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September 30, 1923 - Image 3

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A Casual Compilation Music and Musicians
When eminent ministers of the gos- 6. Carlyle-Sartor Resartus. Announcements of the various con- ing the Philharmonic Central Concert
pl and prominent Chautauqoans are 9. Dumas-The Three Musketeers. cert courses to be given in Detroit company at Arcadia auditorium.
compiling lists of the worldsteal 70. Dostoyevski-Crime and Punish- this winter indicate that the widely With the return of Mr. Gabrilowitsch
hooks, it may seem a presumptuous ment. 1tiwnerndceththe iel(from California, where he and hs
as well as an idle thing to do to make 71. Turgenev-The House of Gentle-press-agented claim of "the greatestfi Cavefben a uwherinans
any additional lists. Without r ecoi- folk, pesaetdcamo tegets aiyhv ensmeig ln
mendatons from the local minister of 72. Maupassant-Une Vie, music season in the Middle West" is for the coming season of the Detroit
the author's church, or his banker, 73. Emerson-Essays about to become a reality. During the Symphony are beginning to be real-
we have endeavored to make our 74. Brwning Selecte 1923-1923 season, in addition to the ized. Mr. William Walter, manager,
choice.: keeping in mind the example 75. Newman-Apologad Poems fourteen pairs of concerts by the De- announces a remarkable assembly of
of Pasiphae, we have found a way. 78. Paer-Greek Stud Pro Vita Suatroit Symphony orchestra, three major soloists for the bi-weekly concerts
The books have been chosen solely 77 Tennyson-Poems. courses are scheduled, each present- which will he offered. Efrem Zimhali
oterary maerL Tehsret booky 78. TIys -P slad, ing an array of artists unequalled in ist will be soloist at the opening pair
on iterar merit. Thus, great books 78. Stevenson-Treasure Island Detroit's musical history. of concerts, October 18 and 19, play-
as Aristotle's "Ethics" or Kant's "Cri- 79. Clemens-Huckleberry Finn-1 ing the Brahms violin concerto, while
tique of Pure Reason," have been ex- 80. Nietzsche--Beyond Good and Evil. James E. Devoe, manager of the the orchestra under Mr. Gahi rilowitsch
cluded because of their lack of liter- 81. Zola-L'Assommoir. Philharmonic Central Concert com- the or he F t howytc
ary merit. 82. Huysman-A Rebours. pany, will open his course at Arcadia will offer the Fifth Symphony of
Tsryamerskt.in82.inwrlld at
When several books have been in 83. Thompson-Poems. auditorium October 15 with a joint re- second Leonor overtrure of Beetho-
the same genre, and essentially the 84. Swlnburne-Poems. cital by Lucrezia Bor and Tito Schipa.en. Other artists announced are
same in outlook, or by the same au- 85. Adams-Education, Mont St. Mme. Buri is one of the most distin- Sigrid Onegin, contralto; Moriz Re-
thor, we have, as a rule, only chosen Michel and Chartres guished members of the Metropolitan sgenthal pianist; Fanny Bloomfald-
one, which accounts for the presence 86. Tolstoi-War and Peace, Anna Opera company, while Schipa is a Zeinler, pianist; Frieda Hempel, so-
of "Tristan" and not of the "Parsifal" Karenina. young tenor who has had sensational prano; Ossip Gabrilowitach, pianist;
of Wolfram von Eschenbach, or of 87. James-The Portrait of a Lady. success with the Chicago Civic Opera Sopie Braslau, contralto; Clara Clem-
"Sir Gawainand the Green Knight," 88. Meredith-The Ordeal of Richard association. Josef Hofmann, king of peaens, contralto Mischa Elman, violin-
and of Calderon and not of Lop de Feverel living pianists, will be the second at- ist- Ilya Schkolnik, violinist; Mitya
Vega or Gil Vicente. 89. Rostan-Cyrano de Bergerac. traction, November 5. Anna Paviowa Nikish, pianist Performances of
Preference has been given to mod- 90. France--Thais, Sur la Pierre and her Russian Ballet will appear Beethoven's Ninth Symphony at
ern.books rather than to the ancients , Blanche. November 26, coming to the United Christma time and Handel'"Me-
hence we have Heine and not Anacre 91. Andreyev-Short Stories. States after the most brilliant world siah" in April will be two outstanding
on or Horace. The East, except for Shaw-Pygmaion tour in her entire career as events of the season. In February an
two Occidentalized pieces, has not 93. Hardy-The Return of the Native. Heifetz the Russian violinist, will benire program of orchestral music
been touched. 94. Hauptman-New Atlantis. heard. January 3, white his distin- will be offered under the baton of
In 95. Conrad- The Arrow of Gold. guished fellow countryman, Fedr-Bruno Walter, the distinguished Ger-
In regard to arrangement, the 96, Maeterlinck-The Blue Bird Pel- Chaliapine, will close the series Jan- man conductor, whose triumph in De-
books are .in approximate chronolog- leas et Melisande. uary 18. Mr Devoe announces that troit last year is gratefully remem-
ical order' i . 97. Hamsn-Hunger the ticket sale for this course is by bered
2. Aesrhylus-Agamemnon 98. Gorki-Short Stories. far the largest ever recorded in this A few of the above artists deserve
y Ag ' 99. Chehkov-Short Stories, part of the country; but that good especial notice. Those who ran
4. Pindar-Odes. 100. Joyce-Ulysses, seats are still available. member the great pianists of the last
4. Sophocles-Oedipus Hex. Four great artists who have long quarter of the last century will recall
5. Euripides-The Bacchae. been before the public will be pre' Moriz Rosenthal, a virtuoso of Lisaztian
6. Aristophanes-The Birds. IGNORANCE sented at Orchestra hall on a second proportions, whose performances of
7. Plato-Apology, Symposium, The (Continued from Page Two) series announced by the Philharmonic that master's works brought him ie-
Republic. t spite their wooden benches are par- Central company. Dame Nellie Melba, mnse success. Rosenthal has no-
R. Bible ' lors, and students dressed stiffly as who has not been heard in America been in this country for two decades,
9. Lucretius-On the Nature of coat hangers sit by with ease and in- for many years, will give a recital and his appearance is a notable event.
Things. SIidity while knowledge-filled pro- October 24. Thirty years of singing Although past -sixty years of age, his
10. Virgil-Aeneid. fessors talk at them. The proposi- seem to have taken little from the playing is reported to be of increased
11. Ovid-The Metamorphoses. tions expressed are conventional ones splendor of Melba's voice and art, it magnificence, the sensational qualities
12. Plutarch-Lives. n the latest reports from England are of his youth having been replaced by
13. M. Aurelius-Meditations. fully selected not to accepted as a criterion. Sergi Rach- more substantial attributes of the
4. St. Augustine-Confessions Ifuglyselecrtesbagspssnrtomdtarouse maninoff, the great Russian piano mature artist. Another soloist of
15. Beowulf. gspsdfrm the iberilasdtading outi.master,will give a recital December 4. more than ordinary interest is Mitya
16. Nibelun denleid.a AHod ifern from thecamys e concert by Geraldine Farrar Is list Nikisch, son of the great conductor.
17. Le Roman de la Rose. How different from the 'Academy" ed for February 5, while Fritz KreiE
18. The Destruction of Da Derga's and the "Lyceum." The fault of the ler will conclude the series March 13. isch as a pianist of astonishing power
Hostel. University is that the students are Further information regarding these and brilliance, worthy to sustain the
19. La Chanson de Roland. (Continued on Page our) concerts may be obtained by address- (Continued on Page Five)
20. Omar-The Rubayat.
21. Tristan et Iseult.
22. One Thousand and One Nights.
-23. Dante-The Divine Comedy.
24. Chaucer-The Canterbury Tales.
25. Benvenuto Cellini - Autobiogra-
28. Bocaccio-Decameron. G
27. Petrareh-Sonnets. ta od S rp o ir
28. a Kempis-Imitation of Christ.
29. Cervantes-Don Quixote.
30. Rabelais-Gargantua. The most talked of and the most popular osiery i all the large cities
31. Montaigne-Essays. of the country. Better wearing than any other. Protection against garter
32. Marlowe-Tamerlaine (Part 2).
33. Spenser-The Faerie Queene. runs-no run that starts above the gold stripe can go below it.
34. Shakespeare - Lear, Macbeth. We carry full assortment of all the leading shades.
Hamlet, Othello, Sonnets.
35. Calderon-Life is a Dream. $200 and $275
36. Milton-Paradise Lost, Lycidas.
37. Corneille-Le Cid.
38. Moliere-Tartuffe.
39. Racine-Andromaque.
40. Swift-Gulliver's Travels.
41. La Fontaine-Fables. 'l
der Crusoe 1 stinctive Gowns and Superb Wraps
43. Fielding-Tom Jones._ __
44. Rousseau-Confessions.
4g. Voltaire-Candide. The latest modes shown at same time as in New York but at very much
47. Goldsmith-The Vicar of Wake- lower prices. Our twenty-one years of serving our clients is your guarantee
field.of satisfaction in all transactions. Afternoon and Evening gowns that reflect
48. Schiller-William Tell. genius in deigning and taste in selection.
49. Goethe-Faust. ,
50. Wordsworth-Poems (selected). -0
51. Coleridge-Poems. Wraps - - - - $34.50 to $16 ,
52. Beyle-Stendhal - La Chartreuse
de Parme.B LGowns - - - - $25.00 to $ 95
53 Scott-The Bride of Lammer-
54. Schopenhauer-The Wisdom of

55. Byron-Don Juan.
56. Lamb-Essays of Ella.
57. Poushkin-Boris Godenoff.
58. Keats-Poems.MS CO P N
59. Shelley-Poems.
60. Poe-Tales.
61. Balzac-Eugenie Grandet. 118 MAIN STREET
62. Heine-Poems.
64. Dickens-The Old Curiosity Shop. 1 e p S a
65. Thoreau-Walden.
68. Hawthorne-The House of the
Seven Gables, Scarlet Letter.
~- . - .,Flaubert.--Mine:'Bovary. - - -_

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