P.;coi tPrrR THE MICHIGAN DAILY PUNDAY N{. E DIS agazines viexve The Smart Set Retrogrades DOROTHY TYiI-ER ~N YlIYTA SVIL ! tIritli h i: riirenrcethe Goo. 'sd Mucury wl take the ph1cC of the otd Till tWAT, for Met~rt I hat o~c .reyce',theceVIlg 110eer {idos o.t tler ots a tear 1 ,-'art Set. its ususat tenor. ttoa, I wonder do tote,' asth "ui-r sb''''<-'An t~ir fo tlr la t >rd olie thi,_, li t stil: thdeifferesnt mgzie ac-otoit1 1i0 eas siads t.lsetned.an such sotcressat s~elasion and e.,'uX Thi ry iti-oO ncue-ta-t s:a'R'0 1 emsasimet oe h hr sian that one reads their cintents u's Flo s'tsa ~c +r clii' sy Etiabeh As-ecn Lt rth ounsga-tite cfthte paprika between those sophis- flrrid b y anythinguexpeteI IHotding sicsh is sweltl'atittetsand 'otetofaaroteoworl,d re-ts - "ant tic-ted Gati covers so reminicent Luigi Pirandelo's The AMan Ny ithlae, n sdpresssd asits hal1'sit' oetpes with aboody nose Sene ato Peeuk" unier the short-lived re- tite losrr in lls isols, a etdroom, atnst the oneinessad dere- tskenitnd Nath-inthaeresiogiet rons( te of Papa Itueker occupies first place. One could antics lidsii, celbrates. he Smart Set It seenms that the jutposition of pate the form, since Pirandello is bst 'Tte poetry contritiutd ly E liz- te re ate and withthttit goes the patient vitrol of those earnest known in Attericn as n drasmatist. The bt CIoatsortit anitAlrIti ot s is teiaciulotius trerestf Repeiitisn buffon and the flash fiction of the dialogue; has a certain fatalistic bea-tatargdoe's not caltfth isany reat w~ cat itithtteniugaes' tose statittmagaieswas peculiarly appropriate. ty; the curiosity n-islethe title ststtm- atots fetluiet te ssts1 rt6is~itis o~' ~e ot ak ak Sate is satisfied, as is proper, dusritgsf te couplets n-isletsprevail tirougth totauea of their criticismn cats remember wen Snart Set seaSi a-cnnt ritn yKey- Thywr te Siamaese twrlssit na the last phras'es before the "Cssstaiss" ts i ictooswwittsb os55asisyonyisos witls "Young's Maga- TePrses lalotyasianbore semt isore ttasss little fr ti-nasetcritiistti.Te'isere 'e in: at stiesPtaittessotrraust Cnisse'tisslen-zise" "Snappy Stories" et a., the anmusing story written by Losuis Cois-fetcer],eil.s f-th' cursets-hodicd Ilarteituo oi frvolaus seiona of te sturdier, redder perus, the Dutclh writer switsdied re- Tois ayitat Ite ootkreiews arei dedn "Argosy"edHascquioond. Gently. writtet sch pepltsatootleasE'i.tSB1actis'shosea taysdeloerrot.hlackad Tit trseiscostrbatsltsyItctiri Ayse (regir, tertrandsl itsell sad "111 tlORIILANOPNC E- toe as epl hora AdThnvers iscontiue sa ihr' aalPrihan toA.PoeigitdndlWilsons is tos noe ther ex shtsuersignedilretiri is hsui a- salPrihadt.H lie g sligo woi ad tiprox- rellfstect'e'lat sostie of ciitothte newstansin tsfavor o uate the places in Englisht poesry Ta oe fteopnosl)o h which ('srSndburg fills in -Aiteri- -ssasiacesd about thelbooks revtewedi'ltitCl ttsreit fc~aet- nIsctt can poetry), Anthony Wryun. asnldifer fromstttthoselheldlby rtcs no (sgied ieig ,e.- 1 - Isole tproiitedlfroststhe youtng. Yror Winters. Anthony Wryan's less worthsy is only to acknowledge I. L. Mettka. Tedrn ieta s ln "Proudi" seesms tis be the oat' worthu legitimate rariuationss its taste - and Of Coutrse: in A - recllection, the greatechang sit isost apptreciaion, since poemsst judgment Of course eetryboel5 knesw that caisie oer it. Meneken and Natan be Consulere'd its totun; it has biessnThe Paris Letter, though 'ritten by ttesefa futtiss'llos were going into~ claismed it for the sophiticates and muchs quoted since it appeared. lalMrnd elwtl le' littete eleant fotldsf KnopfsaoOhib at the endured it withs a Continenal flavor Anong te critical writinsgs there; too fragmentarily, or phspsihrety trsit te n- year t'tork teir" in the American idiom. is Benedetto Croce's present-dayecoi- prastelte.Ielas s a eaissny -lsIi ea neia mate of Walter Scott, in whichs lieItstig rrssct f i ti csu'tr'cls. Teell, I a s aa consTe toits poits uttha tse ive wittn isosiAthens menioned at te close of hisis - lsTs n a rifd ieft poits ut hattheLivs wittn aout'- ettr. nde th tile Modrn rt Adilso. of couseo, it isn't as tosgh teen years were good while it lasted. Sir Walter deal with him as a captain lte.UdruetteMdr r American letters were going to e left 'Anti now, as forward-lookers, we msot of industry and not, save incidentally,j Henry Mlride describes a iniature ngitl a-rii aaiterymnGereMoesbanquet which Pascisi gaves for istsgovtellingi h ~oiial dust. ask: What of the American Murcury? Convlierr atio .wih o reenian, '5in Paris-a title nst aalittle msisless- Andof course, this tes'American Jno. Panurge. mostly about George Eliot but also it-lo, even though some of tneumosern ludes talk shout Thomas I-ardy, RosaI artists attended In the Musical onheur, and others. The Germn i Chronicle, Rosenfeld deplores hte fact Letter intimates that the odto htue fantasies of contemporaryDe lo ig a d P nt g Leter ntiate tat he ondtio 1France are supplying American em-' e eo ig a d P itn of the German theatre leaves much to be desired. Paul Rosenfeld in his 1 brnica artists wills cheap formulae1 Husical Chronicle tells interestinglyl anti t the same ime atractingc- for th m t e and beautifully of hsw a young Amer- pperm ote'rteisnieby dvyou ng men wasoartising o-mahoer lean cosmposer, Roger Huntington proper frei h uvrilgo o Sessions, achieved his "Opus 1" by smao sauce. wriingtheinidetalmuic or n- TI-il BOOKMAN for October is ex- 1 writng he ncienta muic or n ;Eastman lxouaks and Supplies dreyv's he Back 'bit-l w i c ellent - Willianm Mc 'ccatenmps to tIhe 1923, cass of Smith College pre- tll a you ng genleman of Yale Uni-, sensed as its commssencement play, The Ivuceedt how one begins to wie-_ and BoResucceeds in giving some s ugge smoy oo s Bos l f - and Commnent are ex-;drvdfus i one eine a cellent, as usual; one may read these ;drvdfo isoneprec,- uwith nothing of the sense of charaim- ' hnpaiud an'e a isni inuvitabsly brughtforth by soue the general literature of the sbject Fls ig ta d O sde ro p of the brain chilidren sponsreit by the l----silcsmueans that they are really DialI helpful suggetion..Hils letter is el- icately complimentary rather than As fr art, photograph' of the sclp- mightily paronizing; to use some of' tire of Aristide Maillol are a welcomse Iis owns phrase, the -lIe'ters secs, o departure froststhe usual fatatic.h. otn irielkets-eleeu drawings, whicht include two bunk h on rielk chhee-raful L y n~de n e}QC o :audwhies y Rdolh vo Hun, ratleof asnitpening csenent" in-V sutwi ysaoihvnlus,0-stead oa the classg of us heavy tose 719 N. University charcoal drawing of the Nude by AWil !losisig." ia SomranapedwnbyWilliam Zorach. As for ficion, Floyd Dell cirica- _______ tures his style inthie Paraidy Outline of Literature through the ueium of THE'- DIALdi d'for' -November:itti With5S thesO il~t~Ca TEDA foNaehe:WttH metasnidsuititces not a few cucsk-C possible excepton of Boneur de e ntepoe e hr r I .£ iyre, an oil by Hert Matisse, the full bookimassessays served wits the fle T" A TT rT f significance of which is not compre-;hao ffein lgsWiul el ]tensible t the lay reader (which is vouhsuw to indulge- in book cslleting C O L GS P E D one way of saying that it is diffcult yssou hot uidulge in book collecting iIO L E GS PA D to aee mucs in it), the art af this Ssl fst og udeli scse issue is adsmirable. There are photo-'fra okcoleorti aniTmnO CA IN grapha of the Wertheinser Portrait' to enoer the kingudomisof seaven; us A' NO MATTER 'WHAT THE OCASON painted by Sargent; Roger Fry, in an Bloohopsis Night's Aventure Snmuel IS SURE TO BE FOUND IN THE i acecopanying critica-) article, esti- Itothi expoustnds the virtsues f A. mates Sargent's art as that "appluiedllulisn ties rsat r to social requiremsent. and social am- asGbirG-- Stt i ts m ote sS' .Q Q G .IF T S H O P4 't f btiona"-aushspeaks of hmts Isa souerMity A± ± K I- "practitioner in pait" In addition most f the poetry is good. Ba~sil threar tre Ialni woscttsutdTthotmpson, Robert Frost, Marionu Stro HERE IS DISPLAYED AN ENDLESS a pen and ink portrait. bel-, ane Alex'oter, Jeasnnete Mik,1 SeveraI Letters of W. . IiHdsons to Kathryn Ryuan, and I'lariion vast Wie- VARIETY OF TABLEWARE IN DE Edward Garnett are placedlfrt in gand ( a psesudontym, sre represented.h, SIGNS BOTH SIMPLE AND ELAB- the unuber.As letters--.thttis tuo Astmay e'expected, lt shloughs most of2 say, os pale ilumuisations of their' these poets are m.ore or hess recog- ORATE. YOU CAN'T GO WVRONG ON -writer's booss-theuy are isnterestisng. nuzedRlaterS Frost's poemn is the out- ANY SELECTION YOU MAY MAKF H John Cownper Pows s us "'The Phuhessut- st'utuisun sue. IS is entitledl A Foun-H pher Kwang" assays to pac~k up thsiat tain ,Botte, A Donskey's Eats, ad philo.sophy ansd Is brushs off a little of Stunt' Bookus; the poeni begins, as the the dust acquirer Isrouu the wa ,ysie tulle suggests, with thue searchsfour an where it fell bung aao. Geosrge Sats ear ~ly ou soutfounstainu, ansi continues SCIAN ILK &eYP 1I tayana. bringstut againsiso"A I ons- throuth ~efiniting of taheaohier things Way Round to Nirvana that thse goal mnentioned, eudimng with Roabert Frost's " JEWELERS r of all life is deaths and that shunit has puocketing and carrying hotne winihl no hzing tos do with infinity. t.huhov- him a book of the dead poetess, ClaraT1 405 SOUTH MAIN STREET -ky, the tusa 1 n criticcontribsutes 'Ruinssonfoud in her dserted hsan.te {k sorne, yery ~,warthwhite- Remunisacaces (Coot ussit donPage slat- - - - us u-"sas, us fg=_