Men's Swimming
at Michigan State
Friday, 7 p.m.
McCafree Pool
Men's Basketball
at Minnesota
Thursday, 8 p.m.
Williams Arena
The Michigan Daily
Tuesday, January 29, 1991
Page 8
Michi gan lacking
front-court strength
by David Schechter
Daily Basketball Writer
Basketball coaches spend sleepless nights watching numbers
dance through their analytical minds. Instead of counting sheep they
count rebounds, free throws, and turnovers hoping for just a little rest.
In light of this past weekend, it's doubtful that Michigan women's
basketball coach Bud VanDeWege is very well-rested.
Physically, the Wolverine forwards sized up with their weekend
opponents but were outplayed on both occasions. The numbers speak
for themselves.
Michigan plays five true post-up players: Nikki Beaudry, Trish An-
drew, Michelle Hall, LaTara Jones, and Jill VanStee. Char Durand,
sometimes listed as a forward, plays more like a third guard than a
Against Ohio State, the Wolverine forwards went to the free throw
line four less times than the Buckeyes. The difference in the Indiana
game was even more alarming: Michigan tallied 14 less free throw at-
tempts than the Hoosiers.
What does all this mean?
Foul shots are the rewards that a physical player reaps. Good for-
wards can consistently make a move to the hoop and draw a foul from
an outmatched opponent.
Passive decision making and tentative scoring moves mar the
Michigan offensive output. The Wolverines need a spark.
Most of the Wolverines could benefit from a lesson on inside play
from Nikki Beaudry. Beaudry appears to be the one of the only players
who isn't afraid to play physical and brave the swatting arms of the
other teams.
The raw talent of newcomer LaTara Jones and the intimidating
strength of fellow frosh Michelle Hall are clearly powerful weapons in
VanDeWege's arsenal. Unfortunately, neither Jones nor Hall have
shown the same physical tendencies that Beaudry does on offense.
The Wolverines won't start winning Big Ten games until their big-
ger players are able to consistently penetrate in the paint and have the
courage to drive to the hoop.
Of course, the lack of a physical presence on one end of the court
spills over to the defensive side of the ledger. Indiana's forwards
poured in 43 points against Michigan's 29, and the Ohio State front-
court had no trouble scoring 49 points.
Throughout the season, individual players from other teams have
troubled Michigan. This weekend it was Ohio State's Nikki Keyton, a
East Lansing native. In Keyton's visit to her home state, she seemed
able to score at will.
Michigan's interior defense failed at even partially containing the
Buckeye forward.
"We're very poor defensively inside," VanDeWege'said. "We're
very poor. We give up a lot of points inside."
On Sunday, VanDeWege said he needed to implement some
changes to jump start his team. If his team starts intimidating and
stops being intimidated, they may find the spark they need.
Men make strides toward top
by Jason Bank
Daily Sports Writer
Michigan's men track coach
Jack Harvey realizes dramatic im-
provements do not take place in
one week. Remarkable strides after
three weeks of competition are
usually not possible in track, but
steady improvement throughout the
season is expected.
Last weekend, the Michigan
men's track team split its squad
and garnered mixed results at
meets in Tennessee and Kalama-
zoo. A few performers continued
their steady improvement while
others fell short of their previous
marks. Although Harvey is not very
concerned about the early sub-par
performances, he does expect bet-
ter results from his squad.
"Everybody needs to improve,"
Harvey said. "We need better per-
formances out of our second-liners
to be competitive as a team."
At the U.S. Air-East Tennessee
State Invitational Track and Field
Meet, junior Jerry Douglas posted
a career-best time of 7.32 seconds
in the 55-meter high hurdles, plac-
ing second in the event. Senior
Neal Newman was the lone
Wolverine first-place finisher at
the meet with a time of 1:52.83 in
the 800-meter race.
Other Wolverines did not per-
form up to the same standards they
had in the past. Brad Barquist fin-
ished seventh in the 3,000-meter
The remainder of the Wolver-
ines' team competed at the West-
ern Michigan Invitational. The
meet did not record team points.
The pole vault continued to be
one of the Wolverines' strongeD
events. Toby Van Pelt, Mike Car-
son, and Matt Scharl completely
dominated the event, taking tho
top three places, respectively.
Sophomore Michael Eccleston
won the 200-meter dash at 22:42
seconds. Sophomore Dan Redden
took the high jump by clearing 6'
11", while junior Mike Hennessey
finished second in the shot pu
with a throw of 49' 3".
Taking sixth in the mile run
with a time of 4:14.56, Joe McK-
own was the lone finisher for the
Wolverines. Ali Shaker shared a
similar fate, placing sixth in the
400 meter dash. Edging his team-
mate by one-tenth of a second in
the race, Brian Bozo grabbed fifth
In the team competition,
Michigan placed fourth in both the
1600-meter and 3200-meter relay.
Eastern Michigan won both events.
Harvey is pointing toward the
beginning of team competition in
two weeks to gauge his team's im-
provement and its chances for a
strong Big Ten finish.
"We'll know more about (the
team's progress) when we go to
the Central Collegiate Champi
onships," Harvey said.
The Michigan men's track team is striving to get over the top in terms of
consistency. That consistency eluded junior high jumper Greg Duffy and
his fellow competitors in tournaments held last weekend.
run, and Brad Holwerda placed
third in the high jump with a mark
of 6' 11 3/4".
Senior Brad Darr cleared 17' in
the pole vault, placing second.
Harvey believes his standout
track stars will improve back to
their old. form. He believes Bar-
quist, Newman, and Darr should
qualify for the NCAA's in future
"The guys that went to East
Tennessee did just about what we
expected," Harvey said. "They
were very competitive."
Blue fencers split at
Cleveland tourney
q 74,0
Gridiron star
Grange dies
Red Grange, football's "Galloping
Ghost," died Monday from a
lengthy illness. He was 87. Grange,
who had been hospitalized since
July and on the critical list for a
week, died of complications from
In his junior year at Illinois, he
played his most famous game -
against Michigan - and scored
four touchdowns in 12 minutes.
After his sensational career at
Illinois ended in 1925, Grange
signed a contract with the Chicago
Bears. He spent 13 years as player,
coach, and promoter of pro football
and was a charter member of the
Pro Football Hall of Fame. M
by Ryan Herrington
Daily Sports Writer
Some ups, some downs, but no
That was the story of the
Michigan fencing team's trip to
Cleveland State this weekend.
. The Wolverines entered the
meet figuring to finish somewhere
in the middle of the pack.
True to their expectations, the
Wolverines went 3-3 Saturday in
one of the larger collegiate meets
they have attended in the last few
The nine-team field allowed the
fencers to gain experience against
tougher competition and increase
their confidence level by defeating
some lesser opponents. Michigan
lost to host Cleveland State, Notre
Dame and Wayne State, by scores
of 13-30, 4-39 and 5-22. They were
able to defeat Case Western Re-
serve, St. Mary's and Tri-State
University 30-13, 10-6, and 25-18,
When looking at the results in
the Wolverines' defeats, Satur-
day's outcome is not as grey as it
would first appear. The Fighting
Irish are one of the top three fenc-
ing teams in the nation, and
Wayne State has been a perennial
fencing power for a number of
years. Michigan's fencers, playing
on a team ,at the club level, had
little chance in defeating these es-
tablished varsity programs.
"We did alright," senior Phillip
Issa said. "The meet went as ex-
pected. We expected what we got
from Notre Dame, but we should
have done a little better against
Wayne State."
Michigan, under the coaching
of Ivo Wenzler, took a very inex-
perienced club on the road this
weekend. Freshman Sean Fifield,
Jamie Hobson and senior Robert
Bannick were competing in their
first collegiate tournaments. Fifield
was actually fencing in his first
meet at any level.
Added to this list were fresh-
man Jeff White, who is the veteran
of just one meet and senior Chris
Papalas, who returned to the
Michigan lineup after taking some
time off.
"The freshman were nervous in
the beginning which led to some
early defeats," Issa said.
"However, they all improved a lot
over the course of the day. They
were really starting to get the feel
for what a tournament is like."
'The freshman were
nervous in the
beginning which led
to some early defeats.
However, they all
improved a lot over
the course of the day'
-Phillip Issa
Senior Fencer
Michigan's top performers were
Laura Eiler, Ted Morrison and Issa.
Eiler, a junior, competed in the
women's foil and ended the day
with a 13-7 record. Morrison went
9-6 in the mixed epee class and
Issa finished with a 9-5 record in
the men's foil.
Due to time restrictions, the
fencers only faced six of the eight
teams at the tournament. Even this
provided for a long afternoon, as
the tournament lasted ten hours.
But, the effort was not a lost cause
in any sense.
The club gained some valuable
information about themselves and
their opponents which Issa and the
rest of the squad believes will be
useful in the future.
As the Michigan basketball
team limps through a rebuilding
year, a number of the leaders of
the 1989 NCAA Championship
team are struggling as rookies in
the NBA. Rumeal Robinson,
whose two free throws against Se-
ton Hall iced Michigan's title
run, now plays for the Atlanta
Hawks. Daily Opinion Editor
David Schwartz interviewed the
former Michigan star after the
Pistons defeated the Hawks, 105-
84, at the Palace on Dec. 21. .
Daily: Can you give me an
overview of your season, and
how it's going so far with At-
Robinson: The season has
been going pretty good. We're
winning, and that's the important
thing. I'm not playing as much
as I would like to, but that hap-
pens because you're a rookie.
Our management is doing things
with the team. They told me
what they were trying to do, so
I'll just have to wait my turn.
D: You were playing more at
the beginning of the season than
you are now. Is that because of a
change in your performance?
R: Like I said before, that's a
coach's decision and I have no
control over that. Right now
they're just going with the guys
who've been here.
D: At the time of the draft,
some skeptics said you couldn't
play in the NBA because of your
size. How would you respond to
those criticisms?
R : I don't know about that
kind of stuff. I don't worry about
D: How is playing profes-
sional basketball different than
competing on the collegiate
R: It's a lot of fun. You get a
lot of free time which you really
don't get in college. But it's our
business now, and you have to
remember that.
D: What is it like to go from
being a superstar in college to
being more out of the limelight
R: There's no difference be-
cause when I first went to Michi-
gan it was the same way. I didn't
play that much at first, my
sophomore year started out the
same way. You know, as I said
before, the organization told me
what they were doing, and I
have to wait for different things
to happen and I'm just going to
do that.
D: In terms of the Michigan
team now, how do you think
coach Steve Fisher is doing with
the talent he has?
R: I haven't really seen them
that much. I saw them when they
played Duke. I think he's doing a
really good job with the players
that he does have. They're all
young, so hopefully in a few
years they'll be back to their
regular standards.
D: Do you keep in touch with
any of your teammates from the
1989 NCAA - Championship
R: Yeah, we keep-in touch.
All of us. Not really one more
than the others. You know, we
talk every once in awhile and
we .see each other when our
teams play.
D: What do you think of Sean
Higgins' decision to forego his
final season of eligibility to en-
ter the NBA?
R: I don't worry about what
Sean does. That's his decision.
D: What do you think about
the future of the Michigan pro-
R: I think it's always going to
be a good program because of
the way the school is and with
the kids they got down there. It
happens to every school - you
lose good players but before you
know it more good players come
along. They'll be alright.
D: What are your goals for
the rest of this season?
R: Well, we've got a lot of
games left, and I'd like to make
sure things work out down in At-
Former Blue guard talks
of life with NBA's Hawks
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