Page 4 --The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 24, 1991 EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 NOAH FINKEL Editor in Chief DAVID SCHWARTZ Opinion Editor Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Bring back the draft A call-up would equalize the burden of a Gulf war i 11 y..r .. - r'-~l f rJ :r LA 4 --- //,. The sit-in is over, but military research continues* ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT IS- sues on campus concerning the Gulf war is student concern about the pos-. sible reinstatement of a military draft. Not surprisingly, the anti-war move- ment here has taken a position against the draft. Chants of "Hell no, we won't go" ring out at almost all of the demonstrations and rallies. But while opposition to the war is warranted, a compulsory draft at this point is necessary. However unjust the war might be, the greater injustice lies in the fact thatthe poor and people of color in our society continue to shoul- der the majority of the fighting. Students should be as concerned about who is actually fighting this war as they are with the prospect of being drafted themselves. African Americans and Latinos are disproportionately represented in Saudi Arabia; current estimates show that one in every four casualties will be Black. Moreover, economically disadvantaged men and women comprise a large percentage of the forces in the Gulf. Meanwhile, their more fortunate counterparts continue with life is usual, suffering few conse- quences of this conflict. Soldiers now on Saudi Arabia's front lines never expected to go to war when they enlisted months or years ago. Many joined during a time of peace to save money for college; others joined because they could not find a job at home. Though technically volun- teers, these troops are part of a de facto poverty draft. Military service, for many of them, was a means to a greater end and a better life, but now it may cost them their lives. During the Vietnam War, only straight men were drafted. Excluded were women, gay men and lesbians, college students, and those, like Vice President Dan Quayle, who were afflu- ent enough to dodge combat duty. A draft must be reinstated now, without these exclusions. In addition to distributing the re- sponsibility for the war among all Americans, an all-encompassing draft would make our leaders think twice be- fore committing our nation to a lengthy, costly conflict. If the sons and daughters of our President and mem- bers of Congress were required to fight along side the others in Saudi Arabia, these officials might act with a little more hesitation. Presently only two members of Congress have sons serving in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, if a draft had been implemented in August when U.S. forces were first deployed to the Gulf, public opinion might have prevailed over the arbitrary wishes of the Presi- dent, and we might not be fighting now. Admittedly, a draft cannot itself prevent our leaders' thoughtless rush toward war. But until we reach the day when the rich and poor together bear the burden of war, a draft appears to be the only possible equalizer. By Matt Green and Sean Herlihy While the United States is cease- lessly bombarding Baghdad, the main- stream media speaks of "surgical bomb- ings" and refuses to release information concerning the number of casualties suf- fered in Iraq thus far. We are purposely being denied information about civilian casualties, kept in the dark so- that we will continue to support a genocidal war. One of the weapons deployed by the U.S. military in the Middle East is fuel- air explosives. When fuel-air explosives hit they suck every atom of oxygen out of the atmosphere, even from the lungs of people inside blastproof tanks or bunkers. All human life in the vicinity is destroyed. Fuel-air explosives are one of the weapons researchers at the Univer- sity have helped work on. Just as the U.S. administration denies Green and Herlihy were among about 30 University students who occupied an of- fice at the Institute for Social Research for 24 hours Tuesday and yesterday. The anti-war group was protesting military research being conducted at the Univer- sity. us information about the use of weapons to murder Iraqis, the Division of Re- search Development and Administration (DRDA) denies us information and de- ceives us aboutthe University's contri- butions to the development of fuel-air explosives which occurred here. We oppose the war in the Gulf, and we oppose the University's role in the development of weapons used in the war. We demand that the United States lift its press blackout so that people can make informed decisions about the war. We also demand that the DRDA lift its the release of proposal texts after the funding agency submission deadline; the release of funded research contracts, and; unrestricted public access to the PRISM database. We also call on the regents to implement the immediate reinstatement of the Classified Research Policy and the extension of the "kill-maim" clause to unclassified research Students Against U.S. Intervention in the Middle East (SAUSI) calls for an We oppose the war in the Gulf, and we oppose the University's role in the development of weapons used in the war.. 4 See no evil War brings renewed censorship of the U.S. media restrictions and provide the community with the information necessary to permit serious and informed discussion about research conducted at the University. We call on the DRDA to comply with the following guidelines: the timely reporting of proposals submitted to outside funding agencies; end to military research on campus. This University should be a center for educa- tion and learning, not a site for the de- velopment of technology designed to implement death and destruction. We also call for an end to the war in the Gulf, the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops, and a peaceful settlement to the conflicts in the region. MILLIONS OF AMERICANS HAVE spent hours glued to their television sets since the outbreak of war in the Gulf. The 24-hour coverage of the first days of the conflict boasted one of the largest audiences in television history. However, when the content of the news is examined closely, it is easy to see we are not getting the whole story. Heavy military censorship provides in- adequate information and only one- sided stories to viewers watching the war unfold. This has serious political implications. The media stationed in Saudi Arabia arerequired to travel in packs with a military escort. All transmissions from the Gulf must first pass through gov- ernment censors for reasons of "military security." The Pentagon has been intentionally slow and vague in releasing information concerning bomb damage assessments and casualty statistics. Worldwide viewers see only "pool pictures" that are either filmed by or approved by the Pentagon. Images of elegant and sophisticatdd warplanes roaring over U.S. bases in Saudi Ara- bia dominate the newscasts. We see shots of Tomahawk missiles effort- lessly launching from warships to strike targets hundreds of miles away. It often seems that the coverage of the war in the Gulf is nothing more than an ad for McDonald Douglass. But what we aren't seeing isn't so picturesque. We don't see the destruc- tion occurring around, the clock in Baghdad. We don't see the civilian population concentrated around areas of our "surgical strikes." We don't see pictures of the results of the 20 percent of the missions that are unsuccessful or learn where these bombs have fallen. Most importantly, we don't see death. Admittedly, some censorship is necessary in wartime to ensure the safety of our troops and the success of our military operations. But the amount of censorship taking place is actually endangering our troops by building massive public support for this war. It is much easier to hate the enemy when we are never forced to look at the face of an Iraqi civilian. When we don't see the people were are bombing, it is much easier to classify them as "foreign" or "alien." When we don't see pictures of the human beings on the receiving end of 2,000-pound bombs, it is easy to forget that Americans and Iraqis are dying in this war. The media's role in the Vietnam war was instrumental in shaping public sentiment, in the first "television war" in history. Americans were for the first time forced to see the consequences of their government's policy. By covering events like the My Lai massacre, the press brought frightening military ac- tions to the attention of the American public and helped ensure that justice applied even in wartime. While the government withholds this information from the media, strict regulations on where journalists can go prevent them from finding such infor- mation on their own. Journalists have reported that access restrictions have kept them from interviewing military officials. One reporter expressed frus- tration at not being allowed to leave his designated area to interview the sol- diers who successfully launched a Pa- triot missile. It is up to the media to call attention to the censorship in the Gulf. Every newspaper and television network should expose these restrictions for what they are - a manipulative prior restraint by the Pentagon. Only then will Americans see this war for what it is, and move to halt this futile conflict. RWL discourages two potential protesters To the Daily: Last Monday night a friend and I went to a meeting for "Students Against US Intervention in the Middle East." The anti-war meeting was held to dis- cuss what kind of organizing will be done if/when U.S. troops attack Iraq. Before this meeting, I didn't know much about the Revolutionary Workers League (RWL) except that they were a progressive liberal group. The actions of RWL's members Monday night showed that they are also immature, violent, and disruptive. Before the meeting began, there was an agenda written on a blackboard in front of the room, stating what activities were to take place. On the agenda was time for an introduction, committee up- dates, and then the discussion of old and new business. MSA President Jennifer Van Valey was mediator of the meeting; as soon as she began the introduction, RWL members began screaming (out of turn) that they wanted to make a pro- posal for the agenda. Van Valey told them that as soon as the introduction and committee announcements were fin- ished, they could make their proposal. Unfortunately, the RWL members didn't feel like waiting. For about forty minutes they repeatedly called out and screamed- about the importance of their issue. These disruptions wasted a large amount of time and delayed the progress of the meeting., Before she asked for proposals for the new business section of the agenda, Van Valey tried to hold a vote to establish that the anti-war coalition's actions and rallies would be nonviolent. A woman from RWL raised her hand to comment, and was called on. Within a few min- utes she was in a screaming frenzy, preaching against nonviolence. Soon other RWL members began to yell, and then nthpr npnnla .,arv .,olinr nt themn Bush had sent them straight from D.C. to destroy any efforts U of M students made to protest the war with Iraq. They succeeded in creating a miserably an- tagonistic atmosphere, and their actions compelled more than a few people to walk out of the meeting. My friend and I left the meeting early also, feeling hor- rible about the situation. I believe that RWL members have every right to voice their opinions, but it was not fair to the rest of the people at the meeting that they screamed them out disruptively. If they will not work with others to accomplish a mutual goal, then they should hold their own meetings, especially when they want to fight about anti-war organizing. Alissa Strauss Natural Resources first-year student Red, White, and Blue To the Daily: Red, White, and Blue Like a cold, naked child we must cling for warmth to our multicolored national blankets. Inside, millions of us fearfully huddle and sing the same old song whileour rulers take our hides to the market. We cover our dirty faces with fifty stars and Union Jacks and blinding yellows and the bloodiest reds. This way we don't have to look outside at the dusty tracks which are inside our hearts -so mechanically well-bred. And when colors clash, as they often do, we are happy to throw steel blankets at each other. We invite our shepherds to cloak our trusting child eyes to soothe our rattling tracks, rattling with the corpse of our Iraqi brother. Nelson Tello Engineering first-year student fact the University itself supports most programs. The next step in University recycling belongs to the Daily. The Daily has the largest circulation of all the university papers and is distributed by free drop, a fact that the Daily itself states con- - tributes to its strong financial health.! This free drop policy contributes signifi- cantly to University waste. The Daily has the responsibility to attach recycling boxes to their pick-up boxes. Recycled newspapers could be picked up by those who dropped off the next day's paper. This low-cost solution, combined with some jazzy public ser- vice announcements on the pages of the Daily would help lead to the creation of* a new norm: the need to recycle one's paper each morning. A second suggestion for the Daily in- cludes more extensive use of recycled newsprint in publishing. I am singling out the Daily for the simple reason that this publication has the largest circulation on campus. Need- less to say, I believe that all University publications should follow these steps. Patricia Welch Graduate student Union offices unsafe To the Daily: As a member of the Michigan Video Yearbook, I think that the article enti- tIed "MVY complains of office break- ins" in the Jan. 23 edition of the Daily wrongly focuses on the cause of our problems. While it is true that the rob. beries occurred only after University Students Against Cancer (USAC) moved into our office, it is not fair to "point the finger" at anyone in particu- lar at this time. In my opinion, rather than being an issue of office allocations, I think that this problem is due to the security of the Union itself. The Union has its own security staff, but it appears that this is not sufficient