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November 11, 1923 - Image 7

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(Continued trom Page One)
us invitam dimisit." Does not all
drama present at the outset a highly;
specialized situation?
Perhaps the tollowing will seem
most prohahle: the artist seizes an
experience and miakes of it an herit-
age of the human rare. This heritage
heroines a mseans hy which we may
understand all experience. To g
deeplyito oer t is to understassd
-ll: 'or I I H-e htoole'erythinsg wsie
adcouatct-ve :r-tssc1 tsx"o'et'tc
sshcbl of all else o tshi J1 I
1icone to "illow r," ts-res'tito si sod
as : yotts r.- myls '5:e7
for tsi l h sil ' t: C i,
1-laitet,1Eiigenys Deie" Uriots Heep,

are prototypes of all such persons
everywhere in the world.
GTo make this interpretation entirely
true, universal understanding of art is
necessary. Most we then accept thse
fantastic Tolstovian treaties What Is
Art and concede that .all whirls is tru-
ly heautiful must he appreciated hy
the washwonman, the street cleaner,
and the garhage man? Of course this
appeas quite as ridiculous as the
democratic illusion that any usan ran
It asythingisrill he but try. tUn-
tiotite ly tis doguma is contrary to
rill - o" it ic apprition. I feel that
a5 l-onat atriis thie esoymeisnt of art
:e .in t,- -tat e innta5supeiorityl
:onisato i I in crashilng t1e
?I2 .?T > <-7}lE ,bs rile sitc . i7es
}i' log ie-'-r''I T eciuoise

'There are 'innumerahble artists wvho
never hoped to he universally under-!
stood nor weished to he.-Baudelaire
DeDehus.sy, Montaign e. Nevertheless
Baudelaire, is a poet; so long no
the artist conimunicates his experi-
se this experience need not he uni-
You mny have divined hy now that
I decline to accept the statensent 'Art
expresses the universal" for this most-
ohvious reason that it does not con-
sistently do so-as I hare attempted
to denionstrate.
ihe only hope that I cnn see of eder
jutifig the ass-ertioi is that a
Breantdes shall rise from tho people
intho ca interlpret for lucas in lucid
od sittrasclive sworids this gloiouis her-
i.of Ibeauty. .

- (Continued from Page Six)
country. A. slender .volumn of short
stories, two of wehichs are repeated in
his latest collection, and translated
hy 1t. D. Lawrence, S. S. Koteiiansky,
and Leonard Woolf, and "The N11-
lags", written in 1910, translated hy
hsahel F. Hapgood, are the only other
-works hvyswhich ises knowshins. In
"Fle hillage,"t'e author's aversion,
ts chorae 'fe rmociesIs climsox. 1
the ''s-c di:lay of he aiortive r'5")
.' u
Its -"5s1' is'" 5""ce ',. ,s.
It's" Otr.t'id-c af-isu,,r- o

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_- ®A iYYIiAiESli iii IM i / _ - -
t. y
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NAY B lL IJEtSE2Y sas heen-.fash-
iie ii xreey chic frock
will xiit" colltarad cuffs esi 1frill
town nthei frot ioithehbloxuse. Poclkets
in sie's "irists!ifulness slitirci 1i1to
:':cluae yoie ddto the style.

ililk ItJESEY 1n 0 straightl line
muic eE oli li i-' wil i -l w ifte collar
that tic's at t-l leck I rii
Wisites -, l: ni t x t'-
,st t c . i 'etti g siitr

RIEINEER JERSEYlfinished soisix
vieisbads 0 of ier isrsey andl greens
on the collar and fOaring couafstwill
prcove tie "right" frxxck for scrtumn
type,.1The pockets either side of the
tavtll crt xct iU22cit'c~t:E"_i.

o f'Ta oiix Sp..:o"" -
is to be Correctly osturne
G OLFLEX FROCKS are adapted to all types of sport wear and with the popularity of the sport costume these
dresseo ore assured of success. They co -' ~in wanted colors of all wool jersey, well made and extremely smart
10 appearance. Priced $ 19.75 to $49J5.

SECOND Ff.001'

' { ,

SlTAIN 7' 'iiiT



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