Vol. Cl, No. 79 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Tuesday, January 22, 1991 CopyrightX1991
Vol.Cl, o. 7 TheMicgan Daily
strategic sites
with POWs
*Air Force rescue team saves U.S.
pilot downed behind battle lines
DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia (AP)
- The Baghdad government,
bombed into bunkers by the sky-
high technology of a superpower,
turned people into weapons yester-
day, sending Americans and other
POWs out to target areas as "human
* shields."
But one fallen American pilot
was lucky, being plucked from the
Iraqi desert by a daring Air Force res-
cue mission.
Under the cover of two A-10 jets,
an Air Force search-and-rescue heli-
copter picked up the Navy A-G
Intruder pilot in an eight-hour mis-
sion, Air Force officers said. At one
point, an A-10 fired on and destroyed
an Iraqi truck driving toward the
stranded pilot, they said.
Allied leaders condemned Iraq's
treatment of captured pilots as a "war
crime" violating the Geneva Con-
vention. Asked whether Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein would
later be held accountable, President
Bush replied: "You can count on it.
"America is angry," Bush said
upon his return from Camp David,
"and I think the rest of the world (is
too)." He issued "the strongest ap-
peal" that allied prisoners be treated
properly under the Geneva Con-
vention covering prisoners of war.
The Iraqis cited alleged attacks on
civilian sites in announcing they
were sending more than 20 captured
allied pilots out to "civilian, eco-
nomic, education and other targets"
in an attempt to ward off allied
Iraq similarly used Western civil-
ian hostages as "human shields" at
strategic targets late last year after
the onset of the Gulf crisis. Those
hostages were eventually freed and
left Iraq.
The United States lists 21 allied
service members as missing in the
war, 12 of them Americans. The
Iraqis displayed three American and
four allied POWs on Baghdad televi-
sion on Sunday, and two of the
Americans, clearly under duress,
made anti-war statements.
The International Red Cross ex-
pressed concern both about Iraq's
handling of prisoners and about the
U.S. bombardment of nuclear instal-
lations in Iraq.
In Tel Aviv, meanwhile, Israelis
cheered U.S. Deputy Secretary of
State Lawrence Eagleburger yester-
day when he made a public display
of warmer U.S.-Israel relations by
visiting areas damaged by Iraqi
U.S. and Israeli officials said
there were "no deals" behind the un-
precedented airlift of Patriot anti-
missile systems and crews to defend
Israel from more missile attacks like
the ones that landed Friday and
Yet the strategic impact of the
U.S. defenses seemed tantamount to
keeping Israel from retaliating and
possibly causing Arab countries to
leave the anti-Iraq coalition.
After inspecting the missile dam-
age, Eagleburger said Washington
"greatly admires Israel's restraint in
the face of Iraq's deliberate and mur-
derous effort to widen the conflict
caused by its aggression-against
Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir
repeated what has become Israel's
standard line since the attacks began:
it will retaliate, but not
On the fifth day of Operation
Desert Storm, the U.S.-led military
. See WAR, Page 2
his dream
by Shalini Patel
Daily Staff Reporter
Students gathered yesterday to
celebrate the third-annual Univer-
sity-recognized Martin Luther King
Day, titled "Making his Dream our
While speakers and panelists
honored the memory of King and
lauded his achievements, they
took his struggle and propelled it
into the nineties.
The Gulf War debate ran as a
common thread throughout the day.
"If Martin Luther King were
alive today, he would be against
this war," Vice Provost for Minor-
ity Affairs Charles Moody said dur-
ing the opening address. "People
of color are the first to die in the
war and the first to die in the
sle also condemned the recent
Bush administration "attack on
scholarships for minorities.".
Michael Williams, Assistant
Secretary of Education for Civil
Rights, questioned the legality of
"race-exclusive" scholarships last
University President James
Duderstadt said the "campus is a
microcosm of the world." He noted
increasing anti-Arab sentiment and
other global racial and religious
conflicts which reproduce them-
selves within the University
"He (King) felt together we can
overcome our own shortcomings
armed with hope, love, faith, and
courage," he added.
Panel discussion topics also re-
flected current crises. In addition
to, "Race and International Af-
fairs," forums addressed environ-
mental racism, assimilation and
hegemony, and poverty.
Panelist Gail Small, the direc-
tor of Native Action and member
See MLK. Page 2
Unity marchers celebrate Martin Luther King Day by carrying banners at the intersection of East and South
University Streets.
900 attend Uni~ty Rally,
m--arch to honor King
by Lari Barager
Daily Staff Reporter
As war drums echoed on the
other side of the world, about 900
people marched yesterday to a
drum beat to honor Martin Luther
King Jr.'s birthday and discuss is-
sues confronting the Black
Unity Rally coordinator Kofi
Malik Boone began with a mo-
ment of silence for American sol-
diers in the Gulf.
By the end of the two-hour rally
- which began at the intersection
of East and South University and
ended on the Diag - the crowd
had diminished to about 40 due to
the biting cold.
"This is a white man's war,"
said Rackham student Errol Hen-
derson who was the last speaker.
"This is not our thing. They're de-
stroying us by getting us out of
school and sending us to the front.
We've fought for everyone else's
liberation except ours. You need
an anti-war movement, but just be
careful your movement doesn't just
prevent white folks from having to
"Don't fight for white folks who
fight their father's war. White
folks, you should be there. Wher-
ever your big white father sends
you, you should be there," said
Henderson, a U.S. army reservist.
LSA junior Latrice Dixon said,
"Who is the real butcher? George
Bush will go down in history in my
mind as a racist warmonger. He
chose to declare a white imperial-
istic war for rich oil tycoons on
Martin Luther King's birthday."
Dixon added, "(Bush) has sys-
tematically declared war on our
community for years. He vetoed a
1990 civil rights bill and threat-
ened to take away minority schol-
arships because he doesn't believe
in quotas."
College club coordinator
George Davis discussed what he
described as continuing racism on
campus, including incidents such
as the racist slurs directed at
Black students at the Law School,
lack of minority enrollment, and
discrimination against Black stu-
dents by University deputized
See RALLY, Page 2
SOS bill
bJuie Foster
Daily MSA Reporter
The steering committee of the
Michigan Student Assembly
rejected a request to add a
"Support our Soldiers" resolution
to the agenda for tonight's
The request was defeated, 4-3.
External Relations Chair Bill Cos-
nowski sponsored the proposal and
said he was going to change a few
words in the resolution before
bringing it before the assembly
tonight. Now, the resolution must
receive a two-thirds assembly
majority to be added to the
Budget Priorities Committee
Chair Andrew Kanfer said he was
disappointed the resolution was
"I believe the assembly
deserves to hear the resolution,"
he said. "I don't think we should
let four or five people in steering
committee make the choice for 48
Rackham rep. Corey Dolgon
said the proposal failed because it
contradicts the anti-war resolution
passed last week.
Folk artist, educator focus
on legacy
by Chris Afendulis
Daily Staff Reporter
Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy
found expression in words, music
and dance at yesterday's MLK
Day opening ceremonies held at
Rackham Auditorium.
The morning's opening cere-
mony featured a performance by
Lakota Sioux folk artist Kevin
Locke, followed by the keynote
address from Adelaide Sanford, a
regent of the State University of
New York.
Locke's performance piece, en-
titled "The Interdependence of the
Races of Mankind: The Native
American Perspective," included
music and folk tales, all of which
focused on King's teachings.
As an analogy to the meaning
of King's legacy, Locke told the
story of an eagle which carried a
woman from a ravaging flood and
explained that King's teachings in-
spired humanity's "capacity to
"It's the visionaries, the dream-
of King'
ers... who are able .to invoke this
divine image," Locke said.
"(King) reminded us of our lofti-
ness, of our ascendant attributes."
A dance with hoops - which
Locke said symbolized the interre-
latedness of life - constituted the
main part of his piece. By the end
of the performance, the dancer had
arranged the hoops into an inter-
locking, cohesive pattern.
"In this design, it takes every
one to contribute," said Locke,
explaining that King's dream re-
quired the same kind of coopera-
Sanford's keynote address also
discussed the theme of this year's
MLK Day: "Martin Luther King,
Jr: Making His Dream Our Real-
Sanford, who is also an educa-
tor in New York's inner city public
schools, spoke on the meaning of
King's famous "I Have a Dream"
The "popularization" of King's
speech had lessened its true mean-
s Dream
ing, Sanford said. "It is necessary
to adjust our lens to understand
that spirit of dreaming (from the
point of view of Blacks)," she
Addressing King's discussion of
brotherhood between the sons of
slaves and slaveholders, Sanford
said it is more difficult to demon-
strate Blacks and whites can truly
cooperate than to merely advocate
She also stressed the need for
Blacks to understand their culture
and history, as well as African
contributions to civilization.
"European art is fine art, and
African art is primitive art," said
Sanford, explaining that this pre-
vailing view of African civilization
needs to be changed if Blacks are
to be proud of their character.
Quoting from King's "Dream"
speech, she said the leader was
really demanding social justice for
Blacks and other minorities.
"He is talking about an even
See CEREMONY, Page 2
Kevin Locke, a Lakota Indian, performs at the opening of the Martin
Luther King Day keynote address.
Students attend events, catch up on work on their day off
by Lisa Sanchez
Daily Staff Writer
Officially, classes were out of
session yesterday, but that didn't
hamper the hustle and bustle of
University life in Ann Arbor during
yesterday's celebration of Martin
classes," she said.
Before rushing off to Angell
Hall, Palniappan added, "I think
this is a wonderful opportunity to
learn about issues of race. It's
well-diversified, not solely concen-
trating on African American con-
"Unfortunately, the two things I
wanted to see were at the same
time," said Beth Dodd, a graduate
student in the School of Informa-
tion and Library Studies.
Business school junior Joe
Blanco and LSA junior Paul Bris-
After attending an event on cul-
tural assimilation, Law student
David Nach said he discussed race
issues with his friends.
"It's not a leisure holiday," said
LSA junior Hye Sun over the roar
of the rally outside the Graduate
are definitely missing out."
Others seized the day to get
caught up in academics. The li-
braries and computing centers
were far from vacant. "I slept until
2 p.m. and spent most of the day
studying," said second-year Law
stuident Te~d Crig. w~hile takiniu a