunderstood by many. Saturday's performance, how- ever, was an excellent opportunity for both the experienced and the in- experienced to gain a better under- standing of this genre. Extensive and well-written program notes were easy to understand and explained many of the important customs and characteristics associated with game- lans. The performance itself was very organized and the music was executed with precision. According to Trustho, he hopes that the game- lan will continue to work hard and progress - and it appears that he has succeeded. - Matthew Gutherie From Moscow with love "On that Big Land everyone has that street that's dear to them," said the character David Schwartz (Aleksandr Marin) in the play My Big Land. The theme of the discov- ery of the importance of homeland established the mood of Alexander Galich's touching Soviet play. Oleg Tabakov's Moscow Theater Studio performed the emotionally moving tragedy this past Friday at the Michigan Theater, and Alexander Bu- ravsky's black comedy, The Teacher of Russian, on Saturday evening. The emotionally moving My Big Land profoundly traced the lives of Abraham Schwartz, a warehouse ad- ministrator, and his son David, a vi- olin prodigy. The presentation of the Russian-Jewish drama immediately captivated its audience, luring them into the devastating world of Moscow during the 1940s. The Teacher of Russian, a contemporary tragic comedy, provided a light and witty contrast to My Big Land until the final scene, a powerful comment on modern day Soviet life and gov- ernment. Together the two perfor- mances provided a weekend of satire and adult humor, of sufferance and sensitivity. Vladimir Mashkov acted in both dramas, portraying a drunken, de- pressed Jewish father in My Big Land and a corrupt and scheming doctor in The Teacher of Russian. Mashkov's performances were in- credibly truthful and believable, es- pecially in the tragedy. The most moving scene was at the conclusion of My Big Land, when he desper- ately explained his wish to provide for his prodigal son. Aleksandr Marin, in his portrayal of David, was emotionally persuad- ing and had a passionate solemnity that was pleasurable to watch. De- spite the seriousness of the play's subject matter, the audience, because of some humorous quips, could re- late to the struggles of his character. In the comedy, the actor portrayed Tolya, an amusing young tourist who gives in to having his legs bro- ken to make falsified medical charts accurate. The 80-year-old actress Maria Mi- ranova was the highlight of the cast in The Teacher of Russian. Her old character, who is referred to as "Grandma," was hysterically funny as she discussed sex and AIDS. Her explanation of waiting on "a unified and collective condom line with in- dividuals with the same purpose" was extremely comical. Her por- trayal of a government spy remarked on the irony and absurdity of Soviet politics. In My Big Land , the effective lighting created shadows that further added to the forceful dramatics of the play. In the final act, the lights were used symbolically to convey the ghost-like quality of Abraham, who had been executed by the Nazis. Flowing white sheets formedsa back- drop in Act III to create a feeling of sterility and spirituality. The shim- mer of candles provided a soft glow, creating a somber mood as the play came to a close. The beautifully delicate music was successfully united with the uniquely utilized Michigan Theater stage. The setting, with the simple use of ordinary wooden beams com- bined with the subtle sound of a vio- lin, effectively reflected the poverty of the Jewish ghetto. The continu- ous, almost musical sound of a train that reappeared throughout the play signified the ability to travel home. It prepared the audience for the final scene, which takes place on a medi- cal train of wounded soldiers heading home from the front. Headsets provided a simultaneous translation of the Russian plays. While watching the dramas, one wanted to understand Russian and avoid the inevitable consequences of the cumbersome headsets. The monotone voice of the live translator made it difficult at times to decipher which actor was speaking. How- ever, after a little getting used to, the words and dramatics blended together to conquer the difficulties of syn- chronous translation. The cognizance of My Big Land's banning in 1958 due to its "Jewish" topic further added to the realistic and emotional impact of the play. The Teacher of Russian, a perestroika, with a partially nude scene and sexu- ally-explicit dialogue, would also not have favored well with the So- viet government. As the cast of My Big Land applauded its audience, one felt proud to partake in watching the Moscow Theater Studio's successful and emotionally stimulating preseo- tation of Galich's My Big Land. - Robin Kitzes Girls were fine "Play 'Ice Ice Baby'!" screamed a jesting Indigo Girls fan at Hill Audi- torium this past Thursday. "We won't play that," answered Amy Ray, half of the popular acous- tic-guitar-strumming duo. "ThAt guy's a joke." Following her remark, the audi- ence applauded with much intensity, for Ray had echoed this crowd's gen- eral sentiment about that sort of mu- sic. They did not want to see an artist whose act depends on the uge See WEEKEND, Page 7 Uh k A, A h V V V V V V 1 AUDITIONS SINGERS DANCERS * INSTRUMENTAUSTS SPECIALTY ACTS " TECHNICIANS/WARDROBE 4 'i Kings Productions, the world's #1 producer of entertainment, is holding auditions for the 1991 season at KIDGS ISLAND, ' Cincinnati, Ohio. A variety of positions are available and a travel ' fee will be paid to employees who must travel more than 250 miles, to the park. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN4 Tuesday, February 5, 1991 University of Michigan Michigan Union, Kuenzel Room 1-2 p.m. Singers 2-3 p.m. Dancers, Instrumentalists, Specialty Acts For additional information call:4 Kings Island Entertainment Dept. 513/398-5600 SKings Productions 800/544-5464 KINGS ISLAND " KINGS DOMINION " CAROWINDS GREAT AMERICA * CANADA'S WONDERLAND © Kings Productions 4 I --Al Your Summer Job more than just employment.- dd==AMMM -'_' .r-- V Working with'children in the outdoors. l STUDY FOR ONE YEAR OR FOR ONE OR TWO TERMS IN OXFORD Several colleges of Oxford University have invited the Washington International Studies Council to recommend qualified students to study for one year or for one or two terms. Lower Junior status is required. and graduate study is available. Students are directly enrolled in their colleges and receive transcripts from their Oxford college; this is NOT a program conducted by a U.S. College in Oxford. 3.2 minimum index in major required. 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