fifteen and my friend was fourteen. I
THE ROMANTIC A Note On Cosi Fan Tutte
They saw, and this young Indian
JUNGLE BEASTS AN) MEN, byO aann hs da There seems to be a tendency to i that of Judson House (Ferrando)
tells of teir adventurea simply, beau-
G'opal Mukeri. E. P. Dutton C.,r compare "Cosi Fan Tutte" with "The there was just enough imperfection
titully. and ccnvincingly. At one vit- Impresario," and it is a perfectly jus- to impress the mind.
lage they found the peeple in fear of ft aConcerning Lillian Palmer who
31ATAIIAR, by 11. O. :11rgenthler. tifiable one in that both operettas' Cnenn a
a tiger that had taken to eating their I(took the part of Despina, the waiting-
George ILUDrmn Co., $2' cattle; re. might choose women and were written by Mozart and were pro-
"We were going on a pilgrimage to children next. Mukerji's father, after duced- by William Wade Hinshaw. But able discrepancy. But from the fol-
the Himalayas," Mukerji begins this a period of prayer, set out to kill the 'taking these works simply as ope- lowing, reasons for criticizing tisa
delightfut hook sielche " wa beast. A iukeri explains, the ettas regardless of the composer orregardb Palmer unfavourably are done away
amaslt was spiritually slain before producer, one is unjustified in com- with: it will be noticed that the part
they st out; all that remained was paring them. of Despina is one of an unsympathetic
-_-_____--___-________+____ to shoot his body. This, however, was ' "The Impresario" demands very an d rather crude, common place ser-
a decidedly ticklish procedure, for skilled coloraturas and nimble tenors. anrt. All the other characters are
You can't tell the tiger seemed quite ignorant of the The music is light and catchy. But refined and cultured, as in all of Mo-
non-corporeal death. Perhaps the; in "Cosi Fan Tutte" individuality is zart's music. Hence, there was noth-
the difference father was not frightened, but there is not as necessary as good ensemble. ing amiss when any of these were
no doubt as to the feelings of Mukerji Naturally the former made a bigger singing. But when crude Despina
and Radjah. 'success- warbled beautiful, refined Mozart,
A little farther on the boys reached It is quite true that the singers this something grated on the nerves; and
a village stricken by cholera, where year were not as perfect as those who the reason for it is none other than
they stopped to help care for the performed last year, and incidentally that Despina sang Mozart. Had Mo-
sick. At PBenares they encountered not as attractive, particularly the wo- zart taken a sense of this, he would
a mlagician who was able to make 'men of the cast; not that they lacked have made her a demure little maid
trees grow at his command, and who the sufficient amount of musicianshin instead of a coarse servant for which
had wonderful tales of travel and ad- to perform Mozart successfully, but his high type of mind could not pro-
venture. In the forested foothills of simaplfy that in all the voices except duce suitable music.
w. NV. . 1the Andes they watched elephants,-
Put one Gotham Invisible I pythons, eagles and deer, occasionally assurance of getling ack. Not in- FROST
onunder the stockngofone risking their lives in their eagerness frequently there seemed little chance (Continued from Page One)
S le;, and none under she C(otne fo aeOe
I tr-and none to see thin . And finally, on the cf doing this-as, for example, one captious critic to linger over them.
youwillbehsurprised atthe Gngs they met pirate like hooe -journey on which he was taken ill in What we do remember, what we can
amount of scrutiny it w' of oldtime stories. who stole grain the jungle and has to be carried out not help remembering, are such lines
take to discern which is from the wealthy dealers and distrib- on the back of -an elephant. On an-I as ,
which. uted among the poor in the river val- lotier, one of Mr. Morgenthaler's I " w n joy but lacks salt
iages. The mian felt secure in his vir- Chinamen kept up a constant attempt That is not dashe with pain
All you wl nwsthat jTa s o ahd-ihpi
one is suddenly cozier and tu- he was taking fromi them that -on his life, so that day and night the And weariness and fault;
warmer than you ever ' aoI roil giving Is tb that had not geogist lived in fear of the servast's t cave tte stain
dreamed a simple, flesh What missionary could wish more ef- knife. Even in his flirtations with
colored knitted spat could fective remedy for social ills? Mukerji native womn the poor man had no Of tear. tfe aflermark
make it. and his comrade were satisfied to re- eace; there was always the chance Of almost too much love,
turn home for "with the pirate woe had -that the girl might fall in love with The aaeet of bitter bock
TSIBA found the truth for which we had been ohim, or have an avaricious father or And burning clove."
IVISIBLE in quest. God is within us .and we- a jealous but poor lover. Siam's mix- I
imust live without hate or fear."A ure of Buddhist, Malay-Mohanmme- And ae recall con ,etey such poems
$ arr trg o -ns as Blue-Butterfly Day. Dust of Snow,
I- APaMr. alorgenthaler is a Swiss geolo- dan, and Chinese civilizations keeps Fire and Ice, and A Boundless Mo-
. -Md gist whose job it was to follow out things from remaining quiet anywhere .
native "prospects" for ore. With two for any length of time, and Mr. Mor-
servants, a couple of elephants, and : ganthaler's job was to move quick Fost, hen, in spite of one or two
half a dozen coolies he would start erough to save his shin. Not an en- vagaries iss much the ptas everd
118 So, ain St, out on an exploring expedition, often gaging occupation, perhaps, but the than lost by his acquaintance with
with no certainty of where his guides material for a very delightful book. more elaborate, more artifncial views
might take him, and never with any -SUSAN FENTON ore e m ore tificil vie h
of life. We might be thankful for his
increased knowledge merely for the
reason that it has produced some of
the cleverest satire written of late;
Only the Finest Cleaning Agent Known to Science Used Here but there is another reason of much
greater importance. As I have tried
to indicate, "New Hampshire" does
more than show Frost's travels in
Cockaigne; it hints at a deeper change
f in his character;-though less per-
haps a change than an intensification
of beliefs long present within him
but never before consciously formu-
lated. It is a not unjustified infer-
ence that the poet's cognizance of the
sophisticated attitude has increased
his understanding of life as an aes-
thetic spectacle, has served to with-
draw him from concern about prub-
lems and tragedies, has made him
umore akin t that Prospero who is
the highest type of which man has yet
"Scripture says that one star dif-
fereth from another in glory and the
same conception applies to noses. To
f insist that one type of face is ugly
because it differ-from that of Venus
of Milo is to lookat it entirelyin a
Nat Merely n Catchy Phrase- " i misleading light."
G. . Chesterton, "The Deendat"
Meet Do Find They Get Better
"Vsari says -that Raphael used to
Cleaning, Better Pressing, wear a candle in a paste-bard cap
so that while he was painting, his
Better Service Here Always. shadow would nt fall upon his
You'll Find It's A FACT, Too.
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