SUNDAY, SI3PTE.I-t3II'0'0,192;3 T~EMICHIQAN.DAILY., 1 k _T ;., S' S .: IGNOIRANC'E cohater, Torn Paine, and Renan oughlt (('entinn ed fiii tO I'< e ' P lot to precede every test book. The t niveroity advocates the 'readt- The realing ot novels sboultl, tur- itg otRusktin andI Pater andt Conrad thermrer be denounced. It ts a waste atm i ritiettiag; lilt that is not welt, o ftinie; bece i"an tineducated mindI C itoiyleolie the stutdtents al'-'tiltt lleni reads a novel witlh any other Prepared to readttlii. Ruskinisto t it hrpest titin the s tory, or the otter- aluable until onetostibleoto disagree00at t I ,. Idl ts ought always to he i tt im;itandtRttskinis tonttaltogth I- hl, en trreelenee. Ttte history of ttt or' to otibtie wetter to be admnitreditv old is a tistory ofidteas. It is S tto votngttindstot. In trtet, htistotoo thot' viea4eth5 t ontie t1tlst eff'icient- - " f jsatistfytug. Wtt tntniake tRemty tie ty btilesc,; aetited wi teerstonats- :_(IOU"tzOltt nntttito ory, or Mlace io'tic s andletein tvtiitle autthorsof ottobs~ - ltHltattt h at thtetheaid of thte readintt are ttie lest acutitnie we can find. lsTtteti tmayte crttticism wotuld, We catnetnae tthenm tart ot its. It to tbegttt. I tbelieve that Gtartolmo tell-itntv the etetionat than whoiacan tltiNrdt, It. 9L. _Metteten, Saiiilsutltter,htettf b te a tpersonatity;t toil relCCi1 --I trie~lttliietusctle, lleeaatn, SI-tb0- (Cotiltinueton10Pagie Seven) RliOES Thle itealftt-tire of rtoses owtithoi stlnever tie gathieredt 11113POP'LARIS Flakeso lasia the air, the ettitith olisnar tlov-ers THlE GIDLE Art itestres that -iiude wonten slhotililbe adlornedli vtil a inirdle THlE PIAVIMI WATERIS The tlaytng wsaters I toot at always tall amain THiE IDRONE I would be a large drone, all velvet, Wictti nigeo and di! in the hell ot a foxglove For Most Delicious Lunches with Pleasant Surroundings Tattles Lunch Room 3:38 Maynard St. South of Majestic sappears THE NAIIIIIOL1 In this yetllw distaff, she amutseoslierseilf byttlantintg rightililtthle venter of the torehtead a large golden nmarigol '11113 IEE Thon suddlenly tlte bee woo silent andtIhtticalaied wings drank the life 01 the human flower T1HE MOORS Idivert words trons their stream as one diverts streams to throw them athwart the btarrenneos of the moorasswhere traitlstil palliditdeas blossont badly THiE SWAN When alto lifted one of her arms to stay the tan, oine would have said a swan from the depthso of the water drasatipt andI 01111e0 ter flexible and white neck Il E'HAN DS itswoulid he better lt have hissed only pure hando THlE BARGE I wish to spring unto another vessel andI to have the old barge tint with all nmy oins. PERFUMES Tihl- perflume ofItvendeftr iad tiuts iutroubtted by tmaleetoutct THE ILAMBI And its nametiesto tani THE CHES3TN UT TRIEES The grass is soft atidt deepl aroundil the cesitnat trees THE IIIEAM Iregret the vreatm 1 hail dreanmed otlolve 111iE FAN It is a nmagical fati..This little ttintg 1changes ito~ a swomtan at the prayer of a mainiiolftgood-ll-1, itat is alt 'rilE lUItEI. BUSH It I had niet Apipollot, I souatl not have changed itito a fig-tree. Into a laurel bash? What does it tiatter? TS HEJI'%GLI3R Inimitabte juggler, hair! . . . hloll artttilly you cheat life! LEAVES Oh! how my life is shedding its leaves (CL0UDS) Bleamso tf tight are passitig, cloudsl are pabsitng, 'There are arabesqutes on the watts THIOUGHITS Thoughts are madile IllbeIthotugh~t andtI09 to be actedt Chapter IHeatdings tromt 'The lttroes lot Diomedes" bytReniy deI'(totrmont. SEVEN C('U "The whole itf life is a nenitrmoutsaicidtent-alice-throlws sf eternity in the vapors of time andi space. Why nott then, with tint we love bly our side, miake richer and seeter the nolnchalanit gaiety of stir amtusemient, iti the' great mad pturposeless tirepostersits shosw, by the "htuitts and crants" of a companionable scepticism; canvassing all things in earth attil heaven, rever- encing God and Caesar ott this sile of idloatory, relishintg the foolish, fooling the wise and letting the worlid drift on as it still," From "Suspended Juidgnients" biy Jolin tCowper Powys. lFreshmen Start right. Get your M book and begin pasting football pictures in it. Both can be had at Lyndon Q .Co. 619 1.-Vniversity tWhen inl needj of Gifts let us show // oI the largest stock of Gifts in Ann Arbor. f DIAMOND RINGS LIKE THIS - FROM $50 TO $500 SONLANDERER & SEYFRIED' #JEWELER