The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, January 30, 1991 - Page 3 Women accuse boyfriends of sexual assault by Tami Pollak Daily Crime Reporter A University law school student allegedly stripped, handcuffed, and videotaped a classmate against her will late Saturday afternoon, and another woman was raped early Monday morning, allegedly by her ex-boyfriend. The law school student told Ann Arbor police the cident took place at her boyfriend's apartment on '400 block of E. Kingsley. She told police she had gone to the apartment to watch TV, but shortly after arriving, her boyfriend picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. He then began to take off her shirt. The woman protested and told him she was not in the mood, but he continued to remove her clothing and began kiss- ing and touching her. According the police reports, the man handcuffed the victim, and began filming her with a video cam- When the man left the room for a moment, the woman was able to find the handcuff keys and free herself. She ran out of the apartment, hitting her boyfriend several times in anger, police said. The woman has told police she wants to sign a complaint. Detective Michael Schubring said police will continue investigating the incident. Ann Arbor police are also following through on a a which occurred in a car near North Campus just a ter midnight Monday morning. A woman told Ann Arbor police that she was giv- ing-her ex-boyfriend a ride, and when they reached the 2400 block of Sandalwood, he pinned her arms to her side, removed her pants, and raped the woman, reports said. The woman does want to sign a complaint, reports said. I Activist author reads writings by Chris Afendulis Daily Staff Reporter Author and National Book Award Winner Peter Matthiessen read from his works and spoke on the mission of writing in a lecture at Rackham Auditorium last night. Brought to the University by Hillel and the Michigan Journal- ism Fellows, Matthiessen read at length from Far Tortuga and his latest novel, Killing of Mr. Watson. An author whose work comes from political, environmental, and anthropological angles, Matthi- essen dropped into the dialects of sailors from the Cayman Islands and Americans from Florida's Everglades while narrating his stories. in producing more socially con- scious writing. As examples of activism in his writing, Matthiessen cited work he did on elephants in Africa that he said contributed to the hunting ban on them in certain countries, as well as a recent piece on the envi- ronmental disaster of Lake Baikal in the Soviet Union. In addition to illustrating the flavor of the people, Matthiessen's writing also documents the history and nature of the different regions, with descriptions of wildlife and, in Killing of Mr. Watson, of the cultures of Native Americans. After the readings, the author talked about the upcoming two volumes of theWatson story, which details the legendary life and death of a murderer in turn-of- the-century Florida. Of a recent review of the book which criticized him for making the title character too "mythical," Matthiessen said, "This, of course, was exactly what I wanted." He explained that he wanted to cap- ture the folkloric quality of Wat- son's life. "These people are authentically he said, "and I some sense of that, (in the stories) who they are," wanted to give Speaking about the sailors of Far Tortuga, he added, "Each one had his own song, the song of his life," which Matthiessen tried to capture in his narrative. Matthiessen also explained his views on the mission of the mod- ern writer. "'These days, the writer must speak for those who cannot speak for themselves,"' he said, quoting from the Nobel Prize speech of French author Albert Cam us. "I think part of one's work should go toward the general wel- fare," he added, encouraging American writers to follow the lead of their European counterparts a a a Clear view Joe Knust of Peepers Professional Window Service works to improve the view from the underground Burger King on Maynard. The writer also spoke on recent libel battles over another of his books, In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, which documents what he feels is the wrongful conviction of a Na- tive American for the murder of two FBI agents in the 1970s. Legal suits from other FBI agents kept the book out of print for the past decade, but it will be re-released this spring. Mich. poticians say: No war taxes' WASHINGTON (AP) - Michigan lawmakers in both par- ties voiced strong support for the U.S. war effort yesterday and were equally unenthusiastic for raising taxes to pay for it. Bipartisanship eroded on the doiestic front, however, as Presi- *ift Bush reported on the progress of the war and outlined his agenda for the year in his State of the Union address. Detroit), chairperson of the House Democrats in the state congres- Government Operations Commit- sional delegation echoed their na- tee. tional leadership, accusing Bush of Michiganians generally have showing more concern for Kuwait's joined other Americans in rallying liberation than the well-being of behind the president and U.S. imous opinion out there," said Rep. Dave Camp. (R-Midland) "But the overwhelming majority of the people are strongly in support of the president and his decision." The Michigan lawmakers were virtually unanimous in opposition to a new tax to finance the war. F i U.S.S.R. promises to remove troops from Baltic states his own country. "The president has locked him- self in his war room, leaving our domestic needs banging at the door," said Rep. John Conyers (D- troops in the Middle East, although many are unhappy that Bush re- sorted to force against Iraq, the lawmakers said. "There is certainly not a unan- Counseling will address stresses of war by Sarah Schweitzer Daily Administration Reporter Students experiencing war-re- *ted uneasiness, anxiety or de- pression need not look far to find a consoling word or an open ear. In response to a large number of student requests, Student Counsel- ing" Services is implementing a se- ries of programs designed to give students a chance to air their feel- ings and fears about the war. The first such program will be an "initial mutual support meet- ing" from 12 noon to 1 p.m. tomor- row. The meeting will be handled on a walk-in basis for students who wish to talk to professional coun- selors about the war. Counselors hope to use the meeting to gauge how many students need counsel- ing and what kind of support ser- vices are needed. Counseling Services is also working on an ongoing support group for residence halls request- ing assistance. So far, Markley and Baits are the only halls to have made such requests. The Campus Information Center is currently acting as a coordinator of war-related counseling services available to students. Tom Morson, outreach coordi- nator for Student Counseling Ser- vices, said Counseling Services is trying to extend programs to stu- dents because of what he per- ceives to be a real need for support and counseling. "You sit and watch CNN and you will begin to feel anxious. We are giving students permission to talk about their feelings. We want people to know it's okay to have a wide range of feelings," he said. 4orrections: e Conservative Coalition was incorrectly identified on the front page of yesterday's paper. Also, there is no proof that Iraqi pilots have quit the air forde, contrary to what a headline may have indicated. THE LIST What's happening in Ann Arbor today Intel donation updates t Meetings Undergraduate Philosophy Club, weekly meeting. Topic "Philosophy of Language and Indexical Statements." '2220 Angell Hall, 6:00. VIA Hillel, bi-weekly meeting. Hillel, 6:30. AIESEC (International Association of Students in Economics and Business), weekly meeting. B-School, Rm. 1273, EQ/RC Social Group for Lesbians, Bisexuals and Gay Men, weekly meeting. Dorm residents especially encouraged to attend. Call 763-2788 for info. U of M Engineering Council, 2nd meeting. 1500 EECS, 7:00. UM Students of Objectivism, busi- ness meeting. Dominick's Restaurant, 8:00. >Speakers "Industrial Relations in Poland: An Uncertain Future," Ludwik Florek, speaker. Lane Hall Commons, noon. "Veminine Hermeneutic," Sister Ahnelise Sinnott, speaker. St. Mary's Student Parish, 331 Thompson St., 7:00. "Ayervedic Medicine in Yoga," lecture and demonstration by Dr. Max Hirich. 2748 Furstenburg, noon. h"The Synthesis and reactivity of 1650, 4:00. "Prediction of 0-1 Sequences," Hans Rudolf Lerche of University of Freiburg, Germany, speaker. 451 Mason Hall, 4:00. Furthermore Safewalk functions 8-11:30 Sun.- Thurs. Call 936-1000 or stop by 102 UGLi. Northwalk functions 8-11:30 Sun.- Thurs. Call 763-WALK or stop by 2333 Bursley. ECB Peer Writing Tutors avalible to help with your papers Sunday- Thursday, Angell/Haven Computing Center, 7-11:00. U of M Shorin-Ryu Karate-do Club, weekly practice. Call 994-3620 for info. CCRB Martial Arts Rm., 8:30-9:30. U of M Tae Kwon Do Club, Wednesday workout. CCRB Martial Arts Rm., 7-8:30. U of M Shotokan Karate Club, Wednesday practice. Call Ravindra Prasad for info. IM Bldg. Martial Arts Rm., 7-9:00. Beans and Rice Dinner, weekly event. Guild House, 802 Monroe St., 6:00. U of M Women's Rugby Club, Wednesday practice. Call 995-0129 for info. Oosterbaan Fieldhouse, 10- 12:00 p.m. (Sorry.) s " engineering by David Adox The computer firm Intel donated six powerful computer workstations valued at $105,000 to the Depart- ment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science yesterday. The new computer facility, named the Intel Digital Design Lab- oratory, will help students design computer systems. The computers "represent state-of-the-art develop- ment systems for the design and construction of digital circuitry," Electrical Engineering Prof. Janice Jenkins said in a dedication speech. The equipment will be used in two University classes - the De- sign of Microprocessor Systems (EECS 373) and Digital Design Laboratory (EECS 474). Ninety students are enrolled in these classes this semester. "We ex- pect this number to grow even larger as word spreads about the modern fa- cility available for their undergradu- ate experience," Jenkins said. Intel representative Keith Dom- pier said the computers are the same as those used by computer design professionals. Jenkins said the de- partment's previous equipment was Color Printing Color Printing Color Printing Color Printing resources about 10 years out of date. She ap- plied to Intel for a grant to replace the old equipment. Intel donated computers because "both Intel and the University bene- fit in the relationship," Dompier said. While students benefit from ac- cess to the new technology, Intel benefits in two ways, Dompier said. Students who learn on the equipment may decide to work for Intel, while students who work elsewhere will prefer Intel equipment. Jenkins added, "It is hoped that this is just the beginning of a close partnership between the University of Michigan and the Intel Corpora- tion in the education and develop- ment of well-trained young engineers - our hope for the future." WASHINGTON (AP) - The Soviet Union, in a dramatic move to improve relations with the United States, has promised to remove airborne and other troops from the Baltic Republics and to reopen talks with independence- minded leaders there, U.S. officials said yesterday. The move to lessen tensions in the Baltics were described to President Bush in a message from Moscow carried by Soviet Foreign Minister Alexander A. Bessmert- nykh, the officials said. The message did not promise to remove all outside military from Latvia and Lithuania, where 21 people were killed this month in clashes, and yet some units have been detected moving back from the Baltic Republics. On the other hand, some of the Interior Ministry's "Black Berets," which played a key role against the independence drive, are from the area and apparently will remain there, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "We will watch carefully as the situation develops," Bush said in his State of the Union address, adding that his objective is to "help the Baltic peoples achieve their aspirations, not to punish the Soviet Union." Bush and Baker have been sharply critical of the harsh tactics used against the independence Health&I movement. But there was an odd silence on the subject Monday when Baker and Bessmertnykh an- nounced the postponement of the Feb. 11-13 Bush-Gorbachev sum- mit in Moscow. Their joint an- nouncement said simply that it would be "inappropriate" for Bush to go to Moscow in the midst of the Persian Gulf war. The other reason cited in a joint statement was that a treaty to slash U.S. and Soviet long-range nuclear weapons would not be ready for signature at the summit. The pledge from Moscow clearly raised hopes within the administration that Soviet Presi- dent Mikhail Gorbachev was trying to defuse tensions in the area as well as reverse the slide in U.S.- Soviet relations. In his, speech to a joint session of Congress, Bush spoke cau- tiously of the message from Moscow: "In our recent discus- sions with the Soviet leadership, we have been given representa- tions, which, if fulfilled, would re- sult in the withdrawal of some So- viet forces, a reopening of dia- logue with the Republics and a move away from violence." But a total withdrawal evi- dently is not in the offing. For in- stance, some units withdrawn from Riga and Vilnius evidently will go back to their barracks within Latvia and Lithuania. Fitness momm Something For Everybody *Swimming *Nautilus *Raquetball *Basketball *Aerobics *Dance *Free Weights *Martial Arts *Yoga "Pre-school *Child Care Center *Family Activities d' 9" ...And just a short walk from central campus