SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MIICHIG AN, SUNDASEPTEMIBER 30, 92:3 Time- wthe Present, P 1-face-w""OrwY r An Interview with Mr. Franklin To ts;riter founed tl. Franklin at ar inconspicuous table in a quiet res- taurnt. Wte introauced ourselves,.lie' greeted us with cold politeness. We told him whe wiphed to interview bin. -' ~ IHt cordially asked us toi be sealed and ordered its lend. "What would you like tme to talk; about?" he asked. "I talk on any sb- feet-withi tne excepttion." "alk akbtit yourself," we sitesled mal iciouisly. ~That is not the excetition," be in- torted. "Welt, to hegin, I stuhbiittei to the uisual fortmalities oif birthi. My piarents were neither liner nor honest but they were extremely respectable. My father was a lawyer-a Philladel- phit Lwyer, antd practiced in that city 'ntil my sixteenth year. "Ott," we e)xclaimed at an insincere attenmpt at flattery, "We've hteardl about the Mr. I'ratnklin tractPthiladeltihia." "Mtoustbea dilferent ore," retilied 1 cur host, "F~athier's tntme is ntt Franklin, neither itt mitts." "Wthat is it?" Wt1e eliot the question at hIitt. "Well," seas the slowe reply, "You msighit call tie Frtankliii It idoes very. nicely." 'The swaitresti arrivedittewit tir foodt. 'Say,"ssie seilneid, "I geelthe ftottlltt Ita tledi up. I doitt knots'whlichof veti -stys is whtichi." Gravely Mrc. Franklini irose. "'T'his,'' le' stid, 'is Mr. 'lTtenty7son. And," turnintioiward us', "this is Mr. ('larke. I apologize for iigctinig the foroitlity of introidiction."' The watitress retreaiteidanid the in- Ierviesw contittued. Mr. Fraiiklin an- ticipateid our next questioni. "Yes," he stated, "I went to school, Washington Irving and then Yale. However, my traininig for the thea ter' was done at Carnegie Tech anti Bak- er's 47 Workshop." "Then you went on the stage?" k a BRONSON CLARKE ts 't <,t it :t~ttell. lin l ant iatiie liiPr's in tFtttice > f AS i hlg A' atHEI TOM and'tttt'iitiitt aUi Itle ;bettre e keSar, $ u2' ^y teeSi 'Y"as -STnE" Steels enompanyin tohei.States, Shakes- i m censues a pears titie iceek and thon attem'ptted susic LTRIUA IN runtsical cometivyithe nest.tIiss ever wIHIN, T4E musical cotmeody is inott ity stphere. t !o{e9eNE9 all nsitoetr, nttait acrtibat. lht tker score three seasons with the Ben Greet Pilayers. Open air psrduiction~s I ASFORrMFmostly swhere the performsers did their MOLLUSC. ' test not to slip on the desw-covered Q - grass. 'rho tact tout' year, I have bieen n - , rE lK "withste Ne'wvYorts Theater Guild 9in KE'LL'Y two pruoductions, Peer Gynl. and lt a TE Arloot,' hoth stith JoshSchltdktraut. Ta o1ca s y ="Ott," no exclatime, '*yesuplavcd $ waorONE 1 seI ithi Schildkraut? lt'h tdo iou think t "tBost cef his assoieates thuu tutu anialogoust atesnake." 'hi Frantklin pushed tact' Iis chisir. Ntis 05,iliat flits itcr5555' leas cii" Ito I Itersontal I shalt git altto~iii tie-i' are mains' iipttatisiosci i jK onters, ~~ ~ ~ s L'misighit hiveaskedtmeo Hoiess','s'olst ' -(D Ymaiy use syoiir owen jiudgi'in'tOcontei: an boohktsi. Bitt I idti want siii lto tillI j WTBRTERsTOMs ttem that mis'fasoite coloIs (, citt O or esanesaIt'stesoituitle. fioo ighot, st sntI ''h"t'10imigtpit I it tiat x\-ao' But There' wtas sileitee. utu', Frtanklin' missage liir Ike stuetnIbods.NN ti' miitb stoet's, btall roomitguests andtIoIyedi disinter'esteidly tithi a saladt., ableilyIsmust hasve a ties',a..s lii voicies Ccitiozseit -oeditol beiililty limiit. ''ntything else youiiwaint?"'' le fitial-tlte shtutbknits Hoei'ter I have citer re ld a stoic ly intitired, "I mitst lie at thie theater, "'ll them," hi' sail, "tht:tenitity becatuse' I featreid it woutld hitde tne." in Ion tinttites. We're lay'inig te- d tstn te stage are over I sh~all itt- ''Sill you tll isabhunt yoeiirly I n tigttyouiknott.''tuint to thorn antI tate a enire:in struggles." ste askeodswith an 0ey. 'We timidltyased hit to give us hiirse-shioeinig and jewselry roptie'ing." for tetdramuatics. somtoitdos of the range of his thoatri- Het had reached the dour. "I shalt not," was the tdocided in- cat expe'rience. "Another question," we f[Ixttg at swor. "Make it ilt) yourself. Noithing I'ye teen waiting fur that-why' himn, "At the beginning of this inter- could he ton horrihle. Bt pleasetdidn't you ask mte sooner? Best pub-, vies' you stateid yen talkeit welt on till tlease tell them that Betasco seas the itcity in Ihe sturld, harring scandal, of suhjects with one excetion. What is first ito refitseice a part. Several course."ile. Franklin setted hack in that exceptiun?" others foluowed his example." , his chair, alltholiughts of Ike engage-{ "Eugenics," he answered and fle. TEAVNOFIGNRNE Universities or Filling Stations "What is a child?-svant of kcowl- NEWELL BEBOUT "kusiness" fur the moment. You will edget" said Epictetuts rightly,.list1 ask yuurselft "What is a freight writers sinice hinm have strongly do-t train?" And you will he astounded dued that a "man" is a proiuseness Of course, this is an iunveiled pies! sible to think singly, Itit h en that', b your answer. If your mtindtsdues of knewleilgesswiereatt Ite is ounly a for skepticism; hut skepticism ts1 torrents of tho'sghts hear down upon not iulunge intn mechanics, it wilt gater tack of it. Tio knowteanythtintg merely another cantorfechuimilt~y.ushuirruohb'neath is, and raise tiC;plunge into econemictt or imetaphysics. " ssrely t b an idiot. - 'Siicrates usedlh to ll his tpttihls thuat to eltatiiin. Host much a citin misses' You cannot answeor one questioun until To ie ernss so uiit o auuthei antohuileiatttitudeseas the hprope'r swhtiknows everything uanudhiss ntt yofind your swny through a labyriiith rra,nce is the nattsurtal triutrity in a itsinig Of Itilatitipti, for, lii:saiih thing to learn. ittquiestiaons. You are. ignuorant. It is uttti IIteresrs if~ nio oecanmletiritthatwichielietohtintkst'To see life as a iiaze ef 5 estuon , i s tt titit ts's owuntldttsalkeatling tetsiti err Tui lf se-litetalreadyl-knotss.PH uimtility is it es mi ft is ho shot s most oftttt 1 h5liii' roa'Sattisaty:t 't, it's just ta t't- 'Y st uf t ttt'tintg lIiittin t tottt. T'l'ttt healtoth. HiIumnan experienie shoutld b teurei't ttain'." 'Tthikinaoctopsst is titestuituttatitntoittlife'. one endiless anth ftscinattinsg ,s ii n otto ago tto llaveti onsti tasuen 7.7ititoteledgi' -a ettetti. isutetti Wtu'lalt N certainiy stilnt s is ain sstiwhciltainsius's itself up'tisi ~a. oucan tlessn sitourself intt .e c i otisa tittn l rista etle utd i' ts' ofi(lueks, Ctush aidstilt at11oti sfervs'en'ce.tcer ise ksots' et'a teituta lbloitit. 'host eta sman itwhoiiiis hut Ia sees' testi titaugh t helte ht ar s tight''ITthin;;u' ti dits to attroaeh illi'can see ever's- ho,'er s a lv tr atvt sit rits hiss ht'rdc>ths let e «£'it, 0c:ianu a slittsting "atlery ex-ideaus tut 'u t itt-nwiinmI, that isisith ta, tthe 'Iostiatletv0500 sittded. lta'' Isu- i' tu ' tuthutueshtilt'- t - lieth tog t e atin oiulittoImo('' allb , ' oe. ryhi sktsltuuih a tiotte 55555itt tfaniu ntoun'ste- tune';tot' itt us Clhati'n 5' i e' iet. 0h 1 uve i s 'tuu"Ieseelu a Psi vhuui, til luau r o il ' 1si i_ tl'i ti: