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November 04, 1923 - Image 7

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..- - Miss Macbaren's New Art
Is it humanly possible for one per- ideal of leaving little or nothing to
,!son entirely uaoited by s1'ago prop - the imagination.
erties costumes, curtains, or any oth-I In giving a performance Miss Mac-
et Ir of the paraphernalia that usually Larn wears only a simple evening
accmpnis dramaticofeig toi frock. And her own peronality in
preset an entire play, word for word,f excluded with a grat deal of care
yy and character for character, in a man- as it cold ho a serious interference
!E E nor that will result in the entire a-, in making the various character fra-
n,; ;ion being recreated in the minds ot sitions, changing f roms comedy to pa-
/ I flote audience? If it is tlover are re- thos, emotilion to passivity, man's voice
"seiv tor arguing that the oiany-pr- to woioan's. Nr does she need a
soei tly i bsolee and that this gun to. produce the illusion of a pistol
nesw art ftsrn should le adiopted ui-; sht. Thle aitence "sees" fle glint
veraly. IHoweer, the answer seeoos'of the revulvr, and "ears" the clink
ito lbe tool so far only ons eors'on has oil land-cooffs jost as you often hear
attaineduthiis news ouomedi'u nitoadeloa'0tfe' disant sain o a hor in a msovie,
colpete suescess f if. And flat per es'snswhen youo knosw a flash on the
aonha lsch i 'ir io s sclol s cereeno ront sam.
oal b~u thatsfit i not itly flat iis Te ply ohiho"Miss ariareoo is to
iforim soll ev',terscoe uivesa. rsent horoe as one of the onuers 000
b It t lnnot u(ldnntu, i to iii 0 hs Or aotuoirol ,lsociotion Program i
(t I s te e :crs ii swobwillopoff t : it l qiteuba00 uiidertaing foc teo
(Er la-"ter Moonboame"-byiv ~llaoo seed theaStrlial troupe. As
Va o adiolIlsily irio. i)Ifill Audi-or t00hoe chracrtrers ii 'Enter Madamie'
00 ' lii tis .oi 'idy onight.hasmade 'i Mis Stla reii lss to'elaratiriaa
s~u< !'thisfor of rt hat e r n of o no'ofliie' jonttaauthor, Gids
to Tc ly-cl <i~vher , ,n. cclmil esifor fe title oe of Mala-mie
tier. ri~a tic pess ad11ri00s al 00 11, L lls oioia,oa000sfit is said by
oe r 100eU001tof 'statls s00stntiate s'ose aig' swinessedl this number
I~iaserke. ~v - opiscateoIt(0,;, repesrore'haloot (1oly sas the
o boo 11~ho usuallylooksl y'okanco' , - ~'0voie presenltut thatfle Va-
o-ran1hin; ni0 ison is i hero'-1 oane liveod i boo'presetfation.
oaa r'0 po in00s0pra0s0d0"Mss J.'oseaaso' 1100f eoer par'tIssfroni
Ufa L~cn swork u~nly andC11ic g1 'ri1l o t eI isbandof iiMadaime,
lol~, , tl'Is-coservtieinas 00eosr 1t o si We isMadtoamoe'scef, and
so+lst 001 r'1 (00011' ooooooherIn'huosoandis sevoantano
'Ihe (tcMis'c, ei r suneio aes frbo hoc original Ness York
Ta0 0 okeon ill all, tis onegirl sowu is
'055 13 ro ound o bIsie inisresting i nothing
s( ve abutthew v se oesabutls. hot imor' i tromised. If is
: 1her0work lbsve1y0year0sh goset omeOpillthaithe aiudioec ill behold a
Sfoh ie 001 i ew orao sloendinsoltsuI(loll'tsicptreseoltation of a ver
thevrous i'lay.ii en s'i ns' onl'~liO eotaning scoedyl'swherein one per-
slt, loes of rater thai slo e lieoso :ottap"esll te ptarfs fromo th leads
her ilu'ienc s ill lie she atenous tloss'n to fle voices off stage and even
1010 O''ie, nil ls' ter oxeedingly e oooin
isosnefl bloo iity 1to photograpghso veryssi's
'0acti00 sf le saroous ators ini hir '11E l'OFII'IAI OSIRER
ne or sleboas the lly fairly swel lt'sontinuoedtfrono Page Six)
n asi. 'Then a third, fourh, ni thile momoooet maintin flat nost "his-
E are shovingy the lose-' 'i smetimeiss fifth visit compnotoes fle Iriol nooes" are clildishto omy-
N XTs cork nit after a week's pratcee iirot, tut I can't quite see that Mr.
desined 'hor suiolthfle play is readyose pre- Masters bos greatly reedid mat-
;fitting nm'oeis d sg e senation Not once in the coore ot ter. lBt that's all a outfr of taste;
memorizing does the manoscript roter neither can I rad Wordsworth and
to a comm datethe athe hi _ i outn it is in Ihis way thaI Miss Tennyson with the slightest apprec-
t0 us s ; c~ th ratner igh i. l1aLaren has a rperoire of alnost ation, though at the same timeI
thiry plays complete; as fact that will oomaintain that Alfred Krymborg is
colarson he ew r c ats almnost stagger those who find it next' a gratarit
3timpossible to thorotughy omasteo
ai ha re s a ,ytuoi one single part for one or two plays. 1"0 Lord our God grant us grace to
EIlgical gift flat places Miss MlacLaroii that s desiring we may seek and fini
distictiv ; tobe h d inblac!or in a class by herself and make it evi-I Thee; and so finding Thee may love
( ditincive to e ha inblac or dent tht this medium of presentation Thee; and loving Thee may hate those
* oill never become very common, sis from which Thou bas redeemed
colrsplan o fl wertri med Inthe presentation of a pay souos. Amen." (Anselm)
nomemorized persons who haveated
atn-ed the original production snot then i0 for a Boke and a sadie nooke,
aheard Miss MacLarn's re-reaion'ether in-a-doe or 0os;
ave little difficulty in recognizing il'-,IWith the greno leaves whispring
tAI E are further prepared to , davotorsa characteristics of fle original' oh.Se
;E actors. However, Miss Macfaren is, or fle Street cys all about.
VV , not a mimic or ano impersonator. He Where I mae Reade all at noly ease,
pl;assist YOU ino choosing ' work is something more than flat In both of the Newe and Old;
"1addition to the presentation of the For a jolie good Boke swheeron to
is vry ats, gestures, intonations, and lToke,
from our complete selection of I haateriaatiois of the original actor, is better to ne than Golde
Miss Maceren puts in something o ________
dress trimmings something t er own-an addition that keeps they "I believe the future is ooy the
production frons soonding guat and past again, entered through another
3lifeless, as mre mimicry does, ooooilgate. The ooly grat distances it on-
'which mila d ta a v v eoakes the audience see every action 15150 are those we carrywihnor
asough ifsnre really consuonomatedt sevs"-Sir Arthur W. Pinero, from.
L ~~~~~~~~This bit of necromancy in shich the"TeSsniMr.agury"
:1 peroiv~nooity of the meoiumtosaid the ____________
oignalt characterization of alt of the, "tlse Virtue can't omake Naion;
to prts are bluenoed oght e termed lietoo Stleour; They tht owould
?subloioninatd moiiry The swhol revive a Golden Age most be as Ies
0Efiing depends upon the ability of the for Acoros as for Ionesfy"--Bernard
artist to creae nmntal imoaes in fleoe andevilbo, fronm "The Grumbling
m inds of the audience in the place oh Hive oir Knaves Turnedt Honst"
the actual imaooges that apear on fle';__--_
= ordinoary stage, It is fis ability to !"I it only swre right, tools delightful
s b uoildup nmind pictures that makes flej 'twould te
ir~Iii a.1 . 'O ' ii, i ~" ' worlo out Ruth Draper, who appearedi To 0o000 the breast of a friend;
E m m B .F o g art : t te Whitney lst winter stand cool Ani peep at tos heart, and replace it
:sprominntly, and it is in this re- again,

S ci ly H i h o; ''Mis s Draper. This art, as Glen Frank, end." Anon.
=! J 1=editor of Century Magazine, points;
out, ather having heard Miss MacLar- {"-istory noust frono time to tinme he
,-, ,en, is realty a return to the Shake- rewritten, not because many new facts
117 East Libierty street . spearean age of Ohio dramau wheoo un- have been discovered, but because new
fder the influience of good acting the aspects come into view, becaouse lbs
k4 c audience could have the pleasure oh participant in the progress of aii age
---- _-___-__ ___________- building ifs own scenery with the do- is led to standpoints from which the
- hghtful fabrics of its imagination past can be regared and judged in a
- ~rather than depending on the Belasco novel manner-Goethe.


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