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November 18, 1923 - Image 3

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Addenda to the Book of Ettiquette
In the life of everyone there are MAXWELL NOW ELS portunity unostentatiously to display
times when one feels that his conduct his exquisite taste. This display is ac-
on certain occasions has been mnade- curring situations with the conviction souls the lynching bee still exists complishsed by applause. Applause
quate-that If he had known exactly that our hints will be of some value with all the exhilarating zest and should ,vary directly with the price
what to say or do at just the right to at least eleven twelfths of the vigourofy But this too of admission. If one pays four dol-
time he would have made a more satl- ation of these United States has changed. Formerly the keynote lars for a seat no less than four en-
t o e or a of such a gathering was informality cores for each number will suffice.
factory impression on others and LYNCHING As it was usually extremely impromp- if one goes in for art it is no more
would have greatly increased h's own It is to be regretted that so many than right that one should receive
self-espet. .It i ourt no one stood on ceremony and'
self-respect. It is our purpose here of our picturesque and congenial cus y full value. We expect our money's
outlie_ sdcintteveryone knew everyone else. Today
to outline sccintly just what is ex- toms have passed away Threshing it is an evidence of extreniely poor tifrn w i'om p our butcher-is the case
peted of the well-bred American on bees, quilting bees, and hay rides are taste to appear at such a party with- fferent with a prima donna, especial-
specific occasions not treated in the for most of us but memories But our out the proper dress. The demands ly if her second rate accompanist
usual Book of Etiquette. We have loss is not altogether unmitigated. ofIaprel are not exigent, A whte receives the same number of encores
purposelyooc-aapaaslshr. Ifothissametprinsahdonn
purposely chosen -nly frequently oc- Through the efforts of a few devoted clean linen sheet and a helmet are the as she. If this same prima doenna
___________hooseonly necessities. One need not worry su
about pearl studs or' black tie. If as Ole Folks at Home" after such
one is pressed for time, shaving and obviously poor stuff as "Una Voce
grooming in general can be dispensed Poco Fa,' a spontaneous burst of ap-
with. A whip can be carried in place plause after the first few bars spealts
YOU will be more I of a cane. On an occasion of this eloquently for one's discrimination.
Lsort individuality in any gu e shows"From this it is obvious that at the
than satisfied an utter lack of savoir faire. Ei- concert conversation is superfluous.
} quette is nothing it not an exacting However, there is bound to be some
with the food mistress But this is not altogether' talk. It one is asked if he heard
deplorable, for what the gathering hasJeritza last season, we suggest as the
and service lost In congenial informality is more ultimate silencer: "No, I've heard her
than compensated by the aesthetic, air- once."
anpeal of the ritualistic ceremonies.
uttles Lunch Room One of the happiest phases of our (Continued from Page One)
many-sided American life is our fer- edges of the philosophy of life which
338 Maynard St. South of Majestic vent respect of tradition. Tradition he has accumulated in college, he is
in the American sense is any act in- ready to settle down to be a well-
dulged in more than once. To this in- balanced, mentally sound and active
nate respect for tradition bootlegging, grown-up.
- owes its rapid gro th and present The real object of concern must
eminence in our national life. In the be, then, not the noisy campus icono-
eyes of the laity bootlegging occu- clast or non-conformist, but the mor-
pies a position which, if it does not osely introspective student. And the
T HE F IRST N ATIONAL BANK surpass, at least equals any of the solution lies. not in campus reforms
higher professions. It will soon be or treatment of the individual after
ORGANIZED 1863 an art along with advertising and he enters college, but in his home
street cleaning. Unofficial statements training. No youngster should be al-
claim that it ranks fifth among Ameri- lowed to enter college who has not
Y ou w ill find can industries. We are either ignor- been allowed to think for himself, in-
ant of or at least prone to forget the dependent of parental influence. He
Our service courteous proper conduct toward our bootlg-I should be allowed to find out things
and pleasing in every way gers. for himself, to get the full benefit of
Bootlegging has a wel-devloped any experience which he may find in
heirarchy. First in rank are the his home environment, and to decide
Vishni, The Vishnu is the rara avis and figure out his own problems and
OLDEST BANK IN ANN ARBOR of the profession. There is not more difficulties. In this way he will de-
than one yishnu to each state and he velop a mental foundation which will
MAIN STREET AT HURON very seldom emerges from the aura not be easily swayed, shaken, or up-
of aloofness which envelopes him: He set by his college experiences. Men-
never bargains; he condescends to tal independence is, after all, not an
listen to one's offer. A Vishnu can innate quality: it is acquired and de-
easily be recognized by his wares: 'veloped, and the sooner the process
Chantilly, Nepenthe Verte, Chianti, of development is begun in the mental
Amontillado, Moulin Rouge, 1909, life of the individual, the smaller will
Chartreuse (douce) Johannesburg, be the danger of permanent emotional
and Vierge d'Avignon, 1900. One instability.
must approach a Vishnu with averted
eyes, fall upon the knees, make three "Nous sommes comme ces insects
profound salaams, place the forehead qui ont des antennes et un lourd ar-
upon the foot of the Vishnu and in this riere-train. Nous avons des antennes
position make the request. The Vish- qui tatent l'avenir et nous sommes re-
nu is addressed only in the third per- tenus dans notre marche par un ar-
son. riere-train lourd des prejudes du
Ranking next to the Vishni are the passe."
Cilexi. Their wares consist of Old (We are like the insects which have
Rippy, H & H Hennessey, Gordon, and antennas and a heavy after-carriage.
Fiametta, extra dry. The salaam and We have antennas which feel ahead,
E lectic H ir D yer,$2tehirdh pro maytberdispensed andwae aretarded in our marchiby
H airIIIIwith, but the profoundest gravity must an after-train heavy with prejudices
Ibe maintained, for what is passed.)-By Michel Cor-
A Sham poo A id The lowest and by far thekmost day in "Les Mains ropres"
numerous order is the seclar, known
as Confreres de la Lune Luisante. "The flowers are the symbol of the
Their merchandise is known in patois best and most noble in us. The an-
Your hair can be dried thoroughly in as Moonshine. Here one need not mats remind us by their example of
stand on formality. In bargaining our necessities, or low needs, our poor
a remarkably short time if one of these with a Confrere a base ball bat or a postures. The animals call to mind
electric dryers is used. Will give a stiletto is heartily recommended. Af- our animal. Meanwhile the flowers
ter the consummation of the deal a recall the fine flower of ourselves.
current of warm or cold air as desired. cast iron stomach is the only pre- They are not egoistic. They radiate,
Ev yho sholdharequisite. In the absence of this a pul- they exhale a little of themselves,
motor would not come amiss. they diffuse themselves, they give
_ _themselves away. And they rise al-

AT THE CONCERT ways right towards the light. Then
In America appreciation of art has they nourish themselves discreetly by
T he D etroit E dison reached its zenith. Music especially the root. They drink a drop of the
has come into its own. A faux pas in dew. Their little cadavere do not
Com pany this field irrevocably condemns one smell bad. And they hide their sex
as a presumptuous Philistine. "You in their heart, at the center of them-
Gotta Kiss Mamma Every Night,"' selves. They are love, offered in the
Main at William Telephone 2300 "Ain't You Ashamed"-but why tread robe of petals."-By Michel Corday
familiar ground! from "Les Mains Propres."
At the concert one has every op- Translated by N. B.


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