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February 04, 1991 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-02-04

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The Michigan Daily -Monday, February 4, 1991 - Page 3

'U' helps
to adJ ust
by Jami Blaauw
Like any new University
student, transfer students are often
as confused as younger first-year
students when it comes to
adjusting to University life.
To make the transition to the
University easier for transfer
students, the Student Organization
Development Center (SODC) is
sponsoring a four-week program for
transfer students called Transfer
Student Network(ing). The
program - which began Jan. 15
and ends tomorrow - is designed
o answer transfer students'
questions and provide a forum to
discuss shared experiences of their
Program coordinator Teri
Adelberg said the idea originated
last term when she noticed transfer
students do not have the resources
available to first-year students and
find it hard to ask basic questions
*bout the University.
"People expect them to know
everything because they're older,"
Adelberg said. One of the main
goals of the program is to answer
transfer students' questions in an
environment where they won't feel
Each session covered a
different aspect of University life
and addressed concerns of transfer
The first session introduced
students to the program and
discussed getting involved at the
University. The next two sessions
covered academic advising,
University resources, and
time/stress management. During
tomorrow's session, students will
discuss University life in general
and answer any final questions or
o concerns.
Susanne Kopecky, a transfer
student from Alma College who
now lives in Baits, said, "As a
transfer student, it's really hard to
get to know people and the
program helped a lot."
Adelberg hopes for more
f'unding next year to make it
"bigger and better." Next fall, she
*hopes to have a computer
conference set up for transfer
students to exchange ideas and
Adelberg encouraged transfer
students to attend tomorrow's
session at South Quad in the West
Lounge from 7-8:30 p.m.

Latin jazz concert
kicks off Chicano
history celebration

by Shalini Patel
Daily Staff Reporter
The University's annual cele-
bration of Chicano history week
began last night with a Latin jazz
concert by Pancho Sanchez in
Mendelssohn Theatre.
"The purpose of the week is to
raise awareness of Chicano issues
and share the cultural heritage of
Chicanos," said Tania Escobedo,
co-chair of the Socially Active
Latino Students Association
A film highlighting the history
of the Chicano struggle, T h e
Lemon Grove Incident will be
shown tomorrow in the MLB.
Wednesday, Laura Perez, a Ph.D.
in Romance Languages in Amer-
ica, will address current issues fac-
ing Chicanos.
Other events such as a potluck

dinner and talent night Thursday
and a dance on Friday "encourage
students to share in the celebration
of Chicano culture," Escobedo
said. The talent night will feature
Cristino Perez from Mexico per-
forming an Aztec dance.
"I hope we have a good turn-
out, and I hope people who attend
will become aware of the previous
Chicano struggle," she added.
The 45-member SALSA is
sponsoring the events in conjunc-
tion with the Office of Minority Af-
fairs, Minority Student Services,
and various other campus organi-
SALSA was formed to help re-
tain the Latin American student
population on campus, Escobedo

Shades of war
U.S. Army troopers watch as a desert dust-shrouded Blackhawk helicopter lands to refuel Sunday at a fuel
depot in Eastern Saudi Arabia.
HAC protests squatters'
eviction from vacant house

by David Rheingold
Daily City Reporter
An estimated 75 people gath-
ered in front of a vacated house at
116 W. William Saturday to
protest the city's planned evictions
of three homeless people living in
the house. I
The city reportedly plans to
move the house, along with an-
other house at 339 S. Ashley, to
make way for a $10 million, eight-
story parking structure on the site.
The Homeless Action Commit-
tee (HAC), which staged the rally,
has in the past protested the city's
decision to fund the structure in-
stead of 1,500 affordable housing
units with Downtown Development
Authority (DDA) funds.
The Washtenaw County Sher-
iff's Department would not dis-
close when it will make the evic-
tions, but HAC members suspect
the city will wait until spring.
"I think they're waiting for
spring to evict them so it doesn't
look bad to evict people when it's
10 degrees outside, and wait for
the elections so they don't look
bad for that, too," HAC member

and Ann Arbor resident Jennifer
Hall said.
But City Councilmember Jerry
Schleicher (R-Fourth Ward) said
the house was "illegally seized,"
and those living there "should
have been evicted a long time
Schleicher said the problem
with affordable housing is that the
city general fund has no money to
pay for it and the federal govern-
ment is withholding funds.
The DDA, he said, is not per-
mitted to build housing. "The DDA
was established to help the busi-
ness community," Schleicher said.
City Councilmember Ann
Marie Coleman (D-First Ward)
said the city should build more af-
fordable housing, but said it would
need more funds from such sources
as the Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) and
the DDA.
One woman currently living in
the house at 116 W. William, who
asked that her name be withheld,
said a homeless man and woman
are also occupying the two-story
house. The woman said living
there made her feel "very inse-
"You're packed all the time,"
she said. "Whenever you need
anything you unpack."
The woman said she is living in
the house because she can't afford
public housing. "The problem with
city housing is it would take away
one-third of my income. (That's)
unacceptable. You can't adjust to
that... When you make so little,
rent just takes everything," she
HAC members expressed con-
cern during the rally that Governor
John Engler's proposed state bud-
get cuts would increase the num-

ber of homeless people in Ann
Ann Arbor resident Larry Fox
believes that, as a result of the
proposed cuts, more people are
"going to go to the shelter, and al-
ready there's no room at the shel-
ter... all of those people are going
to be in the street."
The Shelter Association of Ann
Arbor, which has a night shelter on
420 W. Huron, can legally hold '54
in the building, plus 25 on a rotat-
ing basis, said Manager Leah
Maloney said the shelter is cur-
rently holding an average of 80
people per night. Despite the high
numbers, she said, accomodations
have not been difficult.
But Maloney said she expects
the shelter to receive more home-
less people if the nearby Ypsilanti
Regional Psychiatric Hospital
closes due to Engler's proposed
"I have a strong feeling they're
not going to be able to place ev-
eryone. I have a feeling we'll see
more people," Maloney said.
Fox was also concerned with
the state's choice of cuts. "Cutting
three people in the attorney's of-
fice is a hell of a lot different than
cutting people on GA (General As-
sistance)," he said.
"(The officials) will just go get
another job. People on GA don't
have any place to go," Fox said.
Saturday's rally lasted nearly
two hours. After several people ad-
dressed the crowd about the issue
of homelessness in Ann Arbor,
HAC members forced their way
into the vacated house on 339 S.

Christine Ktoostrs/DAILY GRAPHI~
Death toll in Pakistani
quake may reach 700

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP)
- As many as 400 people may
have been killed in Afghanistan
during last week's earthquake, aid
workers said yesterday.
That could bring the number of
people who were killed in the
quake, which was felt from Soviet
Central Asia to India on Friday, to
more than 700.

In Pakistan, government offi-
cials said more than 300 people
had died and hundreds more were
injured, but that figure was ex-
pected to rise as officials receive
reports from remote mountain vil-
lages hardest hit by the quake.
In Afghanistan, rescue efforts
were hindered by heavy snow.

A pull quote in last Friday's Daily should have been attributed to Colleen
Dolan-Greene, a University negotiator. In the same story, a quote by
Graduate Employees Organization President Chris Roberson referred to
non-economic negotiations with the University. The Daily reported this
_ What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Students Fighting Anti-semitism,
Hillel, 7:00.
Enact, weekly meeting. DANA Bldg.,
Rm. 1040, 7:00.
People of Color Against War &
Racism, weekly meeting. West
Engineering, 1st floor Center for
African & Afro-American Studies
Lounge, 5:00.
UMA ASC (University of Michigan
Asian American Student Coalition).
Contact Weston Woo (995-7008) for
info. MLB, Rm. B134, 7:00.
U of M Outing Club, Spring Break
backpacking pre-trip meeting. Call
662-7848 for info. Union, Pond Rms.,
Women in Communications, Inc.,
"Ice-breaker" mass meeting. All
welcome, even men. Union, Kuenzel
Rm., 7:30.
SAUSI. Hutchins Hall, Rm. 100, 8:00.
General Union of Palestinian Stu-
dents. Hutchins Hall, Rm. 150, 8:00.
"Organometallics of Divalent Lant-
hanides," Mark McClain, speaker.
Chem. Bldg., Rm. 1640, 4:00.
"Propaganda: Where do you draw
the line?" discussion of pro-Israel
nrnaneanda. Call Elliot at 764-2645.

Safewalk, nighttime safety walking
service. Functions 8-1:30 Sun.-Thurs.,
Fr.-Sat. 8-11:30. Call 936-1000 or
stop by 102 UGLi.
Northwalk, nighttime safety walking
service. Functions Sun.-Thurs. 8-1:30
am., Fri.-Sat. 8-11:30. Call 763-
WALK or stop by 2333 Bursley.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors avalible
to help with your papers Sun.-Thurs.,
Angell/Haven Computing Center, 7-
11:00 p.m.; 611 Church Street Com-
puting Center, Tue. and Thurs. 7-11:00
p.m., Wed. 8-10:00. p.m.
U of M Shorin-Ryu Karate-do Club.
For info call 994-3620. Every Monday,
CCRB, Small Gym, 8-9:00.
U of M Tae Kwon Do Club. Every
Monday, CCRB Martial Arts Rm., 7-
U of M Ninjitsu Club, Monday
piractice. Call David Dow (668-7478)
for info. I.M. Bldg., Wrestling Rm., 7-
College of Engineering Pre-inter-
views. Today: Lockheed Missiles &
Space Co., for electrical engineers,
computer science, mechanical and
aerospace engineering majors, 1005
EECS, 6-8:00; Rolm Systems, for
computer engineering and science
majors, 1301 EECS, 6:30-8:30.
Nonviolent Action Clearinghouse,

wanted to

members said they
demonstrate that livable
exist in the house.


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