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January 24, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-01-24

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Vol. C, No. 81 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, January 24, 1991 The Migan Daily


'U' denies
by Tami Pollak
SDaily Staff Reporter
The University has denied at least
one of the Student Rights Commis-
sion's (SRC) Freedom of Informa-
tion Act requests related to deputiza-
tion of campus security officers.
The denial was announced last
week by Mark Buchan, Rackham
Student Government Chair for Stu-
dents' Rights.
"What we're most upset about is
their denial to grant information
about the use of weapons and deadly
force," Buchan said. Buchan filed
the request as part of his research
into the newly-deputized officers'
rights to use their guns.
"The reasons for rejection were
two-fold," Buchan said. "First they
said something to the effect that/the
public's interest in disclosure of the
*information does not outweigh the
public's interest in nondisclosure,
which is absolutely ludicrous. Is
there anything people on campus
want to know more about than when
the deputized officers will be al-
lowed to pull their guns?"
"The second reason they gave for
the rejection was that there are no
incidents in the past of this - no
precedent that the weapons might be
* misused - and no writings about
the use of deadly force," Buchan
continued. "The fact that they said in
their first justification of the rejec-
tion that the public was not inter-
ested in the disclosure of the infor-
mation showed very clearly that
there clearly does exist writings on
the subject and that the University
clearly does not want us to know
what the guidelines on the use of
force are, reinforcing our suspicion
that the weapons could beused for
See SRC, Page 2

Bush pledges

'no pause'


war on Iraq

Thirty-five students began a sit-in in the Division of Research Development Administration office Tuesd ay. The
demonstrators departed the building at noon yesterday.
Military research protesters
raw support from students

Associated Press
President Bush said Wednesday
night the war against Saddam Hus-
sein is "right on schedule" and
will be unrelenting. "There can be
no pause now that Saddam has
forced the, world into war," Bush
The president said allied bomb-
ing attacks had knocked out many
Iraqi airfields, given the United
States air superiority and taken
"Saddam out of the nuclear bomb-
building business for a long time to
Bush, speaking to an audience
of retired military officers, said, "I
am pleased to report that Opera-
tion Desert Storm is right on
schedule. There will be no prob-
lems. There will be setbacks and
sacrifices. But let me say I have
every reason to be very pleased
with our progress to date."
Also yesterday, the nation's top
military official expressed satisfac-
tion with the results of the first
week of the Persian Gulf war, but
said Iraq is "an enemy that is in-
genious" whose air force may yet
"choose to come out and chal-
lenge us."
For now, said General Colin
Powell, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, Iraqi air power has
been "totally ineffective," leaving
the United States and its allies
with significant air superiority in
the opening phase of the Gulf war.
At the same briefing, Defense
Secretary Richard Cheney told re-
porters that "there may well be
surprises ahead for us, including
possible Iraqi air strikes, terrorist
attacks, and additional missile at-

Just as Powell and Cheney
were finishing the news conference
at the Pentagon, a barrage of Pa-
triot missiles was fired from a ma-
jor air base in Dharan, Saudi Ara-
bia. Witnesses saw at least one
explosion to the north, indicating
an incoming Iraqi Scud missile
had been destroyed.
Air raid sirens also sounded in
the Saudi capital, Tiyadh, 275
miles to the southwest, and wit-
nesses said it appeared two Patriot
missiles had been fired.
In a Pentagon briefing that sig-
naled the one-week mark of the
war, Powell said more than 10,000
allied sorties had destroyed 41
Iraqi aircraft, either in air-to-air
combat or on the ground. The
Iraqis have an estimated 700 air-
Cheney acknowledged that de-
stroying Iraq's mobile Scud missile
launchers was proving more diffi-
cult than expected.
Powell said the United States
has lost at most one plane in air-
to-air combat. Total U.S. losses in
the first week amount to 10, he
Cheney cautioned against ex-
pectations of a quick end to the
war. "A military operation of this
intensity and complexity cannot be
scored every evening like a col-
lege track meet or basketball
game," he said.
Allied warplanes battered Iraq
for a seventh day yesterday, and
two American soldiers were re-
ported wounded in a clash with an
Iraqi patrol just inside Saudi Ara-
See BUSH, Page 2

by Jay Garcia
Daily Staff Reporter
After spending the night in
the offices of the Division of Re-
search and Development Admin-
istration (DRDA) located in the
Institute for Social Research
building, 35 students ended their
day of protest at noon yesterday
with a rally at Regents' Plaza.
In interviews conducted after
the sit-in, many students said
they supported the action,
though their reasons varied.
"I don't think that we need to
research weapons when we have
enough weapons to do away with
the world," said Juliet

Mastaglio, an LSA sophomore.
"I agree with the protesters."
LSA senior Anuj Gupta
agreed. "I think the (sit-in) is
good because I don't support the
American policies in the war,"
he said. "The University is sup-
porting violence by taking part
in (military research)."
"People have the right to ex-
press their opinions, and of all
the ways of doing it, this was a
good one," said Robert Barridge,
a first-year graduate student.
Barridge added, however, that
he would not have supported the
sit-in were it not peaceful. Oth-

ers shared his positive senti-
ments about the sit-in's peaceful
In the last year, some mili-
tary research and development
conducted at the University has
not been made public. The
protesters want the University to
release all such information, a
position which also won student
"They have an obligation to
let the entire University know
what they are doing," said
Michelle Motowski, an LSA
sophomore. The University fears
See SIT-IN, Page 2


Research may have
violated 'U' policy

Tuition payments
cut from three to
two installments


by Ronan Lynch
Daily Research Reporter
Two University aerospace engi-
neering professors almost finished
their research on solid fuel-air
weapons before receiving approval
from the University to conduct it,
while their project's sponsor was
allowed to restrict access to its
findings in contradiction to a Uni-
versity freedom of publication pol-
The solid fuel-air weapons re-
search project done by two Univer-
sity professors was almost com-
plete by the time University ad-
ministrators signed the contract
agreeing to the terms of the pro-
In addition, the sponsor of the
project, the Illinois Institute of
Technology's Research Institute
(IITRI) was allowed to restrict
publication of the results for five
years after its completion, in ap-
parent contradiction to the Univer-
sity policy on freely publishable
Alan Steiss, director of the Di-
vision of Research and Develop-
ment Administration (DRDA), said
yesterday he stood behind-the de-
: cision to accept the project, main-
taining that the restriction on pub-
lication of the results of the re-
search was not "unreasonable."
The 1987 Regent's policy con-
cerning research contracts states
that "The University normally does
not accept grants, contracts, or
agreements for research which un-
reasonably restrict its faculty, staff
or students from publishing or oth-
diceAminotinr the revniis of

release of any information on the
subcontract. This clause is passed
through from IITRI's prime con-
tract with the Army." This meant
that the University would be re-
quired to clear the release of any
information through IITRI. At that
time, the research had already
been in progress for 10 months.
At issue was a request for
"Approval of restrictions on open-
ness of research," submitted by
Kauffman in line with the IITRI
guidelines. Kauffman requested
"non-standard restrictions" on the
research results. In line with Army
guidelines, the IITRI would be al-
lowed to restrict publication of in-
formation for 5 years after the re-
search had been completed.
In the memo, Brock advised
Steiss, "While the project is being
funded by the U.S. Army, the re-
sults will also have implications
with respect to industrial safety.
We also feel that this project may
lead to follow-on work in the area
of dust explosions. For these rea-
sons we strongly urge the Univer-
sity to accept this project."
The memo stated that Dr. Alan
Tulis, IITRI 's technical monitor,
had an extensive history of publi-
cation in open literature, and con-
cluded: "The risk of IITRI control-
ling publications resulting from
this project is acceptably low...
Failure to accept this contract may
result in the University being un-
able to recover the expenditures
made on the account from IITRI."
The next day, Aug. 9, Steiss
sent a memo to the Office of the

by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Staff Reporter
The University has cut the
number of tuition payments per
semester from three to two.
Students opening their bills this
week have noticed an increase in
the first- payment of the term, re-
flecting a change confirmed by
Ann Shih, Supervisor of Student
Financial Operations.
The main reason for the change
is to reduce University billing ex-
penses, Shih said.
"By saving the costs, the Uni-
versity will be less likely to in-
crease tuition, or will have to in-
crease it on a more moderate
rate," Shih said.
The University expects to save
approximately $200,000 per term
from the cut in Department of Stu-
dent Accounts work. In addition,
less will be spent on envelopes,
stamps, and paper.
"The amount of money saved is

not real significant in the scope of
things," said Robert Moenart, di-
rector of Financial Operations. But
Student Accounts would have
needed to be expanded if there
was not a change in the billing
system, he added.
Moenart said the decision was
made at the executive-officer level
and he did not believe student
opinion was taken into considera-
"It will to some extent be a
greater burden on students," Moe-
nart said. "We don't think it's go-
ing to have a negative impact, but
we will have to wait and see."
"I think whoever is getting
billed - not necessarily the stu-
dent - should have been noti-
fied," said Music School sopho-
more Marita Bolis.
"It will be harder for students
who have to pay tuition them-
selves because they will have to
See TUITION, Page 2


Injury practice a~
A U.S. Marine carries a comrade during medical evacuation exercises in
the Saudi desert Sunday. The Marines are deployed along the .border
between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

Law School student newspaper stops its presses

by Brenda Dickinson
Daily Staff Reporter.
Peter Mooney's hope to have
an article published in The Res
Gestae (R.G.) may not be fulfilled.
January 16 was the last day the
law school's student-run newspaper
saw print.
"I was ready to write an article
and I heard they folded," said

per to resume sometime in Febru-
ary. He said the paper, currently
independently run by. students, has
probably shut down before. In the
past, the paper has been run by the
Law Club, the Law School, and
the Law School Student Govern-
ment, probably because of dis-
continuity, Johnson said.
If there is not enough student

puns and stories, usually capsule
summaries of court transcripts."
'1 decided I didn't
want to do it
- James Johnson
R.G. Editor-in-Chief

"I thought of taking part, it was
neat," said Scott Cadieuz, a first-
year law student who works in the
library. "But I have to work."
The normal staff size is 48.
Thirty-six contribute a few times
per term and 12 work four to eight
hours per week.
"We don't have six of those
12," Johnson said. "People like to
read it everv Wednesdav ht thev

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