PAt-- EIGhT THE M ICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1923 Are your gift lists completely checked? You will want to fin- ish your gift-shopping before you go home, so tl4it ever minute of your vacation may be spent in happy, holiday pleas- mas list when a pleasant saun- ures. And there is no need for you to. ponder over the Christ- ter through the Store reveals unique and charming gift sug- gestions at every turn. ,r 1 r{ , moo:. - C i i Y 9A S 4 ...."..: .: .i ..:«:a, " . ........ .........: r: :: s:..:.. " . :.f______.;.s.:,'.. a..:. .. These are the glittering days, leading up to Christmas. The store is alive with Christmas Spirit and is ready to sell Gifts Tokens of Love and Esteem- Messenger of Affection and Happiness. In every aisle are tables attractively spread with "Would-be" Gifts, awaiting your choice. Prices are gratifyingly moderate. Startig at the front of the store yoU may select gifts for the mien on your list at the left, next come Home gifts, then the dainty bits of feminine accessories and toiletries so fascinating at the Holiday Season. Upstairs are all the interesting articles ofattire for women of all ages. A trip through the storetwill end your.Gift Gathering!. Fans Feathery and Frivolous L AZILY, flirtingly falling- what is prettier than Feather Fans in the hands of girls at dances. She who has had one wants another; she who hasn't, is dreaming of one. ratify girls with gorgeous colored Fans. Coque feather fans are priced $t5.00, while ostrich ones are priced $10.00. Gloves Are Always Welcome G LOVES are always a Christ- mas gift in good standing. This year they are more wanted than ever, because there are so many clever types. The gauntlet styles predominate, with their fancy cuffs embroidered. Long kid ones always delight girls. (MACK'S MAIN FLOOR)- Mah jongg Sets for that Intriguing Game A Mah Jongg set makes an alluring gift for the whole family. Sets made of real ivory beautifully imprinted with the symbols used in the game are found here. This intriguing game will fascinate the whole family and many happy winter evenings may be spent cozily in front of an open fire playing Maf Jongg. Priced $12.00. (MACK'S MAIN FLOOR ANNEX) oyS for Younger Brothers and Sisters Toyland, where Children's Dreams come true, abounds in gifts for the younger brothers and sisters. There are dolls that talk, cottages that are ready for playing house, carriages for strolls, and all sorts of girls' games. Boys will like the speeding trains, "Pitch 'Em" (the indoors game of horse shoes), Meccano sets, and the many interesting games. lain Street Hose Trust Them to Please T HOSE who to lectures go, and those who to dances fly-both are real women, and so both love Silk Hose. Each has preferences in sheerness anti shade. Both can be satisfied beautifully here. Others like the bold check wool and silk ones. Umbrellas New and Perky I T is a safe surmise that Betty will want a new umbrella this Christmas, especially if she has seen these stubby new ones, with their novelty handles and fancy tips. They come in bright silks and are unusually fascin- ating. Priced $5.00 to $15.00. (MACK'S MAIN FLOOR) F'_______________, _____________________'5